Focus on networking and interdisciplinary exchange

For the third time, the PhD students of the Cluster of Excellence ORIGINS met within the framework of the PhD Days 2023. During the three-day workshop at the end of August in the Seeon monastery, 26 young researchers exchanged ideas about their research in stimulating discussions. The meeting was organized and planned by ORIGINS PhD Representatives Asmaa Mazoun (TUM) and Leonard Romano (LMU).

Group picture within the framework of the PhD Days 2023

PhD Days 2023 in the Seeon monastery. Image: Bahaa Ilyas

As in the last two years, exciting lectures and stimulating discussions were interwoven with a lot of fun during the event. The workshop primarily served to promote the scientific exchange of the doctoral candidates in the Cluster of Excellence, to give them the opportunity to think out of the box and to acquaint themselves with the different disciplines represented in ORIGINS.

In doing so, the young scientists were not only able to present their research to a broad audience, but they also received a lot of valuable feedback from their fellow students. The scientific presentations from more than five different departments also reflected the scientific diversity of the Cluster of Excellence and interdisciplinary discussions were the order of the day. The pleasant, hierarchy-free atmosphere enabled the doctoral students to make constructive suggestions to each other in a friendly atmosphere.

Fun did not come too short

In addition to the scientific program, the young researchers explored the surrounding area on a short hike and the evenings were filled with card games, bowling as well as musical contributions by PhD student Andrei Rabusov. The workshop ended with "breakout sessions" in which the young scientists had the opportunity to discuss topics related to the Cluster of Excellence in small groups and then present them in plenary. All in all, the participants agreed that it was a nice and successful meeting. Without the elaborate preparations by the PhD Representatives Asmaa Mazoun and Leonard Romano this would not have been possible - thank you very much!