
Lukas Heinrich is the new ODSL coordinator

On March 1, 2022, Dr. Lukas Heinrich will take up the ORIGINS-supported professorship for Data Science in Physics at the TU Munich. His research focusses on the development of new AI and statistical methods for the search for physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Professor Heinrich will also take over the coordination of the ORIGINS Data Science Laboratory (ODSL), continuing and expanding on its very successful beginnings under the leadership of Professor Allen Caldwell (MPP).


Prof. Dr. Lukas Heinrich's research focus is on the development of new AI and statistical methods. Image: L.Heinrich

In the search for new elementary particles, CERN collects huge amounts of data in the exabyte range (1 exabyte = 1018 bytes). This not only poses an immense technical challenge for researchers, but also offers the opportunity to develop novel AI algorithms.

As head of the data analysis group of the ATLAS collaboration, Heinrich is leading the development of such algorithms and the necessary computing infrastructure. The focus is on methods that effectively link the expertise of researchers to the rapidly developing capabilities of machine learning. This will allow the LHC data to be studied in even greater detail to discover possible phenomena beyond the Standard Model, such as the nature of dark matter or supersymmetry. As part of the CERN Open Science Working Group, Heinrich is developing strategies to make the unique CERN data available to researchers worldwide for further analysis.

After his studies at Humboldt University, Lukas Heinrich received his PhD from New York University and then joined the CERN research center as a Fellow and Staff Scientist.  With the move to TUM, he takes over the coordination of the ORIGINS Data Science Laboratory and plans to establish a new ATLAS group. As a core member of the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI), he is looking forward to strengthening the Munich region as a center for AI and Data Science for the natural sciences.



Munich Data Science Institute


Prof. Dr. Lukas Heinrich
Excellence Cluster ORIGINS / Technical University Munich
e-mail:  l.heinrich(at)