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(1929) A roadmap towards the synthesis of Life
  • Christine Kriebisch,
  • Olga Bantysh,
  • Lorena Baranda,
  • Andrea Belluati,
  • Eva Bertosin
  • +54
  • Kun Dai,
  • Maria de Roy,
  • Hailin Fu,
  • Nicola Galvanetto,
  • Julianne Gibbs,
  • Samuel Santhosh Gomez,
  • Gaetano Granatelli,
  • Alessandra Griffo,
  • Maria Guix,
  • Cenk Onur Gurdap,
  • Johannes Harth-Kitzerow,
  • Ivar Haugerud,
  • Gregor Häfner,
  • Pranay Jaiswal,
  • Sadaf Javed,
  • Ashkan Karimi,
  • Shuzo Kato,
  • Brigitte Kriebisch,
  • Sudarshana Laha,
  • Pao-Wan Lee,
  • Wojciech Lipinski,
  • Thomas Matreux,
  • Thomas Michaels,
  • Erik Poppleton,
  • Alexander Ruf,
  • Annemiek Slootbeek,
  • Iris Smokers,
  • Héctor Soria-Carrera,
  • Alessandro Sorrenti,
  • Michele Stasi,
  • Alisdair Stevenson,
  • Advait Thatte,
  • Mai Tran,
  • Merlijn van Haren,
  • Hidde Vuijk,
  • Shelley Wickham,
  • Pablo Zambrano,
  • Katarzyna Adamala,
  • Karen Alim,
  • Ebbe Sloth Andersen,
  • Claudia Bonfio,
  • Dieter Braun,
  • Erwin Frey,
  • Ulrich Gerland,
  • Wilhelm Huck,
  • Frank Jülicher,
  • Nadanai Laohakunakorn,
  • L. Mahadevan,
  • Sijbren Otto,
  • James Saenz,
  • Petra Schwille,
  • Kerstin Göpfrich,
  • Christoph Weber,
  • Job Boekhoven
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

The synthesis of life from non-living matter has captivated scientists for centuries. It is a grand challenge aimed at unraveling the fundamental principles of life and leveraging its unique features, such as resilience, sustainability, and the ability to evolve. Synthetic life holds immense potential in biotechnology, medicine, and materials science. Advancements in synthetic biology, systems chemistry, and biophysics have brought us closer to achieving this ambitious goal. Researchers have successfully assembled cellular components and synthesized biomimetic hardware for synthetic cells, while chemical reaction networks have demonstrated potential for Darwinian evolution. However, numerous challenges persist, including defining terminology and objectives, interdisciplinary collaboration, and addressing ethical aspects and public concerns. Our perspective offers a roadmap toward the engineering of life based on discussions during a two-week workshop with scientists from around the globe.

(1928)A comprehensive study of the gas-phase formation network of HC$_5$N: theory, experiments, observations and models
  • Lisa Giani,
  • Eleonora Bianchi,
  • Martin Fournier,
  • Sidaty Cheikh Sid Ely,
  • Cecilia Ceccarelli
  • +4
  • Marzio Rosi,
  • Jean-Claude Guillemin,
  • Ian R. Sims,
  • Nadia Balucani
  • (less)
arXiv e-prints (02/2025) e-Print:2502.03046
abstract + abstract -

