His research is at the interface between new mathematical methods in quantum field theory and particle physics phenomenology: by studying the mathematical structures lurking behind scattering amplitudes and Feynman diagrams, he aims to develop new methods to study the physical implications of the Standard Model of particle physics at the LHC, in order to understand the details of the Higgs mechanism and possibly help discover signs of New Physics.
Following his undergraduate studies at the University of Bologna, Dr. Tancredi obtained his PhD from the University of Zürich in 2014. He then spent three years as postdoctoral research fellow at the KIT in Karlsruhe and two years as a research fellow at CERN in Geneva, before joining the University of Oxford in October 2019 as a Royal Society University Research Fellow.
Lorenzo Tancredi brings an ERC Starting Grant "High-Energy Physics at the Frontier with Mathematics" to the TUM.