The recently reported observation of VFTS 243 is the first example of a massive black-hole binary system with negligible binary interaction following black-hole formation. The black-hole mass ($\approx 10\ M_{\odot}$) and near-circular orbit ($e\approx 0.02$) of VFTS 243 suggest that the progenitor star experienced complete collapse, with energy-momentum being lost predominantly through neutrinos. VFTS 243 enables us to constrain the natal kick and neutrino-emission asymmetry during black-hole formation. At 68% C.L., the natal kick velocity (mass decrement) is $\lesssim 10$ km/s ($\lesssim 1.0\ M_{\odot}$). Most likely $\approx 0.3\ M_{\odot}$ were ejected, presumably in neutrinos, and the black hole experienced a natal kick of $4$ km/s. The neutrino-emission asymmetry is $\lesssim 4$%, with best fit values of $\sim$0-0.2%. Such a small neutrino natal kick accompanying black-hole formation is in agreement with theoretical predictions.
Scattering experiments with three free nucleons in the ingoing channel are extremely challenging in terrestrial laboratories. Recently, the ALICE Collaboration has successfully measured the scattering of three protons indirectly, by using the femtoscopy method in high-energy proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. In order to establish a connection with current and future measurements of femtoscopic three-particle correlation functions, we analyse the scenarios involving $nnn$ and $ppp$ systems using the hyperspherical adiabatic basis. The correlation function is a convolution of the source function and the corresponding scattering wave function. The finite size of the source allows for the use of the free scattering wave function in most of the adiabatic channels except the lowest ones. The scattering wave function has been computed using two different potential models: $(i)$ a spin-dependent Gaussian potential with parameters fixed to reproduce the scattering length and effective range and $(ii)$ the Argonne $v_{18}$ nucleon-nucleon interaction. Moreover, in the case of three protons, the Coulomb interaction has been considered in its hypercentral form. The results presented here have to be considered as a first step in the description of three-particle correlation functions using the hyperspherical adiabatic basis, opening the door to the investigation of other systems, such as the $pp\Lambda$ system. For completeness, the comparison with the measurement by the ALICE Collaboration is shown assuming different values of the source radius.
We compute the first moments of the $q^2$ distribution in inclusive semileptonic $B$ decays as functions of the lower cut on $q^2$, confirming a number of results given in the literature and adding the $O(\alpha_s^2\beta_0)$ BLM contributions. We then include the $q^2$-moments recently measured by Belle and Belle II in a global fit to the moments. The new data are compatible with the other measurements and slightly decrease the uncertainty on the nonperturbative parameters and on $|V_{cb}|$. Our updated value is $|V_{cb}|=(41.97\pm 0.48)\times 10^{-3}$.
One of the main scientific goals of the TESS mission is the discovery of transiting small planets around the closest and brightest stars in the sky. Here, using data from the CARMENES, MAROON-X, and HIRES spectrographs together with TESS, we report the discovery and mass determination of aplanetary system around the M1.5 V star GJ 806 (TOI-4481). GJ 806 is a bright (V ≈ 10.8mag, J ≈ 7.3 mag) and nearby (d = 12 pc) M dwarf that hosts at least two planets. The innermost planet, GJ 806 b, is transiting and has an ultra-short orbital period of 0.93 d, a radius of 1.331 ± 0.023 R⊕, a mass of 1.90 ± 0.17 M⊕, a mean density of 4.40 ± 0.45 g cm−3, and an equilibrium temperature of 940 ± 10 K. We detect a second, non-transiting, super-Earth planet in the system, GJ 806 c, with an orbital period of 6.6 d, a minimum mass of 5.80 ± 0.30 M⊕, and an equilibrium temperature of 490 ± 5 K. The radial velocity data also shows evidence for a third periodicity at 13.6 d, although the current dataset does not provide sufficient evidence to unambiguously distinguish between a third super-Earth mass (M sin i = 8.50 ± 0.45 M⊕) planet or stellar activity. Additionally, we report one transit observation of GJ 806 b taken with CARMENES in search of a possible extended atmosphere of H or He, but we can only place upper limits to its existence. This is not surprising as our evolutionary models support the idea that any possible primordial H/He atmosphere that GJ 806 b might have had would be long lost. However, the bulk density of GJ 806 b makes it likely that the planet hosts some type of volatile atmosphere. With transmission spectroscopy metrics (TSM) of 44 and emission spectroscopy metrics (ESM) of 24, GJ 806 b is to date the third-ranked terrestrial planet around an M dwarf suitable for transmission spectroscopy studies using JWST, and the most promising terrestrial planet for emission spectroscopy studies. GJ 806b is also an excellent target for the detection of radio emission via star-planet interactions.
Context. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, largely known as PAHs, are widespread in the Universe and have been identified in a vast array of astronomical observations, from the interstellar medium to protoplanetary disks. They are likely to be associated with the chemical history of the Universe and the emergence of life on Earth. However, their abundance on exoplanets remains unknown.
Aims: We aim to investigate the feasibility of PAH formation in the thermalized atmospheres of irradiated and non-irradiated hot Jupiters around Sun-like stars.
Methods: To this aim, we introduced PAHs in the 1D, self-consistent forward modeling code petitCODE. We simulated a large number of planet atmospheres with different parameters (e.g., carbon to oxygen ratio, metallicity, and effective planetary temperature) to study PAH formation. By coupling the thermochemical equilibrium solution from petitCODE with the 1D radiative transfer code, petitRADTRANS, we calculated the synthetic transmission and emission spectra for irradiated and non-irradiated planets, respectively, and explored the role of PAHs in planet spectra.
Results: Our models show strong correlations between PAH abundance and the aforementioned parameters. In thermochemical equilibrium scenarios, an optimal temperature, elevated carbon to oxygen ratio, and increased metallicity values are conducive to the formation of PAHs, with the carbon to oxygen ratio having the largest effect.
We explore the Emergence Proposal for the moduli metric and the gauge couplings in a concrete model with 7 saxionic and 7 axionic moduli fields, namely the compactification of the type IIA superstring on a 6-dimensional toroidal orbifold. We show that consistency requires integrating out precisely the 12 towers of light particle species arising from KK and string/brane winding modes and one asymptotically tensionless string up to the species scale. After pointing out an issue with the correct definition of the species scale in the presence of string towers, we carry out the emergence computation and find that the KK and winding modes indeed impose the classical moduli dependence on the one-loop corrections, while the emergent string induces moduli dependent logarithmic suppressions. The interpretation of these results for the Emergence Proposal are discussed revealing a couple of new and still not completely settled aspects.
Context. Classical Cepheids (CCs) are solid distance indicators and tracers of young stellar populations. Dating back to the beginning of the 20th century, they have been safely adopted to trace the rotation, kinematics, and chemical enrichment history of the Galactic thin disk.
Aims: The main aim of this investigation is to provide iron, oxygen, and sulfur abundances for the largest and most homogeneous sample of Galactic CCs analyzed so far (1118 spectra of 356 objects). The current sample, containing 70 CCs for which spectroscopic metal abundances are provided for the first time, covers a wide range in galactocentric distances, pulsation modes, and pulsation periods.
Methods: Optical high-resolution spectra with a high signal-to-noise ratio that were collected with different spectrographs were adopted to provide homogeneous estimates of the atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, and microturbulent velocity) that are required to determine the abundance. Individual distances were based either on trigonometric parallaxes by the Gaia Data Release 3 (Gaia DR3) or on distances based on near-infrared period-luminosity relations.
Results: We found that iron and α-element radial gradients based on CCs display a well-defined change in the slope for galactocentric distances larger than ~12 kpc. We also found that logarithmic regressions account for the variation in [X/H] abundances from the inner to the outer disk. Radial gradients for the same elements, but based on open clusters covering a wide range in cluster ages, display similar trends. This means that the flattening in the outer disk is an intrinsic feature of the radial gradients because it is independent of age. Empirical evidence indicates that the S radial gradient is steeper than the Fe radial gradient. The difference in the slope is a factor of two in the linear fit (−0.081 vs. −0.041 dex kpc−1) and changes from −1.62 to −0.91 in the logarithmic distance. Moreover, we found that S (explosive nucleosynthesis) is underabundant on average when compared with O (hydrostatic nucleosynthesis). The difference becomes clearer in the metal-poor regime and for the [O/Fe] and [S/Fe] abundance ratios. We performed a detailed comparison with Galactic chemical evolution models and found that a constant star formation efficiency for galactocentric distances larger than 12 kpc accounts for the flattening observed in both iron and α-elements. To further constrain the impact of the predicted S yields for massive stars on radial gradients, we adopted a toy model and found that the flattening in the outermost regions requires a decrease of a factor of four in the current S predictions.
Conclusions: CCs are solid beacons for tracing the recent chemical enrichment of young stellar populations. Sulfur photospheric abundances, when compared with other α-elements, have the key advantage of being a volatile element. Therefore, stellar S abundances can be directly compared with nebular sulfur abundances in external galaxies.
The full versions of Tables 1-3 are available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
Partly based on observations made with ESO Telescopes at the La Silla/Paranal Observatories under program IDs: 072.D-0419, 073.D-0136, and 190.D-0237 for HARPS spectra; 084.B-0029, 087.A-9013, 074.D-0008, 075.D-0676, and 60.A-9120 for FEROS spectra; 081.D-0928, 082.D-0901, 089.D-0767, and 093.D-0816 for UVES spectra.
Partly based on data obtained with the STELLA robotic telescopes in Tenerife, a facility of The Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) jointly operated by the AIP and by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC).
We introduce an observable relevant for the determination of the W-boson mass mW at hadron colliders. This observable is defined as an asymmetry around the jacobian peak of the charged-lepton transverse-momentum distribution in the charged-current Drell-Yan process. We discuss the observable's theoretical prediction, presenting results at different orders in QCD, and showing its perturbative stability. Its definition as a single scalar number and its linear sensitivity to mW allow a clean extraction of the latter and a straightforward discussion of the associated theoretical systematics: a perturbative QCD uncertainty of O (±5 ) MeV on mW can be established by means of this observable, relying solely on charged-current Drell-Yan information. Owing to its relatively inclusive nature, the observable displays desirable properties also from the experimental viewpoint, especially for the unfolding of detector effects. We show that a measurement of this observable can lead to a competitive experimental error on mW at the LHC.
Context. The distance to the Whirlpool galaxy, M 51, is still debated, even though the galaxy has been studied in great detail. Current estimates range from 6.02 to 9.09 Mpc, and different methods yield discrepant results. No Cepheid distance has been published for M 51 to date.
Aims: We aim to estimate a more reliable distance to M 51 through two independent methods: Cepheid variables and their period-luminosity relation, and an augmented version of the expanding photosphere method (EPM) on the type IIP supernova SN 2005cs, which exploded in this galaxy.
Methods: For the Cepheid variables, we analysed a recently published Hubble Space Telescope catalogue of stars in M 51. By applying filtering based on the light curve and colour-magnitude diagram, we selected a high-quality sample of M 51 Cepheids to estimate the distance through the period-luminosity relation. For SN 2005cs, an emulator-based spectral fitting technique was applied, which allows for the fast and reliable estimation of the physical parameters of the supernova atmosphere. We augmented the established framework of EPM with these spectral models to obtain a precise distance to M 51.
Results: The two resulting distance estimates are DCep = 7.59 ± 0.30 Mpc and D2005cs = 7.34 ± 0.39 Mpc using the Cepheid period-luminosity relation and the spectral modelling of SN 2005cs, respectively. This is the first published Cepheid distance for this galaxy. The obtained values are precise to 4-5% and are fully consistent within 1σ uncertainties. Because these two estimates are completely independent, they can be combined for an even more precise estimate, which yields DM 51 = 7.50 ± 0.24 Mpc (3.2% uncertainty).
Conclusions: Our distance estimates agree with most of the results obtained previously for M 51, but they are more precise than the earlier counterparts. However, they are significantly lower than the TRGB estimates, which are often adopted for the distance to this galaxy. The results highlight the importance of direct cross-checks between independent distance estimates so that systematic uncertainties can be quantified. Because of the large discrepancy, this finding can also affect distance-sensitive studies and their discussion for objects within M 51, as well as the estimation of the Hubble constant through the type IIP standardizable candle method, for which SN 2005cs is a calibrator object.
The Cepheid catalogue shown in Table B.1 is available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
The data produced in this work, such as the final M 51 Cepheid catalogue and the flux calibrated spectral time series of SN 2005cs are available at the GitHub page of the author (
We present a simple parton-shower model that replaces the explicit angular ordering of the coherent branching formalism with a differentially accurate simulation of soft-gluon radiation by means of a non-trivial dependence of the splitting functions on azimuthal angles. We introduce a global kinematics mapping and provide an analytic proof that it satisfies the criteria for next-to leading logarithmic accuracy. In the new algorithm, initial and final state evolution are treated on the same footing. We provide an implementation for final-state evolution in the numerical code ALARIC and present a first comparison to experimental data.
