Coordinator CN-6
Theoretical and computational plasma (astro)physics
Helmholtz-Exzellenznetzwerk „Munich Center for Plasma Astrophysics“
Coordinator RU-E
In our laboratory we try to understand how non-equilibrium physics could have been beneficial for prebiotic multiphase systems, elucidating the hidden paths to Darwinian molecular evolution.
Spokesperson, Coordinator LRSM
Hadron physics, symmetries, neutron physics, detectors, analysis, statistical methods, payload, satellite, electronics, spectroscopy, Belle 2, COMPASS, Belle, lifetime, beta decay, antimatter.
Durham University
Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology
Durham University
I am a theoretical physicist with research interest in particle physics in general, and flavour physics in particular.
Coordinator CN-1
Principal Investigator
Theoretical Particle Physics, Hadron Physics, Effective Field Theories for the Standard model and beyond, Field theory at finite temperature, Early Universe, Nonperturbative methods and lattice.
Principal Investigator
Effective field theory, nuclear and neutron matter, chiral perturbation theory, radiative corrections, nuclear few-body forces, hyperons in nuclear medium, density-dependent nucleon-nucleon potentials
MIAPbP Director
Principal Investigator
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Experimental particle physics at lepton and hadron colliders, detector development, physics and instrumentation at future colliders.
Coordinator CN-2
Computational Astrophysics, Theory of Planet Formation, Structure and evolution of planet forming disks
Principal Investigator
High energy elementary particle physics: ATLAS detector at the LHC, some focus on physics of top quarks and rare events; Particle detector development, some focus on Micro Structured Gas Detectors
Principal Investigator
Operation and data analysis of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC: Higgs boson physics, searches for supersymmetry, dark matter and new heavy resonances. Detector development for collider experiments.
Coordinator RU-D
cosmic structure formation, dark matter and dark energy, computational astrophysics, galaxy formation, supermassive black holes, intergalactic and circumgalactic medium
Coordinator CN-4
Observational cosmology - Large-scale structure of the Universe
Principal Investigator
I study Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) using data covering the entire electromagnetic spectrum. I also work on very deep radio surveys, neutrino astronomy, and AGN outflows.
Coordinator RU-A
experimental particle physics, heavy quark physics, rare decays and CP violation, big data analytics
Principal Investigator
Coordinator LRSM
Principal Investigator
Physics of hadrons and nuclei. Evolution of matter with a focus on the generation of the heavy elements on the r- and rp- process. Experimental techniques for nuclear and particle physics.
Coordinator RU-C
Cosmology, especially the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure of the Universe and their implications for physics of the early Universe as well as of the late-time Universe.
Coordinator CN-1
Multiwavelength properties of Active Galactic Nuclei and the interplay with their host galaxy and the surrounding environment.
Principal Investigator
Quantum Field Theory, Gravity, String Theory
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
Coordinator CN-8
Physics of Life, Statistical Physics, Nonequilibrium Physics, Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Self-assembly and self-organisation, Pattern formation.
Experimental Particle Physics: electroweak precision tests, search for new particles, particle nature of Dark Matter, development of particle detectors, Grid Computing
Coordinator CN-8
Cluster Emeritus
Principal Investigator
General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, Mathematical Physics
Coordinator RU-D
Galactic dynamics, Stellar populations, Integral field spectroscopy, Hydro and Nbody simulations of galaxies, Dynamical modelling
Coordinator RU-E
The research expertise of Oliver Trapp are reaction systems showing self-amplification of chirality and evolutionary molecular systems in the context of Origins of Life.
Principal Investigator
Astrochemical modelling, molecular spectroscopy, observations and theory of the earliest phases of star and planet formation and links to our Solar System.
Principal Investigator
observational cosmology, cosmic expansion rate, dark energy and dark matter, supermassive black holes, gravitational lensing, supernovae, Bayesian inference and methods
Principal Investigator
MIAPbP Director, Coordinator RU-B
theoretical particle physics, beyond the standard model, collider physics, dark matter
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
Astrophysical Black Holes, Accretion, Large Scale structure, astronomical surveys, X-ray astronomy
Principal Investigator
My research is in the field of astroparticle physics with the most extreme environments in the Universe (AGN, GRB, Pulsars…). Among other tools, I use gamma-ray observations with Fermi, MAGIC and CTA.
