Dark matter particles, even if they are electrically neutral, could interact with the Standard Model particles via their electromagnetic multipole moments. In this paper, we focus on the electromagnetic properties of the complex vector dark matter candidate, which can be described by means of seven form factors. We calculate the differential scattering cross-section with nuclei due to the interactions of the dark matter and nuclear multipole moments, and we derive upper limits on the former from the non-observation of dark matter signals in direct detection experiments. We also present a model where the dark matter particle is a gauge boson of a dark SU(2) symmetry, and which contains heavy new fermions, charged both under the dark SU(2) symmetry and under the electromagnetic U(1) symmetry. The new fermions induce at the one loop level electromagnetic multipole moments, which could lead to detectable signals in direct detection experiments.
If dark matter has strong self-interactions, future astrophysical and cosmological observations, together with a clearer understanding of baryonic feedback effects, might be used to extract the velocity dependence of the dark matter scattering rate. To interpret such data, we should understand what predictions for this quantity are made by various models of the underlying particle nature of dark matter. In this paper, we systematically compute this function for fermionic dark matter with light bosonic mediators of vector, scalar, axial vector, and pseudoscalar type. We do this by matching to the nonrelativistic effective theory of self-interacting dark matter and then computing the spin-averaged viscosity cross section nonperturbatively by solving the Schrödinger equation, thus accounting for any possible Sommerfeld enhancement of the low-velocity cross section. In the pseudoscalar case, this requires a coupled-channel analysis of different angular momentum modes. We find, contrary to some earlier analyses, that nonrelativistic effects only provide a significant enhancement for the cases of light scalar and vector mediators. Scattering from light pseudoscalar and axial vector mediators is well described by tree-level quantum field theory.
Two Mpc-size contact discontinuities have recently been identified in the XMM-Newton and Suzaku X-ray observations in the outskirts of the Perseus cluster (Walker et al.). These structures have been tentatively interpreted as 'sloshing cold fronts', which are customarily associated with differential motions of the cluster gas, perturbed by a merger. In this study, we consider an alternative scenario, namely, that the most prominent discontinuity, near the cluster virial radius, is the result of the collision between the accretion shock and a 'runaway' merger shock. We also discuss the possible origin of the second discontinuity at ${\sim}1.2{\rm \, Mpc}$.
The cosmic thermal history, quantified by the evolution of the mean thermal energy density in the universe, is driven by the growth of structures as baryons get shock heated in collapsing dark matter halos. This process can be probed by redshift-dependent amplitudes of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect background. To do so, we cross-correlate eight sky intensity maps in the Planck and Infrared Astronomical Satellite missions with two million spectroscopic redshift references in the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys. This delivers snapshot spectra for the far-infrared to microwave background light as a function of redshift up to z ∼ 3. We decompose them into the SZ and thermal dust components. Our SZ measurements directly constrain $\langle {{bP}}_{{\rm{e}}}\rangle $ , the halo bias-weighted mean electron pressure, up to z ∼ 1. This is the highest redshift achieved to date, with uncorrelated redshift bins thanks to the spectroscopic references. We detect a threefold increase in the density-weighted mean electron temperature ${\overline{T}}_{{\rm{e}}}$ from 7 × 105 K at z = 1 to 2 × 106 K today. Over z = 1-0, we witness the build-up of nearly 70% of the present-day mean thermal energy density ρth, with the corresponding density parameter Ωth reaching 1.5 × 10-8. We find the mass bias parameter of Planck's universal pressure profile of B = 1.27 (or 1 - b = 1/B = 0.79), consistent with the magnitude of nonthermal pressure in gas motion and turbulence from mass assembly. We estimate the redshift-integrated mean Compton parameter y ∼ 1.2 × 10-6, which will be tested by future spectral distortion experiments. More than half originates from the large-scale structure at z < 1, which we detect directly.
Axion dark matter (DM) may convert to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the strong magnetic fields around neutron stars. The radio signature of such a process would be an ultranarrow spectral peak at a frequency determined by the mass of the axion particle. We analyze data we collected from the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in the L band and the Effelsberg 100-m Telescope in the L band and S band from a number of sources expected to produce bright signals of axion-photon conversion, including the Galactic center of the Milky Way and the nearby isolated neutron stars RX J0720.4-3125 and RX J0806.4-4123. We find no evidence for axion DM and are able to set constraints on the existence of axion DM in the highly motivated mass range between ∼5 and 11 μ eV with the strongest constraints to date on axions in the ∼10 - 11 μ eV range.
We provide updated predictions for the hadronic decays B¯s 0→Ds(∗)+π- and B¯ 0→D(∗)+K- . They are based on O (αs2) results for the QCD factorization amplitudes at leading power and on recent results for the B¯ (s )→D(s) (∗) form factors up to order O (ΛQCD2/mc2) in the heavy-quark expansion. We give quantitative estimates of the matrix elements entering the hadronic decay amplitudes at order O (ΛQCD/mb) for the first time. Our results are very precise, and uncover a substantial discrepancy between the theory predictions and the experimental measurements. We explore two possibilities for this discrepancy: non-factorizable contributions larger than predicted by the QCD factorization power counting, and contributions beyond the Standard Model. We determine the fs/fd fragmentation fraction for the CDF, D0 and LHCb experiments for both scenarios.
Context. To understand the formation of planetary systems, it is important to understand the initial conditions of planet formation, that is, the young gas-rich planet forming disks. Spatially resolved, high-contrast observations are of particular interest since substructures in disks that are linked to planet formation can be detected. In addition, we have the opportunity to reveal close companions or even planets in formation that are embedded in the disk.
Aims: In this study, we present the first results of the Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS), an ESO/SPHERE large program that is aimed at studying disk evolution in scattered light, mainly focusing on a sample of low-mass stars (< 1 M⊙) in nearby (∼200 pc) star-forming regions. In this particular study, we present observations of the ET Cha (RECX 15) system, a nearby "old" classical T Tauri star (5-8 Myr, ∼100 pc), which is still strongly accreting.
Methods: We used SPHERE/IRDIS in the H-band polarimetric imaging mode to obtain high spatial resolution and high-contrast images of the ET Cha system to search for scattered light from the circumstellar disk as well as thermal emission from close companions. We additionally employed VLT/NACO total intensity archival data of the system taken in 2003.
Results: Here, we report the discovery, using SPHERE/IRDIS, of a low-mass (sub)stellar companion to the η Cha cluster member ET Cha. We estimate the mass of this new companion based on photometry. Depending on the system age, it is either a 5 Myr, 50 MJup brown dwarf or an 8 Myr, 0.10 M⊙ M-type, pre-main-sequence star. We explore possible orbital solutions and discuss the recent dynamic history of the system.
Conclusions: Independent of the precise companion mass, we find that the presence of the companion likely explains the small size of the disk around ET Cha. The small separation of the binary pair indicates that the disk around the primary component is likely clearing from the outside in, which explains the high accretion rate of the system.
Based on data obtained in ESO programs 1104.C-0415(E) and 70.C-0286(A).
We report progress toward computing the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient from the correlator of two chromoelectric fields attached to a Polyakov loop in pure SU(3) gauge theory. Using a multilevel algorithm and tree-level improvement, we study the behavior of the diffusion coefficient as a function of temperature in the wide range 1.1 <T /Tc<104 in order to compare it to perturbative expansions at high temperature. We find that within errors, the lattice results are remarkably compatible with the next-to-leading-order perturbative result.
On-shell amplitude methods allow to derive one-loop renormalization effects from just tree-level amplitudes, with no need of loop calculations. We derive a simple formula to obtain the anomalous dimensions of higher-dimensional operators from a product of tree-level amplitudes. We show how this works for dimension-6 operators of the Standard Model, providing explicit examples of the simplicity, elegance and efficiency of the method. Many anomalous dimensions can be calculated from the same Standard Model tree-level amplitude, displaying the attractive recycling aspect of the on-shell method. With this method, it is possible to relate anomalous dimensions that in the Feynman approach arise from very different diagrams, and obtain non-trivial checks of their relative coefficients. We compare our results to those in the literature, where ordinary methods have been applied.
Experimental studies of protein-pattern formation have stimulated new interest in the dynamics of reaction-diffusion systems. However, a comprehensive theoretical understanding of the dynamics of such highly nonlinear, spatially extended systems is still missing. Here, we show how a description in phase space, which has proven invaluable in shaping our intuition about the dynamics of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, can be generalized to mass-conserving reaction-diffusion (MCRD) systems. We present a comprehensive analysis of two-component MCRD systems, which serve as paradigmatic minimal systems that encapsulate the core principles and concepts of the local equilibria theory introduced in the paper. The key insight underlying this theory is that shifting local (reactive) equilibria—controlled by the local total density—give rise to concentration gradients that drive diffusive redistribution of total density. We show how this dynamic interplay can be embedded in the phase plane of the reaction kinetics in terms of simple geometric objects: the reactive nullcline (line of reactive equilibria) and the diffusive flux-balance subspace. On this phase-space level, physical insight can be gained from geometric criteria and graphical constructions. The effects of nonlinearities on the global dynamics are simply encoded in the curved shape of the reactive nullcline. In particular, we show that the pattern-forming "Turing instability" in MCRD systems is a mass-redistribution instability and that the features and bifurcations of patterns can be characterized based on regional dispersion relations, associated to distinct spatial regions (plateaus and interfaces) of the patterns. In an extensive outlook section, we detail concrete approaches to generalize local equilibria theory in several directions, including systems with more than two components, weakly broken mass conservation, and active matter systems.
Two-quasiparticle excitations of medium mass nuclei with well-defined axial deformation are studied within the covariant density functional framework. The evolution of high-K isomers is analyzed in a self-consistent axially symmetric relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov calculation using the blocking approximation. The occurrence of the 6+ and 8− low-energy high-K isomers in the region from Er to Pb (68≤Z≤82,98≤N≤112) is evaluated and compared to available data. The importance of the quasiparticle spectrum in the energy evolution of the high-K states is discussed in detail.
The potential to detect the diffuse supernova neutrino background flux was studied for the Chinese 20kt liquid scintillator neutrino experiment JUNO. The amount of expected signal and background events was estimated. Techniques to identify background: pulse shape discrimination and triple coincidence, were evaluated. A discovery strategy was proposed, and the detection significance was calculated. Lastly, existing and future neutrino experiments were compared.
Expanding from previous work, we present weak-lensing (WL) measurements for a total sample of 30 distant (z_median = 0.93) massive galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SPT-SZ) Survey, measuring galaxy shapes in Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Advanced Camera for Surveys images. We remove cluster members and preferentially select z ≳ 1.4 background galaxies via V − I colour, employing deep photometry from VLT/FORS2 and Gemini-South/GMOS. We apply revised calibrations for the WL shape measurements and the source redshift distribution to estimate the cluster masses. In combination with earlier Magellan/Megacam results for lower-redshifts clusters, we infer refined constraints on the scaling relation between the SZ detection significance and the cluster mass, in particular regarding its redshift evolution. The mass scale inferred from the WL data is lower by a factor |$0.76^{+0.10}_{-0.14}$| (at our pivot redshift z = 0.6) compared to what would be needed to reconcile a flat Planck νΛCDM cosmology (in which the sum of the neutrino masses is a free parameter) with the observed SPT-SZ cluster counts. In order to sensitively test the level of (dis-)agreement between SPT clusters and Planck, further expanded WL follow-up samples are needed.