Aims: Detecting diffuse synchrotron emission from the cosmic web is still a challenge for current radio telescopes. We aim to make predictions for the detectability of cosmic web filaments from simulations. Methods: We present the first cosmological MHD simulation of a 500 $h^{-1} c$Mpc volume with an on-the-fly spectral cosmic ray (CR) model. This allows us to follow the evolution of populations of CR electrons and protons within every resolution element of the simulation. We model CR injection at shocks, while accounting for adiabatic changes to the CR population and high energy loss processes of electrons. The synchrotron emission is then calculated from the aged electron population, using the simulated magnetic field, as well as different models for origin and amplification of magnetic fields. We use constrained initial conditions, which closely resemble the local Universe and compare the results of the cosmological volume to zoom-in simulation of the Coma cluster, to study the impact of resolution and turbulent re-acceleration of CRs on the results. Results: We find consistent injection of CRs at accretion shocks onto cosmic web filaments and galaxy clusters. This leads to diffuse emission from filaments of the order $S_\nu \approx 0.1 \: \mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$ for a potential LOFAR observation at 144 MHz, when assuming the most optimistic magnetic field model and the inclusion of an on-the-fly treatment of re-acceleration of electrons by turbulence. The flux can be increased by up-to two orders of magnitude for different choices of CR injection parameters. This can bring the flux within a factor of 10 of the current limits for direct detection. We find a spectral index of the simulated synchrotron emission from filaments of {\alpha} {\approx} 1.0 - 1.5.
Quasars experiencing strong lensing offer unique viewpoints on subjects related to the cosmic expansion rate, the dark matter profile within the foreground deflectors, and the quasar host galaxies. Unfortunately, identifying them in astronomical images is challenging since they are overwhelmed by the abundance of non-lenses. To address this, we have developed a novel approach by ensembling cutting-edge convolutional networks (CNNs) - for instance, ResNet, Inception, NASNet, MobileNet, EfficientNet, and RegNet - along with vision transformers (ViTs) trained on realistic galaxy-quasar lens simulations based on the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) multiband images. While the individual model exhibits remarkable performance when evaluated against the test dataset, achieving an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of >97.3% and a median false positive rate of 3.6%, it struggles to generalize in real data, indicated by numerous spurious sources picked by each classifier. A significant improvement is achieved by averaging these CNNs and ViTs, resulting in the impurities being downsized by factors up to 50. Subsequently, combining the HSC images with the UKIRT, VISTA, and unWISE data, we retrieve approximately 60 million sources as parent samples and reduce this to 892 609 after employing a photometry preselection to discover z > 1.5 lensed quasars with Einstein radii of θE < 5″. Afterward, the ensemble classifier indicates 3080 sources with a high probability of being lenses, for which we visually inspect, yielding 210 prevailing candidates awaiting spectroscopic confirmation. These outcomes suggest that automated deep learning pipelines hold great potential in effectively detecting strong lenses in vast datasets with minimal manual visual inspection involved.
We propose a new strategy to probe the Z boson couplings to bottom and charm quarks at the LHC. In this work we mainly focus on the case of bottom quarks. Here, the Z boson is produced in association with two b-jets and decays to electrons or muons. In this final state, tagging the charge of the b-jets allows us to measure the charge asymmetry and thus to directly probe the Zb b ¯ couplings. The leptonic final state not only allows us to cleanly reconstruct the Z boson but also to mitigate the otherwise overwhelming backgrounds. Furthermore, while LEP could only scan a limited range of dilepton invariant masses, there is no such limitation at the LHC. Consequently, this allows us to make full use of the interference between the amplitudes mediated by a Z boson and a photon. Using the full high-luminosity LHC dataset of 3 ab−1 and with the current flavor and charge-tagging capabilities would allow us to reject the wrong-sign right-handed coupling solution by 4σ. Further improving the charge-tagging efficiency would disfavor it by 6σ.
The accuracy of parton-shower simulations is often a limiting factor in the interpretation of data from high-energy colliders. We present the first formulation of parton showers with accuracy 1 order beyond state-of-the-art next-to-leading logarithms, for classes of observables that are dominantly sensitive to low-energy (soft) emissions, specifically nonglobal observables and subjet multiplicities. This represents a major step toward general next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy for parton showers.
Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy, provides unique opportunities to study black hole accretion, jet formation, and gravitational physics. The rapid structural changes in Sgr A*'s emission pose a significant challenge for traditional imaging techniques. We present dynamic reconstructions of Sgr A* using Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) data from April 6th and 7th, 2017, analyzed with a one-minute temporal resolution with the Resolve framework. This Bayesian approach employs adaptive Gaussian Processes and Variational Inference for data-driven self-regularization. Our results not only fully confirm the initial findings by the EHT Collaboration for a time-averaged source but also reveal intricate details about the temporal dynamics within the black hole environment. We find an intriguing dynamic feature on April 6th that propagates in a clock-wise direction. Geometric modelling with ray-tracing, although not fully conclusive, indicates compatibility with high-inclination configurations of about $\theta_o = 160^\circ$, as seen in other studies.
The z-GAL survey observed 137 bright Herschel-selected targets with the IRAM Northern Extended Millimeter Array, with the aim to measure their redshift and study their properties. Several of them have been resolved into multiple sources. Consequently, robust spectroscopic redshifts have been measured for 165 individual galaxies in the range 0.8 < z < 6.5. In this paper we analyse the millimetre spectra of the z-GAL sources, using both their continuum and line emission to derive their physical properties. At least two spectral lines are detected for each source, including transitions of 12CO, [CI], and H2O. The observed 12CO line ratios and spectral line energy distributions of individual sources resemble those of local starbursts. In seven sources the para-H2O (211−202) transition is detected and follows the IR versus H2O luminosity relation of sub-millimetre galaxies. The molecular gas mass of the z-GAL sources is derived from their 12CO, [CI], and sub-millimetre dust continuum emission. The three tracers lead to consistent results, with the dust continuum showing the largest scatter when compared to 12CO. The gas-to-dust mass ratio of these sources was computed by combining the information derived from 12CO and the dust continuum and has a median value of 107, similar to star-forming galaxies of near-solar metallicity. The same combined analysis leads to depletion timescales in the range between 0.1 and 1.0 Gyr, which place the z-GAL sources between the `main sequence' of star formation and the locus of starbursts. Finally, we derived a first estimate of stellar masses - modulo possible gravitational magnification - by inverting known gas scaling relations: the z-GAL sample is confirmed to be mostly composed by starbursts, whereas ∼25% of its members lie on the main sequence of star-forming galaxies (within ±0.5 dex).
High-velocity stellar collisions driven by a supermassive black hole (BH) or BH-driven disruptive collisions, in dense, nuclear clusters can rival the energetics of supergiant star explosions following gravitational collapse of their iron core. Here, starting from a sample of red-giant star collisions simulated with the hydrodynamics code AREPO, we generate photometric and spectroscopic observables using the nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium time-dependent radiative transfer code CMFGEN. Collisions from more extended giants or stronger collisions (higher velocity or smaller impact parameter) yield bolometric luminosities on the order of 1e43 erg/s at 1d, evolving on a timescale of a week to a bright plateau at ~1e41 erg/s, before plunging precipitously after 20-40d at the end of the optically-thick phase. This luminosity falls primarily in the UV in the first days, thus when it is at its maximum, and shifts to the optical thereafter. Collisions at lower velocity or from less extended stars produce ejecta that are fainter but may remain optically thick for up to 40d if they have a small expansion rate. These collision debris show a similar spectral evolution as that observed or modeled for blue-supergiant star explosions of massive stars, differing only in the more rapid transition to the nebular phase. Such BH-driven disruptive collisions should be detectable by high-cadence surveys in the UV like ULTRASAT.
Recent observations with JWST and ALMA have revealed extremely massive quiescent galaxies at redshifts of z=3 and higher, indicating both rapid onset and quenching of star formation. Using the cosmological simulation suite Magneticum Pathfinder we reproduce the observed number densities and stellar masses, with 36 quenched galaxies of stellar mass larger than 3e10Msun at z=3.42. We find that these galaxies are quenched through a rapid burst of star-formation and subsequent AGN feedback caused by a particularly isotropic collapse of surrounding gas, occurring on timescales of around 200Myr or shorter. The resulting quenched galaxies host stellar components which are kinematically fast rotating and alpha-enhanced, while exhibiting a steeper metallicity and flatter age gradient compared to galaxies of similar stellar mass. The gas of the galaxies has been metal enriched and ejected. We find that quenched galaxies do not inhabit the densest nodes, but rather sit in local underdensities. We analyze observable metrics to predict future quenching at high redshifts, finding that on shorter timescales <500Myr the ratio M_bh/M_* is the best predictor, followed by the burstiness of the preceding star-formation, t50-t90 (time to go from 50% to 90% stellar mass). On longer timescales, >1Gyr, the environment becomes the strongest predictor, followed by t50-t90, indicating that at high redshifts the consumption of old and lack of new gas are more relevant for long-term prevention of star-formation than the presence of a massive AGN. We predict that relics of such high-z quenched galaxies should best be characterized by a strong alpha enhancement.
A puzzling population of extremely massive quiescent galaxies at redshifts beyond z=3 has recently been revealed by JWST and ALMA, some of them with stellar ages that show their quenching times to be as high as z=6, while their stellar masses are already above 5e10Msun. These extremely massive yet quenched galaxies challenge our understanding of galaxy formation at the earliest stages. Using the hydrodynamical cosmological simulation suite Magneticum Pathfinder, we show that such massive quenched galaxies at high redshifts can be successfully reproduced with similar number densities as observed. The stellar masses, sizes, formation redshifts, and star formation histories of the simulated quenched galaxies match those determined with JWST. Following these quenched galaxies at z=3.4 forward in time, we find 20% to be accreted onto a more massive structure by z=2, and from the remaining 80% about 30% rejuvenate up to z=2, another 30% stay quenched, and the remaining 40% rejuvenated on a very low level of star formation. Stars formed through rejuvenation are mostly formed on the outer regions of the galaxies, not in the centres. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the massive quenched galaxies do not reside in the most massive nodes of the cosmic web, but rather live in side-nodes of approximately Milky-Way halo mass. Even at z=0, only about 10% end up in small-mass galaxy clusters, while most of the quenched galaxies at z=3.4 end up in group-mass halos, with about 20% actually not even reaching 1e13Msun in halo mass.
The Euclid photometric survey of galaxy clusters stands as a powerful cosmological tool, with the capacity to significantly propel our understanding of the Universe. Despite being sub-dominant to dark matter and dark energy, the baryonic component in our Universe holds substantial influence over the structure and mass of galaxy clusters. This paper presents a novel model to precisely quantify the impact of baryons on galaxy cluster virial halo masses, using the baryon fraction within a cluster as proxy for their effect. Constructed on the premise of quasi-adiabaticity, the model includes two parameters calibrated using non-radiative cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and a single large-scale simulation from the Magneticum set, which includes the physical processes driving galaxy formation. As a main result of our analysis, we demonstrate that this model delivers a remarkable one percent relative accuracy in determining the virial dark matter-only equivalent mass of galaxy clusters, starting from the corresponding total cluster mass and baryon fraction measured in hydrodynamical simulations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this result is robust against changes in cosmological parameters and against varying the numerical implementation of the sub-resolution physical processes included in the simulations. Our work substantiates previous claims about the impact of baryons on cluster cosmology studies. In particular, we show how neglecting these effects would lead to biased cosmological constraints for a Euclid-like cluster abundance analysis. Importantly, we demonstrate that uncertainties associated with our model, arising from baryonic corrections to cluster masses, are sub-dominant when compared to the precision with which mass-observable relations will be calibrated using Euclid, as well as our current understanding of the baryon fraction within galaxy clusters.
The chiral anomaly is a fundamental property of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). It governs the transition amplitudes for processes involving an odd number of Goldstone bosons of chiral symmetry breaking. In case of the coupling of three pions to a photon, the magnitude of the resulting coupling is $F_{3\pi}$ and the value is predicted by chiral perturbation theory with small uncertainty. It can experimentally be measured in $\pi^-\gamma \to \pi^- \pi^0$ scattering. Here, we report on a precision experiment on $F_{3\pi}$ using the COMPASS experiment at CERN where pion-photon scattering is mediated via the Primakoff effect using heavy nuclei as target. We exploit the interference of the production of the $\pi^- \pi^0$ final state via the chiral anomaly with the photo-production of the $\rho(770)$ resonance over a wide mass range ($M_{\pi^- \pi^0}<1\textrm{ GeV}/c^2$). This is in contrast to previous measurements restricting themselves to the threshold region ($M_{\pi^- \pi^0}<370\textrm{ MeV}$) only. Our analysis allows to simultaneously extract the radiative width of the $\rho(770)$ resonance and gives a stronger handle on $F_{3\pi}$ in a unified approach thereby minimizing systematic effects rarely addressed previously.
Lattice-QCD predicts the exotic meson $\pi_1(1600)$ to dominantly decay to $b_1\pi$. The $b_1\pi$ decay channel is accessible via the $\omega\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ final state. COMPASS recorded the so far largest data set of this final state. A partial-wave analysis allows to determine the resonant content in this final state including possible contributions from $\pi_1(1600)$. Decomposing the measured intensity into amplitudes of partial waves gives a first qualitative insight into contributing intermediate states. We observe signals in agreement with well-established states like the $\pi(1800)$ and $a_4(1970)$. Smaller resonance-like signals are visible in the $J^{PC}$ sectors $3^{++}$ and $6^{++}$, where possible states were claimed but none are established. For $J^{PC}=1^{-+}$ a signal at $1.65\,\mathrm{GeV/}c^{2}$ in $b_1(1235)\pi$ partial waves is consistent with the expected $\pi_1(1600)$.
