To foster the advancement of young academics and women in science, ORIGINS offers two postdoc fellowships: the ORIGINS Fellowship and especially for women, the Vera Rubin* Fellowship. Both fellowships are aimed at highly qualified PhD graduates (within 5 years of receipt of their PhD) who show promise to conduct independent and interdisciplinary research within the ORIGINS research community. Qualified women can apply for both fellowships. Both theoretical and experimental work are possible. There are three calls for applications in the current funding period: 2020, 2021 and 2022. The last call was started in September of 2021.
ORIGINS Fellows can choose from a wide range of research at the ORIGINS Cluster and can work with leading scientists in their field of interest at the various institutes within the framework of ORIGINS.
ORIGINS Fellow from 2020 to 2023.
Alexandre is a theoretical and numerical cosmologist who works in the area of large-scale structure (LSS) in the Universe. His research interests include galaxy clustering, gravitational lensing, cosmological perturbation theory, N-body simulations of structure formation, and using LSS to constrain physics and cosmology (e.g. inflation, dark energy, gravity).
More about Alexandre's research here
ORIGINS Fellow from July 2021 to October 2023.
He has been offered a professorship for experimental physics at Ruhr University Bochum. His research group is engaged in the field of hadron spectroscopy, focusing on understanding the complex interactions and configurations of particles constituted by quarks and gluons.
ORIGINS Fellow since 2022.
Alexander is a computational astrochemist. His research is centered around the analysis of complex (astro)chemical systems, using methods from computational chemistry (quantum chemistry, chemoinformatics) and data science (network science, machine learning, scientific statistical data analysis and data visualization) and data from astronomical observations (e.g. Rosetta mission for comet 67P) or laboratory experiments (e.g. Orbitrap MS).
He is the leading coordinator of the MIAPbP workshop "Modeling Complex (Astro)Chemical Systems - Astrochemistry meets Data Science" (24 February - 07 March 2025).
Vera Rubin Fellow since April 2021.
Maryam is an observational astronomer. She is interested in the formation and evolution of galaxies, damped Lyman-α absorbers, massive star explosions and the galaxies that host them. Her research is currently focussed on understanding the local physical conditions and the large-scale dynamics that lead to the formation of the brightest astronomical phenomena in the Universe.
Vera Rubin Fellow from November 2021 to July 2024.
Veronica is a theoretical high energy physicist. She is interested in the interplay between physics and mathematics. As such, in the past she has worked on non-commutative geometry, AdS/CFT, string theory and knot theory, among others. Currently, she focuses on the formal consistency of effective field theories, classical and quantum alike. Namely, she tries to address the question: What math does it take to have well-defined physics?
Vera Rubin Fellow from October 2022 to July 2024.
Eleonora is an astrochemist. Her research project aims to understand the origins of the chemical complexity observed in our solar system. She is investigating the molecular content of young protoplanetary disks.
More about Eleonora's research here.
* The namesake of our fellowship for women scientists is the pioneering astronomer Vera Cooper Rubin (1928-2016), who revolutionized our understanding of the universe and inspired generations of women in science. Her tireless observations of the motions of stars in galaxies provided very clear evidence for the existence of dark matter in the universe.