Cyanopolyynes are among the largest and most commonly observed interstellar Complex Organic Molecules in star-forming regions. They are believed to form primarily in the gas-phase, but their formation routes are not well understood. We present a comprehensive study of the gas-phase formation network of cyanobutadiyne, HC$_5$N, based on new theoretical calculations, kinetics experiments, astronomical observations, and astrochemical modeling. We performed new quantum mechanics calculations for six neutral-neutral reactions in order to derive reliable rate coefficients and product branching fractions. We also present new CRESU data on the rate coefficients of three of these reactions (C$_3$N + C$_2$H$_2$, C$_2$H + HC$_3$N, CN + C$_4$H$_2$) obtained at temperatures as low as 24 K. In practice, six out of nine reactions currently used in astrochemical models have been updated in our reviewed network. We also report the tentative detection of the $^{13}$C isotopologues of HC$_5$N in the L1544 prestellar core. We derived a lower limit of $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C > 75 for the HC$_5$N isotopologues, which does not allow to bring new constraints to the HC$_5$N chemistry. Finally, we verified the impact of the revised reactions by running the GRETOBAPE astrochemical model. We found good agreement between the HC$_5$N predicted and observed abundances in cold ($\sim$10 K) objects, demonstrating that HC$_5$N is mainly formed by neutral-neutral reactions in these environments. In warm molecular shocks, instead, the predicted abundances are a factor of ten lower with respect to observed ones. In this environment possessing an higher gas ionization fraction, we speculate that the contribution of ion-neutral reactions could be significant.

(1927)Closing the gap between SGP4 and high-precision propagation via differentiable programming
  • Giacomo Acciarini,
  • Atılım Güneş Baydin,
  • Dario Izzo
Acta Astronautica (01/2025) doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.10.063
abstract + abstract -

The simplified general perturbations 4 (SGP4) orbital propagation model is one of the most widely used methods for rapidly and reliably predicting the positions and velocities of objects orbiting Earth. Over time, SGP models have undergone refinement to enhance their efficiency and accuracy. Nevertheless, they still do not match the precision offered by high-precision numerical propagators, which can predict the positions and velocities of space objects in low-Earth orbit with significantly smaller errors. In this study, we introduce a novel differentiable version of SGP4, named <mml:math altimg="si29.svg" display="inline" id="d1e632"><mml:mi>∂</mml:mi></mml:math>SGP4. By porting the source code of SGP4 into a differentiable program based on PyTorch, we unlock a whole new class of techniques enabled by differentiable orbit propagation, including spacecraft orbit determination, state conversion, covariance similarity transformation, state transition matrix computation, and covariance propagation. Besides differentiability, our <mml:math altimg="si29.svg" display="inline" id="d1e637"><mml:mi>∂</mml:mi></mml:math>SGP4 supports parallel propagation of a batch of two-line elements (TLEs) in a single execution and it can harness modern hardware accelerators like GPUs or XLA devices (e.g. TPUs) thanks to running on the PyTorch backend. Furthermore, the design of <mml:math altimg="si29.svg" display="inline" id="d1e644"><mml:mi>∂</mml:mi></mml:math>SGP4 makes it possible to use it as a differentiable component in larger machine learning (ML) pipelines, where the propagator can be an element of a larger neural network that is trained or fine-tuned with data. Consequently, we propose a novel orbital propagation paradigm, ML-<mml:math altimg="si29.svg" display="inline" id="d1e649"><mml:mi>∂</mml:mi></mml:math>SGP4. In this paradigm, the orbital propagator is enhanced with neural networks attached to its input and output. Through gradient-based optimization, the parameters of this combined model can be iteratively refined to achieve precision surpassing that of SGP4. Fundamentally, the neural networks function as identity operators when the propagator adheres to its default behavior as defined by SGP4. However, owing to the differentiability ingrained within <mml:math altimg="si29.svg" display="inline" id="d1e654"><mml:mi>∂</mml:mi></mml:math>SGP4, the model can be fine-tuned with ephemeris data to learn corrections to both inputs and outputs of SGP4. This augmentation enhances precision while maintaining the same computational speed of <mml:math altimg="si29.svg" display="inline" id="d1e660"><mml:mi>∂</mml:mi></mml:math>SGP4 at inference time. This paradigm empowers satellite operators and researchers, equipping them with the ability to train the model using their specific ephemeris or high-precision numerical propagation data.