While the spectrum of non-strange light mesons is well known, many predicted strange mesons have not yet been observed, and many potentially observed states require further confirmation. Using the $K^-$ component of the hadron beam at the M2 beamline at CERN, we study the strange-meson spectrum with the COMPASS experiment. The flagship channel is the $K^-\pi^-\pi^+$ final state, for which COMPASS has obtained the world's largest sample. Based on this sample, we have performed the most detailed and comprehensive partial-wave analysis of this final state to date. For example, we observe a clear signal from the well-known $K_2^*(1430)$, and for the first time we study the $K_2(1770)$, $K_2(1820)$, and $K_2(2250)$ in a single analysis. We also find evidence for a supernumerary signal called $K(1630)$, suggesting that this signal is a pseudoscalar exotic strange meson.
This thesis extends Standard Perturbation Theory (SPT) for cosmic structure formation by introducing higher cumulants via orbit crossing, inventing Vlasov Perturbation Theory (VPT). VPT addresses SPT limitations, e.g. small-scale backreaction. Linear/Nonlinear kernels in VPT suppress modes crossing dispersion scale, enabling nonlinear corrections even for blue power spectra. N-body comparisons confirm agreement up to nonlinear scale. Vorticity power spectrum, momentum conservation, and stochastic GW background are discussed. Techniques for dark matter clustering can improve through understanding collisionless dynamics.
We study weak gravitational lensing convergence maps produced from the MILLENNIUMTNG simulations by direct projection of the mass distribution on the past backwards lightcone of a fiducial observer. We explore the lensing maps over a large dynamic range in simulation mass and angular resolution, allowing us to establish a clear assessment of numerical convergence. By comparing full physics hydrodynamical simulations with corresponding dark-matter-only runs, we quantify the impact of baryonic physics on the most important weak lensing statistics. Likewise, we predict the impact of massive neutrinos reliably far into the non-linear regime. We also demonstrate that the 'fixed & paired' variance suppression technique increases the statistical robustness of the simulation predictions on large scales not only for time slices but also for continuously output lightcone data. We find that both baryonic and neutrino effects substantially impact weak lensing shear measurements, with the latter dominating over the former on large angular scales. Thus, both effects must explicitly be included to obtain sufficiently accurate predictions for stage IV lensing surveys. Reassuringly, our results agree accurately with other simulation results where available, supporting the promise of simulation modelling for precision cosmology far into the non-linear regime.
Fine-grained dust is the fundamental building block of terrestrial planets, like Earth, that form around young stars. At the same time, the dust distribution in the gaseous disks around forming stars, so-called protoplanetary disks, influences astronomical observations, because dust is the main contributor to the opacity in protoplanetary disks. Therefore, accurate models of the distribution and dynamics of dust are critical to understanding the initial stages of planet formation and interpreting astronomical observations of forming planetary and stellar systems. This is particularly relevant because recent astronomical observations of protoplanetary disks have reached new heights in terms of resolution and sensitivity, challenging our current understanding and models.
Merging of galaxy clusters are some of the most energetic events in the Universe, and they provide a unique environment to study galaxy evolution. We use a sample of 84 merging and relaxed SPT galaxy clusters candidates, observed with the Dark Energy Camera in the 0.11 < z < 0.88 redshift range, to build colour-magnitude diagrams to characterize the impact of cluster mergers on the galaxy population. We divided the sample between relaxed and disturbed, and in two redshifts bin at z = 0.55. When comparing the high-z to low-z clusters we find the high-z sample is richer in blue galaxies, independently of the cluster dynamical state. In the high-z bin, we find that disturbed clusters exhibit a larger scatter in the red sequence, with wider distribution and an excess of bluer galaxies compared to relaxed clusters, while in the low-z bin we find a complete agreement between the relaxed and disturbed clusters. Our results support the scenario in which massive cluster halos at z < 0.55 galaxies are quenched as satellites of another structure, i.e. outside the cluster, while at z ≥ 0.55 the quenching is dominated by in situ processes.
We present the first systematic follow-up of Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) selected candidates down to signal-to-noise (S/N) of 3 over the 5000 deg2 covered by the Dark Energy Survey. Using the MCMF cluster confirmation algorithm, we identify optical counterparts, determine photometric redshifts, and richnesses and assign a parameter, fcont, that reflects the probability that each SZE-optical pairing represents a random superposition of physically unassociated systems rather than a real cluster. The new PSZ-MCMF cluster catalogue consists of 853 MCMF confirmed clusters and has a purity of 90 per cent. We present the properties of subsamples of the PSZ-MCMF catalogue that have purities ranging from 90 per cent to 97.5 per cent, depending on the adopted fcont threshold. Halo mass estimates M500, redshifts, richnesses, and optical centres are presented for all PSZ-MCMF clusters. The PSZ-MCMF catalogue adds 589 previously unknown Planck identified clusters over the DES footprint and provides redshifts for an additional 50 previously published Planck-selected clusters with S/N>4.5. Using the subsample with spectroscopic redshifts, we demonstrate excellent cluster photo-z performance with an RMS scatter in Δz/(1 + z) of 0.47 per cent. Our MCMF based analysis allows us to infer the contamination fraction of the initial S/N>3 Planck-selected candidate list, which is ~50 per cent. We present a method of estimating the completeness of the PSZ-MCMF cluster sample. In comparison to the previously published Planck cluster catalogues, this new S/N>3 MCMF confirmed cluster catalogue populates the lower mass regime at all redshifts and includes clusters up to z~1.3.
Accurately estimating the C/O ratio of hot Jupiter atmospheres is a promising pathway towards understanding planet formation and migration, as well as the formation of clouds and the overall atmospheric composition. The atmosphere of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b has been extensively analysed using low-resolution observations with HST and Spitzer, but these previous observations did not cover the K band, which hosts prominent spectral features of major carbon-bearing species such as CO and CH4. As a result, the ability to establish precise constraints on the C/O ratio was limited. Moreover, the planet has not been studied at high spectral resolution, which can provide insights into the atmospheric dynamics.
In this study, we present the first high-resolution dayside spectra of WASP-43b with the new CRIRES+ spectrograph. By observing the planet in the K band, we successfully detected the presence of CO and provide evidence for the existence of H2O using the cross-correlation method. This discovery represents the first direct detection of CO in the atmosphere of WASP-43b. Furthermore, we retrieved the temperature-pressure profile, abundances of CO and H2O, and a super-solar C/O ratio of 0.78 by applying a Bayesian retrieval framework to the data. Our findings also shed light on the atmospheric characteristics of WASP-43b. We found no evidence for a cloud deck on the dayside, and recovered a line broadening indicative of an equatorial super-rotation corresponding to a jet with a wind speed of ∼ 5 km s−1, matching the results of previous forward models and low-resolution atmospheric retrievals for this planet.
The emergence of functional oligonucleotides on early Earth required a molecular selection mechanism to screen for specific sequences with prebiotic functions. Cyclic processes such as daily temperature oscillations were ubiquitous in this environment and could trigger oligonucleotide phase separation. Here, we propose sequence selection based on phase separation cycles realized through sedimentation in a system subjected to the feeding of oligonucleotides. Using theory and experiments with DNA, we show sequence-specific enrichment in the sedimented dense phase, in particular of short 22-mer DNA sequences. The underlying mechanism selects for complementarity, as it enriches sequences that tightly interact in the dense phase through base-pairing. Our mechanism also enables initially weakly biased pools to enhance their sequence bias or to replace the previously most abundant sequences as the cycles progress. Our findings provide an example of a selection mechanism that may have eased screening for auto-catalytic self-replicating oligonucleotides.
In our Galaxy, light antinuclei composed of antiprotons and antineutrons can be produced through high-energy cosmic-ray collisions with the interstellar medium or could also originate from the annihilation of dark-matter particles that have not yet been discovered. On Earth, the only way to produce and study antinuclei with high precision is to create them at high-energy particle accelerators. Although the properties of elementary antiparticles have been studied in detail, the knowledge of the interaction of light antinuclei with matter is limited. We determine the disappearance probability of 3He ¯ when it encounters matter particles and annihilates or disintegrates within the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. We extract the inelastic interaction cross section, which is then used as an input to the calculations of the transparency of our Galaxy to the propagation of 3He ¯ stemming from dark-matter annihilation and cosmic-ray interactions within the interstellar medium. For a specific dark-matter profile, we estimate a transparency of about 50%, whereas it varies with increasing 3He ¯ momentum from 25% to 90% for cosmic-ray sources. The results indicate that 3He ¯ nuclei can travel long distances in the Galaxy, and can be used to study cosmic-ray interactions and dark-matter annihilation.
We describe a new table-top electrostatic storage ring concept for 30 keV polarized ions with fixed spin orientation. The device will ultimately be capable of measuring magnetic fields with a resolution of 10−20 T with sub-mHz bandwidth. With the possibility to store different kinds of ions or ionic molecules and access to prepare and probe states of the systems using lasers and SQUIDs, it can be used to search for electric dipole moments (EDMs) of electrons and nucleons, as well as axion-like particle dark matter and dark photon dark matter. Its sensitivity potential stems from several hours of storage time, comparably long spin coherence times, and the possibility to trap up to 109 particles in bunches with possibly different state preparations for differential measurements. As a dark matter experiment, it is most sensitive in the mass range of 10−10 to 10−19 eV, where it can potentially probe couplings orders of magnitude below current and proposed laboratory experiments.
Nucleon effective masses in neutron-rich matter are studied with the relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (RBHF) theory in the full Dirac space. The neutron and proton effective masses for symmetric nuclear matter are 0.80 times rest mass, which agrees well with the empirical values. In neutron-rich matter, the effective mass of the neutron is found to be larger than that of the proton, and the neutron-proton effective mass splittings at the empirical saturation density are predicted as 0.187α with α being the isospin asymmetry parameter. The result is compared to other ab initio calculations and is consistent with the constraints from the nuclear reaction and structure measurements, such as the nucleon-nucleus scattering, the giant resonances of 208Pb, and the Hugenholtz–Van Hove theorem with systematics of nuclear symmetry energy and its slope. The predictions of the neutron-proton effective mass splitting from the RBHF theory in the full Dirac space might be helpful to constrain the isovector parameters in phenomenological density functionals.
We investigate the possibility that blazars in the Roma-BZCAT Multifrequency Catalogue of Blazars (5BZCAT) are sources of the high-energy astrophysical neutrinos detected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, as recently suggested by Buson et al. (2022a,b). Although we can reproduce their ∼4.6σ result, which applies to 7 years of neutrino data in the Southern sky, we find no significant correlation with 5BZCAT sources when extending the search to the Northern sky, where IceCube is most sensitive to astrophysical signals. To further test this scenario, we use a larger sample consisting of 10 years of neutrino data recently released by the IceCube collaboration, this time finding no significant correlation in either the Southern or the Northern sky. These results suggest that the strong correlation reported by Buson et al. (2022a,b) using 5BZCAT could be due to a statistical fluctuation and possibly the spatial and flux non-uniformities in the blazar sample. We perform some additional correlation tests using the more uniform, flux-limited, and blazar-dominated Radio Fundamental Catalogue (RFC) and find a ∼3.2σ equivalent p-value when correlating it with the 7-year Southern neutrino sky. However, this correlation disappears completely when extending the analysis to the Northern sky and when analyzing 10 years of all-sky neutrino data. Our findings support a scenario where the contribution of the whole blazar class to the IceCube signal is relevant but not dominant, in agreement with most previous studies.
Cosmological simulations predict that during the evolution of galaxies, the specific star formation rate continuously decreases. In a previous study we showed that generally this is not caused by the galaxies running out of cold gas but rather a decrease in the fraction of gas capable of forming stars. To investigate the origin of this behavior, we use disk galaxies selected from the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation Magneticum Pathfinder and follow their evolution in time. We find that the mean density of the cold gas regions decreases with time. This is caused by the fact that during the evolution of the galaxies the star-forming regions move to larger galactic radii, where the gas density is lower. This supports the idea of inside-out growth of disk galaxies.
Milky Way Cepheid variables with accurate Hubble Space Telescope photometry have been established as standards for primary calibration of the cosmic distance ladder to achieve a percent-level determination of the Hubble constant (H 0). These 75 Cepheid standards are the fundamental sample for investigation of possible residual systematics in the local H 0 determination due to metallicity effects on their period-luminosity relations. We obtained new high-resolution (R ~ 81,000), high-signal-to-noise (S/N ~ 50-150) multiepoch spectra of 42 out of 75 Cepheid standards using the ESPaDOnS instrument at the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Our spectroscopic metallicity measurements are in good agreement with the literature values with systematic differences up to 0.1 dex due to different metallicity scales. We homogenized and updated the spectroscopic metallicities of all 75 Milky Way Cepheid standards and derived their multiwavelength (GVIJHK s ) period-luminosity-metallicity and period-Wesenheit-metallicity relations using the latest Gaia parallaxes. The metallicity coefficients of these empirically calibrated relations exhibit large uncertainties due to low statistics and a narrow metallicity range (Δ[Fe/H] = 0.6 dex). These metallicity coefficients are up to 3 times better constrained if we include Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud and range between -0.21 ± 0.07 and -0.43 ± 0.06 mag dex-1. The updated spectroscopic metallicities of these Milky Way Cepheid standards were used in the Cepheid-supernovae distance ladder formalism to determine H 0 = 72.9 ± 1.0 km s-1 Mpc-1, suggesting little variation (~0.1 km s-1 Mpc-1) in the local H 0 measurements due to different Cepheid metallicity scales.