Principal Investigator
Coordinator CN-4
Fabian Schmidt is interested in constraining Dark Energy, modified gravity, and Dark Matter from cosmological probes, in particular large-scale structure.
Principal Investigator
Galaxies, Black Holes, Dark Matter
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Wolfgang-Gaede-Str. 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Principal Investigator
Theoretical stellar structure and evolution; nucleosynthesis and the cosmological origin of the elements.
Principal Investigator
Galaxy dynamics, structure and evolution, dark matter halos, search for exoplanets
Principal Investigator
Cosmic evolution of AGN and their host galaxies. AGN feedback. Multi-object spectroscopy.
Coordinator CN-5
Theory and numerical simulations of galactic dynamics, black holes, star formation, interstellar medium, cosmological galaxy formation and evolution.
Principal Investigator
Theoretical astroparticle physics, neutrino physics and astrophysics, axions in astrophysics and cosmology
Coordinator RU-C and CN-4
I work on the interface between observational and theoretical cosmology. My main research interest is to find out about the Origins of the accelerated expansion of the Universe.
Principal Investigator
B-Physics at e+e- colliders (SuperKEKB, Belle II): b-lifetimes, B0-oscillations, CP violation in B-decays, rare decays of B-Mesons.
Hardware: Advanced silicon detectors
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
Information field theory, information theory, Bayesian reasoning, machine learning, cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, radio astronomy, gamma ray astronomy, galactic tomography, and other areas.
Coordinator RU-C
Studies of structure formation and cosmology using data from multi-wavelength surveys in the mm-wave (SPT), optical/NIR (DES, Euclid, LSST), radio (MeerKAT) and X-ray (eROSITA).
Coordinator RU-A
Theoretical Particle Physics, including Dark Matter and the Early Universe. Effective Field Theory and perturbative factorization for the strong & electroweak interaction. Quantum Field Theory Methods
Manager Science Communication
General Manager
Office hours
Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 16:00
MIAPbP Administrative Coordinator
Office hours
Mon - Thu: 8:00 - 17:00
Friday: 8:00 - 14:00
(may vary during workshops)
System Administrator
Principal Investigator
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics. Dark matter theory and phenomenology. Neutrino mass models.
Coordinator RU-A, Equal Opportunity Rep.
String theory, conformal field theory, topological field theory, supersymmetry
Principal Investigator
Our research deals with the origin of matter in the Universe, using small scale experiments with extreme precision. The main experiment of the group is the PanEDM instrument at ILL Grenoble.
Coordinator C2PAP and CN-5, Co-Coordinator CN-3
Coordinator CN-2
Principal Investigator
Star Formation, Young Stellar Objects, Protoplanetary Disks, Effects of Stellar Feedback on Star- and Planet-Formation
Principal Investigator
High-energy lepton and hadron scattering, experiments to test QCD, low-energy QCD and chiral dynamics, detector development and construction, simulations for experiment design, radiative corrections
Principal Investigator
Theory of strong and electroweak interactions, Physics of flavour and heavy quarks, Effective field theories of electroweak symmetry breaking, Higgs boson properties
Coordinator CN-7, Equal Opportunity Rep.
I work in the field of hadron physics employing measurements at accelerators to infer on astrophysics phenomena as neutron stars or
the probation of cosmic rays within our galaxies.
Universita' di Bologna
Coordinator CN-6
Neutrino, neutrino astronomy, cosmic rays, blazars, AGN, IceCube experiment, Pacific Ocean Neutrino Explorer (P-ONE) experiment, STRAW path finders.
Spokesperson, Coordinator CN-9
Dynamical processes in the Universe, including the structure and formation of dark matter halos, the formation and evolution of galaxies, the structure of the multi-phase, turbulent interstellar medium and the formation of stars and stellar clusters.