Belle II is a rapidly growing collaboration with members from one hundred and nineteen institutes spread around the globe. The software development team of the experiment, as well as the software users, are very much decentralised. Together with the active development of the software, such decentralisation makes the adoption of the latest software releases by users an essential, but quite challenging task. To ensure the relevance of the documentation, we adopted the policy of in-code documentation and configured a website that allows us to tie the documentation to given releases. To prevent tutorials from becoming outdated, we covered them by unit-tests. For the user support, we use a question and answer service that not only reduces repetition of the same questions but also turned out to be a place for discussions among the experts. A prototype of a metasearch engine for the different sources of documentation has been developed. For training of the new users, we organise centralised StarterKit workshops attached to the collaboration meetings. The materials of the workshops are later used for self-education and organisation of local training sessions.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) project aims at probing, at the same time, the two main frequencies of three-flavor neutrino oscillations, as well as their interference related to the mass ordering (normal or inverted), at a distance of ∼53 km from two powerful reactor complexes in China, at Yangjiang and Taishan. In the latter complex, the unoscillated spectrum from one reactor core is planned to be closely monitored by the Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO), expected to have better resolution (×1 /2 ) and higher statistics (×30 ) than JUNO. In the context of ν energy spectra endowed with fine-structure features from summation calculations, we analyze in detail the effects of energy resolution and nucleon recoil on observable event spectra. We show that a model spectrum in TAO can be mapped into a corresponding spectrum in JUNO through appropriate convolutions. The mapping is exact in the hypothetical case without oscillations and holds to a very good accuracy in the real case with oscillations. We then analyze the sensitivity to mass ordering of JUNO (and its precision oscillometry capabilities) assuming a single reference spectrum, as well as bundles of variant spectra, as obtained by changing nuclear input uncertainties in summation calculations from a publicly available toolkit. We show through an χ2 analysis that variant spectra induce little reduction of the sensitivity in JUNO, especially when TAO constraints are included. Subtle aspects of the statistical analysis of variant spectra are also discussed.
Feebly Interacting Massive Particles (FIMPs), if they exist, should be notoriously difficult to detect even indirectly. In order to constrain them, we derive bounds for feeble theories sourced via Standard Model fields by investigating their predicted signatures regarding small-scale structure formation. To achieve this, we obtain an analytic approximation for the phase-space distribution function for a generic dimension ℓ scattering operator. As a proof of concept, realizations of such theories are discussed, which provide a viable thermal evolution and are able to solidly solve the enduring small-scale structure challenges appearing in ΛCDM cosmology.
We present a comparison of galaxy atomic and molecular gas properties in three recent cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, namely SIMBA, EAGLE, and IllustrisTNG, versus observations from z ~ 0 to 2. These simulations all rely on similar subresolution prescriptions to model cold interstellar gas that they cannot represent directly, and qualitatively reproduce the observed z ≍ 0 H I and H2 mass functions (HIMFs and H2MFs, respectively), CO(1-0) luminosity functions (COLFs), and gas scaling relations versus stellar mass, specific star formation rate, and stellar surface density μ*, with some quantitative differences. To compare to the COLF, we apply an H2-to-CO conversion factor to the simulated galaxies based on their average molecular surface density and metallicity, yielding substantial variations in αCO and significant differences between models. Using this, predicted z = 0 COLFs agree better with data than predicted H2MFs. Out to z ~ 2, EAGLE's and SIMBA's HIMFs and COLFs strongly increase, while IllustrisTNG's HIMF declines and COLF evolves slowly. EAGLE and SIMBA reproduce high-LCO(1-0) galaxies at z ~ 1-2 as observed, owing partly to a median αCO(z = 2) ~ 1 versus αCO(z = 0) ~ 3. Examining H I, H2, and CO scaling relations, their trends with M* are broadly reproduced in all models, but EAGLE yields too little H I in green valley galaxies, IllustrisTNG and SIMBA overproduce cold gas in massive galaxies, and SIMBA overproduces molecular gas in small systems. Using SIMBA variants that exclude individual active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback modules, we find that SIMBA's AGN jet feedback is primarily responsible by lowering cold gas contents from z ~ 1 → 0 by suppressing cold gas in $M_*\gtrsim 10^{10}{\rm \,M}_\odot$ galaxies, while X-ray feedback suppresses the formation of high-μ* systems.
We propose the RES-NOVA project, which will hunt neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae (SN) via coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE ν NS ) using an array of archaeological lead (Pb) based cryogenic detectors. The high CE ν NS cross section on Pb and the ultrahigh radiopurity of archaeological Pb enable the operation of a high statistics experiment equally sensitive to all neutrino flavors with reduced detector dimensions in comparison with existing neutrino observatories and easy scalability to larger detector volumes. RES-NOVA is planned to operate according to three phases with increasing detector volumes: (60 cm )3 , (140 cm )3 , and ultimately 15 × (140 cm )3 . It will be sensitive to SN bursts up to Andromeda with 5 σ sensitivity with already existing technologies and will have excellent energy resolution with a 1 keV threshold. Within our Galaxy, it will be possible to discriminate core-collapse SN from black-hole-forming collapses with no ambiguity even in the first phase of RES-NOVA. The average neutrino energy of all flavors, the SN neutrino light curve, and the total energy emitted in neutrinos can potentially be constrained with a precision of a few percent in the final detector phase. RES-NOVA will be sensitive to flavor-blind neutrinos from the diffuse SN neutrino background with an exposure of 620 ton .y . The proposed RES-NOVA project has the potential to lay down the foundations for a new generation of neutrino telescopes while relying on a very simple technological setup.
Leo T is a gas-rich dwarf located at $414\, {\rm kpc}$ (1.4Rvir) distance from the Milky Way (MW) and it is currently assumed to be on its first approach. Here, we present an analysis of orbits calculated backwards in time for the dwarf with our new code DELOREAN, exploring a range of systematic uncertainties, e.g. MW virial mass and accretion, M31 potential, and cosmic expansion. We discover that orbits with tangential velocities in the Galactic standard-of-rest frame lower than $| \vec{u}_{\rm t}^{\rm GSR}| \le 63^{+47}_{-39}\, {\rm km}\, {\rm s}^{\rm -1}$ result in backsplash solutions, i.e. orbits that entered and left the MW dark matter halo in the past, and that velocities above $| \vec{u}_{\rm t}^{\rm GSR}| \ge 21^{+33}_{-21}\, {\rm km}\, {\rm s}^{\rm -1}$ result in wide-orbit backsplash solutions with a minimum pericentre range of $D_{\rm min} \ge 38^{+26}_{-16}\, {\rm kpc}$ , which would allow this satellite to survive gas stripping and tidal disruption. Moreover, new proper motion estimates overlap with our orbital solution regions. We applied our method to other distant MW satellites, finding a range of gas stripped backsplash solutions for the gasless Cetus and Eridanus II, providing a possible explanation for their lack of cold gas, while only first infall solutions are found for the H I-rich Phoenix I. We also find that the cosmic expansion can delay their first pericentre passage when compared to the non-expanding scenario. This study explores the provenance of these distant dwarfs and provides constraints on the environmental and internal processes that shaped their evolution and current properties.
Indirect detection of dark matter via its annihilation products is a key technique in the search for dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Strong constraints exist on the annihilation of WIMPs to highly visible Standard Model final states such as photons or charged particles. In the case of s-wave annihilation, this typically eliminates thermal relic cross sections for dark matter of mass below Script O(10) GeV . However, such limits typically neglect the possibility that dark matter may annihilate to assumed invisible or hard-to-detect final states, such as neutrinos. This is a difficult paradigm to probe due to the weak neutrino interaction cross section. Considering dark matter annihilation in the Galactic halo, we study the prospects for indirect detection using the Hyper-Kamiokande (HyperK) neutrino experiment, for dark matter of mass below 1 GeV . We undertake a dedicated simulation of the HyperK detector, which we benchmark against results from the similar Super-Kamiokande experiment and HyperK physics projections. We provide projections for the annihilation cross-sections that can be probed by HyperK for annihilation to muon or neutrino final states, and discuss uncertainties associated with the dark matter halo profile. For neutrino final states, we find that HyperK is sensitive to thermal annihilation cross-sections for dark matter with mass around 20 MeV, assuming an NFW halo profile. We also discuss the effects of neutron tagging, and prospects for improving the reach at low mass.
The key to the phenomenological success of inflation models with axion and SU(2) gauge fields is the isotropic background of the SU(2) field. Previous studies showed that this isotropic background is an attractor solution during inflation starting from anisotropic (Bianchi type I) spacetime; however, not all possible initial anisotropic parameter space was explored. In this paper, we explore more generic initial conditions without assuming the initial slow-roll dynamics. We find some initial anisotropic parameter space which does not lead to the isotropic background, but to violation of slow-roll conditions, terminating inflation prematurely. The basin of attraction increases when we introduce another scalar field acting as inflaton and make the axion-SU(2) system a spectator sector. Therefore, the spectator axion-SU(2) model is phenomenologically more attractive.
We calculate the two-loop beta functions of the right-handed neutrino mass matrix in the Standard Model extended with right-handed neutrinos. We show that two-loop quantum effects induced by the heavier right-handed neutrinos can induce sizable contributions (sometimes dominant) to the physical masses of the lighter right-handed neutrinos. These effects can significantly affect the masses of the active neutrinos in the seesaw mechanism and the low-energy phenomenology.
We examine the robustness of collider phenomenology predictions for a dark sector scenario with QCD-like properties. Pair production of dark quarks at the LHC can result in a wide variety of signatures, depending on the details of the new physics model. A particularly challenging signal results when prompt production induces a parton shower that yields a high multiplicity of collimated dark hadrons with subsequent decays to Standard Model hadrons. The final states contain jets whose substructure encodes their non-QCD origin. This is a relatively subtle signature of strongly coupled beyond the Standard Model dynamics, and thus it is crucial that analyses incorporate systematic errors to account for the approximations that are being made when modeling the signal. We estimate theoretical uncertainties for a canonical substructure observable designed to be sensitive to the gauge structure of the underlying object, the two-point energy correlator e2(β ), by computing envelopes between resummed analytic distributions and numerical results from Pythia. We explore the separability against the QCD background as the confinement scale, number of colors, number of flavors, and dark quark masses are varied. Additionally, we investigate the uncertainties inherent to modeling dark sector hadronization. Simple estimates are provided that quantify one's ability to distinguish these dark sector jets from the overwhelming QCD background. Such a search would benefit from theory advances to improve the predictions, and the increase in statistics using the data to be collected at the high luminosity LHC.
The double copy relates scattering amplitudes in gauge and gravity theories. It has also been extended to classical solutions, and a number of approaches have been developed for doing so. One of these involves expressing fields in a variety of (super-)gravity theories in terms of convolutions of gauge fields, including also BRST ghost degrees of freedom that map neatly to their corresponding counterparts in gravity. In this paper, we spell out how to use the convolutional double copy to map gauge and gravity solutions in the manifest Lorenz and de Donder gauges respectively. We then apply this to a particular example, namely the point charge in pure gauge theory. As well as clarifying how to use the convolutional approach, our results provide an alternative point of view on a recent discussion concerning whether point charges map to the Schwarzschild solution, or the more general two-parameter JNW solution, which includes a dilaton field. We confirm the latter.
A galaxy's morphological features encode details about its gas content, star formation history, and feedback processes, which play important roles in regulating its growth and evolution. We use deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to learn a galaxy's optical morphological information in order to estimate its neutral atomic hydrogen (H I) content directly from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) gri image cutouts. We are able to accurately predict a galaxy's logarithmic H I mass fraction, ${ \mathcal M }\equiv \mathrm{log}({M}_{{\rm{H}}{\rm\small{I}}}/{M}_{\star })$ , by training a CNN on galaxies in the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey (ALFALFA) 40% sample. Using pattern recognition, we remove galaxies with unreliable ${ \mathcal M }$ estimates. We test CNN predictions on the ALFALFA 100%, extended Galaxy Evolution Explorer Arecibo SDSS Survey, and Nançay Interstellar Baryons Legacy Extragalactic Survey catalogs, and find that the CNN consistently outperforms previous estimators. The H I-morphology connection learned by the CNN appears to be constant in low- to intermediate-density galaxy environments, but it breaks down in the highest-density environments. We also use a visualization algorithm, Gradient-weighted Class Activation Maps, to determine which morphological features are associated with low or high gas content. These results demonstrate that CNNs are powerful tools for understanding the connections between optical morphology and other properties, as well as for probing other variables, in a quantitative and interpretable manner.
Organocatalysis is a powerful approach to extend and (enantio-) selectively modify molecular structures. Adapting this concept to the Early Earth scenario offers a promising solution to explain their evolution into a complex homochiral world. Herein, we present a class of imidazolidine-4-thione organocatalysts, easily accessible from simple molecules available on an Early Earth under highly plausible prebiotic reaction conditions. These imidazolidine-4-thiones are readily formed from mixtures of aldehydes or ketones in presence of ammonia, cyanides and hydrogen sulfide in high selectivity and distinct preference for individual compounds of the resulting catalyst library. These organocatalysts enable the enantioselective α-alkylation of aldehydes under prebiotic conditions and show activities that correlate with the selectivity of their formation. Furthermore, the crystallization of single catalysts as conglomerates opens the pathway for symmetry breaking.