(1926)Helicity effect on turbulent passive and active scalar diffusivities
  • Axel Brandenburg,
  • Petri J. Käpylä,
  • Igor Rogachevskii,
  • Nobumitsu Yokoi
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Turbulent flows are known to produce enhanced effective magnetic and passive scalar diffusivities, which can fairly accurately be determined with numerical methods. It is now known that, if the flow is also helical, the effective magnetic diffusivity is reduced relative to the nonhelical value. Neither the usual second-order correlation approximation nor the various $\tau$ approaches have been able to capture this. Here we show that the helicity effect on the turbulent passive scalar diffusivity works in the opposite sense and leads to an enhancement. This effect has not previously been seen. We have also demonstrated that the correlation time of the turbulent velocity field increases by the kinetic helicity. This is a key point in the theoretical interpretation of the obtained numerical results. Simulations in which helicity is being produced self-consistently by stratified rotating turbulence, resulted in a turbulent passive scalar diffusivity that was found to be decreasing with increasing rotation rate.

(1925)eRO-ExTra: eROSITA extragalactic non-AGN X-ray transients and variables in eRASS1 and eRASS2
  • I. Grotova,
  • A. Rau,
  • M. Salvato,
  • J. Buchner,
  • A. J. Goodwin
  • +18
  • Z. Liu,
  • A. Malyali,
  • A. Merloni,
  • D. Tubín-Arenas,
  • D. Homan,
  • M. Krumpe,
  • K. Nandra,
  • R. Shirley,
  • G. E. Anderson,
  • R. Arcodia,
  • S. Bahic,
  • P. Baldini,
  • D. A. H. Buckley,
  • S. Ciroi,
  • A. Kawka,
  • M. Masterson,
  • J. C. A. Miller-Jones,
  • F. Di Mille
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (01/2025) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202451253
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Aims. The eROSITA telescope aboard the Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) satellite provides an unprecedented opportunity to explore the transient and variable extragalactic X-ray sky due to the sensitivity, sky coverage, and cadence of the all-sky survey. While previous studies showed the dominance of regular active galactic nuclei (AGN) variability, a small fraction of sources expected in such a survey arise from more exotic phenomena such as tidal disruption events (TDEs), quasi-periodic eruptions, or other short-lived events associated with supermassive black hole accretion. This paper describes the systematic selection of X-ray extragalactic transients found in the first two eROSITA all-sky surveys (eRASS) that are not associated with known AGN prior to eROSITA observations. Methods. We generated a variability sample using the data from the first and second eRASS, which includes sources with a variability significance and a fractional amplitude larger than four in the 0.2–2.3 keV energy band. The sources were discovered between December 2019 and December 2020, and are located in the Legacy Survey DR10 (LS10) footprint. When possible, transients were associated with optical LS10 counterparts. The properties of these counterparts were used to exclude stars and known active galaxies. The sample was additionally cleaned from known AGN using pre-eROSITA SIMBAD and the Million Quasars Catalog (Milliquas) classifications, archival optical spectra, and archival X-ray data. We explored archival X-ray variability, long-term (2–2.5 years) eROSITA light curves, and peak X-ray spectra to characterize the X-ray properties of the sample. Sources with radio counterparts were identified using the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) and the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS). Results. We present a catalog of 304 extragalactic eROSITA transients and variables not associated with known AGN, called eRO- ExTra. More than 90% of sources are associated with reliable LS10 optical counterparts. For each source, we provide archival X-ray data from Swift, ROSAT, and XMM-Newton; the eROSITA long-term light curve with a light curve classification; as well as the best power law fit spectral results at the peak eROSITA epoch. Reliable spectroscopic and photometric redshifts, which are both archival and from follow-up data, are provided for more than 80% of the sample. Several sources in the catalog are known TDE candidates discovered by eROSITA. In addition, 31 sources are radio detected. The origin of radio emission needs to be further identified. Conclusions. The eRO-ExTra transients constitute a relatively clean parent sample of non-AGN variability phenomena associated with massive black holes. The eRO-ExTra catalog includes more than 95% of sources discovered in X-rays with eROSITA for the first time, which makes it a valuable resource for studying unique nuclear transients.