Coordinator C2PAP
Principal Investigator
Neutrino Physics, direct neutrino mass, neutrinoless double beta decay, sterile neutrinos, detector development
Coordinator CN-9
Theoretical Plasma-Astrophysics, Galaxies, Origin of life, Philosophy of science
Coordinator RU-B
Astroparticle physics, neutrino physics, dark matter search, low-background physics, development of radiation detectors, light instrumentation
Searches for physics beyond the Standard Model with the ATLAS experiment, in particular supersymmetry and leptoquarks
Principal Investigator
Stellar dynamics and structure of galaxies. The Milky Way: structure, stellar kinematics, mass distribution, microlensing. Extragalactic planetary nebulae. Dark matter halos.
Technische Universität Dortmund
Principal Investigator
Supernova Theory, Gamma-Ray Bursts, Neutrino Astrophysics, Neutron Stars, Numerical Astrophysics (Hydrodynamics, Radiative Transfer)
Postdoc, LRSM Coordinator
Disk formation; star & planet formation; binary & multiple systems; computational magnetohydrodynamics; astrochemical modeling
Principal Investigator
Cosmic Distance Ladder, stellar populations, big data astronomy.
Galactic center black hole, infrared astronomy, spectroscopy, adaptive optics, interferometry
Direktor LRZ
Cosmology, Large-Scale Structure, Cosmic Voids, Galaxy Surveys, Redshift-Space Distortions, Primordial Non-Gaussianity, Gravitational Lensing, Numerical Simulations, Statistical Tools
Cluster Emeritus
Stellar evolution, stellar explosions, supernovae, novae, nuclear reactions, nucleosynthesis, relativistic particles, cosmic rays, gamma rays, stardust, interstellar medium, Galaxy
Astronomical instrument building and operation, observations centered on(nearby) galaxy evolution, time-domain observations
Study of resolved stellar populations in the context of the Milky Way formation and evolution. Technical expertise: optical-near IR photometry and spectroscopy
Principal Investigator
DM & DE constraints weak & strong gravitational lensing; photometric redshifts; properties of galaxies & clusters of galaxies: DM substructure, central profiles; DES, LSST, EUCLID;
low temperature physics; neutron physics (UCN); bound beta decay of the neutron
Experimental physicist, searching for physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular supersymmetry and leptoquarks, with data taken with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Galaxy formation and evolution; properties and evolution of the cold ISM over cosmic time; galaxy dynamics; star formation; (sub)millimeter interferometry; high-resolution imaging-spectroscopy.
Galaxy formation, evolution, kinematics, dynamics. In short: everything that has to do with galaxies
Relativistic quantum transport theory, large scale relativistic MD simulations, machine learning.
Ground- and Space-based astronomical infrastructure, astronomical instrumentation and operations, astrobiology, exoplanets, Galaxy formation and evolution.
Cluster Emeritus
PhD Student
Effective description of hybridization-ligation-cleavage dynamics in large RNA systems.
Cern LHC ATLAS precision muon tracking detectors, charged particle detectors, neutron detectors, gamma detectors, precision nuclear light ion spectroscopy.
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, Los Angeles, USA
University College London (UCL), London, UK
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA
Pattern formation in complex systems, mass-conserving reaction-diffusion systems, mechanochemical coupling, nonequilibrium statistical physics
Principal Investigator
I work on different aspects of cosmology using galaxy clusters, the large-scale structure, and weak gravitational lensing. This involves datasets from the South Pole Telescope (SPT), the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the upcoming Euclid, LSST, and CMB-S4 surveys, as well as numerical simulations, machine learning, and statistics.
Hadron-Hadron correlations measured at ALICE experiment, focus on hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon pairs to extract informations on the strong interaction crucial for Neutron Stars EoS.
Principal Investigator
Search for new physics with the ATLAS detector at the LHC: Measurement of Higgs boson coupling properties, effective field theory interpretations. Search for diboson resonances and dark matter.
Marvel Fusion GmbH
Numerical hydrodynamics, stellar Evolution, supernovae physics, and visulaization.
Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP)
I am a cosmologist specialised on early-Universe physics. My research is focused on developing numerical simulations to study the origin of the Universe, known as “inflation”.
Scientific Director FRM II
Direktor Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany
Director General
Principal Investigator
Low background experiments, Axion dark matter search, Search for Neutrinoless double beta decay.