Periodically variable quasars have been suggested as close binary supermassive black holes. We present a systematic search for periodic light curves in 625 spectroscopically confirmed quasars with a median redshift of 1.8 in a 4.6 deg^2 overlapping region of the Dark Energy Survey Supernova (DES-SN) fields and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 (SDSS-S82). Our sample has a unique 20-yr long multicolour (griz) light curve enabled by combining DES-SN Y6 observations with archival SDSS-S82 data. The deep imaging allows us to search for periodic light curves in less luminous quasars (down to r ∼23.5 mag) powered by less massive black holes (with masses ≳ 10^8.5M_⊙) at high redshift for the first time. We find five candidates with significant (at >99.74 per cent single-frequency significance in at least two bands with a global p-value of ∼7 × 10^−4–3 × 10^−3 accounting for the look-elsewhere effect) periodicity with observed periods of ∼3–5 yr (i.e. 1–2 yr in rest frame) having ∼4–6 cycles spanned by the observations. If all five candidates are periodically variable quasars, this translates into a detection rate of |${\sim }0.8^{+0.5}_{-0.3}$| per cent or |${\sim }1.1^{+0.7}_{-0.5}$| quasar per deg^2. Our detection rate is 4–80 times larger than those found by previous searches using shallower surveys over larger areas. This discrepancy is likely caused by differences in the quasar populations probed and the survey data qualities. We discuss implications on the future direct detection of low-frequency gravitational waves. Continued photometric monitoring will further assess the robustness and characteristics of these candidate periodic quasars to determine their physical origins.
We report observations with the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) of six submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) within 3 arcmin of the Distant Red Core (DRC) at z = 4.0, a site of intense cluster-scale star formation, first reported by Oteo et al. We find new members of DRC in three SMG fields; in two fields, the SMGs are shown to lie along the line of sight towards DRC; one SMG is spurious. Although at first sight this rate of association is consistent with earlier predictions, associations with the bright SMGs are rarer than expected, which suggests caution when interpreting continuum overdensities. We consider the implications of all 14 confirmed DRC components passing simultaneously through an active phase of star formation. In the simplest explanation, we see only the tip of the iceberg in terms of star formation and gas available for future star formation, consistent with our remarkable finding that the majority of newly confirmed DRC galaxies are not the brightest continuum emitters in their immediate vicinity. Thus, while ALMA continuum follow-up of SMGs identifies the brightest continuum emitters in each field, it does not necessarily reveal all the gas-rich galaxies. To hunt effectively for protocluster members requires wide and deep spectral-line imaging to uncover any relatively continuum-faint galaxies that are rich in atomic or molecular gas. Searching with short-baseline arrays or single-dish facilities, the true scale of the underlying gas reservoirs may be revealed.
We discuss the prospects of high precision pointing of our transmitter to habitable planets around Galactic main sequence stars. For an efficient signal delivery, the future sky positions of the host stars should be appropriately extrapolated with accuracy better than the beam opening angle $\Theta$ of the transmitter. Using the latest data release (DR2) of Gaia, we estimate the accuracy of the extrapolations individually for $4.7\times 10^7$ FGK stars, and find that the total number of targets could be $\sim 10^7$ for the accuracy goal better than 1". Considering the pairwise nature of communication, our study would be instructive also for SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), not only for sending signals outward.
The Born cross section and dressed cross section of $ e^+e^-\to b\bar{b} $?--> and the total hadronic cross section in $ e^+e^- $?--> annihilation in the bottomonium energy region are calculated based on the $ R_b $?--> values measured by the BaBar and Belle experiments. The data are used to calculate the vacuum polarization factors in the bottomonium energy region, and to determine the resonant parameters of the vector bottomonium(-like) states $ Y(10750) $?--> , $ \Upsilon(5S) $?--> , and $ \Upsilon(6S) $?--> . * Supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (11521505, 11475187, 11375206); Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS, (QYZDJ-SSW-SLH011); the CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics (CCEPP); and the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP) which is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy-EXC-2094-390783311
We present 3D full-sphere supernova simulations of non-rotating low-mass (∼9 M⊙) progenitors, covering the entire evolution from core collapse through bounce and shock revival, through shock breakout from the stellar surface, until fallback is completed several days later. We obtain low-energy explosions (∼0.5-1.0 × 1050 erg) of iron-core progenitors at the low-mass end of the core-collapse supernova (LMCCSN) domain and compare to a super-AGB (sAGB) progenitor with an oxygen-neon-magnesium core that collapses and explodes as electron-capture supernova (ECSN). The onset of the explosion in the LMCCSN models is modelled self-consistently using the VERTEX-PROMETHEUS code, whereas the ECSN explosion is modelled using parametric neutrino transport in the PROMETHEUS-HOTB code, choosing different explosion energies in the range of previous self-consistent models. The sAGB and LMCCSN progenitors that share structural similarities have almost spherical explosions with little metal mixing into the hydrogen envelope. A LMCCSN with less second dredge-up results in a highly asymmetric explosion. It shows efficient mixing and dramatic shock deceleration in the extended hydrogen envelope. Both properties allow fast nickel plumes to catch up with the shock, leading to extreme shock deformation and aspherical shock breakout. Fallback masses of $\mathord {\lesssim }\, 5\, \mathord {\times }\, 10^{-3}$ M⊙ have no significant effects on the neutron star (NS) masses and kicks. The anisotropic fallback carries considerable angular momentum, however, and determines the spin of the newly born NS. The LMCCSN model with less second dredge-up results in a hydrodynamic and neutrino-induced NS kick of >40 km s-1 and a NS spin period of ∼30 ms, both not largely different from those of the Crab pulsar at birth.
Gravitational-wave observations of coalescing binary systems allow for novel tests of the strong-field regime of gravity. Using data from the Gravitational Wave Open Science Center (GWOSC) of the LIGO and Virgo detectors, we place the first constraints on an effective-field-theory based extension of general relativity, in which only higher-order curvature terms are added to the Einstein-Hilbert action. We construct gravitational-wave templates describing the quasicircular, adiabatic inspiral phase of binary black holes in this extended theory of gravity. Then, after explaining how to properly take into account the region of validity of the effective field theory when performing tests of general relativity, we perform Bayesian model selection using the two lowest-mass binary-black-hole events reported to date by LIGO and Virgo—GW151226 and GW170608—and constrain this theory with respect to general relativity. We find that these data disfavor the appearance of new physics on distance scales around ∼150 km . Finally, we describe a general strategy for improving constraints as more observations will become available with future detectors on the ground and in space.
We reanalyse the ratio ɛ'/ɛ in the Standard Model (SM) using most recent hadronic matrix elements from the RBC-UKQCD collaboration in combination with most important NNLO QCD corrections to electroweak penguin contributions and the isospin-breaking corrections. We illustrate the importance of the latter by using their latest estimate from chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) based on the octet approximation for lowest-lying mesons and a very recent estimate in the nonet scheme that takes into account the contribution of η0. We find (ɛ'/ɛ)SM(8 )=(17.4 ±6.1 ) ×10-4 and (ɛ'/ɛ)SM(9 )=(13.9 ±5.2 ) ×10 -4 , respectively. Despite a very good agreement with the measured value (ɛ'/ɛ) exp=(16.6 ±2.3 ) ×10-4 , the large error in (ɛ'/ɛ) SM still leaves room for significant new physics (BSM) contributions to this ratio. We update the 2018 master formula for (ɛ'/ɛ) BSM valid in any extension beyond the SM without additional light degrees of freedom. We provide new values of the penguin parameters B6(1 /2 )(μ ) and B8(3 /2 )(μ ) at the μ -scales used by the RBC-UKQCD collaboration and at lower scales O (1 GeV) used by ChPT and Dual QCD (DQCD). We present semi-analytic formulae for (ɛ'/ɛ) SM in terms of these parameters and Ω^eff that summarizes isospin-breaking corrections to this ratio. We stress the importance of lattice calculations of the O (αem) contributions to the hadronic matrix elements necessary for the removal of renormalization scheme dependence at O (αem) in the present analyses of ɛ'/ɛ.
For direct CP-violation in K →π π decays, the usual isospin-breaking effects at the percent level are amplified by the dynamics behind the Δ I =1 /2 rule and conventionally encoded in ΩIB parameters. The updated prediction ΩIB(8 )=(15.9 ±8.2 ) ×10-2 of the Chiral Perturbation Theory for the strong isospin-breaking due to π3-η8 mixing confirms such a tendency but is quite sensitive to the theoretical input value of the low-energy constant corresponding to the flavour-singlet η0 exchange contribution in this truncated octet scheme. We rather exploit the phenomenological η8-η0 mixing as a probe for the non-negligible flavour-singlet component of the physical η pole to find ΩIB(9 )=(35 ±7 ) ×10-2 in a complete nonet scheme. A large central value in the nonet scheme is thus substituted for a large uncertainty in the octet one. Including the experimental π+-π0 mass difference as the dominant electromagnetic isospin-breaking, we obtain for the effective parameter entering the ratio ɛ'/ɛ an improved result Ω^eff(9 )=(29 ±7 ) ×10-2 to be compared with Ω^eff(8 )=(17 ±9 ) ×10-2 used in recent analyses of ɛ'/ɛ . Accordingly, we get a reduction from (ɛ'/ɛ)SM(8 )=(17.4 ±6.1 ) ×10-4 to (ɛ'/ɛ)SM(9 )=(13.9 ±5.2 ) ×10 -4 and thereby an effective suppression of (ɛ'/ɛ) SM by isospin-breaking corrections as large as 40 % relative to the recent RBC-UKQCD value.
We compute S-wave quarkonium wavefunctions at the origin in the $ \overline{\mathrm{MS}} $ scheme based on nonrelativistic effective field theories. We include the effects of nonperturbative long-distance behaviors of the potentials, while we determine the short-distance behaviors of the potentials in perturbative QCD. We obtain $ \overline{\mathrm{MS}} $-renormalized quarkonium wavefunctions at the origin that have the correct scale dependences that are expected from perturbative QCD, so that the scale dependences cancel in physical quantities. Based on the calculation of the wavefunctions at the origin, we make model-independent predictions of decay constants and electromagnetic decay rates of S-wave charmonia and bottomonia, and compare them with measurements. We find that the poor convergence of perturbative QCD corrections are substantially improved when we include corrections to the wavefunctions at the origin in the calculation of decay constants and decay rates.
The RNA world scenario posits replication by RNA polymerases. On early Earth, a geophysical setting is required to separate hybridized strands after their replication and to localize them against diffusion. We present a pointed heat source that drives exponential, RNA-catalyzed amplification of short RNA with high efficiency in a confined chamber. While shorter strands were periodically melted by laminar convection, the temperature gradient caused aggregated polymerase molecules to accumulate, protecting them from degradation in hot regions of the chamber. These findings demonstrate a size-selective pathway for autonomous RNA-based replication in natural nonequilibrium conditions.
We present an effective field theory for doubly heavy baryons that goes beyond the compact heavy diquark approximation. The heavy quark distance r is only restricted to mQ≫1 /r ≫Ebin , where mQ is the mass of the heavy quark and Ebin the typical binding energy. This means that the size of the heavy diquark can be as large as the typical size of a light hadron. We start from nonrelativistic QCD, and build the effective field theory at next-to-leading order in the 1 /mQ expansion. At leading order the effective field theory reduces to the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The Born-Oppenheimer potentials are obtained from available lattice QCD data. The spectrum for double charm baryons below threshold is compatible with most of the lattice QCD results. We present for the first time the full spin averaged double bottom baryon spectrum below threshold based on QCD. We also present model-independent formulas for the spin splittings.
Differential cross sections have been extracted from exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of quasifree polarized n ⃗p scattering performed in the energy region of the d*(2380 ) dibaryon resonance covering the range of beam energies Tn=0.98 -1.29 GeV (√{s }=2.32 -2.44 GeV). The experiment was carried out with the WASA-at-COSY setup having a polarized deuteron beam impinged on the hydrogen pellet target and utilizing the quasifree process d p →n p +pspectator . In this way the n p differential cross section σ (Θ ) was measured over a large angular range. The obtained angular distributions complement the corresponding analyzing power Ay(Θ ) measurements published previously. A SAID partial-wave analysis incorporating the new data strengthens the finding of a resonance pole in the coupled D33-G33 waves.