(1924)Comparison of Three Methods for Triggering Core-collapse Supernova Explosions in Spherical Symmetry
  • Liliya Imasheva,
  • H. -Thomas Janka,
  • Achim Weiss
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Despite the three-dimensional nature of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe), simulations in spherical symmetry (1D) play an important role to study large model sets for the progenitor-remnant connection, explosion properties, remnant masses, and CCSN nucleosynthesis. To trigger explosions in 1D, various numerical recipes have been applied, mostly with gross simplifications of the complex microphysics governing stellar core collapse, the formation of the compact remnant, and the mechanism of the explosion. Here we investigate the two most popular treatments, piston-driven and thermal-bomb explosions, in comparison to 1D explosions powered by a parametric neutrino engine in the P-HOTB code. For this comparison we calculate CCSNe for eight stars and evolution times up to 10,000 s, targeting the same progenitor-specific explosion energies as obtained by the neutrino-engine results. Otherwise we employ widely-used ("classic") modelling assumptions, and alternatively to the standard contraction-expansion trajectory for pistons, we also test suitably selected Lagrangian mass shells adopted from the neutrino-driven explosions as "special trajectories." Although the 56Ni production agrees within roughly a factor of two between the different explosion triggers, neither piston nor thermal bombs can reproduce the correlation of 56Ni yields and explosion energies found in neutrino-driven explosions. This shortcoming as well as the problem of massive fallback witnessed in classical piston models, which diminishes or extinguishes the ejected nickel, can be largely cured by the special trajectories. These and the choice of the explosion energies, however, make the modelling dependent on pre-existing neutrino-driven explosion results.