Swinburne University of Technology
This project aimed to develop a more unified and consistent analysis of 3x2pt correlation functions in order to combine the information present in weak lensing and galaxy redshift surveys.
Principal Investigator
Particle physics, in particular strong interaction and top quark physics, data analysis techniques and statistical methods, software engineering for scientific applications
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, USA
University of Oxford / All Souls College, UK
Scientific and Education Manager, Vice General Manager
ODSL Fellow
Interested in using advanced statistical methods to give new insights into long-standing problems in high-energy astrophysics and beyond.
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
I am interested in developing and applying time-resolved single molecule fluorescence techniques with focus on studying spatiotemporal dynamics in pattern-forming systems.
Postdoc, CN-2 Manager
Postdoc, CN-5 Manager
Postdoc and ODSL Fellow
Excited about the intersection of astronomy (Active Galactic Nuclei, Gamma ray bursts and Exoplanets), statistics and computing. Developing novel analysis methods, such as advanced nested sampling.
Cluster Emeritus
nucleon structure, hadron spectroscopy
Coordinator CN-4
Particle physics, cosmology, gravity
Institut de Física d'Altes Energies IFAE
I studied the interactions between (non)topological defects, such as domain walls, strings, monopoles, and hybrid defects, and their relevance for phase transitions in GUTs during the early universe.
Experimental particle physics and data analysis for Belle II experiment.
Postdoc, RU-D Manager
Using high-resolution, numerical simulations, I investigate the formation of stars, especially the formation and important processes of star-forming filaments.
PhD Student
Theory of strong and electroweak interactions, Physics of flavour and heavy quarks, Effective field theories of electroweak symmetry breaking
PhD Student
Monte Carlo Simulation of the response of Silicon Drift Detectors,
Design/Sensitivity studies for the ComPol (Compton Polarimeter) CubeSat mission,
and development of the first ComPol prototype
We train a CNN to model very fast strong lens observations. To generate the training data we develop a simulation code which accepts real galaxy images and only simulate the lensing effect.
PhD Student
Study of galaxy populations (passive and star forming galaxies) in cluster samples to search for differences in those populations that correlate with the merger state.
MIAPbP Director
MIAPbP Director, Coordinator RU-B
theoretical particle physics, beyond the standard model, collider physics, dark matter
MIAPbP Administrative Coordinator
observational cosmology, cosmic expansion rate, supernovae, Bayesian inference, machine learning
Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie
- Search for super-massive black holes at very high redshifts z~6 (X-ray, optical, NIR)
- Broad Line Region in Active galactic Nuclei
- Machine and Deep Learning
Galaxy formation and evolution, kinematics and metals
Cosmological perturbation theory including higher cumulants and studying the effects of a velocity dispersion background and the link between its perturbations and the non-linear matter power spectrum
PhD Student
Neutrinos, cosmic messengers, P-ONE and P-ONE pathfinders
PhD Student
I run and analyze large N-body simulations to study the formation, evolution and clustering of galaxies in the standard and non-standard cosmological models.
Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model and in the early Universe. Finite temperature
and phase transitions, baryogenesis, inflation, axions, unified theories.
PhD Student
Designing and developing a distributed embedded system for small satellite applications
C2PAP Staff Scientist
Numerical astrophysicist specialised in supermassive black holes, active galactic nuclei and their role in galaxy formation and evolution.
Postdoc and ODSL Fellow
BAT.jl is a Bayesian Analysis Toolkit in Julia. It is a high-performance tool box for Bayesian inference, using statistical models expressed in a general-purpose programming language.
Detection and characterization of cosmological gravitational waves and their imprint in the B-modes of the CMB, with a particular focus on forecasts and analysis for the future LiteBIRD experiment.
Supersymmetric Field Theory, String theory
Cluster Emeritus
Search for Phenomena beyond the Standard Model with the Belle II at KEK, Japan, in particular, lepton flavor violation in tau leptons. Hardware: Neural vertex trigger for the Belle II drift chamber.
PhD Student
C2PAP Staff Scientist
I specialise in non perturbative particle physics present in collider interactions, Schwinger pair creation and electron/laser interactions, I perform phenomenology and non perturbative monte carlo.