HD 235088 (TOI-1430) is a young star known to host a sub-Neptune-sized planet candidate. We validated the planetary nature of HD 235088 b with multiband photometry, refined its planetary parameters, and obtained a new age estimate of the host star, placing it at 600-800 Myr. Previous spectroscopic observations of a single transit detected an excess absorption of He I coincident in time with the planet candidate transit. Here, we confirm the presence of He I in the atmosphere of HD 235088 b with one transit observed with CARMENES. We also detected hints of variability in the strength of the helium signal, with an absorption of −0.91 ± 0.11%, which is slightly deeper (2σ) than the previous measurement. Furthermore, we simulated the He I signal with a spherically symmetric 1D hydrodynamic model, finding that the upper atmosphere of HD 235088 b escapes hydrodynamically with a significant mass loss rate of (1.5−5) × 1010 g s−1 in a relatively cold outflow, with T = 3125 ±375 K, in the photon-limited escape regime. HD 235088 b (Rp = 2.045 ± 0.075 R⊕) is the smallest planet found to date with a solid atmospheric detection - not just of He I but any other atom or molecule. This positions it a benchmark planet for further analyses of evolving young sub-Neptune atmospheres.
Theoretical models indicate that photoevaporative and magnetothermal winds play a crucial role in the evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary disks and affect the formation of planetary systems. However, it is still unclear what wind-driving mechanism is dominant or if both are at work, perhaps at different stages of disk evolution. Recent spatially resolved observations by Fang et al. of the [O I] 6300 Å spectral line, a common disk wind tracer in TW Hya, revealed that about 80% of the emission is confined to the inner few astronomical units of the disk. In this work, we show that state-of-the-art X-ray-driven photoevaporation models can reproduce the compact emission and the line profile of the [O I] 6300 Å line. Furthermore, we show that the models also simultaneously reproduce the observed line luminosities and detailed spectral profiles of both the [O I] 6300 Å and the [Ne II] 12.8 μm lines. While MHD wind models can also reproduce the compact radial emission of the [O I] 6300 Å line, they fail to match the observed spectral profile of the [O I] 6300 Å line and underestimate the luminosity of the [Ne II] 12.8 μm line by a factor of 3. We conclude that, while we cannot exclude the presence of an MHD wind component, the bulk of the wind structure of TW Hya is predominantly shaped by a photoevaporative flow.
We present new astrometric and polarimetric observations of flares from Sgr A* obtained with GRAVITY, the near-infrared interferometer at ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), bringing the total sample of well-covered astrometric flares to four and polarimetric flares to six. Of all flares, two are well covered in both domains. All astrometric flares show clockwise motion in the plane of the sky with a period of around an hour, and the polarization vector rotates by one full loop in the same time. Given the apparent similarities of the flares, we present a common fit, taking into account the absence of strong Doppler boosting peaks in the light curves and the EHT-measured geometry. Our results are consistent with and significantly strengthen our model from 2018. First, we find that the combination of polarization period and measured flare radius of around nine gravitational radii (9Rg ≈ 1.5RISCO, innermost stable circular orbit) is consistent with Keplerian orbital motion of hot spots in the innermost accretion zone. The mass inside the flares' radius is consistent with the 4.297 × 106 M⊙ measured from stellar orbits at several thousand Rg. This finding and the diameter of the millimeter shadow of Sgr A* thus support a single black hole model. Second, the magnetic field configuration is predominantly poloidal (vertical), and the flares' orbital plane has a moderate inclination with respect to the plane of the sky, as shown by the non-detection of Doppler-boosting and the fact that we observe one polarization loop per astrometric loop. Finally, both the position angle on the sky and the required magnetic field strength suggest that the accretion flow is fueled and controlled by the winds of the massive young stars of the clockwise stellar disk 1-5″ from Sgr A*, in agreement with recent simulations.
GRAVITY is developed in a collaboration by MPE, LESIA of Paris Observatory/CNRS/Sorbonne Université/Univ. Paris Diderot and IPAG of Université Grenoble Alpes/CNRS, MPIA, Univ. of Cologne, CENTRA - Centro de Astrofisica e Gravitação, and ESO.
Natural ecosystems, in particular on the microbial scale, are inhabited by a large number of species. The population size of each species is affected by interactions of individuals with each other and by spatial and temporal changes in environmental conditions, such as resource abundance. Here, we use a generic population dynamics model to study how, and under what conditions, a periodic temporal environmental variation can alter an ecosystem's composition and biodiversity. We demonstrate that using timescale separation allows one to qualitatively predict the long-term population dynamics of interacting species in varying environments. We show that the notion of Tilman's R* rule, a well-known principle that applies for constant environments, can be extended to periodically varying environments if the timescale of environmental changes (e.g., seasonal variations) is much faster than the timescale of population growth (doubling time in bacteria). When these timescales are similar, our analysis shows that a varying environment deters the system from reaching a steady state, and stable coexistence between multiple species becomes possible. Our results posit that biodiversity can in part be attributed to natural environmental variations.
Bayesian_pyhf is a Python package that allows for the parallel Bayesian and frequentist evaluation of multi-channel binned statistical models. The Python library pyhf is used to build such models according to the HistFactory framework and already includes many frequentist inference methodologies. The pyhf-built models are then used as data-generating model for Bayesian inference and evaluated with the Python library PyMC. Based on Monte Carlo Chain Methods, PyMC allows for Bayesian modelling and together with the arviz library offers a wide range of Bayesian analysis tools.
It has been recently proposed that at each infinite distance limit in the moduli space of quantum gravity a perturbative description emerges with fundamental degrees of freedom given by those infinite towers of states whose typical mass scale is parametrically not larger than the ultraviolet cutoff, identified with the species scale. This proposal is applied to the familiar ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB superstring theories, when considering the limit of infinite string coupling. For type IIB, the light towers of states are given by excitations of the D1-brane, as expected from self-duality. Instead, for type IIA at strong coupling, which is dual to M-theory on $S^1$, we make the observation that the emergent degrees of freedom are bound states of transversal M2- and M5-branes with Kaluza-Klein momentum along the circle. We speculate on the interpretation of the necessity of including all these states for a putative quantum formulation of M-theory.
The complexity of modern cosmic ray observatories and the rich data sets they capture often require a sophisticated software framework to support the simulation of physical processes, detector response, as well as reconstruction and analysis of real and simulated data. Here we present the EUSO-OffLine framework. The code base was originally developed by the Pierre Auger Collaboration, and portions of it have been adopted by other collaborations to suit their needs. We have extended this software to fulfill the requirements of UHECR detectors and VHE neutrino detectors developed for the JEM-EUSO. These path-finder instruments constitute a program to chart the path to a future space-based mission like POEMMA. For completeness, we describe the overall structure of the framework developed by the Pierre Auger collaboration and continue with a description of the JEM-EUSO simulation and reconstruction capabilities. The framework is written predominantly in modern C++ and incorporates third-party libraries chosen based on functionality and our best judgment regarding support and longevity. Modularity is a central notion in the framework design, a requirement for large collaborations in which many individuals contribute to a common code base and often want to compare different approaches to a given problem. For the same reason, the framework is designed to be highly configurable, which allows us to contend with a variety of JEM-EUSO missions and observation scenarios. We also discuss how we incorporate broad, industry-standard testing coverage which is necessary to ensure quality and maintainability of a relatively large code base, and the tools we employ to support a multitude of computing platforms and enable fast, reliable installation of external packages. Finally, we provide a few examples of simulation and reconstruction applications using EUSO-OffLine.
One of the key limitations of large-scale structure surveys of the current and future generation, such as Euclid, LSST-Rubin or Roman, is the influence of feedback processes on the distribution of matter in the Universe. This effect, called baryonic feedback, modifies the matter power spectrum on non-linear scales much stronger than any cosmological parameter of interest. Constraining these modifications is therefore key to unlock the full potential of the upcoming surveys, and we propose to do so with the help of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). FRBs are short, astrophysical radio transients of extragalactic origin. Their burst signal is dispersed by the free electrons in the large-scale-structure, leading to delayed arrival times at different frequencies characterised by the dispersion measure (DM). Since the dispersion measure is sensitive to the integrated line-of-sight electron density, it is a direct probe of the baryonic content of the Universe. We investigate how FRBs can break the degeneracies between cosmological and feedback parameters by correlating the observed Dispersion Measure with the weak gravitational lensing signal of a Euclid-like survey. In particular we use a simple one-parameter model controlling baryonic feedback, but we expect similar findings for more complex models. Within this model we find that $\sim 10^4$ FRBs are sufficient to constrain the baryonic feedback 10 times better than cosmic shear alone. Breaking this degeneracy will tighten the constraints considerably, for example we expect a factor of two improvement on the sum of neutrino masses
A large fraction of red-supergiant stars seem to be enshrouded by circumstellar material (CSM) at the time of explosion. Relative to explosions in a vacuum, this CSM causes both a luminosity boost at early times as well as the presence of symmetric emission lines with a narrow core and electron-scattering wings typical of type IIn supernovae (SNe). For this study, we performed radiation-hydrodynamics and radiative transfer calculations for a variety of CSM configurations (i.e., compact, extended, and detached) and documented the resulting ejecta and radiation properties. We find that models with a dense, compact, and massive CSM on the order of 0.5 M⊙ can match the early luminosity boost of type II-P SNe but fail to produce type IIn-like spectral signatures (also known as "flash features"). These only arise if the photon mean free path in the CSM is large enough (i.e., if the density is low enough) to allow for a radiative precursor through a long-lived (i.e., a day to a week), radially extended unshocked optically thick CSM. The greater radiative losses and kinetic-energy extraction in this case boost the luminosity even for modest CSM masses - this boost comes with a delay for a detached CSM. The inadequate assumption of high CSM density, in which the shock travels essentially adiabatically, overestimates the CSM mass and associated mass-loss rate. Our simulations also indicate that type IIn-like spectral signatures last as long as there is optically-thick unshocked CSM. Constraining the CSM structure therefore requires a combination of light curves and spectra, rather than photometry alone. We emphasize that for a given total energy, the radiation excess fostered by the presence of CSM comes at the expense of kinetic energy, as evidenced by the disappearance of the fastest ejecta material and the accumulation of mass in a dense shell. Both effects can be constrained from spectra well after the interaction phase.
Type IIn supernovae occur when stellar explosions are surrounded by dense hydrogen-rich circumstellar matter. The dense circumstellar matter is likely formed by extreme mass loss from their progenitors shortly before they explode. The nature of Type IIn supernova progenitors and the mass-loss mechanism forming the dense circumstellar matter are still unknown. In this work, we investigate whether Type IIn supernova properties and their local environments are correlated. We use Type IIn supernovae with well-observed light curves and host-galaxy integral field spectroscopic data so that we can estimate both supernova and environmental properties. We find that Type IIn supernovae with a higher peak luminosity tend to occur in environments with lower metallicity and/or younger stellar populations. The circumstellar matter density around Type IIn supernovae is not significantly correlated with metallicity, so the mass-loss mechanism forming the dense circumstellar matter around Type IIn supernovae might be insensitive to metallicity.
We show that, in addition to the counting of canonical dimensions, a counting of loop orders is necessary to fully specify the power counting of Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). Using concrete examples, we demonstrate that considering the canonical dimensions of operators alone may lead to inconsistent results. The counting of both, canonical dimensions and loop orders, establishes a clear hierarchy of the terms in SMEFT. In practice, this serves to identify, and focus on, the potentially dominating effects in any given high-energy process in a meaningful way. Additionally, this will lead to a consistent limitation of free parameters in SMEFT applications.
Context. Several observations of the Local Universe point toward the existence of very prominent structures: massive galaxy clusters and local superclusters on the one hand, but also large local voids and underdensities on the other. However, it is highly nontrivial to connect such different observational selected tracers to the underlying dark matter (DM) distribution.
Aims: Therefore, constructing mock catalogs of such observable tracers using cosmological hydrodynamics simulations is needed. These simulations have to follow galaxy formation physics and also have to be constrained to reproduce the Local Universe. Such constraints should be based on observables that directly probe the full underlying gravitational field, such as the observed peculiar velocity field, to provide an independent test on the robustness of these distinctive structures.
Methods: We used a 500 h−1 Mpc constrained simulation of the Local Universe to investigate the anomalies in the local density field, as found in observations. Constructing the initial conditions based on peculiar velocities derived from the CosmicFlows-2 catalog makes the predictions of the simulations completely independent from the distribution of the observed tracer population, and following galaxy formation physics directly in the hydrodynamics simulations also allows the comparison to be based directly on the stellar masses of galaxies or X-ray luminosity of clusters. We also used the 2668 h−1 Mpc large cosmological box from the Magneticum simulations to evaluate the frequency of finding such anomalies in random patches within simulations.
Results: We demonstrate that halos and galaxies in our constrained simulation trace the local dark matter density field very differently. Thus, this simulation reproduces the observed 50% underdensity of galaxy clusters and groups within the sphere of ≈100 Mpc when applying the same mass or X-ray luminosity limit used in the observed cluster sample (CLASSIX), which is consistent with a ≈1.5σ feature. At the same time, the simulation reproduces the observed overdensity of massive galaxy clusters within the same sphere, which on its own also corresponds to a ≈1.5σ feature. Interestingly, we find that only 44 out of 15 635 random realizations (i.e., 0.28%) match both anomalies, thus making the Local Universe a ≈3σ environment. We finally compared a mock galaxy catalog with the observed distribution of galaxies in the Local Universe, finding a match to the observed factor of 2 overdensity at ∼16 Mpc as well as the observed 15% underdensity at ∼40 Mpc.