(1923)Characterization of Markarian 421 during its most violent year: Multiwavelength variability and correlations
  • K. Abe,
  • S. Abe,
  • J. Abhir,
  • A. Abhishek,
  • V. A. Acciari
  • +210
  • A. Aguasca-Cabot,
  • I. Agudo,
  • T. Aniello,
  • S. Ansoldi,
  • L. A. Antonelli,
  • A. Arbet Engels,
  • C. Arcaro,
  • K. Asano,
  • D. Baack,
  • A. Babić,
  • U. Barres de Almeida,
  • J. A. Barrio,
  • I. Batković,
  • A. Bautista,
  • J. Baxter,
  • J. Becerra González,
  • W. Bednarek,
  • E. Bernardini,
  • J. Bernete,
  • A. Berti,
  • J. Besenrieder,
  • C. Bigongiari,
  • A. Biland,
  • O. Blanch,
  • G. Bonnoli,
  • Ž. Bošnjak,
  • E. Bronzini,
  • I. Burelli,
  • A. Campoy-Ordaz,
  • R. Carosi,
  • M. Carretero-Castrillo,
  • A. J. Castro-Tirado,
  • D. Cerasole,
  • G. Ceribella,
  • Y. Chai,
  • A. Cifuentes,
  • E. Colombo,
  • J. L. Contreras,
  • J. Cortina,
  • S. Covino,
  • G. D'Amico,
  • F. D'Ammando,
  • V. D'Elia,
  • P. Da Vela,
  • F. Dazzi,
  • A. De Angelis,
  • B. De Lotto,
  • R. de Menezes,
  • M. Delfino,
  • J. Delgado,
  • C. Delgado Mendez,
  • F. Di Pierro,
  • R. Di Tria,
  • L. Di Venere,
  • D. Dominis Prester,
  • A. Donini,
  • D. Dorner,
  • M. Doro,
  • L. Eisenberger,
  • D. Elsaesser,
  • J. Escudero,
  • L. Fariña,
  • A. Fattorini,
  • L. Foffano,
  • L. Font,
  • S. Fröse,
  • S. Fukami,
  • Y. Fukazawa,
  • R. J. García López,
  • M. Garczarczyk,
  • S. Gasparyan,
  • M. Gaug,
  • J. G. Giesbrecht Paiva,
  • N. Giglietto,
  • F. Giordano,
  • P. Gliwny,
  • N. Godinović,
  • T. Gradetzke,
  • R. Grau,
  • D. Green,
  • J. G. Green,
  • P. Günther,
  • D. Hadasch,
  • A. Hahn,
  • T. Hassan,
  • L. Heckmann,
  • J. Herrera Llorente,
  • D. Hrupec,
  • R. Imazawa,
  • K. Ishio,
  • I. Jiménez Martínez,
  • J. Jormanainen,
  • S. Kankkunen,
  • T. Kayanoki,
  • D. Kerszberg,
  • G. W. Kluge,
  • P. M. Kouch,
  • H. Kubo,
  • J. Kushida,
  • M. Láinez,
  • A. Lamastra,
  • F. Leone,
  • E. Lindfors,
  • S. Lombardi,
  • F. Longo,
  • R. López-Coto,
  • M. López-Moya,
  • A. López-Oramas,
  • S. Loporchio,
  • A. Lorini,
  • P. Majumdar,
  • M. Makariev,
  • G. Maneva,
  • M. Manganaro,
  • S. Mangano,
  • K. Mannheim,
  • M. Mariotti,
  • M. Martínez,
  • M. Martínez-Chicharro,
  • A. Mas-Aguilar,
  • D. Mazin,
  • S. Menchiari,
  • S. Mender,
  • D. Miceli,
  • T. Miener,
  • J. M. Miranda,
  • R. Mirzoyan,
  • M. Molero González,
  • E. Molina,
  • H. A. Mondal,
  • A. Moralejo,
  • D. Morcuende,
  • T. Nakamori,
  • C. Nanci,
  • V. Neustroev,
  • L. Nickel,
  • C. Nigro,
  • L. Nikolić,
  • K. Nilsson,
  • K. Nishijima,
  • T. Njoh Ekoume,
  • K. Noda,
  • S. Nozaki,
  • A. Okumura,
  • J. Otero-Santos,
  • S. Paiano,
  • D. Paneque,
  • R. Paoletti,
  • J. M. Paredes,
  • M. Peresano,
  • M. Persic,
  • M. Pihet,
  • G. Pirola,
  • F. Podobnik,
  • P. G. Prada Moroni,
  • E. Prandini,
  • G. Principe,
  • W. Rhode,
  • M. Ribó,
  • J. Rico,
  • C. Righi,
  • N. Sahakyan,
  • T. Saito,
  • F. G. Saturni,
  • K. Schmidt,
  • F. Schmuckermaier,
  • J. L. Schubert,
  • T. Schweizer,
  • A. Sciaccaluga,
  • G. Silvestri,
  • J. Sitarek,
  • D. Sobczynska,
  • A. Stamerra,
  • J. Strišković,
  • D. Strom,
  • Y. Suda,
  • H. Tajima,
  • M. Takahashi,
  • R. Takeishi,
  • F. Tavecchio,
  • P. Temnikov,
  • K. Terauchi,
  • T. Terzić,
  • M. Teshima,
  • S. Truzzi,
  • A. Tutone,
  • S. Ubach,
  • J. van Scherpenberg,
  • S. Ventura,
  • G. Verna,
  • I. Viale,
  • C. F. Vigorito,
  • V. Vitale,
  • I. Vovk,
  • R. Walter,
  • F. Wersig,
  • M. Will,
  • T. Yamamoto,
  • S. G. Jorstad,
  • A. P. Marscher,
  • M. Perri,
  • C. Leto,
  • F. Verrecchia,
  • M. Aller,
  • W. Max-Moerbeck,
  • A. C. S. Readhead,
  • A. Lähteenmäki,
  • M. Tornikoski,
  • M. A. Gurwell,
  • A. E. Wehrle
  • (less)
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Mrk 421 was in its most active state around early 2010, which led to the highest TeV gamma-ray flux ever recorded from any active galactic nuclei. We aim to characterize the multiwavelength behavior during this exceptional year for Mrk 421, and evaluate whether it is consistent with the picture derived with data from other less exceptional years. We investigated the period from November 5, 2009, (MJD 55140) until July 3, 2010, (MJD 55380) with extensive coverage from very-high-energy (VHE; E$\,>\,$100$\,$GeV) gamma rays to radio with MAGIC, VERITAS, Fermi-LAT, RXTE, Swift, GASP-WEBT, VLBA, and a variety of additional optical and radio telescopes. We investigated the variability and correlation behavior among different energy bands in great detail. We find the strongest variability in X-rays and VHE gamma rays, and PSDs compatible with power-law functions. We observe strong correlations between X-rays and VHE gamma rays. We also report a marginally significant positive correlation between high-energy (HE; E$\,>\,$100$\,$MeV) gamma rays and the ultraviolet band. We detected marginally significant correlations between the HE and VHE gamma rays, and between HE gamma rays and the X-ray, that disappear when the large flare in February 2010 is excluded from the correlation study. The activity of Mrk 421 also yielded the first ejection of features in the VLBA images of the jet of Mrk 421. Yet the large uncertainties in the ejection times of these radio features prevent us from firmly associating them to the specific flares recorded during the campaign. We also show that the collected multi-instrument data are consistent with a scenario where the emission is dominated by two regions, a compact and extended zone, which could be considered as a simplified implementation of an energy-stratified jet as suggested by recent IXPE observations.