Strong interaction and collider phenomenology
PhD Student
Cluster Emeritus
- Interstellar Medium / Dust / Supernova Remnants
- Galactic Center
- Dark Energy / -Matter, Cosmology
Principal Investigator
MIAPbP Program Manager
Office hours: Mon - Thu 8:00-17:00; Fri 8:00-14:00 (may vary during workshops)
MIAPbP Program Manager
Principal Investigator
I conduct research into scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory, which are used for the precise description of accelerator experiments.
Ruhr University Bochum
Studies of the exotic matter formations via the resonance phenomena of strong interaction. Keywords: scattering theory, amplitude analysis, LHCb experiment, COMPASS experiment.
Cluster Emeritus
Theory of hadrons and nuclei; matter under extreme conditions in nuclear and astrophysics. (See also:
ORIGINS Vera Rubin Fellow
My research is focused on understanding the ISM conditions and the large scale dynamics that lead to the formation of massive star progenitors of the brightest explosions in the Universe.
I study heavy quarks in the continuum and on the lattice.
Higgs boson decays to four leptons, Higgs boson couplings measurement, CP violation in VBF production and H4l decays, effective field theory interpretations, sMDT chamber construction for HL-LHC.
Cluster Emeritus
Flavour Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond. QCD Corrections to weak decays and detailed studies of rare decays in specific models and in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory. CP Violation.
Cluster Emeritus
Investigation of cytoskeletal active matter
IT-System Administrator
PhD Student
Measurement of the quantum numbers of the X(3915) resonance using amplitude analysis at Belle and in perspective Belle II experiments.
University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Protocells, protobiology, prototissues, coacervates, proteinosomes, vesicles, systems chemistry, matter/life transitions
Theoretical and numerical studies of large-scale structure (LSS) in the Universe.
Using LSS to constrain physics and cosmology (inflation, dark energy, dark matter, neutrino masses, gravity, etc).
PhD Student
Photon and neutron detection with gaseous detectors, enhance detection efficiency for X-Ray and Gamma tracking with extended drift geometries.
PhD Student, PhD Representative
My research project focuses on studying particle physics models of dark matter that leave an imprint on cosmological structure formation, and can be tested with galaxy cluster surveys.
Principal Investigator
Cosmological galaxy surveys, dark energy, dark matter, weak gravitational lensing, clusters of galaxies, photometric redshifts, galaxy-halo connection, higher-order statistics, artificial intelligence.
DMDC Postdoc and ODSL Fellow
Dark Matter, Open data, Statistical comparison of models with experiments, phenomenology
Forecasts for constraints on (non-standard) cosmological models from future cluster surveys. Currently: derivation and cosmological exploitation of the LSST-Rubin cluster data-set.
Postdoc, RU-C Manager
I'm interested in all things cosmological: large-scale structure, clusters of galaxies, non-gaussian statistics and morphology of fields, early Universe physics, neutrinos.
Principal Investigator
I am a theoretical particle physicist, mainly interested in mathematical methods in perturbative Quantum Field Theory and their application to collider physics.
PhD Student
AGN, AGN feedback and evolution, multi-wavelength surveys, X-ray spectral analysis, variability.
Analysis of cosmological probes, in particular Large Scale Structure from galaxy surveys.Constraints on physics and parameters related to dark energy, dark matter, neutrinos, inflation...
My research interests include large scale structure, weak lensing, dark energy, modified gravity and beyond two-point statistics.
PhD Student
Numerical hydro-dynamical simulations of disc galaxies to probe the processes involved in the fuelling of the central regions of galaxies, its impact on the "flickering" of supermassive black holes.
Postdoc, CN-3 Manager
Large-scale structure of the Universe (EFTs, Halo Model, Schrodinger Poisson systems), Phase transitions in the Early Universe, Gravitational Waves, Perturbation Theory.
PhD Student
Investigations on different gas mixtures regarding performance of large area Micro-Pattern gaseous detectors. Characterization and implementation of new readout electronics.