Conclusions: Constrained simulations of the Local Universe which reproduce the main features of the local density field open a new window for local field cosmology, where the imprint of the specific density field and the impact on the bias through the observational specific tracers can be investigated in detail.
In this paper, we investigate two-loop non-planar triangle Feynman integrals involving elliptic curves. In contrast to the Sunrise and Banana integral families, the triangle families involve non-trivial sub-sectors. We show that the methodology developed in the context of Banana integrals can also be extended to these cases and obtain ε-factorized differential equations for all sectors. The letters are combinations of modular forms on the corresponding elliptic curves and algebraic functions arising from the sub-sectors. With uniform transcendental boundary conditions, we express our results in terms of iterated integrals order-by-order in the dimensional regulator, which can be evaluated efficiently. Our method can be straightforwardly generalized to other elliptic integral families and have important applications to precision physics at current and future high-energy colliders.
We compute the six-particle maximally-helicity-violating (MHV) amplitude in planar N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory at eight loops, using antipodal duality and the recently computed eight-loop three-point form factor for the chiral stress energy tensor multiplet. Antipodal duality maps the form factor symbol to the amplitude symbol on a two-dimensional parity-preserving surface in the three-dimensional amplitude kinematics. There are remarkably few ambiguities in lifting from two to three dimensions, nor in promoting the symbol to a function. The amplitude passes many tests, including near-collinear, multi-Regge, factorization, self-crossing and origin limits. These checks also constitute a validation of antipodal duality at eight loops.
Recent work has pointed out the potential existence of a tight relation between the cosmological parameter Ωm, at fixed Ωb, and the properties of individual galaxies in state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. In this paper, we investigate whether such a relation also holds for galaxies from simulations run with a different code that makes use of a distinct subgrid physics: Astrid. We also find that in this case, neural networks are able to infer the value of Ωm with a ~10% precision from the properties of individual galaxies, while accounting for astrophysics uncertainties, as modeled in Cosmology and Astrophysics with MachinE Learning (CAMELS). This tight relationship is present at all considered redshifts, z ≤ 3, and the stellar mass, the stellar metallicity, and the maximum circular velocity are among the most important galaxy properties behind the relation. In order to use this method with real galaxies, one needs to quantify its robustness: the accuracy of the model when tested on galaxies generated by codes different from the one used for training. We quantify the robustness of the models by testing them on galaxies from four different codes: IllustrisTNG, SIMBA, Astrid, and Magneticum. We show that the models perform well on a large fraction of the galaxies, but fail dramatically on a small fraction of them. Removing these outliers significantly improves the accuracy of the models across simulation codes.
Polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is sensitive to new physics violating parity symmetry, such as the presence of a pseudoscalar "axionlike" field. Such a field may be responsible for early dark energy (EDE), which is active prior to recombination and provides a solution to the so-called Hubble tension. The EDE field coupled to photons in a parity-violating manner would rotate the plane of linear polarization of the CMB and produce a cross-correlation power spectrum of E - and B -mode polarization fields with opposite parities. In this Letter, we fit the E B power spectrum predicted by the photon-axion coupling of the EDE model with a potential V (ϕ )∝[1 -cos (ϕ /f )]3 to polarization data from Planck. We find that the unique shape of the predicted E B power spectrum is not favored by the data and obtain a first constraint on the photon-axion coupling constant, g =(0.04 ±0.16 )MPl-1 (68% C.L.), for the EDE model that best fits the CMB and galaxy clustering data. This constraint is independent of the miscalibration of polarization angles of the instrument or the polarized Galactic foreground emission. Our limit on g may have important implications for embedding EDE in fundamental physics, such as string theory.
We analyse deuterated water (HDO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) at high-angular resolution in the binary system SVS13-A. We propose that molecular emission is produced by an accretion shock at the interface between the accretion streamer and the disk. We report Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) high-angular resolution (∼50 au) observations of the binary system SVS13-A. More specifically, we analyse deuterated water (HDO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission. The molecular emission is associated with both the components of the binary system, VLA4A and VLA4B. The spatial distribution is compared to that of formamide (NH2CHO), previously analysed in the system. Deuterated water shows an additional emitting component spatially coincident with the dust-accretion streamer, at a distance ≥120 au from the protostars, and at blue-shifted velocities (>3 km s−1 from the systemic velocities). We investigate the origin of the molecular emission in the streamer, in light of thermal sublimation temperatures calculated using updated binding energy (BE) distributions. We propose that the observed emission is produced by an accretion shock at the interface between the accretion streamer and the disk of VLA4A. Thermal desorption is not completely excluded in case the source is actively experiencing an accretion burst.
We present a novel unbinned method to combine B± → DK± and charm threshold data for the amplitude-model unbiased measurement of the CKM angle γ in cases where the D meson decays to a three-body final state. The new unbinned approach avoids any kind of integration over the D Dalitz plot, to make optimal use the available information. We verify the method with simulated signal data where the D decays to KSπ+π−. Using realistic sample sizes, we find that the new method reaches the statistical precision on γ of an unbinned model-dependent fit, i.e. as good as possible and better than the widely used model-independent binned approach, without suffering from biases induced by a mis-modeled D decay amplitude.
A configurable calorimeter simulation for AI (CoCoA) applications is presented, based on the GEANT4 toolkit and interfaced with the PYTHIA event generator. This open-source project is aimed to support the development of machine learning algorithms in high energy physics that rely on realistic particle shower descriptions, such as reconstruction, fast simulation, and low-level analysis. Specifications such as the granularity and material of its nearly hermetic geometry are user-configurable. The tool is supplemented with simple event processing including topological clustering, jet algorithms, and a nearest-neighbors graph construction. Formatting is also provided to visualise events using the Phoenix event display software.
We compute the two-loop Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) corrections to all partonic channels relevant for the production of an electroweak boson V = Z, W±, γ* and a jet at hadron colliders. We consider the decay of a vector boson V to three partons V → q q ¯g , V → ggg with a vector and axial vector coupling in both channels, including singlet and non-singlet contributions. For the quark channel, we use a recent tensor decomposition and extend the calculation to O (ϵ2). For the gluonic channel, we define a new tensor decomposition which allows us to compute the vector and the axial vector amplitudes at once and to perform the computation of the amplitudes to O (ϵ2). We provide finite remainders of the helicity amplitudes analytically continued to all relevant scattering regions q q ¯ → Vg, qg → Vq and gg → Vg. The axial vector contribution to the gluon-induced channel completes the set of two-loop amplitudes for this process, while the extension to O (ϵ2) represents the first step in the calculation of next-to-next-to-next-to-leading-order (N3LO) QCD corrections to Z+jet production at hadron colliders.
Photonuclear reactions of light nuclei below a mass of A =60 are planned to be studied experimentally and theoretically with the PANDORA (Photo-Absorption of Nuclei and Decay Observation for Reactions in Astrophysics) project. Two experimental methods, virtual photon excitation by proton scattering and real photo absorption by a high-brilliance γ -ray beam produced by laser Compton scattering, will be applied to measure the photoabsorption cross sections and decay branching ratio of each decay channel as a function of the photon energy. Several nuclear models, e.g. anti-symmetrized molecular dynamics, mean-field and beyond-mean-field models, a large-scale shell model, and ab initio models, will be employed to predict the photonuclear reactions. The uncertainty in the model predictions will be evaluated based on the discrepancies between the model predictions and experimental data. The data and predictions will be implemented in the general reaction calculation code, TALYS. The results will be applied to the simulation of the photo-disintegration process of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays in inter-galactic propagation.
A consistent power-counting prescription for the Standard Model Effective Field Theory requires more than the canonical dimension of operators, as they contain no informa tion about the perturbative expansion of the underlying Quantum Field Theory at highenergies. Although this has been noted in the literature for many years, a consistent quantitative approach remains to be completed. In this work, we present a solution for operators of canonical dimension six based on the notion of chiral dimensions. Our results are illustrated by explicit analytic calculations for two major examples at hadron colliders. These are the fusion of two gluons associated with the production of a top-quark pair, and the decay of a Higgs boson into two gluons or photons. We provide numerical studies for both processes to estimate hypothetical deviations from the Standard Model.
The fast flavor conversions (FFCs) of neutrinos generally exist in core-collapse supernovae and binary neutron-star merger remnants and can significantly change the flavor composition and affect the dynamics and nucleosynthesis processes. Several analytical prescriptions were proposed recently to approximately explain or predict the asymptotic outcome of FFCs for systems with different initial or boundary conditions, with the aim for providing better understandings of FFCs and for practical implementation of FFCs in hydrodynamic modeling. In this work, we obtain the asymptotic survival probability distributions of FFCs in a survey over thousands of randomly sampled initial angular distributions by means of numerical simulations in one-dimensional boxes with the periodic boundary condition. We also propose improved prescriptions that guarantee the continuity of the angular distributions after FFCs. Detailed comparisons and evaluation of all these prescriptions with our numerical survey results are performed. The survey dataset is made publicly available to inspire the exploration and design for more effective methods applicable to realistic hydrodynamic simulations.
Electromagnetic resonant systems, such as cavities or LC circuits, have emerged as powerful detectors for probing ultralight boson dark matter and high-frequency gravitational waves. However, the limited resonant bandwidth of conventional single-mode resonators, imposed by quantum fluctuations, necessitates numerous scan steps to cover broad unexplored frequency regions. The incorporation of multiple auxiliary modes can realize a broadband detector while maintaining a substantial signal response. The broadened sensitive width can be on the same order as the resonant frequency, encompassing several orders of the source frequency for heterodyne detection, where a background cavity mode transitions into another. Consequently, our approach enables significantly deeper exploration of the parameter space within the same integration time compared to single-mode detection.
Context. Embedded planets are potentially the cause of substructures, such as gaps and cavities, observed in the continuum images of several protoplanetary discs. Likewise, gas distribution is expected to change in the presence of one or several planets, and the effect can be detected with current observational facilities. Thus, the properties of the substructures observed in the continuum as well as in line emission encode information about the presence of planets in a system and how they interact with the natal disc. The pre-transitional disc around the star PDS 70 is the first case of two young planets being imaged within a dust-depleted gap that was likely carved by the planets themselves.
Aims: We aim to determine the spatial distribution of the gas and dust components in the PDS 70 disc. The axisymmetric substructures observed in the resulting profiles are interpreted in the context of planet-disc interactions.
Methods: We developed a thermo-chemical forward model for an axisymmetric disc to explain a subset of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) band 6 observations of three CO isotopologues plus the continuum towards PDS 70. The model accounts for the continuum radiative transfer, steady-state chemistry, and gas thermal balance in a self-consistent way and produces synthetic observables via ray tracing.
Results: We demonstrate that the combination of a homogeneous dust size distribution across the disc and relatively low values of viscosity (α ≲ 5 × 10−3) can explain the band 6 continuum observations. For the gas phase, analysis of the synthetic observables points to a gas density peak value of ~0.1 g cm−2 located at 75 au and a minimum of ~10−3 g cm−2 at 20 au. The location of the minimum matches the semi-major axis of the innermost planet PDS 70 b. Combining the gas and dust distributions, the model results in a variable gas-to-dust ratio profile throughout the disc that spans two orders of magnitude within the first 130 au and shows a step gradient towards the outer disc, which is consistent with the presence of a pressure maxima driven by planet-disc interactions. Particularly, the mean gas-to-dust ratio within the dust gap between 16 and 41 au is found to be ~630. We find a gas density drop factor of ~19 at the location of the planet PDS 70 c with respect to the peak gas density at 75 au. Combining this value with results from the literature on the hydrodynamics of planet-disc interactions, we find this gas gap depth to be consistent with independent planet mass estimates from infrared observations. Our findings point towards gas stirring processes taking place in the common gap due to the gravitational perturbation of the two planets.
Conclusions: The distribution of gas and dust in the PDS 70 disc can be constrained by forward modelling the spatially resolved observations from high-resolution and high-sensitivity instruments like ALMA. This information is a key piece in the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the observable signatures of planet-disc interactions.
Cosmological inference with large galaxy surveys requires theoretical models that combine precise predictions for large-scale structure with robust and flexible galaxy formation modelling throughout a sufficiently large cosmic volume. Here, we introduce the MILLENNIUMTNG (MTNG) project which combines the hydrodynamical galaxy formation model of ILLUSTRISTNG with the large volume of the MILLENNIUM simulation. Our largest hydrodynamic simulation, covering $(500 \, h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})^3 \simeq (740\, {\rm Mpc})^3$, is complemented by a suite of dark-matter-only simulations with up to 43203 dark matter particles (a mass resolution of $1.32\times 10^8 \, h^{-1}{\rm M}_\odot$) using the fixed-and-paired technique to reduce large-scale cosmic variance. The hydro simulation adds 43203 gas cells, achieving a baryonic mass resolution of $2\times 10^7 \, h^{-1}{\rm M}_\odot$. High time-resolution merger trees and direct light-cone outputs facilitate the construction of a new generation of semi-analytic galaxy formation models that can be calibrated against both the hydro simulation and observation, and then applied to even larger volumes - MTNG includes a flagship simulation with 1.1 trillion dark matter particles and massive neutrinos in a volume of $(3000\, {\rm Mpc})^3$. In this introductory analysis we carry out convergence tests on basic measures of non-linear clustering such as the matter power spectrum, the halo mass function and halo clustering, and we compare simulation predictions to those from current cosmological emulators. We also use our simulations to study matter and halo statistics, such as halo bias and clustering at the baryonic acoustic oscillation scale. Finally we measure the impact of baryonic physics on the matter and halo distributions.