We study the Voronoi volume function (VVF) - the distribution of cell volumes (or inverse local number density) in the Voronoi tessellation of any set of cosmological tracers (galaxies/haloes). We show that the shape of the VVF of biased tracers responds sensitively to physical properties such as halo mass, large-scale environment, substructure, and redshift-space effects, making this a hitherto unexplored probe of both primordial cosmology and galaxy evolution. Using convenient summary statistics - the width, median, and a low percentile of the VVF as functions of average tracer number density - we explore these effects for tracer populations in a suite of N-body simulations of a range of dark matter models. Our summary statistics sensitively probe primordial features such as small-scale oscillations in the initial matter power spectrum (as arise in models involving collisional effects in the dark sector), while being largely insensitive to a truncation of initial power (as in warm dark matter models). For vanilla cold dark matter (CDM) cosmologies, the summary statistics display strong evolution and redshift-space effects, and are also sensitive to cosmological parameter values for realistic tracer samples. Comparing the VVF of galaxies in the Galaxies & Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey with that of abundance-matched CDM (sub)haloes tentatively reveals environmental effects in GAMA beyond halo mass (modulo unmodelled satellite properties). Our exploratory analysis thus paves the way for using the VVF as a new probe of galaxy evolution physics as well as the nature of dark matter and dark energy.
Decoherence describes the tendency of quantum sub-systems to dynamically lose their quantum character. This happens when the quantum sub-system of interest interacts and becomes entangled with an environment that is traced out. For ordinary macroscopic systems, electromagnetic and other interactions cause rapid decoherence. However, dark matter (DM) may have the unique possibility of exhibiting naturally prolonged macroscopic quantum properties due to its weak coupling to its environment, particularly if it only interacts gravitationally. In this work, we compute the rate of decoherence for light DM in the galaxy, where a local density has its mass, size, and location in a quantum superposition. The decoherence is via the gravitational interaction of the DM overdensity with its environment, provided by ordinary matter. We focus on relatively robust configurations: DM perturbations that involve an overdensity followed by an underdensity, with no monopole, such that it is only observable at relatively close distances. We use non-relativistic scattering theory with a Newtonian potential generated by the overdensity to determine how a probe particle scatters off of it and thereby becomes entangled. As an application, we consider light scalar DM, including axions. In the galactic halo, we use diffuse hydrogen as the environment, while near the earth, we use air as the environment. For an overdensity whose size is the typical DM de Broglie wavelength, we find that the decoherence rate in the halo is higher than the present Hubble rate for DM masses ma lesssim 5 × 10-7 eV and in earth based experiments it is higher than the classical field coherence rate for ma lesssim 10-6 eV . When spreading of the states occurs, the rates can become much faster, as we quantify. Also, we establish that DM BECs decohere very rapidly and so are very well described by classical field theory.
For low-mass (frequency ≪GHz ) axions, dark matter detection experiments searching for an axion-photon-photon coupling generally have suppressed sensitivity, if they use a static background magnetic field. This geometric suppression can be alleviated by using a high-frequency oscillating background field. Here, we present a high-level sketch of such an experiment, using superconducting cavities at ∼GHz frequencies. We discuss the physical limits on signal power arising from cavity properties, and point out cavity geometries that could circumvent some of these limitations. We also consider how backgrounds, including vibrational noise and drive signal leakage, might impact sensitivity. While practical microwave field strengths are significantly below attainable static magnetic fields, the lack of geometric suppression, and higher quality factors, may allow superconducting cavity experiments to be competitive in some regimes.
We propose an approach to search for axion dark matter with a specially designed superconducting radio frequency cavity, targeting axions with masses ma ≲ 10-6 eV. Our approach exploits axion-induced transitions between nearly degenerate resonant modes of frequency ∼ GHz. A scan over axion mass is achieved by varying the frequency splitting between the two modes. Compared to traditional approaches, this allows for parametrically enhanced signal power for axions lighter than a GHz. The projected sensitivity covers unexplored parameter space for QCD axion dark matter for 10-8 eV ≲ ma ≲ 10-6 eV and axion-like particle dark matter as light as ma∼ 10-14 eV.
Despite recent developments, there are a number of conceptual issues on the hadronic light-by-light (HLbL) contribution to the muon (g -2 ) which remain unresolved. One of the most controversial ones is the precise way in which short-distance constraints get saturated by resonance exchange, particularly in the so-called Melnikov-Vainshtein limit. In this paper we address this and related issues from a novel perspective, employing a warped five-dimensional model as a tool to generate a consistent realization of QCD in the large-Nc limit. This approach differs from previous ones in that we can work at the level of an effective action, which guarantees that unitarity is preserved and the chiral anomaly is consistently implemented at the hadronic level. We use the model to evaluate the inclusive contribution of Goldstone modes and axial-vector mesons to the HLbL. We find that both anomaly matching and the Melnikov-Vainshtein constraint cannot be fulfilled with a finite number of resonances (including the pion) and instead require an infinite number of axial-vector states. Our numbers for the HLbL point at a non-negligible role of axial-vector mesons, which is closely linked to a correct implementation of QCD short-distance constraints.
We propose an effective field theory to describe hadrons with two heavy quarks without any assumption on the typical distance between the heavy quarks with respect to the typical hadronic scale. The construction is based on nonrelativistic QCD and inspired in the strong coupling regime of potential nonrelativistic QCD. We construct the effective theory at leading and next-to-leading order in the inverse heavy quark mass expansion for arbitrary quantum numbers of the light degrees of freedom. Hence our results hold for hybrids, tetraquarks, double heavy baryons and pentaquarks, for which we also present the corresponding operators at a nonrelativistic level. At leading order, the effective theory enjoys heavy quark spin symmetry and corresponds to the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. At next-to-leading order, spin and velocity-dependent terms arise, which produce splittings in the heavy quark spin symmetry multiplets. A concrete application to double heavy baryons is presented in an accompanying paper.
The possible detection of a compact object in the remnant of SN 1987A presents an unprecedented opportunity to follow its early evolution. The suspected detection stems from an excess of infrared emission from a dust blob near the compact object's predicted position. The infrared excess could be due to the decay of isotopes like 44Ti, accretion luminosity from a neutron star or black hole, magnetospheric emission or a wind originating from the spin down of a pulsar, or to thermal emission from an embedded, cooling neutron star (NS 1987A). It is shown that the last possibility is the most plausible as the other explanations are disfavored by other observations and/or require fine-tuning of parameters. Not only are there indications that the dust blob overlaps the predicted location of a kicked compact remnant, but its excess luminosity also matches the expected thermal power of a 30 yr old neutron star. Furthermore, models of cooling neutron stars within the minimal cooling paradigm readily fit both NS 1987A and Cas A, the next-youngest known neutron star. If correct, a long heat transport timescale in the crust and a large effective stellar temperature are favored, implying relatively limited crustal n-1S0 superfluidity and an envelope with a thick layer of light elements, respectively. If the locations do not overlap, then pulsar spin down or accretion might be more likely, but the pulsar's period and magnetic field or the accretion rate must be rather finely tuned. In this case, NS 1987A may have enhanced cooling and/or a heavy-element envelope.
Primordial black holes formed through the collapse of cosmological density fluctuations have been hypothesized as contributors to the dark matter content of the Universe. At the same time, their mergers could contribute to the recently observed population of gravitational-wave sources. We investigate the scenario in which primordial black holes form binaries at late times in the Universe. Specifically, we re-examine the mergers of primordial black holes in small clusters of ∼30 objects in the absence of initial binaries. Binaries form dynamically through Newtonian gravitational interactions. These binaries act as heat sources for the cluster, increasing the cluster's velocity dispersion, which inhibits direct mergers through gravitational-wave two-body captures. Meanwhile, three-body encounters of tight binaries are too rare to tighten binaries sufficiently to allow them to merge through gravitational-wave emission. We conclude that in the absence of initial binaries, merger rates of primordial black holes in the considered scenario are at least an order of magnitude lower than previously suggested, which makes gravitational-wave detections of such sources improbable.
We present an analysis of the origin and properties of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) in a suite of 11 cosmological zoom simulations resembling present-day spiral galaxies. On average the galaxies retain about 50 per cent of the cosmic fraction in baryons, almost equally divided into disc (interstellar medium) gas, cool CGM gas and warm-hot CGM gas. At radii smaller than 50 kpc the CGM is dominated by recycled warm-hot gas injected from the central galaxy, while at larger radii it is dominated by cool gas accreted on to the halo. The recycled gas typically accounts for one-third of the CGM mass. We introduce the novel publicly available analysis tool pygad to compute ion abundances and mock absorption spectra. For Lyman α absorption, we find good agreement of the simulated equivalent width (EW) distribution and observations out to large radii. Disc galaxies with quiescent assembly histories show significantly more absorption along the disc major axis. By comparing the EW and H I column densities, we find that CGM Lyman α absorbers are best represented by an effective line width b ≍ 50-70 km s-1 that increases mildly with halo mass, larger than typically assumed.
We perform a comprehensive study of collider aspects of a Higgs portal scenario that is protected by an unbroken Z2 symmetry. If the mass of the Higgs portal scalar is larger than half the Higgs mass, this scenario becomes very difficult to detect. We provide a detailed investigation of the model's parameter space based on analyses of the direct collider sensitivity at the LHC as well as at future lepton and hadron collider concepts and analyse the importance of these searches for this scenario in the context of expected precision Higgs and electroweak measurements. In particular we also consider the associated electroweak oblique corrections that we obtain in a first dedicated two-loop calculation for comparisons with the potential of, e.g., GigaZ. The currently available collider projections corroborate an FCC-hh 100 TeV as a very sensitive tool to search for such a weakly-coupled Higgs sector extension, driven by small statistical uncertainties over a large range of energy coverage. Crucially, however, this requires good theoretical control. Alternatively, Higgs signal-strength measurements at an optimal FCC-ee sensitivity level could yield comparable constraints.
The high temperature and electron degeneracy attained during a supernova allow for the formation of a large muon abundance within the core of the resulting protoneutron star. If new pseudoscalar degrees of freedom have large couplings to the muon, they can be produced by this muon abundance and contribute to the cooling of the star. By generating the largest collection of supernova simulations with muons to date, we show that observations of the cooling rate of SN 1987A place strong constraints on the coupling of axionlike particles to muons, limiting the coupling to ga μ<10-8.1 GeV-1.
We study parametric instability of compact axion dark matter structures decaying to radiophotons. Corresponding objects—Bose (axion) stars, their clusters, and clouds of diffuse axions—form abundantly in the postinflationary Peccei-Quinn scenario. We develop general description of parametric resonance incorporating finite-volume effects, backreaction, axion velocities, and their (in)coherence. With additional coarse graining, our formalism reproduces kinetic equation for virialized axions interacting with photons. We derive conditions for the parametric instability in each of the above objects, as well as in collapsing axion stars, evaluate photon resonance modes and their growth exponents. As a by-product, we calculate stimulated emission of Bose stars and diffuse axions, arguing that the former can give larger contribution into the radio background. In the case of QCD axions, the Bose stars glow and collapsing stars radioburst if the axion-photon coupling exceeds the original Kim-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov value by 2 orders of magnitude. The latter constraint is alleviated for several nearby axion stars in resonance and absent for axionlike particles. Our results show that the parametric effect may reveal itself in observations, from fast radio bursts to excess radio background.
We study the gravitational collapse of axion dark matter fluctuations in the postinflationary scenario, so-called axion miniclusters, with N -body simulations. Largely confirming theoretical expectations, overdensities begin to collapse in the radiation-dominated epoch and form an early distribution of miniclusters with masses up to 10-12 M⊙ . After matter-radiation equality, ongoing mergers give rise to a steep power-law distribution of minicluster halo masses. The density profiles of well-resolved halos are Navarro-Frenk-White-like to good approximation. The fraction of axion dark matter in these bound structures is ∼0.75 at redshift z =100 .