PhD Student
Full spectral analysis of star-forming galaxies using evolutionary population synthesis models derived from star formation & chemical histories, single-burst models and machine learning algorithms.
Cluster Emeritus
Theoretical nuclear physics; Study of the nuclear equation of state, esp. the density dependence of the symmetry energy, in heavy-ion collisions by transport theories with relevance to astrophysics.
Postdoc (DMDC)
Phenomenology, Dark Matter, Neutrinos, Open data, Statistical comparison of models with experiments, Data Analysis
Postdoc and ODSL Fellow
CUNEF Universidad
Non-linearities within field theory. Constrained dynamics. Modified gravity theories. Quantum field theory. Mathematical physics.
My research focuses on active galactic nuclei. I am characterizing their broadband properties in order to understand the underlying particle acceleration and emission processes.
Science Communication Manager
- science communication
- outreach
- teaching
- black hole physics, accretion physics, GRAVITY/VLT
Gas detectors for particle physics and their future
PhD student
I am mainly working on cosmological parameters inference, with particular attention to the modeling of the Matter Power Spectrum.
Università di Milano Bicocca
My research interests focus on astroparticle, underground and fundamental physics. I am the PI of the RES-NOVA project, a cryogenic array of archaeo-Pb based detector for Supernova neutrino detection.
PhD student
Our group is currently setting up the PERC instrument at the FRM II. My main contribution is designing a scintillation detector to measure electrons of backscattering events.
PhD student
Resummation of Next-to-Leading Power Logarithms Soft-Collinear Effective Theory beyond Leading Power
I am a theoretical physicist interested in perturbative calculations in Quantum Field Theory with an emphasis on results relevant to LHC physics.
My research is focused on elementary particle physics phenomelogy, with a particular interest in the search of BSM physics at colliders and in different experiments and in the study of EFTs.
PhD student
Gravitational lensing, in particular strong lensing in the framework of time delay cosmography using Wendelstein Observatory 2M data.
PhD student
I work on model development for the analysis the light-meson spectrum. I work on both statistical methods and phenomenological model building.
PhD student
Looking at survival and behavior of RNA and DNA inside dynamic coacervate droplets acting as a protective environment
ODSL Coordinator
My research focuses on the development of machine learning and statistical methods as well as computational analysis techniques for use in high energy physics experiments such as the ATLAS Experiment
PhD student
The goal of my thesis is to investigate both the stellar and nuclear uncertainties which play a role in the modeling of AGB stars and the s-process.
PhD student, CN-5 Manager
Hydrodynamical Simulations, Implementation of Meshless Finite Mass into OpenGadget3.
PhD student
Consequences of compact objects made of dark matter in terms of detectable signals based on the interaction between the visible and dark sectors.
PhD student
I am investigating effective electromagnetic interactions of neutral states such as dark matter which could lead to signals in direct detection experiments constraining BSM models.
PhD student
My main focus is the processing of scientific data in the framework of the LRSM projects in hard- and software, mainly the AFIS mission
Principal Investigator
ORIGINS Fellow, RU-E manager
I am implementing data analytical methods, e.g. graph-based network analysis, from CHEMISTRY into the field of ASTRONOMY, to answer questions about the origin(s) of life or about habitability in space.
PhD Student
Detection and characterisation of exoplanets with the radial velocity method.
PhD Student
Determining cluster members of star forming regions and analysing the cluster properties.
Postdoc, PD Representative
I am working on novel searches and triggers for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC as well as pMSSM re-interpretation efforts. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested!
Prinicipal Investigator
Principal Investigator
Multi-wavelength observational astronomer focussed on stellar and substellar formation (multiplicity and environmental effects) and, in general, data driven problems
Principal Investigator
I am fascinated by the classical, quantum and Bayesian probability distributions that govern cosmology, and I am working to understand the connections between these different probabilistic regimes.
My research project aims to understand the origins of the chemical complexity observed in our Solar System by investigating the molecular content of young protoplanetary disks
PhD student
Untersuchung der quasifreien Streuung an leichten Kernen mit dem R3B Experiment
PhD student
PhD Student, CN-4 Manager
Making forecast for existing/futuristic cluster datasets and understanding the constraining power for two modified gravity models.