We present the new public version of the KETJU supermassive black hole (SMBH) dynamics module, as implemented into GADGET-4. KETJU adds a small region around each SMBH where the dynamics of the SMBHs and stellar particles are integrated using an algorithmically regularized integrator instead of the leapfrog integrator with gravitational softening used by GADGET-4. This enables modelling SMBHs as point particles even during close interactions with stellar particles or other SMBHs, effectively removing the spatial resolution limitation caused by gravitational softening. KETJU also includes post-Newtonian (PN) corrections, which allows following the dynamics of SMBH binaries to sub-parsec scales and down to tens of Schwarzschild radii. Systems with multiple SMBHs are also supported, with the code also including the leading non-linear cross terms that appear in the PN equations for such systems. We present tests of the code showing that it correctly captures, at sufficient mass resolution, the sinking driven by dynamical friction and binary hardening driven by stellar scattering. We also present an example application demonstrating how the code can be applied to study the dynamics of SMBHs in mergers of multiple galaxies and the effect they have on the properties of the surrounding galaxy. We expect that the presented KETJU SMBH dynamics module can also be straightforwardly incorporated into other codes similar to GADGET-4, which would allow coupling small-scale SMBH dynamics to the rich variety of galactic physics models that exist in the literature.
We introduce a novel technique for constraining cosmological parameters and galaxy assembly bias using non-linear redshift-space clustering of galaxies. We scale cosmological N-body simulations and insert galaxies with the SubHalo Abundance Matching extended (SHAMe) empirical model to generate over 175 000 clustering measurements spanning all relevant cosmological and SHAMe parameter values. We then build an emulator capable of reproducing the projected galaxy correlation function at the monopole, quadrupole, and hexadecapole level for separations between $0.1\, h^{-1}\, {\rm Mpc}$ and $25\, h^{-1}\, {\rm Mpc}$. We test this approach by using the emulator and Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) inference to jointly estimate cosmology and assembly bias parameters both for the MTNG740 hydrodynamic simulation and for a semi-analytical model (SAM) galaxy formation built on the MTNG740-DM dark matter-only simulation, obtaining unbiased results for all cosmological parameters. For instance, for MTNG740 and a galaxy number density of $n\sim 0.01 h^{3}\, {\rm Mpc}^{-3}$, we obtain $\sigma _{8}=0.799^{+0.039}_{-0.044}$ and $\Omega _\mathrm{M}h^2= 0.138^{+ 0.025}_{- 0.018}$ (which are within 0.4 and 0.2σ of the MTNG cosmology). For fixed Hubble parameter (h), the constraint becomes $\Omega _\mathrm{M}h^2= 0.137^{+ 0.011}_{- 0.012}$. Our method performs similarly well for the SAM and for other tested sample densities. We almost always recover the true amount of galaxy assembly bias within 1σ. The best constraints are obtained when scales smaller than $2\, h^{-1}\, {\rm Mpc}$ are included, as well as when at least the projected correlation function and the monopole are incorporated. These methods offer a powerful way to constrain cosmological parameters using galaxy surveys.
Cosmological simulations are an important theoretical pillar for understanding non-linear structure formation in our Universe and for relating it to observations on large scales. In several papers, we introduce our MillenniumTNG (MTNG) project that provides a comprehensive set of high-resolution, large-volume simulations of cosmic structure formation aiming to better understand physical processes on large scales and to help interpret upcoming large-scale galaxy surveys. We here focus on the full physics box MTNG740 that computes a volume of $740\, \mathrm{Mpc}^3$ with a baryonic mass resolution of $3.1\times ~10^7\, \mathrm{M_\odot }$ using AREPO with 80.6 billion cells and the IllustrisTNG galaxy formation model. We verify that the galaxy properties produced by MTNG740 are consistent with the TNG simulations, including more recent observations. We focus on galaxy clusters and analyse cluster scaling relations and radial profiles. We show that both are broadly consistent with various observational constraints. We demonstrate that the SZ-signal on a deep light-cone is consistent with Planck limits. Finally, we compare MTNG740 clusters with galaxy clusters found in Planck and the SDSS-8 RedMaPPer richness catalogue in observational space, finding very good agreement as well. However, simultaneously matching cluster masses, richness, and Compton-y requires us to assume that the SZ mass estimates for Planck clusters are underestimated by 0.2 dex on average. Due to its unprecedented volume for a high-resolution hydrodynamical calculation, the MTNG740 simulation offers rich possibilities to study baryons in galaxies, galaxy clusters, and in large-scale structure, and in particular their impact on upcoming large cosmological surveys.
Luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and blue star-forming emission-line galaxies (ELGs) are key tracers of large-scale structure used by cosmological surveys. Theoretical predictions for such data are often done via simplistic models for the galaxy-halo connection. In this work, we use the large, high-fidelity hydrodynamical simulation of the MillenniumTNG project (MTNG) to inform a new phenomenological approach for obtaining an accurate and flexible galaxy-halo model on small scales. Our aim is to study LRGs and ELGs at two distinct epochs, z = 1 and z = 0, and recover their clustering down to very small scales, $r \sim 0.1 \ h^{-1}\, {\rm Mpc}$, i.e. the one-halo regime, while a companion paper extends this to a two-halo model for larger distances. The occupation statistics of ELGs in MTNG inform us that (1) the satellite occupations exhibit a slightly super-Poisson distribution, contrary to commonly made assumptions, and (2) that haloes containing at least one ELG satellite are twice as likely to host a central ELG. We propose simple recipes for modelling these effects, each of which calls for the addition of a single free parameter to simpler halo occupation models. To construct a reliable satellite population model, we explore the LRG and ELG satellite radial and velocity distributions and compare them with those of subhaloes and particles in the simulation. We find that ELGs are anisotropically distributed within haloes, which together with our occupation results provides strong evidence for cooperative galaxy formation (manifesting itself as one-halo galaxy conformity); i.e. galaxies with similar properties form in close proximity to each other. Our refined galaxy-halo model represents a useful improvement of commonly used analysis tools and thus can be of help to increase the constraining power of large-scale structure surveys.
Most instruments for hyperspectral Earth observation rely on dispersive image acquisition via spatial scanning. In such systems, the Earth’s surface is scanned line by line while the satellite carrying the instrument moves over it. The spatial and spectral resolutions of the image acquisition are directly coupled via a slit aperture and are thus difficult to adjust independently. Spatio-spectral scanning systems, on the other hand, can acquire 2D, spectrally coded images with decoupled spatial and spectral resolutions. Despite this advantage, they have so far been given little attention in the literature. Simple architectures using variable filters were proposed, but come with significant caveats. As an alternative, we investigated the use of two dispersion stages for spatio-spectral scanning. We provide a theoretical treatment and show by basic experiments that a double-dispersive system provides robust and flexible image acquisition. Based on our results, we suggest a system concept for the implementation of a demonstrator on a small satellite.
We build a deep learning framework that connects the local formation process of dark matter haloes to the halo bias. We train a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict the final mass and concentration of dark matter haloes from the initial conditions. The CNN is then used as a surrogate model to derive the response of the haloes' mass and concentration to long-wavelength perturbations in the initial conditions, and consequently the halo bias parameters following the 'response bias' definition. The CNN correctly predicts how the local properties of dark matter haloes respond to changes in the large-scale environment, despite no explicit knowledge of halo bias being provided during training. We show that the CNN recovers the known trends for the linear and second-order density bias parameters b1 and b2, as well as for the local primordial non-Gaussianity linear bias parameter bϕ. The expected secondary assembly bias dependence on halo concentration is also recovered by the CNN: at fixed mass, halo concentration has only a mild impact on b1, but a strong impact on bϕ. Our framework opens a new window for discovering which physical aspects of the halo's Lagrangian patch determine assembly bias, which in turn can inform physical models of halo formation and bias.
In this paper, we introduce and numerically simulate a quantum field theoretic phenomenon called the gauge ``slingshot" effect and study its production of gravitational waves. The effect occurs when a source, such as a magnetic monopole or a quark, crosses the boundary between the Coulomb and confining phases. The corresponding gauge field of the source, either electric or magnetic, gets confined into a flux tube stretching in the form of a string (cosmic or a QCD type) that attaches the source to the domain wall separating the two phases. The string tension accelerates the source towards the wall as sort of a slingshot. The slingshot phenomenon is also exhibited by various sources of other co-dimensionality, such as cosmic strings confined by domain walls or vortices confined by Z2 strings. Apart from the field-theoretic value, the slingshot effect has important cosmological implications, as it provides a distinct source for gravitational waves. The effect is expected to be generic in various extensions of the standard model such as grand unification.
The dispersion of fast radio bursts (FRBs) is a measure of the large-scale electron distribution. It enables measurements of cosmological parameters, especially of the expansion rate and the cosmic baryon fraction. The number of events is expected to increase dramatically over the coming years, and of particular interest are bursts with identified host galaxy and therefore redshift information. In this paper, we explore the covariance matrix of the dispersion measure (DM) of FRBs induced by the large-scale structure, as bursts from a similar direction on the sky are correlated by long-wavelength modes of the electron distribution. We derive analytical expressions for the covariance matrix and examine the impact on parameter estimation from the FRB DM-redshift relation. The covariance also contains additional information that is missed by analysing the events individually. For future samples containing over ~300 FRBs with host identification over the full sky, the covariance needs to be taken into account for unbiased inference, and the effect increases dramatically for smaller patches of the sky. Also, forecasts must consider these effects as they would yield too optimistic parameter constraints. Our procedure can also be applied to the DM of the afterglow of gamma-ray bursts.
Thorne-Żytkow objects (TŻO) are potential end products of the merger of a neutron star with a non-degenerate star. In this work, we have computed the first grid of evolutionary models of TŻOs with the MESA stellar evolution code. With these models, we predict several observational properties of TŻOs, including their surface temperatures and luminosities, pulsation periods, and nucleosynthetic products. We expand the range of possible TŻO solutions to cover $3.45 \lesssim \rm {\log \left(T_{eff}/K\right)}\lesssim 3.65$ and $4.85 \lesssim \rm {\log \left(L/L_{\odot }\right)}\lesssim 5.5$. Due to the much higher densities our TŻOs reach compared to previous models, if TŻOs form we expect them to be stable over a larger mass range than previously predicted, without exhibiting a gap in their mass distribution. Using the GYRE stellar pulsation code we show that TŻOs should have fundamental pulsation periods of 1000-2000 d, and period ratios of ≈0.2-0.3. Models computed with a large 399 isotope fully coupled nuclear network show a nucleosynthetic signal that is different to previously predicted. We propose a new nucleosynthetic signal to determine a star's status as a TŻO: the isotopologues $\mathrm{^{44}Ti} \rm {O}_2$ and $\mathrm{^{44}Ti} \rm {O}$, which will have a shift in their spectral features as compared to stable titanium-containing molecules. We find that in the local Universe (~SMC metallicities and above) TŻOs show little heavy metal enrichment, potentially explaining the difficulty in finding TŻOs to-date.
Approximate methods to populate dark-matter haloes with galaxies are of great utility to galaxy surveys. However, the limitations of simple halo occupation models (HODs) preclude a full use of small-scale galaxy clustering data and call for more sophisticated models. We study two galaxy populations, luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and star-forming emission-line galaxies (ELGs), at two epochs, z = 1 and z = 0, in the large-volume, high-resolution hydrodynamical simulation of the MillenniumTNG project. In a partner study we concentrated on the small-scale, one-halo regime down to r ~ 0.1 h-1 Mpc, while here we focus on modelling galaxy assembly bias in the two-halo regime, r ≳ 1 h-1 Mpc. Interestingly, the ELG signal exhibits scale dependence out to relatively large scales (r ~ 20 h-1 Mpc), implying that the linear bias approximation for this tracer is invalid on these scales, contrary to common assumptions. The 10-15 per cent discrepancy is only reconciled when we augment our halo occupation model with a dependence on extrinsic halo properties ('shear' being the best-performing one) rather than intrinsic ones (e.g. concentration, peak mass). We argue that this fact constitutes evidence for two-halo galaxy conformity. Including tertiary assembly bias (i.e. a property beyond mass and 'shear') is not an essential requirement for reconciling the galaxy assembly bias signal of LRGs, but the combination of external and internal properties is beneficial for recovering ELG the clustering. We find that centrals in low-mass haloes dominate the assembly bias signal of both populations. Finally, we explore the predictions of our model for higher order statistics such as nearest neighbour counts. The latter supplies additional information about galaxy assembly bias and can be used to break degeneracies between halo model parameters.
Modern redshift surveys are tasked with mapping out the galaxy distribution over enormous distance scales. Existing hydrodynamical simulations, however, do not reach the volumes needed to match upcoming surveys. We present results for the clustering of galaxies using a new, large volume hydrodynamical simulation as part of the MillenniumTNG (MTNG) project. With a computational volume that is ≈15 times larger than the next largest such simulation currently available, we show that MTNG is able to accurately reproduce the observed clustering of galaxies as a function of stellar mass. When separated by colour, there are some discrepancies with respect to the observed population, which can be attributed to the quenching of satellite galaxies in our model. We combine MTNG galaxies with those generated using a semi-analytic model to emulate the sample selection of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and emission-line galaxies (ELGs) and show that, although the bias of these populations is approximately (but not exactly) constant on scales larger than ≈10 Mpc, there is significant scale-dependent bias on smaller scales. The amplitude of this effect varies between the two galaxy types and between the semi-analytic model and MTNG. We show that this is related to the distribution of haloes hosting LRGs and ELGs. Using mock SDSS-like catalogues generated on MTNG lightcones, we demonstrate the existence of prominent baryonic acoustic features in the large-scale galaxy clustering. We also demonstrate the presence of realistic redshift space distortions in our mocks, finding excellent agreement with the multipoles of the redshift-space clustering measured in SDSS data.