We analyze the recent hints of lepton flavor universality violation in both charged-current and neutral-current rare decays of B mesons in an R -parity-violating supersymmetric scenario. Motivated by simplicity and minimality, we had earlier postulated the third-generation superpartners to be the lightest (calling the scenario "RPV3") and explicitly showed that it preserves gauge coupling unification and of course has the usual attribute of naturally addressing the Higgs radiative stability. Here we show that both RD(*) and RK(*) flavor anomalies can be addressed in this RPV3 framework. Interestingly, this scenario may also be able to accommodate two other seemingly disparate anomalies, namely, the longstanding discrepancy in the muon (g -2 ), as well as the recent anomalous upgoing ultrahigh-energy Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna events. Based on symmetry arguments, we consider three different benchmark points for the relevant RPV3 couplings and carve out the regions of parameter space where all (or some) of these anomalies can be simultaneously explained. We find it remarkable that such overlap regions exist, given the plethora of precision low-energy and high-energy experimental constraints on the minimal model parameter space. The third-generation superpartners needed in this theoretical construction are all in the 1-10 TeV range, accessible at the LHC and/or next-generation hadron colliders. We also discuss some testable predictions for the lepton-flavor-violating decays of the tau lepton and B mesons for the current and future B -physics experiments, such as LHCb and Belle II. Complementary tests of the flavor anomalies in the high-pT regime in collider experiments such as the LHC are also discussed.
We review the landscape of QCD axion models. Theoretical constructions that extend the window for the axion mass and couplings beyond conventional regions are highlighted and classified. Bounds from cosmology, astrophysics and experimental searches are reexamined and updated.
We carry out ‘full-physics’ hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation in the normal-branch Dvali–Gabadadze–Porrati (nDGP) braneworld model using a new modified version of the arepo code and the IllustrisTNG galaxy formation model. We simulate two nDGP models (N5 and N1) that represent, respectively, weak and moderate departures from general relativity (GR), in boxes of sizes |$62$| and |$25\, h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}$| using 2 × 512^3 dark matter particles and initial gas cells. This allows us to explore, for the first time, the impact of baryonic physics on galactic scales in braneworld models of modified gravity and to make predictions on the stellar content of dark matter haloes and galaxy evolution through cosmic time in these models. We find significant differences between the GR and nDGP models in the power spectra and correlation functions of gas, stars and dark matter of up to ∼25 per cent on large scales. Similar to their impact in the standard cosmological model (Λ cold dark matter), baryonic effects can have a significant influence over the clustering of the overall matter distribution, with a sign that depends on scale. Studying the degeneracy between modified gravity and galactic feedback in these models, we find that these two physical effects on matter clustering can be cleanly disentangled, allowing for a method to accurately predict the matter power spectrum with baryonic effects included, without having to run hydrodynamical simulations. Depending on the braneworld model, we find differences compared with GR of up to ∼15 per cent in galaxy properties such as the stellar-to-halo-mass ratio, galaxy stellar mass function, gas fraction, and star formation rate density. The amplitude of the fifth force is reduced by the presence of baryons in the very inner part of haloes, but this reduction quickly becomes negligible above ∼0.1 times the halo radius.
With the spatial resolution of the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA), dusty galaxies in the distant Universe typically appear as single, compact blobs of dust emission, with a median half-light radius, ≍1 kpc. Occasionally, strong gravitational lensing by foreground galaxies or galaxy clusters has probed spatial scales 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller, often revealing late-stage mergers, sometimes with tantalizing hints of sub-structure. One lensed galaxy in particular, the Cosmic Eyelash at z = 2.3, has been cited extensively as an example of where the interstellar medium exhibits obvious, pronounced clumps, on a spatial scale of ≍100 pc. Seven orders of magnitude more luminous than giant molecular clouds in the local Universe, these features are presented as circumstantial evidence that the blue clumps observed in many z ∼ 2-3 galaxies are important sites of ongoing star formation, with significant masses of gas and stars. Here, we present data from ALMA which reveal that the dust continuum of the Cosmic Eyelash is in fact smooth and can be reproduced using two Sérsic profiles with effective radii, 1.2 and 4.4 kpc, with no evidence of significant star-forming clumps down to a spatial scale of ≍80 pc and a star formation rate of <3 M⊙ yr-1.
The mass function for black holes and neutron stars at birth is explored for mass-losing helium stars. These should resemble, more closely than similar studies of single hydrogen-rich stars, the results of evolution in close binary systems. The effects of varying the mass-loss rate and metallicity are calculated using a simple semi-analytic approach to stellar evolution that is tuned to reproduce detailed numerical calculations. Though the total fraction of black holes made in stellar collapse events varies considerably with metallicity, mass-loss rate, and mass cutoff, from 5% to 30%, the shapes of their birth functions are very similar for all reasonable variations in these quantities. Median neutron star masses are in the range 1.32-1.37 ${M}_{\odot }$ regardless of metallicity. The median black hole mass for solar metallicity is typically 8-9 ${M}_{\odot }$ if only initial helium cores below 40 ${M}_{\odot }$ (ZAMS mass less than 80 ${M}_{\odot }$ ) are counted, and 9-13 ${M}_{\odot }$, in most cases, if helium cores with initial masses up to 150 ${M}_{\odot }$ (ZAMS mass less than 300 ${M}_{\odot }$ ) contribute. As long as the mass-loss rate as a function of mass exhibits no strong nonlinearities, the black hole birth function from 15 to 35 ${M}_{\odot }$ has a slope that depends mostly on the initial mass function for main-sequence stars. These findings imply the possibility of constraining the initial mass function and the properties of mass loss in close binaries using ongoing measurements of gravitational-wave radiation. The expected rotation rates of the black holes are briefly discussed.
Early-type galaxies - slow and fast rotating ellipticals (E-SRs and E-FRs) and S0s/lenticulars - define a Fundamental Plane (FP) in the space of half-light radius Re, enclosed surface brightness Ie, and velocity dispersion σe. Since Ie and σe are distance-independent measurements, the thickness of the FP is often expressed in terms of the accuracy with which Ie and σe can be used to estimate sizes Re. We show that: (1) The thickness of the FP depends strongly on morphology. If the sample only includes E-SRs, then the observed scatter in Re is ∼ 16 per cent, of which only ∼ 9 per cent is intrinsic. Removing galaxies with M* < 1011 M⊙ further reduces the observed scatter to ∼ 13 per cent (∼ 4 per cent intrinsic). The observed scatter increases to ∼ 25 per cent usually quoted in the literature if E-FRs and S0s are added. If the FP is defined using the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the observables, then the E-SRs again define an exceptionally thin FP, with intrinsic scatter of only 5 per cent orthogonal to the plane. (2) The structure within the FP is most easily understood as arising from the fact that Ie and σe are nearly independent, whereas the Re-Ie and Re-σe correlations are nearly equal and opposite. (3) If the coefficients of the FP differ from those associated with the virial theorem the plane is said to be 'tilted'. If we multiply Ie by the global stellar mass-to-light ratio M*/L and we account for non-homology across the population by using Sérsic photometry, then the resulting stellar mass FP is less tilted. Accounting self-consistently for M*/L gradients will change the tilt. The tilt we currently see suggests that the efficiency of turning baryons into stars increases and/or the dark matter fraction decreases as stellar surface brightness increases.
Supernovae (SNe) generate hot gas in the interstellar medium (ISM), help setting the ISM structure, and support the driving of outflows. It is important to resolve the hot gas generation for galaxy formation simulations at solar mass and sub-parsec resolution that realize individual SN explosions with ambient densities varying by several orders of magnitude in a realistic multiphase ISM. We test resolution requirements by simulating SN blast waves at three metallicities (Z = 0.01, 0.1, and 1 Z⊙), six densities and their respective equilibrium chemical compositions (n = 0.001-100 cm-3), and four mass resolutions (0.1-100 M⊙), in three dimensions. We include non-equilibrium cooling and chemistry, a homogeneous interstellar radiation field, and shielding with a modern pressure-energy smoothed particle hydrodynamics method including isotropic thermal conduction and a meshless-finite-mass solver. We find stronger resolution requirements for chemistry and hot phase generation than for momentum generation. While at 10 M⊙ the radial momenta at the end of the Sedov phase start converging, the hot phase generation and chemistry require higher resolutions to represent the neutral-to-ionized hydrogen fraction at the end of the Sedov phase correctly. Thermal conduction typically reduces the hot phase by 0.2 dex and has little impact on the chemical composition. In general, our 1 and 0.1 M⊙ results agree well with previous numerical and analytic estimates. We conclude that for the thermal energy injection SN model presented here resolutions higher than 10 M⊙ are required to model the chemistry, momentum, and hot phase generation in the multiphase ISM.
In order to detect high frequency gravitational waves, we need a new detection method. In this paper, we develop a formalism for a gravitational wave detector using magnons in a cavity. Using Fermi normal coordinates and taking the non-relativistic limit, we obtain a Hamiltonian for magnons in gravitational wave backgrounds. Given the Hamiltonian, we show how to use the magnons for detecting high frequency gravitational waves. Furthermore, as a demonstration of the magnon gravitational wave detector, we give upper limits on GHz gravitational waves by utilizing known results of magnon experiments for an axion dark matter search.
The violation of baryon number, , is an essential ingredient for the preferential creation of matter over antimatter needed to account for the observed baryon asymmetry in the Universe. However, such a process has yet to be experimentally observed. The HIBEAM/NNBAR program is a proposed two-stage experiment at the European Spallation Source to search for baryon number violation. The program will include high-sensitivity searches for processes that violate baryon number by one or two units: free neutron–antineutron oscillation () via mixing, neutron–antineutron oscillation via regeneration from a sterile neutron state (), and neutron disappearance (n → n′); the effective process of neutron regeneration () is also possible. The program can be used to discover and characterize mixing in the neutron, antineutron and sterile neutron sectors. The experiment addresses topical open questions such as the origins of baryogenesis and the nature of dark matter, and is sensitive to scales of new physics substantially in excess of those available at colliders. A goal of the program is to open a discovery window to neutron conversion probabilities (sensitivities) by up to three orders of magnitude compared with previous searches. The opportunity to make such a leap in sensitivity tests should not be squandered. The experiment pulls together a diverse international team of physicists from the particle (collider and low energy) and nuclear physics communities, while also including specialists in neutronics and magnetics.
We review the present status of the Standard Model calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. This is performed in a perturbative expansion in the fine-structure constant α and is broken down into pure QED, electroweak, and hadronic contributions. The pure QED contribution is by far the largest and has been evaluated up to and including O(α5) with negligible numerical uncertainty. The electroweak contribution is suppressed by (mμ∕MW)2 and only shows up at the level of the seventh significant digit. It has been evaluated up to two loops and is known to better than one percent. Hadronic contributions are the most difficult to calculate and are responsible for almost all of the theoretical uncertainty. The leading hadronic contribution appears at O(α2) and is due to hadronic vacuum polarization, whereas at O(α3) the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution appears. Given the low characteristic scale of this observable, these contributions have to be calculated with nonperturbative methods, in particular, dispersion relations and the lattice approach to QCD. The largest part of this review is dedicated to a detailed account of recent efforts to improve the calculation of these two contributions with either a data-driven, dispersive approach, or a first-principle, lattice-QCD approach. The final result reads aμSM=116591810(43)×10−11 and is smaller than the Brookhaven measurement by 3.7 σ . The experimental uncertainty will soon be reduced by up to a factor four by the new experiment currently running at Fermilab, and also by the future J-PARC experiment. This and the prospects to further reduce the theoretical uncertainty in the near future – which are also discussed here – make this quantity one of the most promising places to look for evidence of new physics.
We revisit our previous work [Capozzi et al., Phys. Rev. D 95, 096014 (2017), 10.1103/PhysRevD.95.096014] where neutrino oscillation and nonoscillation data were analyzed in the standard framework with three neutrino families, in order to constrain their absolute masses and to probe their ordering (either normal, NO, or inverted, IO). We include updated oscillation results to discuss best fits and allowed ranges for the two squared mass differences δ m2 and Δ m2, the three mixing angles θ12, θ23, and θ13, as well as constraints on the C P -violating phase δ , plus significant indications in favor of NO vs IO at the level of Δ χ2=10.0 . We then consider nonoscillation data from beta decay, from neutrinoless double beta decay (if neutrinos are Majorana), and from various cosmological input variants (in the data or the model) leading to results dubbed as default, aggressive, and conservative. In the default option, we obtain from nonoscillation data an extra contribution Δ χ2≃2.2 in favor of NO, and an upper bound on the sum of neutrino masses Σ <0.15 eV at 2 σ ; both results—dominated by cosmology—can be strengthened or weakened by using more aggressive or conservative options, respectively. Taking into account such variations, we find that the combination of all (oscillation and nonoscillation) neutrino data favors NO at the level of 3.2 -3.7 σ , and that Σ is constrained at the 2 σ level within Σ <0.12 - 0.69 eV . The upper edge of this allowed range corresponds to an effective β -decay neutrino mass mβ≃Σ /3 ≃0.23 eV , at the sensitivity frontier of the KATRIN experiment.