I work on string dualitites and string compactifications. I am also interested in quantum field theory in general.
PhD student, PhD Representative
I aim to use hydrodynamical simulations to further our understanding about the formation of the local bubble; a superbubble in the immediate neighborhood of the solar system.
PhD student, CN-1 Manager
Past research:
- Turbulent, interstellar medium
- Nuclear star clusters
PhD student
Search of correlations between optical spectra from SDSS and X-ray data from eROSITA to better understand the connections between active supermassive black holes, host galaxies and the environment.
PhD student
- Galaxy formation with respect to the interplay of gas accretion and star formation
- Gas regulation processes in galaxies in the Magneticum Pathfinder Simulations
PhD student
My interests lie in the study of mathematical aspects of scattering amplitudes: their properties, techniques, and special functions necessary for their calculation.
Coordinator RU-D
My research focuses on planet-forming disks and on the characterisation of their physical and chemical properties using ALMA observations and physical-chemical modelling.
Coordinator RU-D, Principal Investigator
Strong gravitational lensing - Dark matter - Galaxies
Principal Investigator
Lunar and planetary science and exploration, including instrumentation for in-situ analysis, ice-regolith properties, heat and mass transfer in regolith, volatiles, lunar exosphere-surface interaction
PhD student
I work on the dynamics of heavy quarkonium in heavy ion collisions focusing on novel computational techniques to describe the evolution inside the Quark Gluon Plasma.
PhD student
Effective field theories, Theories of Open quantum systems and Thermal field theory
PhD student
I recently finished my master studies at the University of Regensburg and am now starting my PhD in Prof. Heinrichs Data Science in Physics group.
Theory and simulation: Climate modelling (of Earth, Solar System bodies and exoplanets) with general circulation models (GCMs).
Principal Investigator
Use numerical astrophysics methods to study microphysics and astrochemistry in star-forming regions, protoplanetary disks, and exoplanetary atmospheres. The main focus is thermochemical processes.
Postdoc, RU-A Manager
Search for Supersymmetry, Heavy Quark Physics, Big data analytics and Machine Learning
Principal Investigator
Experimental geosciences. The role of geologic processes and materials in constraining pre-biotic chemistry and exoplanet atmospheres.
PhD student
Measurement of R(X) using an untagged fully-inclusive analysis.
Czech Technical University in Prague, FNSPE
Hadronic interaction studies in the strangeness sector with expertise in the dynamics of many-body system.
Principal Investigator
Learning with multiple representations and artificial intelligence in physics education and STEM teacher training through multimedia-based learning environments and technologies (e.g. AR/VR, etc.)
Postdoc, CN-8 Manager
Research Projects:
Cosmic ray acceleration through astrophysical and planetary shocks using methods of computational and theoretical plasma physics
ORIGINS Accounting LMU
Office hours
Mon, Tue, Thu: 7:30 - 16:00
Fri: 7:30 - 13:30
Principal Investigator
Study of the dark matter and baryons distribution in the bulk of the virialized halo population at the group mass scale. Study of galaxy evolution with a particular focus on the environment.
I study the behaviour of matter at finite densities and temperatures, with an emphasis on loop calculations using real-and-imaginary time methods together with effective field theory.
PhD student
Finding potential nucleoside formation conditions, that are compatible with an early Earth environment and at the same time with conditions for subsequent polymerisation.
PhD student
I work on phosphorylation, recyclisation and oligomerisation of nucleotides, with the aim to achieve them all in similar, prebiotically-likely conditions.
PhD student
Using the accumulation of molecules at air/water interfaces in thermal gradients in order to restart protein synthesis in a diluted and inactive Transcription-Translation reaction.
Multi-messenger modelling of active black holes
PhD student
Bayesian inference in superposed complex systems combined with deep learning, especially for radio interferometric data. |
Team Assistant
PhD student
Are we able to experimentally create an evolutionary chamber to bridge the gap between simple prebiotic molecules and the first “living” organisms?
PhD student
Developement of a fetal magnetocardiography device to be used in a Doctor's office.