(1922)Blowing Out the Candle: How to Quench Galaxies at High Redshift—An Ensemble of Rapid Starbursts, AGN Feedback, and Environment
  • Lucas C. Kimmig,
  • Rhea-Silvia Remus,
  • Benjamin Seidel,
  • Lucas M. Valenzuela,
  • Klaus Dolag
  • +1
The Astrophysical Journal (01/2025) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad9472
abstract + abstract -

Recent observations with JWST and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array have revealed extremely massive quiescent galaxies at redshifts of z = 3 and higher, indicating both rapid onset and quenching of star formation. Using the cosmological simulation suite Magneticum Pathfinder, we reproduce the observed number densities and stellar masses, with 36 quenched galaxies of stellar mass larger than 3 × 1010 M at z = 3.42. We find that these galaxies are quenched through a rapid burst of star formation and subsequent active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback caused by a particularly isotropic collapse of surrounding gas, occurring on timescales of around 200 Myr or shorter. The resulting quenched galaxies host stellar components that are kinematically fast rotating and alpha-enhanced, while exhibiting a steeper metallicity and flatter age gradient compared to galaxies of similar stellar mass. The gas of the galaxies has been metal enriched and ejected. We find that quenched galaxies do not inhabit the densest nodes, but rather sit in local underdensities. We analyze observable metrics to predict future quenching at high redshifts, finding that on shorter timescales <500 Myr, the ratio M bh/M * is the best predictor, followed by the burstiness of the preceding star formation, t 50–t 90 (time to go from 50% to 90% stellar mass). On longer timescales, >1 Gyr, the environment becomes the strongest predictor, followed by t 50–t 90, indicating that at high redshifts the consumption of old gas and lack of new gas are more relevant for long-term prevention of star formation than the presence of a massive AGN. We predict that relics of such high-z quenched galaxies should best be characterized by a strong alpha enhancement.