Neutrinos are unique probes of core-collapse supernova dynamics, especially in the case of black hole (BH-)forming stellar collapses, where the electromagnetic emission may be faint or absent. By investigating two three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of BH-forming stellar collapses of mass 40 M⊙ and 75 M⊙, we identify the physical processes preceding BH formation through neutrinos and forecast the neutrino signal expected in the existing IceCube and Super-Kamiokande detectors, as well as in the future generation DUNE facility. Prior to the abrupt termination of the neutrino signal corresponding to BH formation, both models develop episodes of strong and long-lasting activity by the spiral standing accretion shock instability (SASI). We find that the spiral SASI peak in the Fourier power spectrum of the neutrino event rate will be distinguishable at 3 σ above the detector noise for distances up to ∼O (30 ) kpc in the most optimistic scenario, with IceCube having the highest sensitivity. Interestingly, given the long duration of the spiral SASI episodes, the spectrograms of the expected neutrino event rate carry clear signs of the evolution of the spiral SASI frequency as a function of time, as the shock radius and postshock fluid velocity evolve. Because of the high accretion luminosity and its large-amplitude SASI-induced modulations, any contribution from asymmetric (dipolar or quadrupolar) neutrino emission associated with the lepton emission self-sustained asymmetry is far subdominant in the neutrino signal.
This is the first advanced, systematic and comprehensive look at weak decays in the framework of gauge theories. Included is a large spectrum of topics, both theoretical and experimental. In addition to explicit advanced calculations of Feynman diagrams and the study of renormalization group strong interaction effects in weak decays, the book is devoted to the Standard Model Effective Theory, dominating present phenomenology in this field, and to new physics models with the goal of searching for new particles and interactions through quantum fluctuations. This book will benefit theorists, experimental researchers, and Ph.D. students working on flavour physics and weak decays as well as physicists interested in physics beyond the Standard Model. In its concern for the search for new phenomena at short distance scales through the interplay between theory and experiment, this book constitutes a travel guide to physics far beyond the scales explored by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
We calculate the step-scaling function, the lattice analog of the renormalization group β -function, for an SU(3) gauge theory with ten fundamental flavors. We present a detailed analysis including the study of systematic effects of our extensive data set generated with ten dynamical flavors using the Symanzik gauge action and three times stout smeared Möbius domain wall fermions. Using up to 324 volumes, we calculate renormalized couplings for different gradient flow schemes and determine the step-scaling β function for a scale change s =2 on up to five different lattice volume pairs. In an accompanying paper we discuss that gradient flow can promote lattice dislocations to instantonlike objects, introducing nonperturbative lattice artifacts to the step-scaling function. Motivated by the observation that Wilson flow sufficiently suppresses these artifacts, we choose Wilson flow with the Symanzik operator as our preferred analysis. We study systematic effects by calculating the step-scaling function based on alternative flows (Zeuthen or Symanzik), alternative operators (Wilson plaquette, clover), and also explore the effects of the perturbative tree-level improvement. Further we investigate the effects due to the finite value of Ls.
We study stellar property statistics, including satellite galaxy occupation, of haloes in three cosmological hydrodynamics simulations: BAHAMAS + MACSIS, IllustrisTNG, and Magneticum Pathfinder. Applying localized linear regression, we extract halo mass-conditioned normalizations, slopes, and intrinsic covariance for (i) Nsat, the number of stellar mass-thresholded satellite galaxies within radius R200c of the halo; (ii) M⋆,tot, the total stellar mass within that radius, and (iii) M⋆,BCG, the gravitationally bound stellar mass of the central galaxy within a 100 kpc radius. The parameters show differences across the simulations, in part from numerical resolution, but there is qualitative agreement for the Nsat - M⋆,BCG correlation. Marginalizing over Mhalo, we find the Nsat kernel, p(ln Nsat | Mhalo,z) to be consistently skewed left in all three simulations, with skewness parameter γ = -0.91 ± 0.02, while the M⋆,tot kernel shape is closer to lognormal. The highest resolution simulations find γ ≃ -0.8 for the z = 0 shape of the M⋆,BCG kernel. We provide a Gaussian mixture fit to the low-redshift Nsat kernel as well as local linear regression parameters tabulated for Mhalo > 1013.5 M⊙ in all simulations.
The Fundamental Plane (FP) of black hole (BH) activity in galactic nuclei relates X-ray and radio luminosities to BH mass and accretion rate. However, there is a large scatter exhibited by the data, which motivated us for a new variable. We add BH spin as a new variable and estimate the spin dependence of the jet power and disc luminosity in terms of radio and X-ray luminosities. We assume the Blandford-Znajek process as the main source of the outflow, and find that the jet power depends on BH spin stronger than quadratically at moderate and large spin values. We perform a statistical analysis for 10 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) which have sub-Eddington accretion rates and whose spin values are measured independently via the reflection or continuum-fitting methods, and find that the spin-dependent relation describes the data significantly better. This analysis, if supported with more data, could imply not only the spin dependence of the FP relation, but also the Blandford-Znajek process in AGN jets.
In the presence of an external magnetic field, the axion and the photon mix. In particular, the dispersion relation of a longitudinal plasmon always crosses the dispersion relation of the axion (for small axion masses), thus leading to a resonant conversion. Using thermal field theory, we concisely derive the axion emission rate, applying it to astrophysical and laboratory scenarios. For the Sun, depending on the magnetic field profile, plasmon-axion conversion can dominate over Primakoff production at low energies (≲200 eV ). This both provides a new axion source for future helioscopes and, in the event of discovery, would probe the magnetic field structure of the Sun. In the case of white dwarfs (WDs), plasmon-axion conversion provides a pure photon coupling probe of the axion, which may contribute significantly for low-mass WDs. Finally, we rederive and confirm the axion absorption rate of the recently proposed plasma haloscopes.
We study the bottomonium spectrum using a relativistic potential model in the momentum space. This model is based on a complete one gluon exchange interaction with a momentum dependent screening factor to account for the effects due to virtual pair creation that appear close to the decay thresholds. The overall model does not make use of nonrelativistic approximations. We fit well established bottomonium states below the open bottom threshold and predict the rest of the spectrum up to ≈11200 MeV and JPC=3-- . Uncertainties are treated rigorously and propagated in full to the parameters of the model using a Monte Carlo to identify if which deviations from experimental data can be absorbed into the statistical uncertainties of the models and which can be related to physics beyond the b b ¯ picture, guiding future research. We get a good description of the spectrum, in particular the Belle measurement of the ηb(2 S ) state and the Υ (10860 ) and χb(3 P ) resonances.
In this paper we examine the viability of inflation models with a spectator axion field coupled to both gravitational and SU(2) gauge fields via Chern-Simons couplings. Requiring phenomenological success of the axion-SU(2) sector constrains the coupling strength of the gravitational Chern-Simons term. We find that the impact of this term on the production and propagation of gravitational waves can be as large as fifty percent enhancement for the helicity that is not sourced by the gauge field, if the cut-off scale is as low as Λ = 20H. The effect becomes smaller for a larger value of Λ, while the impact on the helicity sourced by the gauge field is negligible regardless of Λ.
We revisit techniques for performing cosmological simulations with both baryons and cold dark matter when each fluid has different initial conditions, as is the case at the end of the radiation era. Most simulations do not reproduce the linear prediction for the difference between the cold dark matter and baryon perturbations. We show that this is due to the common use of offset regular grids when setting up the particle initial conditions. The desired linear evolution can be obtained without any loss of simulation resolution by using a Lagrangian glass for the baryon particles. We further show that the difference between cold dark matter and baryons may affect predictions for the Lyman-α forest flux power spectrum at the 5% level, potentially impacting current cosmological constraints.
We use functional methods to compute one-loop effects in Heavy Quark Effective Theory. The covariant derivative expansion technique facilitates the efficient extraction of matching coefficients and renormalization group evolution equations. This paper pro- vides the first demonstration that such calculations can be performed through the algebraic evaluation of the path integral for the class of effective field theories that are (i) constructed using a non-trivial one-to-many mode decomposition of the UV theory, and (ii) valid for non-relativistic kinematics. We discuss the interplay between operators that appear at intermediate steps and the constraints imposed by the residual Lorentz symmetry that is encoded as reparameterization invariance within the effective description. The tools presented here provide a systematic approach for computing corrections to higher order in the heavy mass expansion; precision applications include predictions for experimental data and connections to theoretical tests via lattice QCD. A set of pedagogical appendices comprehensively reviews modern approaches to performing functional calculations algebraically, and derives contributions from a term with open covariant derivatives for the first time.
Upcoming surveys will use a variety of galaxy selections to map the large-scale structure of the Universe. It is important to make accurate predictions for the properties and clustering of such galaxies, including the errors on these statistics. Here, we describe a novel technique which uses the semi-analytical model of galaxy formation galform, embedded in the high-resolution N-body Planck-Millennium simulation, to populate a thousand halo catalogues generated using the Parallel-PM N-body glam code. Our hybrid scheme allows us to make clustering predictions on scales that cannot be modelled in the original N-body simulation. We focus on luminous red galaxies (LRGs) selected in the redshift range z = 0.6 − 1 from the galform output using similar colour-magnitude cuts in the r, z, and W1 bands to those that will be applied in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey, and call this illustrative sample ‘DESI-like’ LRGs. We find that the LRG-halo connection is non-trivial, leading to the prediction of a non-standard halo occupation distribution; in particular, the occupation of central galaxies does not reach unity for the most massive haloes, and drops with increasing mass. The glam catalogues reproduce the abundance and clustering of the LRGs predicted by galform. We use the glam mocks to compute the covariance matrices for the two-point correlation function and power spectrum of the LRGs and their background dark matter density field, revealing important differences. We also make predictions for the linear-growth rate and the baryon acoustic oscillations distances at z = 0.6, 0.74, and 0.93. All ‘DESI-like’ LRG catalogues are made publicly available.
It has been argued that the symmetries of gravity at null infinity should include a Diff (S2) factor associated with diffeomorphisms on the celestial sphere. However, the standard phase space of gravity does not support the action of such transformations. Building on earlier work by Laddha and one of the authors, we present an extension of the phase space of gravity at null infinity on which Diff (S2) acts canonically. The Poisson brackets of supertranslation and Diff (S2) charges reproduce the generalized BMS algebra introduced in [Campiglia and Laddha Phys. Rev. D 90, 124028 (2014), 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.124028].
The relation between early type galaxy size, surface brightness and velocity dispersion, ``the fundamental plane", has long been understood as resulting from equilibrium in their largely pressure supported stellar dynamics. The dissipation and feedback involved in reaching such an equilibrium through merger formation of these galaxies over cosmic time can be responsible for the orientation of the plane. We see a correlation between surface brightness enhancement and youth in the 6dF Galaxy Survey. Correlations of this `tilt' with stellar mass, age, concentration, shape and metallicity now point the direction for further work on the resolved kinematics and structure of these nearby galaxies and on their initial mass function and dark matter component. On the face of it, the Tully Fisher relation is a simpler one dimensional scaling relation. However, as late type galaxies have bulges as well as disks, and, as the surface density of disks is only standard for the more massive galaxies, additional parameters are involved.
We study the K ¯ p →Y K K ¯ π reactions with K ¯ =K¯ 0,K- and Y =Σ0,Σ+,Λ , in the region of K K ¯ π invariant masses of 1200 -1550 MeV. The strong coupling of the f1(1285 ) resonance to K∗K ¯ makes the mechanism based on K∗ exchange very efficient to produce this resonance observed in the K K ¯ π invariant mass distribution. In addition, in all these reactions one observes an associated peak at 1420 MeV which comes from the K∗K ¯ decay mode of the f1(1285 ) when the K∗ is placed on shell at higher invariant masses. We call the attention to the possibility that the peaks observed in other reactions where the "f1(1420 ) " is observed have a similar origin.