PhD student
Measurement and reconstruction of magnetic fields in fundamental physical experiments and biomedical measurements
- Exoplanet Atmospheres
- High-resolution Spectroscopy
PhD student
Effective Field Theories, SMEFT, HEFT
I'm an experimental particle physicist, member of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN. My research is focused on the areas of data analytics, machine learning and simulation software.
My research concerns perturbative calculations in quantum field theories that are relevant for particle physics phenomenology and the gravitational wave program.
PhD student, CN-8 Manager
- emergent phenomena of polymerization - mutual interplay between sequence of RNA/DNA and kinetics/thermodynamics of polymerization reactions |
PhD student
I perform simulations of the formations of stars and their surrounding accretion disks, taking into the account the effect of magnetic fields and also attempt to connect this to larger (ISM) scales.
PhD student
Principles of intracellular pattern formation
Coarsening and wavelength selection in mass-conserving reaction–diffusion systems
Self-organization via chemotactic signaling
PhD student
Development and application of graph neural networks within the context of neutrino telescopes.
PhD student, PhD Representative
Simulations and data analysis for particle detectors with space applications
As a postdoctoral scientist at TUM, I am enthusiastic about comprehending the potential transition from non-living to living matter, using membrane biophysics and confocal microscopy.
PhD student
The goal of my project is to find sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays by using the very highest energies events ( >100 EeV).
Postdoc, PD Representative
Investigating gas and dust dynamics during early stages of star, disc and planet formation using numerical tools.
Using the relatively empty spaces between galaxies, so-called cosmic voids, I investigate the properties of our Universe and learn more about the unique characteristics of voids.
PhD student
I am interested in the phenomenology of Beyond Standard Model physics, in particular in Effective Field Theories of Gravity.
PhD student
The aim of my research project is the computation of the three-loop scattering amplitudes for color singlet + jet production at the LHC, together with the relevant three-loop Feynman Integrals.
PhD student
Theoretical, numerical and experimental investigation of wakefield driven beam plasma instabilities and its relevance to electromagnetic phenomena in astrophysics. Collaboration with AWAKE at CERN.
PhD student
Theoretical Particle Physics, Dark Matter
Phd student
In the 0nbb decay experiment LEGEND-1000 the cosmogenic background becomes relevant. I study its contribution to the predecessors GERDA and LEGEND-200 and investigate possible suppression methods.
I have expertise in cosmic and gamma rays and working mostly with the MAGIC as well as with the LST/CTA IACTs. Also, I have some expertise in Stellar Intensity Interferometry.
Cluster Emeritus
Higgs physics with di-Higgs and beyond the Standard Model searches.
Machine Learning for high energy physics with set and sequence models, transformers, generative models and normalizing flows.
Exploring AI's thrilling intersections with Mathematics, Particle Physics, and Astrobiology in AI4Science, seeking discovery of the unknown, and developing new solutions.
Postdoc, RU-B Manager
cosmology (baryogenesis, symmetries at high temperatures, dark matter), gauge hierarchy problem (composite Higgs, relaxion, landscape solutions), collider searches for new physics
Postdoc, CN-6 Manager
My work focuses on the study of black hole accretion disks as environments for cosmic ray generation and acceleration, mostly from the point of view of GRMHD.
Postdoc, RU-E Manager
Chromatography and mass spectrometry of complex reaction systems in the context of the Origin of Life.
MIAPbP Administrative Coordinator
MIAPbP Administrative Coordinator
PhD student
I am investigating the polymerization of nucleotides in the presence of amino acids in different geological settings like wet/dry cycles or on volcanic rock samples.
PhD student
analyse the connection between debris disks and multiplicity using the SACY sample + assemble the database for the analysis of sample II, possibly further characterise specific multiple systems
PhD Student
Development of an efficient GPU-accelerated framework for joint strong lensing and dynamical modeling of galaxies. Application to time-delay cosmography with the lensed quasar RX J1131.
PhD student
theoretical particle physics, beyond the standard model, axions, dark matter, early universe
PhD Student, CN-7 Manager
I am part of the ALICE Collaboration, studying particle production and interaction in small systems via femtoscopy, currently, focusing on the ρ-p interactions, with interest in ML for source studies.