The early release science results from JWST have yielded an unexpected abundance of high-redshift luminous galaxies that seems to be in tension with current theories of galaxy formation. However, it is currently difficult to draw definitive conclusions form these results as the sources have not yet been spectroscopically confirmed. It is in any case important to establish baseline predictions from current state-of-the-art galaxy formation models that can be compared and contrasted with these new measurements. In this work, we use the new large-volume ($L_\mathrm{box}\sim 740 \, \mathrm{cMpc}$) hydrodynamic simulation of the MillenniumTNG project, suitably scaled to match results from higher resolution - smaller volume simulations, to make predictions for the high-redshift (z ≳ 8) galaxy population and compare them to recent JWST observations. We show that the simulated galaxy population is broadly consistent with observations until z ~ 10. From z ≈ 10-12, the observations indicate a preference for a galaxy population that is largely dust-free, but is still consistent with the simulations. Beyond z ≳ 12, however, our simulation results underpredict the abundance of luminous galaxies and their star-formation rates by almost an order of magnitude. This indicates either an incomplete understanding of the new JWST data or a need for more sophisticated galaxy formation models that account for additional physical processes such as Population III stars, variable stellar initial mass functions, or even deviations from the standard ΛCDM model. We emphasize that any new process invoked to explain this tension should only significantly influence the galaxy population beyond z ≳ 10, while leaving the successful galaxy formation predictions of the fiducial model intact below this redshift.
In the first part of the thesis, we investigate the intriguing erasure phenomenon that occurs when lower-dimensional objects encounter those of higher dimensions, with profound implications in cosmology and fundamental physics. The erasure process is explored in the context of topological defects, revealing novel insights into cosmic strings and magnetic monopole interactions with domain walls. For one-dimensional objects like vortices or strings (e.g., cosmic, QCD flux or fundamental strings), the encounter with defects like domain walls or D-branes results in erasure due to the loss of coherence in the collision process. Consequently, a new mechanism of string break-up emerges. We present numerical simulations that confirm that vortices cannot cross a domain wall. We discuss entropy-based arguments describing the phenomenon, emphasizing its significance in various scenarios. In three-dimensional space, we consider the collision between magnetic monopoles and domain walls in an SU (2) gauge theory. It leads to monopole erasure, contributing to post-inflationary phase transitions phenomenology and providing a potential solution to the cosmological monopole problem.
We search for a B decay mode where one can find a peak for a D D ¯ bound state predicted in effective theories and in lattice QCD calculations, which has also been claimed from some reactions that show an accumulated strength in D D ¯ production at threshold. We find a good candidate in the B+→K+η η reaction, by looking at the η η mass distribution. The reaction proceeds via a first step in which one has the B+→Ds*+D¯ 0 reaction followed by Ds*+ decay to D0K+ and a posterior fusion of D0D¯0 to η η , implemented through a triangle diagram that allows the D0D¯0 to be virtual and to produce the bound state. The choice of η η to see the peak is based on results of calculations that find the η η among the light pseudoscalar channels with stronger coupling to the D D ¯ bound state. We find a neat peak around the predicted mass of that state in the η η mass distribution, with an integrated branching ratio for B+→K+ (D D ¯, bound); (D D ¯, bound) →η η of the order of 1.5 ×10-4, a large number for hadronic B decays, which should motivate its experimental search.
We propose a construction of generalized cuts of Feynman integrals as an operation on the domain of the Feynman parametric integral. A set of on-shell conditions removes the corresponding boundary components of the integration domain, in favor of including a boundary component from the second Symanzik polynomial. Hence integration domains are full-dimensional spaces with finite volumes, rather than being localized around poles. As initial applications, we give new formulations of maximal cuts, and we provide a simple derivation of a certain linear relation among cuts from the inclusion-exclusion principle.
We present UV and/or optical observations and models of SN 2023ixf, a type II supernova (SN) located in Messier 101 at 6.9 Mpc. Early time (flash) spectroscopy of SN 2023ixf, obtained primarily at Lick Observatory, reveals emission lines of H I, He I/II, C IV, and N III/IV/V with a narrow core and broad, symmetric wings arising from the photoionization of dense, close-in circumstellar material (CSM) located around the progenitor star prior to shock breakout. These electron-scattering broadened line profiles persist for ~8 days with respect to first light, at which time Doppler broadened the features from the fastest SN ejecta form, suggesting a reduction in CSM density at r ≳ 1015 cm. The early time light curve of SN 2023ixf shows peak absolute magnitudes (e.g., M u = -18.6 mag, M g = -18.4 mag) that are ≳2 mag brighter than typical type II SNe, this photometric boost also being consistent with the shock power supplied from CSM interaction. Comparison of SN 2023ixf to a grid of light-curve and multiepoch spectral models from the non-LTE radiative transfer code CMFGEN and the radiation-hydrodynamics code HERACLES suggests dense, solar-metallicity CSM confined to r = (0.5-1) × 1015 cm, and a progenitor mass-loss rate of $\dot{M}={10}^{-2}\,{M}_{\odot }$ yr-1. For the assumed progenitor wind velocity of v w = 50 km s-1, this corresponds to enhanced mass loss (i.e., superwind phase) during the last ~3-6 yr before explosion.
Alkaline vents (AVs) are hypothesized to have been a setting for the emergence of life, by creating strong gradients across inorganic membranes within chimney structures. In the past, three-dimensional chimney structures were formed under laboratory conditions; however, no in situ visualization or testing of the gradients was possible. We develop a quasi–two-dimensional microfluidic model of AVs that allows spatiotemporal visualization of mineral precipitation in low-volume experiments. Upon injection of an alkaline fluid into an acidic, iron-rich solution, we observe a diverse set of precipitation morphologies, mainly controlled by flow rate and ion concentration. Using microscope imaging and pH-dependent dyes, we show that finger-like precipitates can facilitate formation and maintenance of microscale pH gradients and accumulation of dispersed particles in confined geometries. Our findings establish a model to investigate the potential of gradients across a semipermeable boundary for early compartmentalization, accumulation, and chemical reactions at the origins of life.
Galaxy-scale strong lenses in galaxy clusters provide a unique tool to investigate their inner mass distribution and the sub-halo density profiles in the low-mass regime, which can be compared with the predictions from cosmological simulations. We search for galaxy-galaxy strong-lensing systems in HST multi-band imaging of galaxy cluster cores from the CLASH and HFF programs by exploring the classification capabilities of deep learning techniques. Convolutional neural networks are trained utilising highly-realistic simulations of galaxy-scale strong lenses injected into the HST cluster fields around cluster members. To this aim, we take advantage of extensive spectroscopic information on member galaxies in 16 clusters and the accurate knowledge of the deflection fields in half of these from high-precision strong lensing models. Using observationally-based distributions, we sample magnitudes, redshifts and sizes of the background galaxy population. By placing these sources within the secondary caustics associated with cluster galaxies, we build a sample of ~3000 galaxy-galaxy strong lenses which preserve the full complexity of real multi-colour data and produce a wide diversity of strong lensing configurations. We study two deep learning networks processing a large sample of image cutouts in three HST/ACS bands, and we quantify their classification performance using several standard metrics. We find that both networks achieve a very good trade-off between purity and completeness (85%-95%), as well as good stability with fluctuations within 2%-4%. We characterise the limited number of false negatives and false positives in terms of the physical properties of the background sources and cluster members. We also demonstrate the neural networks' high degree of generalisation by applying our method to HST observations of 12 clusters with previously known galaxy-scale lensing systems.
This thesis focuses on two main research topics. Firstly, it explores the strong interaction in the proton-deuteron (p-d) system. This is done by measuring two-body correlations through the femtoscopy technique with p-d pairs in pp collision at LHC. The measured correlation is sensitive to the dynamics of three nucleons and can be explained only by the full three-body calculations. Secondly, it investigates the production of deuterons employing the coalescence model in pp collisions.
We present a new description of cosmological evolution of the primordial magnetic field under the condition that it is non-helical and its energy density is larger than the kinetic energy density. We argue that the evolution can be described by four different regimes, according to whether the decay dynamics is linear or not, and whether the dominant dissipation term is the shear viscosity or the drag force. Using this classification and conservation of the Hosking integral, we present analytic models to adequately interpret the results of various numerical simulations of field evolution with variety of initial conditions. It is found that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, the decay of the field is generally slow, exhibiting the inverse transfer, because of the conservation of the Hosking integral. Using the description proposed here, one can trace the intermediate evolution history of the magnetic field and clarify whether each process governing its evolution is frozen or not. Its applicability to the early cosmology is important, since primordial magnetic fields are sometimes constrained to be quite weak, and multiple regimes including the frozen regime matters for such weak fields.
We investigate the ability of human 'expert' classifiers to identify strong gravitational lens candidates in Dark Energy Survey like imaging. We recruited a total of 55 people that completed more than 25 per cent of the project. During the classification task, we present to the participants 1489 images. The sample contains a variety of data including lens simulations, real lenses, non-lens examples, and unlabelled data. We find that experts are extremely good at finding bright, well-resolved Einstein rings, while arcs with g-band signal to noise less than ~25 or Einstein radii less than ~1.2 times the seeing are rarely recovered. Very few non-lenses are scored highly. There is substantial variation in the performance of individual classifiers, but they do not appear to depend on the classifier's experience, confidence or academic position. These variations can be mitigated with a team of 6 or more independent classifiers. Our results give confidence that humans are a reliable pruning step for lens candidates, providing pure and quantifiably complete samples for follow-up studies.
Many supernovae (SNe) imply an interaction of the SN ejecta with matter (CSM) surrounding the progenitor star. This suggests that many massive stars may undergo various degrees of envelope stripping shortly before exploding, and produce a considerable diversity in their pre-explosion CSM properties. We explore a generic set of ~100 detailed massive binary evolution models to characterize the amount of envelope stripping and the expected CSM configurations. Our binary models were computed with the MESA stellar evolution code, considering an initial primary star mass of 12.6 Msun, and focus on initial orbital periods above 500 d. We compute these models up to the time of the primary's iron core collapse. We find that Roche lobe overflow often leads to incomplete stripping of the mass donor, resulting in a large variety of pre-SN envelope masses. Many of our models' red supergiant (RSG) donors undergo core collapse during Roche lobe overflow, with mass transfer and thus system mass loss rates of up to 0.01 Msun/yr at that time. The corresponding CSM densities are similar to those inferred for Type IIn SNe like 1998S. In other cases, the mass transfer turns unstable, leading to a common envelope phase at such late time that the mass donor explodes before the common envelope is fully ejected or the system has merged. We argue that this may cause significant pre-SN variability, as for example in SN 2020tlf. Other models suggest a common envelope ejection just centuries before core collapse, which may lead to the strongest interactions, as in superluminous Type IIn SNe like 1994W, or 2006gy. Wide massive binaries offer a natural framework to understand a broad range of hydrogen-rich interacting SNe. On the other hand, the flash features observed in many Type IIP SNe, like in SN 2013fs, may indicate that RSG atmospheres are more extended than currently assumed.
The constraining power promised by future large-scale structure LSS surveys has driven the development of ever better techniques for extracting cosmological information from those datasets. Increase in the expected number of modes that could be well within the reach of the theory offers an improvement of few orders of magnitude with respect to cosmic microwave background (CMB). This extra information is hidden within the non-linear structures of the LSS. It is necessary to very carefully model different physics at play in order to responsibly deal with the upcoming datasets. Consequently, the main goal of this thesis was to push the development and understanding of such theoretical models for the clustering of the large-scale structure. [...]
Within the framework proposed by Caron-Huot and Wilhelm, we give a recipe for computing infrared anomalous dimensions purely on-shell, efficiently up to two loops in any massless theory. After introducing the general formalism and reviewing the one-loop recipe, we extract a practical formula that relates two-loop infrared anomalous dimensions to certain two- and three-particle phase space integrals with tree-level form factors of conserved operators. We finally provide several examples of the use of the two-loop formula and comment on some of its formal aspects, especially the cancellation of `one-loop squared' spurious terms. The present version of the paper is augmented with a detailed treatment of the structure of infrared divergences in massless theories of scalars and fermions up to two loops. In the calculation we encounter divergent phase space integrals and show in detail how these cancel among each other as required by the finiteness of the anomalous dimension. As a non-trivial check of the method, we also perform the computation with a standard diagrammatic approach, finding perfect agreement.
Modern spectroscopic surveys are mapping the Universe in an unprecedented way. In view of this, cosmic voids constitute promising cosmological laboratories. There are two primary statistics in void studies: (i) the void size function, which quantifies their abundance, and (ii) the void-galaxy cross-correlation function, which characterises the density and velocity fields in their surroundings. Nevertheless, in order to design reliable cosmological tests based on these statistics, it is necessary a complete description of the effects of geometrical (Alcock-Paczynski effect) and dynamical (Kaiser effect) distortions. Observational measurements show prominent anisotropic patterns that lead to biased cosmological constraints if they are not properly modelled. I will present a theoretical framework to address this problematic based on a cosmological and dynamical analysis of the mapping of voids between real and redshift space. In addition, I will present a new fiducial-free cosmological test based on two perpendicular projections of the correlation function which allows us to effectively break degeneracies in the model parameter space and to significantly reduce the number of mock catalogues needed to estimate covariances.
