Search results 1 until 10 of 297
Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model and in the early Universe. Finite temperature and phase transitions, baryogenesis, inflation, axions, unified theories.
Detection and characterization of cosmological gravitational waves and their imprint in the B-modes of the CMB, with a particular focus on forecasts and analysis for the future LiteBIRD experiment.
Numerical hydrodynamics, stellar Evolution, supernovae physics, and visulaization.
Hadronic interaction studies in the strangeness sector with expertise in the dynamics of many-body system.
I am part of the ALICE Collaboration, studying particle production and interaction in small systems via femtoscopy, currently, focusing on the ρ-p interactions, with interest in ML for source studies.
theoretical particle physics, beyond the standard model, axions, dark matter, early universe
- Search for super-massive black holes at very high redshifts z~6 (X-ray, optical, NIR) - Broad Line Region in Active galactic Nuclei - Machine and Deep Learning
My research project aims to understand the origins of the chemical complexity observed in our Solar System by investigating the molecular content of young protoplanetary disks
Studies of the exotic matter formations via the resonance phenomena of strong interaction. Keywords: scattering theory, amplitude analysis, LHCb experiment, COMPASS experiment.
Theoretical and numerical studies of large-scale structure (LSS) in the Universe. Using LSS to constrain physics and cosmology (inflation, dark energy, dark matter, neutrino masses, gravity, etc).