(1921)EWOCS-III: JWST observations of the supermassive star cluster Westerlund 1
  • M. G. Guarcello,
  • V. Almendros-Abad,
  • J. B. Lovell,
  • K. Monsch,
  • K. Mužić
  • +27
  • J. R. Martínez-Galarza,
  • J. J. Drake,
  • K. Anastasopoulou,
  • M. Andersen,
  • C. Argiroffi,
  • A. Bayo,
  • R. Bonito,
  • D. Capela,
  • F. Damiani,
  • M. Gennaro,
  • A. Ginsburg,
  • E. K. Grebel,
  • J. L. Hora,
  • E. Moraux,
  • F. Najarro,
  • I. Negueruela,
  • L. Prisinzano,
  • N. D. Richardson,
  • B. Ritchie,
  • M. Robberto,
  • T. Rom,
  • E. Sabbi,
  • S. Sciortino,
  • G. Umana,
  • A. Winter,
  • N. J. Wright,
  • P. Zeidler
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (01/2025) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202452150
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Context. The typically large distances, extinction, and crowding of Galactic supermassive star clusters (stellar clusters more massive than 104 M) have so far hampered the identification of their very low mass members, required to extend our understanding of star and planet formation, and early stellar evolution, to the extremely energetic star-forming environment typical of starbursts. This situation has now evolved thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), and its unmatched resolution and sensitivity in the infrared. Aims. In this paper, the third of the series of the Extended Westerlund 1 and 2 Open Clusters Survey (EWOCS), we present JWST/NIRCam and JWST/MIRI observations of the supermassive star cluster Westerlund 1. These observations are specifically designed to unveil the cluster members down to the brown dwarf mass regime, and to allow us to select and study the protoplane-tary disks in the cluster and to study the mutual feedback between the cluster members and the surrounding environment. Methods. Westerlund 1 was observed as part of JWST GO-1905 for 23.6 hours. The data have been reduced using the JWST calibration pipeline, together with specific tools necessary to remove artifacts, such as the 1 /f random noise in NIRCam images. Source identification and photometry were performed with DOLPHOT. Results. The MIRI images show a plethora of different features. Diffuse nebular emission is observed around the cluster, which is typically composed of myriads of droplet-like features pointing toward the cluster center or the group of massive stars surrounding the Wolf–Rayet star W72/A. A long pillar is also observed in the northwest. The MIRI images also show resolved shells and outflows surrounding the M-type supergiants W20, W26, W75, and W237, the sgB[e] star W9 and the yellow hypergiant W4. Some of these shells have been observed before at other wavelengths, but never with the level of detail provided by JWST. The color-magnitude diagrams built using the NIRCam photometry show a clear cluster sequence, which is marked in its upper part by the 1828 NIRCam stars with X-ray counterparts. NIRCam observations using the F115W filter have reached the 23.8 mag limit with 50% completeness (roughly corresponding to a 0.06 M0 brown dwarf).

(1920)Detectability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of WASP-6 b with JWST NIRSpec PRISM
  • Fabian Grübel,
  • Karan Molaverdikhani,
  • Barbara Ercolano,
  • Christian Rab,
  • Oliver Trapp
  • +2
  • Dwaipayan Dubey,
  • Rosa Arenales-Lope
  • (less)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (01/2025) doi:10.1093/mnras/stae2532
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been detected throughout the Universe where they play essential roles in the evolution of their environments. For example, they are believed to affect atmospheric loss rates of close-in planets and might contribute to the pre-biotic chemistry and emergence of life. Despite their importance, the study of PAHs in exoplanet atmospheres has been limited. We aim to evaluate the possibility of detecting PAHs on exoplanets considering future observations using JWST's Near-Infrared Spectrograph PRISM mode. The hot Saturn WASP-6 b shows properties that are consistent with a potential PAH presence and is thus used as a case study for this work. Here, we compare the likelihoods of various synthetic haze species and their combinations with the influence of PAHs on the transmission spectrum of WASP-6 b. This is possible by applying the atmospheric retrieval code PETITRADTRANS to a collection of data from previous observations. Subsequently, by exploring synthetic, single transit JWST spectra of this planet that include PAHs, we assess whether these molecules can be detected in the near future. Previous observations support the presence of cloud/haze species in the spectrum of WASP-6 b. While this may include PAHs, the current data do not confirm their existence unambiguously. Our research suggests that utilizing the JWST for future observations could lead to a notable advancement in the study of PAHs. Employing this telescope, we find that a PAH abundance of approximately 0.1 per cent of the interstellar medium value could be robustly detectable.