The abundance of galaxy clusters as a function of mass and redshift is a well known powerful cosmological probe, which relies on underlying modelling assumptions on the mass-observable relations (MOR). Some of the MOR parameters can be constrained directly from multi-wavelength observations, as the normalization at some reference cosmology, the mass-slope, the redshift evolution, and the intrinsic scatter. However, the cosmology dependence of MORs cannot be tested with multi-wavelength observations alone. We use magneticum simulations to explore the cosmology dependence of galaxy cluster scaling relations. We run fifteen hydrodynamical cosmological simulations varying Ωm, Ωb, h0, and σ8 (around a reference cosmological model). The MORs considered are gas mass, baryonic mass, gas temperature, Y and velocity dispersion as a function of virial mass. We verify that the mass and redshift slopes and the intrinsic scatter of the MORs are nearly independent of cosmology with variations significantly smaller than current observational uncertainties. We show that the gas mass and baryonic mass sensitively depends only on the baryon fraction, velocity dispersion, and gas temperature on h0, and Y on both baryon fraction and h0. We investigate the cosmological implications of our MOR parametrization on a mock catalogue created for an idealized eROSITA-like experiment. We show that our parametrization introduces a strong degeneracy between the cosmological parameters and the normalization of the MOR. Finally, the parameter constraints derived at different overdensity (Δ500c), for X-ray bolometric gas luminosity, and for different subgrid physics prescriptions are shown in the appendix.
Several types/classes of shocks naturally arise during formation and evolution of galaxy clusters. One such class is represented by accretion shocks, associated with deceleration of infalling baryons. Such shocks, characterized by a very high Mach number, are present even in 1D models of cluster evolution. Another class is composed of 'runaway merger shocks', which appear when a merger shock, driven by a sufficiently massive infalling subcluster, propagates away from the main-cluster centre. We argue that, when the merger shock overtakes the accretion shock, a new long-living shock is formed that propagates to large distances from the main cluster (well beyond its virial radius), affecting the cold gas around the cluster. We refer to these structures as Merger-accelerated Accretion shocks (MA-shocks) in this paper. We show examples of such MA-shocks in one-dimensioanal (1D) and three-dimensional (3D) simulations and discuss their characteristic properties. In particular, (1) MA-shocks shape the boundary separating the hot intracluster medium (ICM) from the unshocked gas, giving this boundary a 'flower-like' morphology. In 3D, MA-shocks occupy space between the dense accreting filaments. (2) Evolution of MA-shocks highly depends on the Mach number of the runaway merger shock and the mass accretion rate parameter of the cluster. (3) MA-shocks may lead to the misalignment of the ICM boundary and the splashback radius.
We calculate the masses of χc(3 P ) states with threshold corrections in a coupled-channel model. The model was recently applied to the description of the properties of χc(2 P ) and χb(3 P ) multiplets (Ferretti and Santopinto in Phys Lett B 789:550, 2019]. We also compute the open-charm strong decay widths of the χc(3 P ) states and their radiative transitions. According to our predictions, the χc(3 P ) states should be dominated by the charmonium core, but they may also show small meson-meson components. The X(4274) is interpreted as a c c ¯ χc 1(3 P ) state. More information on the other members of the χc(3 P ) multiplet, as well as a more rigorous analysis of the X(4274)'s decay modes, are needed to provide further indications on the quark structure of the previous resonance.
Vector leptoquarks can address the lepton flavor universality anomalies in decays associated with the b → cℓν and b → sℓℓ transitions, as observed in recent years. While not required to explain the anomalies, these leptoquarks generically yield new sources of CP violation. In this paper, we explore constraints and discovery potential for electric dipole moments (EDMs) in leptonic and hadronic systems. We provide the most generic expressions for dipole moments induced by vector leptoquarks at one loop. We find that O(1) CP-violating phases in tau and muon couplings can lead to corresponding EDMs within reach of next-generation EDM experiments, and that existing bounds on the electron EDM already put stringent constraints on CP-violating electron couplings.
We investigate the build-up of the galactic dynamo and subsequently the origin of a magnetic driven outflow. We use a set-up of an isolated disc galaxy with a realistic circum-galactic medium (CGM). We find good agreement of the galactic dynamo with theoretical and observational predictions from the radial and toroidal components of the magnetic field as function of radius and disc scale height. We find several field reversals indicating dipole structure at early times and quadrupole structure at late times. Together with the magnetic pitch angle and the dynamo control parameters Rα, Rω, and D, we present strong evidence for an α2-Ω dynamo. The formation of a bar in the centre leads to further amplification of the magnetic field via adiabatic compression which subsequently drives an outflow. Due to the Parker instability the magnetic field lines rise to the edge of the disc, break out, and expand freely in the CGM driven by the magnetic pressure. Finally, we investigate the correlation between magnetic field and star formation rate. Globally, we find that the magnetic field is increasing as function of the star formation rate surface density with a slope between 0.3 and 0.45 in good agreement with predictions from theory and observations. Locally, we find that the magnetic field can decrease while star formation increases. We find that this effect is correlated with the diffusion of magnetic field from the spiral arms to the interarm regions which we explicitly include by solving the induction equation and accounting for non-linear terms.
We estimate the H I mass function (HIMF) of galaxies in groups based on thousands of ALFALFA (Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey) H I detections within the galaxy groups of four widely used SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) group catalogues. Although differences between the catalogues mean that there is no one definitive group galaxy HIMF, in general we find that the low-mass slope is flat, in agreement with studies based on small samples of individual groups, and that the 'knee' mass is slightly higher than that of the global HIMF of the full ALFALFA sample. We find that the observed fraction of ALFALFA galaxies in groups is approximately 22 per cent. These group galaxies were removed from the full ALFALFA source catalogue to calculate the field HIMF using the remaining galaxies. Comparison between the field and group HIMFs reveals that group galaxies make only a small contribution to the global HIMF as most ALFALFA galaxies are in the field, but beyond the HIMF 'knee' group galaxies dominate. Finally, we attempt to separate the group galaxy HIMF into bins of group halo mass, but find that too few low-mass galaxies are detected in the most massive groups to tightly constrain the slope, owing to the rarity of such groups in the nearby Universe where low-mass galaxies are detectable with existing H I surveys.
We present accurate measurements of the total H I mass in dark matter halos of different masses at z ∼ 0, by stacking the H I spectra of entire groups from the Arecibo Fast Legacy ALFA Survey. The halos are selected from the optical galaxy group catalog constructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 Main Galaxy sample, with reliable measurements of halo mass and halo membership. We find that the H I-halo mass relation is not a simple monotonic function, as assumed in several theoretical models. In addition to the dependence of halo mass, the total H I gas mass shows a strong dependence on the halo richness, with larger H I masses in groups with more members at fixed halo masses. Moreover, halos with at least three member galaxies in the group catalog have a sharp decrease of the H I mass, potentially caused by the virial halo shock-heating and the active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. The dominant contribution of the H I gas comes from the central galaxies for halos of ${M}_{{\rm{h}}}\lt {10}^{12.5}{h}^{-1}{M}_{\odot }$ , while the satellite galaxies dominate over more massive halos. Our measurements are consistent with a three-phase formation scenario of the H I-rich galaxies. The smooth cold gas accretion is driving the H I mass growth in halos of ${M}_{{\rm{h}}}\lt {10}^{11.8}{h}^{-1}{M}_{\odot }$ , with late-forming halos having more H I accreted. The virial halo shock-heating and AGN feedback will take effect to reduce the H I supply in halos of ${10}^{11.8}{h}^{-1}{M}_{\odot }\lt {M}_{{\rm{h}}}\lt {10}^{13}{h}^{-1}{M}_{\odot }$ . The H I mass in halos more massive than ${10}^{13}{h}^{-1}{M}_{\odot }$ generally grows by mergers, with the dependence on halo richness becoming much weaker.
Star-forming galaxies with strong nebular and collisional emission lines are privileged target galaxies in forthcoming cosmological large galaxy redshift surveys. We use the COSMOS2015 photometric catalogue to model galaxy spectral energy distributions and emission-line fluxes. We adopt an empirical but physically motivated model that uses information from the best-fitting spectral energy distribution of stellar continuum to each galaxy. The emission-line flux model is calibrated and validated against direct flux measurements in subsets of galaxies that have 3D-HST or zCOSMOS-Bright spectra. We take a particular care in modelling dust attenuation such that our model can explain both Hα and [O II] observed fluxes at different redshifts. We find that a simple solution to this is to introduce a redshift evolution in the dust attenuation fraction parameter, f = Estar(B - V)/Egas(B - V), as f(z) = 0.44 + 0.2z. From this catalogue, we derive the Hα and [O II] luminosity functions up to redshifts of about 2.5 after carefully accounting for emission line flux and redshift errors. This allows us to make predictions for Hα and [O II] galaxy number counts in next-generation cosmological redshift surveys. Our modelled emission lines and spectra in the COSMOS2015 catalogue shall be useful to study the target selection for planned next-generation galaxy redshift surveys and we make them publicly available as 'EL-COSMOS' on the ASPIC data base.
Comparison of theoretical line profiles to observations provides important tests for supernova explosion models. We study the shapes of radioactive decay lines predicted by current 3D core-collapse explosion simulations, and compare these to observations of SN 1987A and Cas A. Both the widths and shifts of decay lines vary by several thousand kilometres per second depending on viewing angle. The line profiles can be complex with multiple peaks. By combining observational constraints from 56Co decay lines, 44Ti decay lines, and Fe IR lines, we delineate a picture of the morphology of the explosive burning ashes in SN 1987A. For MZAMS = 15-20 M⊙ progenitors exploding with ∼1.5 × 1051 erg, ejecta structures suitable to reproduce the observations involve a bulk asymmetry of the 56Ni of at least ∼400 km s-1 and a bulk velocity of at least 1500 km s-1. By adding constraints to reproduce the UVOIR bolometric light curve of SN 1987A up to 600 d, an ejecta mass around 14 M⊙ is favoured. We also investigate whether observed decay lines can constrain the neutron star (NS) kick velocity. The model grid provides a constraint VNS > Vredshift, and applying this to SN 1987A gives a NS kick of at least 500 km s-1. For Cas A, our single model provides a satisfactory fit to the NuSTAR observations and reinforces the result that current neutrino-driven core-collapse SN models achieve enough bulk asymmetry in the explosive burning material. Finally, we investigate the internal gamma-ray field and energy deposition, and compare the 3D models to 1D approximations.
We present stellar metallicity measurements of more than 600 late-type stars in the central 10 pc of the Galactic centre. Together with our previously published KMOS data, this data set allows us to investigate, for the first time, spatial variations of the nuclear star cluster's metallicity distribution. Using the integral-field spectrograph KMOS (VLT) we observed almost half of the area enclosed by the nuclear star cluster's effective radius. We extract spectra at medium spectral resolution, and apply full spectral fitting utilising the PHOENIX library of synthetic stellar spectra. The stellar metallicities range from [M/H]=-1.25 dex to [M/H]> +0.3 dex, with most of the stars having super-solar metallicity. We are able to measure an anisotropy of the stellar metallicity distribution. In the Galactic North, the portion of sub-solar metallicity stars with [M/H]<0.0 dex is more than twice as high as in the Galactic South. One possible explanation for different fractions of sub-solar metallicity stars in different parts of the cluster is a recent merger event. We propose to test this hypothesis with high-resolution spectroscopy, and by combining the metallicity information with kinematic data.
Ultralight bosonic fields are compelling dark-matter candidates and arise in a variety of beyond standard model scenarios. These fields can tap energy and angular momentum from spinning black holes through superradiant instabilities, during which a macroscopic bosonic condensate develops around the black hole. Striking features of this phenomenon include gaps in the spin-mass distribution of astrophysical black holes and a continuous gravitational-wave (GW) signal emitted by the condensate. So far these processes have been studied in great detail for scalar fields and, more recently, for vector fields. Here we take an important step forward in the black hole superradiance program by computing, analytically, the instability timescale, direct GW emission, and stochastic background, in the case of massive tensor (i.e., spin-2) fields. Our analysis is valid for any black hole spin and for small boson masses. The instability of massive spin-2 fields shares some properties with the scalar and vector cases, but its phenomenology is much richer, for example, there exist multiple modes with comparable instability timescales, and the dominant GW signal is hexadecapolar rather than quadrupolar. Electromagnetic and GW observations of spinning black holes in the mass range M ∈(1 ,1010) M⊙ can constrain the mass of a putative spin-2 field in the range 10-22≲mb c2/eV ≲10-10 . For 10-17≲mb c2/eV ≲10-15 , the space mission LISA could detect the continuous GW signal for sources at redshift z =20 , or even larger.