Experiments of free neutron beta decays can probe the weak interaction structure for tensor and scalar contributions. We can measure such contributions as a shift in the electron energy distribution. This thesis focuses on determining systematic uncertainties and corrections in the measurement with Perkeo III in 2019/20. I present the data analysis of this measurement with the corrections to estimate systematic uncertainties, test hypotheses of their causes, and develop new analysis tools.
The RadMap Telescope is a new radiation-monitoring instrument operating in the U.S. Orbital Segment (USOS) of the International Space Station (ISS). The instrument was commissioned in May 2023 and will rotate through four locations inside American, European, and Japanese modules over a period of about six months. In some locations, it will take data alongside operational, validated detectors for a cross-check of measurements. RadMap's central detector is a finely segmented tracking calorimeter that records detailed depth-dose data relevant to studies of the radiation exposure of the ISS crew. It is also able to record particle-dependent energy spectra of cosmic-ray nuclei with energies up to several hundred MeV per nucleon. A unique feature of the detector is its ability to track nuclei with omnidirectional sensitivity at an angular resolution of two degrees. In this contribution, we present the design and capabilities of the RadMap Telescope and give an overview of the instrument's commissioning on the ISS.
Light (anti-) nuclei are a powerful tool both in collider physics and astrophysics. In searches for new and exotic physics, the expected small astrophysical backgrounds at low energies make these antinuclei ideal probes for, e.g., dark matter. At the same time, their composite structure and small binding energies imply that they can be used in collider experiments to probe the hadronization process and two-particle correlations. For the proper interpretation of such experimental studies, an improved theoretical understanding of (anti-) nuclei production in specific kinematic regions and detector setups is needed. In this work, we develop a coalescence framework for (anti-) deuteron production which accounts for both the emission volume and momentum correlations on an event-by-event basis: While momentum correlations can be provided by event generators, such as PYTHIA, the emission volume has to be derived from semiclassical considerations. Moreover, this framework goes beyond the equal-time approximation, which has been often assumed in femtoscopy experiments and (anti-) nucleus production models until now in small interacting systems. Using PYTHIA 8 as an event generator, we find that the equal-time approximation leads to an error of O (10 %) in low-energy processes like Υ decays, while the errors are negligible at CERN Large Hadron Collider energies. The framework introduced in this work paves the way for tuning event generators to (anti-) nuclei measurements.
Achieving autonomous motion is a central objective in designing artificial cells that mimic biological cells in form and function. Cellular motion often involves complex multiprotein machineries, which are challenging to reconstitute in vitro. Here we achieve persistent motion of cell-sized liposomes. These small artificial vesicles are driven by a direct mechanochemical feedback loop between the MinD and MinE protein systems of Escherichia coli and the liposome membrane. Membrane-binding Min proteins self-organize asymmetrically around the liposomes, which results in shape deformation and generates a mechanical force gradient leading to motion. The protein distribution responds to the deformed liposome shape through the inherent geometry sensitivity of the reaction-diffusion dynamics of the Min proteins. We show that such a mechanochemical feedback loop between liposome and Min proteins is sufficient to drive continuous motion. Our combined experimental and theoretical study provides a starting point for the future design of motility features in artificial cells.
We present the first simulations of core-collapse supernovae in axial symmetry with feedback from fast neutrino flavor conversion (FFC). Our schematic treatment of FFCs assumes instantaneous flavor equilibration under the constraint of lepton-number conservation individually for each flavor. Systematically varying the spatial domain where FFCs are assumed to occur, we find that they facilitate SN explosions in low-mass (9 - 12 M⊙ ) progenitors that otherwise explode with longer time delays, whereas FFCs weaken the tendency to explode of higher-mass (around 20 M⊙) progenitors.
Free-floating planets (FFPs) can result from dynamical scattering processes happening in the first few million years of a planetary system's life. Several models predict the possibility, for these isolated planetary-mass objects, to retain exomoons after their ejection. The tidal heating mechanism and the presence of an atmosphere with a relatively high optical thickness may support the formation and maintenance of oceans of liquid water on the surface of these satellites. In order to study the timescales over which liquid water can be maintained, we perform dynamical simulations of the ejection process and infer the resulting statistics of the population of surviving exomoons around FFPs. The subsequent tidal evolution of the moons' orbital parameters is a pivotal step to determine when the orbits will circularize, with a consequential decay of the tidal heating. We find that close-in ($a \lesssim 25$ RJ) Earth-mass moons with carbon dioxide-dominated atmospheres could retain liquid water on their surfaces for long timescales, depending on the mass of the atmospheric envelope and the surface pressure assumed. Massive atmospheres are needed to trap the heat produced by tidal friction that makes these moons habitable. For Earth-like pressure conditions (p0 = 1 bar), satellites could sustain liquid water on their surfaces up to 52 Myr. For higher surface pressures (10 and 100 bar), moons could be habitable up to 276 Myr and 1.6 Gyr, respectively. Close-in satellites experience habitable conditions for long timescales, and during the ejection of the FFP remain bound with the escaping planet, being less affected by the close encounter.
We study the effect of super-sample covariance (SSC) on the power spectrum and higher-order statistics; bispectrum, halo mass function, and void size function. We also investigate the effect of SSC on the cross covariance between the statistics. We consider both the matter and halo fields. Higher-order statistics of the large-scale structure contain additional cosmological information beyond the power spectrum and are a powerful tool to constrain cosmology. They are a promising probe for ongoing and upcoming high-precision cosmological surveys such as DESI, PFS, Rubin Observatory LSST, Euclid, SPHEREx, SKA, and Roman Space Telescope. Cosmological simulations used in modeling and validating these statistics often have sizes that are much smaller than the observed Universe. Density fluctuations on scales larger than the simulation box, known as super-sample modes, are not captured by the simulations and in turn can lead to inaccuracies in the covariance matrix. We compare the covariance measured using simulation boxes containing super-sample modes to those without. We also compare with the separate universe approach. We find that while the power spectrum, bispectrum and halo mass function show significant scale- or mass-dependent SSC, the void size function shows relatively small SSC. We also find significant SSC contributions to the cross covariances between the different statistics, implying that future joint analyses will need to carefully take into consideration the effect of SSC. To enable further study of SSC, our simulations have been made publicly available.
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are short astrophysical transients of extragalactic origin. Their burst signal is dispersed by the free electrons in the large-scale-structure (LSS), leading to delayed arrival times at different frequencies. Another potential source of time delay is the well known Shapiro delay, which measures the space-space and time-time metric perturbations along the line-of-sight. If photons of different frequencies follow different trajectories, i.e. if the universality of free fall guaranteed by the weak equivalence principle (WEP) is violated, they would experience an additional relative delay. This quantity, however, is not observable at the background level as it is not gauge independent, which has led to confusion in previous papers. Instead, an imprint can be seen in the correlation between the time delays of different pulses. In this paper, we derive robust and consistent constraints from twelve localized FRBs on the violation of the WEP in the energy range between 4.6 and 6 meV. In contrast to a number of previous studies, we consider our signal to be not in the model, but in the covariance matrix of the likelihood. To do so, we calculate the covariance of the time delays induced by the free electrons in the LSS, the WEP breaking terms, the Milky Way and host galaxy. By marginalizing both host galaxy contribution and the contribution from the free electrons, we find that the parametrized post-Newtonian parameter γ characterizing the WEP violation must be constant in this energy range to 1 in 1013 at 68 per cent confidence. These are the tightest constraints to-date on Δγ in this low-energy range.
We present the first nonlinear lattice simulation of an axion field coupled to a U(1) gauge field during inflation. We use it to fully characterize the statistics of the primordial curvature perturbation ζ . We find high-order statistics to be essential in describing non-Gaussianity of ζ in the linear regime of the theory. On the contrary, non-Gaussianity is suppressed when the dynamics become nonlinear. This relaxes the bounds from overproduction of primordial black holes, allowing for an observable gravitational waves signal at pulsar timing array and interferometer scales. Our work establishes lattice simulations as a crucial tool to study the inflationary epoch and its predictions.
The intrinsic alignment (IA) of observed galaxy shapes with the underlying cosmic web is a source of contamination in weak lensing surveys. Sensitive methods to identify the IA signal will therefore need to be included in the upcoming weak lensing analysis pipelines. Hydrodynamical cosmological simulations allow us to directly measure the intrinsic ellipticities of galaxies, and thus provide a powerful approach to predict and understand the IA signal. Here we employ the novel, large-volume hydrodynamical simulation MTNG740, a product of the MillenniumTNG (MTNG) project, to study the IA of galaxies. We measure the projected correlation functions between the intrinsic shape/shear of galaxies and various tracers of large-scale structure, w+g, w+m, w++ over the radial range $r_{\rm p} \in [0.02 , 200]\, h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}$ and at redshifts z = 0.0, 0.5, and 1.0. We detect significant signal-to-noise IA signals with the density field for both elliptical and spiral galaxies. We also find significant intrinsic shear-shear correlations for ellipticals. We further examine correlations of the intrinsic shape of galaxies with the local tidal field. Here we find a significant IA signal for elliptical galaxies assuming a linear model. We also detect a weak IA signal for spiral galaxies under a quadratic tidal torquing model. Lastly, we measure the alignment between central galaxies and their host dark-matter haloes, finding small to moderate misalignments between their principal axes that decline with halo mass.
We present five far- and near-ultraviolet spectra of the Type II plateau supernova, SN 2022acko, obtained 5, 6, 7, 19, and 21 days after explosion, all observed with the Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. The first three epochs are earlier than any Type II plateau supernova has been observed in the far-ultraviolet revealing unprecedented characteristics. These three spectra are dominated by strong lines, primarily from metals, which contrasts with the featureless early optical spectra. The flux decreases over the initial time series as the ejecta cool and line blanketing takes effect. We model this unique data set with the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiation transport code CMFGEN, finding a good match to the explosion of a low-mass red supergiant with energy E kin = 6 × 1050 erg. With these models we identify, for the first time, the ions that dominate the early ultraviolet spectra. We present optical photometry and spectroscopy, showing that SN 2022acko has a peak absolute magnitude of V = - 15.4 mag and plateau length of ~115 days. The spectra closely resemble those of SN 2005cs and SN 2012A. Using the combined optical and ultraviolet spectra, we report the fraction of flux as a function of bluest wavelength on days 5, 7, and 19. We create a spectral time-series of Type II supernovae in the ultraviolet, demonstrating the rapid decline of flux over the first few weeks of evolution. Future observations of Type II supernovae are required to map out the landscape of exploding red supergiants, with and without circumstellar material, which is best revealed in high-quality ultraviolet spectra.
We compute the next-to-leading order (NLO) hard correction to the gluon self-energy tensor with arbitrary soft momenta in a hot and/or dense weakly coupled plasma in Quantum Chromodynamics. Our diagrammatic computations of the two-loop and power corrections are performed within the hard-thermal-loop (HTL) framework and in general covariant gauge, using the real-time formalism. We find that after renormalization our individual results are finite and gauge-dependent, and they reproduce previously computed results in Quantum Electrodynamics in the appropriate limit. Combining our results, we also recover a formerly known gauge-independent matching coefficient and associated screening mass in a specific kinematic limit. Our NLO results supersede leading-order HTL results from the 1980s and pave the way to an improved understanding of the bulk properties of deconfined matter, such as the equation of state.
LiteBIRD is a planned JAXA-led cosmic microwave background (CMB) B-mode satellite experiment aiming for launch in the late 2020s, with a primary goal of detecting the imprint of primordial inflationary gravitational waves. Its current baseline focal-plane configuration includes 15 frequency bands between 40 and 402 GHz, fulfilling the mission requirements to detect the amplitude of gravitational waves with the total uncertainty on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, δr, down to δr < 0.001. A key aspect of this performance is accurate astrophysical component separation, and the ability to remove polarized thermal dust emission is particularly important. In this paper we note that the CMB frequency spectrum falls off nearly exponentially above 300 GHz relative to the thermal dust spectral energy distribution, and a relatively minor high frequency extension can therefore result in even lower uncertainties and better model reconstructions. Specifically, we compared the baseline design with five extended configurations, while varying the underlying dust modeling, in each of which the High-Frequency Telescope (HFT) frequency range was shifted logarithmically toward higher frequencies, with an upper cutoff ranging between 400 and 600 GHz. In each case, we measured the tensor-to-scalar ratio r uncertainty and bias using both parametric and minimum-variance component-separation algorithms. When the thermal dust sky model includes a spatially varying spectral index and temperature, we find that the statistical uncertainty on r after foreground cleaning may be reduced by as much as 30-50% by extending the upper limit of the frequency range from 400 to 600 GHz, with most of the improvement already gained at 500 GHz. We also note that a broader frequency range leads to higher residuals when fitting an incorrect dust model, but also it is easier to discriminate between models through higher χ2 sensitivity. Even in the case in which the fitting procedure does not correspond to the underlying dust model in the sky, and when the highest frequency data cannot be modeled with sufficient fidelity and must be excluded from the analysis, the uncertainty on r increases by only about 5% for a 500 GHz configuration compared to the baseline.