The chemical composition of planets is determined by the distribution of the various molecular species in the protoplanetary disk at the time of their formation. To date, only a handful of disks have been imaged in multiple spectral lines with high spatial resolution. As part of a small campaign devoted to the chemical characterization of disk-outflow sources in Taurus, we report on new ALMA Band 6 (~1.3 mm) observations with ~0.15'' (20 au) resolution toward the embedded young star DG Tau B. Images of the continuum emission reveals a dust disk with rings and, putatively, a leading spiral arm. The disk, as well as the prominent outflow cavities, are detected in CO, H2CO, CS, and CN; instead, they remain undetected in SO2, HDO, and CH3OH. From the absorption of the back-side outflow, we inferred that the disk emission is optically thick in the inner 50 au. This morphology explains why no line emission is detected from this inner region and poses some limitations toward the calculation of the dust mass and the characterization of the inner gaseous disk. The H2CO and CS emission from the inner 200 au is mostly from the disk, and their morphology is very similar. The CN emission significantly differs from the other two molecules as it is observed only beyond 150 au. This ring-like morphology is consistent with previous observations and the predictions of thermochemical disk models. Finally, we constrained the disk-integrated column density of all molecules. In particular, we found that the CH3OH/H2CO ratio must be smaller than ~2, making the methanol non-detection still consistent with the only such ratio available from the literature (1.27 in TW Hya).
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Following the recent analysis done in collaboration with Jason Aebischer and Christoph Bobeth, I summarize the optimal, in our view, strategy for the present evaluation of the ratio ɛ ‧/ɛ in the Standard Model. In particular, I emphasize the importance of the correct matching of the long-distance and short-distance contributions to ɛ ‧/ɛ, which presently is only achieved by RBC-UKQCD lattice QCD collaboration and by the analytical Dual QCD approach. An important role play also the isospin-breaking and QED effects, which presently are best known from chiral perturbation theory, albeit still with a significant error. Finally, it is essential to include NNLO QCD corrections in order to reduce unphysical renormalization scheme and scale dependences present at the NLO level. Here µ c in m c (µ c ) in the case of QCD penguin contributions and µ t in m t (µ t ) in the case of electroweak penguin contributions play the most important roles. Presently the error on ɛ ‧/ɛ is dominated by the uncertainties in the QCDP parameter B_6(1/2) and the isospin-breaking parameter \hat Ω {{eff}}. We present a table illustrating this.
We investigate the stellar kinematics of a sample of galaxies extracted from the hydrodynamic cosmological Magneticum Pathfinder simulations out to five half-mass radii. We construct differential radial stellar spin profiles quantified by the observationally widely used λ and the closely related (V/σ) parameters. We find three characteristic profile shapes: profiles exhibiting a (I) peak within 2.5 half-mass radii and a subsequent decrease; (II) continuous increase that plateaus at larger radii typically with a high amplitude; (III) completely flat behaviour typically with low amplitude, in agreement with observations. This shows that the kinematic state of the stellar component can vary significantly with radius, suggesting a distinct interplay between in-situ star formation and ex-situ accretion of stars. Following the evolution of our sample through time, we provide evidence that the accretion history of galaxies with decreasing profiles is dominated by the anisotropic accretion of low-mass satellites that get disrupted beyond ∼2.0 half-mass radii, building up a stellar halo with non-ordered motion while maintaining the central rotation already present at z = 2. In fact, at z = 2 decreasing profiles are the predominant profile class. Hence, we can predict a distinct formation pathway for galaxies with a decreasing profile and show that the centre resembles an old embedded disc. Furthermore, we show that the radius of the kinematic transition provides a good estimation for the transition radius from in-situ stars in the centre to accreted stars in the halo.
If dark matter was produced in the early Universe by the decoupling of its annihilations into known particles, there is a sharp experimental target for the size of its coupling. We show that if dark matter was produced by inelastic scattering against a lighter particle from the thermal bath, then its coupling can be exponentially smaller than the coupling required for its production from annihilations. As an application, we demonstrate that dark matter produced by inelastic scattering against electrons provides new thermal relic targets for direct detection and fixed target experiments.
The baryon acoustic oscillations feature (BAO) imprinted in the clustering correlation function is known to furnish us cosmic distance determinations that are independent of the cosmological-background model and the primordial perturbation parameters. These measurements can be accomplished rigorously by means of the purely geometric BAO methods. To date two different purely geometric BAO approaches have been proposed. The first exploits the linear-point standard ruler. The second, called correlation-function model-fitting, exploits the sound-horizon standard ruler. A key difference between them is that, when estimated from clustering data, the linear point makes use of a cosmological-model-independent procedure to extract the ratio of the ruler to the cosmic distance, while the correlation-function model-fitting relies on a phenomenological cosmological model for the correlation function. Nevertheless the two rulers need to be precisely defined independently of any specific observable (e.g., the BAO). We define the linear point and sound horizon and we fully characterize and compare the two rulers' cosmological-parameter dependence. We find that they are both geometrical (i.e., independent of the primordial cosmological parameters) within the required accuracy, and that they have the same parameter dependence for a wide range of parameter values. We estimate the rulers' best-fit values and errors, given the cosmological constraints obtained by the Planck Satellite team from their measurements of the cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization anisotropies. We do this for three different cosmological models encompassed by the purely geometric BAO methods. In each case we find that the relative errors of the two rulers coincide and they are insensitive to the assumed cosmological model. Interestingly both the linear point and the sound horizon shift by 0.5 σ when we do not fix the spatial geometry to be flat in Λ CDM . This points toward a sensitivity of the rulers to different cosmological models when they are estimated from the cosmic microwave background.
The quality of the recent GlueX J /ψ photoproduction data from Hall D at Jefferson Laboratory and the proximity of the data to the energy threshold, gives access to a variety of interesting physics aspects. As an example, an estimation of the J /ψ -nucleon scattering length αJ /ψ p is provided within the vector meson dominance model. It results in | αJ /ψ p|=(3.08 ±0.55 (stat . ) ±0.42 (syst . ) ) mfm which is much smaller than a typical size of a hadron.
Building on Weinberg's approach to effective field theory for inflation, we construct an effective Lagrangian for a pseudo scalar (axion) inflaton field with shift symmetry. In this Lagrangian we allow the axion field to couple to non-Abelian gauge fields via a Chern-Simons term. We then analyze a class of inflation models driven by kinetic terms. We find that the observational constraints on the amplitudes of curvature perturbations and non-Gaussianity yield a lower bound for the tensor-to-scalar ratio of $r\gtrsim 5\times 10^{-3}$ from the vacuum fluctuation. The sourced gravitational wave from SU(2) gauge fields further increases the tensor-to-scalar ratio and makes the total gravitational wave partially chiral and non-Gaussian, which can be probed by polarization of the cosmic microwave background and direct detection experiments. We discuss constraints on parameter space due to backreaction of spin-2 particles produced by the gauge field.
We have studied the small-scale distribution of atomic hydrogen (H I) using 21 cm absorption spectra against multiple-component background radio continuum sources from the 21-SPONGE survey and the Millennium Arecibo Absorption-Line Survey. We have found >5σ optical depth variations at a level of ∼0.03-0.5 between 13 out of 14 adjacent sightlines separated by a few arcseconds to a few arcminutes, suggesting the presence of neutral structures on spatial scales from a few to thousands of au (which we refer to as tiny-scale atomic structure, TSAS). The optical depth variations are strongest in directions where the H I column density and the fraction of H I in the cold neutral medium (CNM) are highest, which tend to be at low Galactic latitudes. By measuring changes in the properties of Gaussian components fitted to the absorption spectra, we find that changes in both the peak optical depth and the linewidth of TSAS absorption features contribute to the observed optical depth variations, while changes in the central velocity do not appear to strongly impact the observed variations. Both thermal and turbulent motions contribute appreciably to the linewidths, but the turbulence does not appear strong enough to confine overpressured TSAS. In a majority of cases, the TSAS column densities are sufficiently high that these structures can radiatively cool fast enough to maintain thermal equilibrium with their surroundings, even if they are overpressured. We also find that a majority of TSAS is associated with the CNM. For TSAS in the direction of the Taurus molecular cloud and the local Leo cold cloud, we estimate densities over an order of magnitude higher than typical CNM densities.
We examine the contribution of small instantons to the axion mass in various UV completions of QCD. We show that the reason behind the potential dominance of such contributions is the non-trivial embedding of QCD into the UV theory. The effects from instantons in the partially broken gauge group appear as "fractional instanton" corrections in the effective theory. These will exhibit unusual dependences on the various scales in the problem whenever the index of embedding is non-trivial. We present a full one-instanton calculation of the axion mass in the simplest product group models, carefully keeping track of numerical prefactors. Rather than using a 't Hooft operator approximation we directly evaluate the contributions to the vacuum bubble, automatically capturing the effects of closing up external fermion lines with Higgs loops. This approach is manifestly finite and removes the uncertainty associated with introducing a cutoff scale for the Higgs loops. We verify that the small instantons may dominate over the QCD contribution for very high breaking scales and at least three group factors.
Polarizations of primordial gravitational waves can be relevant when considering inflationary universe in modified gravity or when matter fields survive during inflation. Such polarizations have been discussed in the Bunch-Davies vacuum. Instead of taking into account dynamical generation of polarizations of gravitational waves, in this paper, we consider polarized initial states constructed from $SU(2)$ coherent states. We then evaluate the power spectrums of the primordial gravitational waves in the states.
New Physics can manifest itself in kinematic distributions of particle decays. The parameter space defining the shape of such distributions can be large which is chalenging for both theoretical and experimental studies. Using clustering algorithms, the parameter space can however be dissected into subsets (clusters) which correspond to similar kinematic distributions. Clusters can then be represented by benchmark points, which allow for less involved studies and a concise presentation of the results. We demonstrate this concept using the Python package ClusterKinG, an easy to use framework for the clustering of distributions that particularly aims to make these techniques more accessible in a High Energy Physics context. As an example we consider B ¯→D(∗)τ-ν¯τ distributions and discuss various clustering methods and possible implications for future experimental analyses.
We study the Schrödinger-Poisson (SP) method in the context of cosmological large-scale structure formation in an expanding background. In the limit ℏ→0, the SP technique can be viewed as an effective method to sample the phase space distribution of cold dark matter that remains valid on non-linear scales. We present results for the 2D and 3D matter correlation function and power spectrum at length scales corresponding to the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak. We discuss systematic effects of the SP method applied to cold dark matter and explore how they depend on the simulation parameters. In particular, we identify a combination of simulation parameters that controls the scale-independent loss of power observed at low redshifts, and discuss the scale relevant to this effect.
In this work, we study how the dust coagulation/fragmentation will influence the evolution and observational appearances of vortices induced by a massive planet embedded in a low-viscosity disk by performing global 2D high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. Within the vortex, due to its higher gas surface density and steeper pressure gradients, dust coagulation, fragmentation, and drift (to the vortex center) are all quite efficient, producing dust particles ranging from 1 μm to ∼1.0 cm, as well as an overall high dust-to-gas ratio (above unity). In addition, the dust size distribution is quite nonuniform inside the vortex, with the mass-weighted average dust size at the vortex center (∼4.0 mm) being a factor of ∼10 larger than other vortex regions. Both large (∼millimeter) and small (tens of microns) particles contribute strongly to affect the gas motion within the vortex. As such, we find that the inclusion of dust coagulation has a significant impact on the vortex lifetime and the typical vortex lifetime is about 1000 orbits. After the initial gaseous vortex is destroyed, the dust spreads into a ring with a few remaining smaller gaseous vortices with a high dust concentration and a large maximum size (∼millimeter). At late time, the synthetic dust continuum images for the coagulation case show as a ring inlaid with several hot spots at the 1.33 mm band, while only distinct hot spots remain at 7.0 mm.