(1919)Analytic two-loop amplitudes for $q\bar{q}\to \gamma \gamma$ and $gg \to \gamma \gamma$ mediated by a heavy-quark loop
  • Matteo Becchetti,
  • Federico Coro,
  • Christoph Nega,
  • Lorenzo Tancredi,
  • Fabian J. Wagner
abstract + abstract -

We address the analytic computation of the two-loop scattering amplitudes for the production of two photons in parton-parton scattering, mediated by loops of heavy quarks. Due to the presence of integrals of elliptic type, both partonic channels have been previously computed using semi-numerical methods. In this paper, leveraging new advances in the theory of differential equations for elliptic Feynman integrals, we derive a canonical basis for all integrals involved and compute them in terms of independent iterated integrals over elliptic and polylogarithmic differential forms. We use this representation to showcase interesting cancellations in the physical expressions for the scattering amplitudes. Furthermore, we address their numerical evaluation by producing series expansion representations for the whole amplitudes, which we demonstrate to be fast and numerically reliable across a large region of the phase space.

(1918)CRIRES<SUP>+</SUP> transmission spectroscopy of WASP-127 b: Detection of the resolved signatures of a supersonic equatorial jet and cool poles in a hot planet
  • L. Nortmann,
  • F. Lesjak,
  • F. Yan,
  • D. Cont,
  • S. Czesla
  • +12
  • A. Lavail,
  • A. D. Rains,
  • E. Nagel,
  • L. Boldt-Christmas,
  • A. Hatzes,
  • A. Reiners,
  • N. Piskunov,
  • O. Kochukhov,
  • U. Heiter,
  • D. Shulyak,
  • M. Rengel,
  • U. Seemann
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (01/2025) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450438
abstract + abstract -

Context. General circulation models of gas giant exoplanets predict equatorial jets that drive inhomogeneities in the atmospheric physical parameters across the planetary surface. Aims. We studied the transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-127 b during one transit in the K band with CRIRES+. Methods. Telluric and stellar signals were removed from the data using SYSREM and the planetary signal was investigated using the cross-correlation technique. After detecting a spectral signal indicative of atmospheric inhomogeneities, we employed a Bayesian retrieval framework with a two-dimensional modelling approach tailored to address this scenario. Results. We detected strong signals of H2O and CO, which exhibited not one but two distinct cross-correlation peaks. The doublepeaked signal can be explained by a supersonic equatorial jet and muted signals at the planetary poles, with the two peaks representing the signals from the planet's morning and evening terminators. We calculated an equatorial jet velocity of 7.7 ± 0.2 km s‑1 from our retrieved overall equatorial velocity and the planet's tidally locked rotation, and derive distinct atmospheric properties for the two terminators as well as the polar region. Our retrieval yields a solar C/O ratio and metallicity, and shows that the muted signals from the poles can be explained by either significantly lower temperatures or a high cloud deck. It provides tentative evidence for the morning terminator to be cooler than the evening terminator by ‑175‑117+133 K. Conclusions. Our detection of CO challenges previous non-detections of this species in WASP-127b's atmosphere. The presence of a clear double-peaked signal highlights the importance of taking planetary three-dimensional structure into account during interpretation of atmospheric signals. The measured supersonic jet velocity and the lack of signal from the polar regions, representing a detection of latitudinal inhomogeneity in a spatially unresolved target, showcases the power of high-resolution transmission spectroscopy for the characterisation of global circulation in exoplanet atmospheres.

(1917)Evidence for Jet/Outflow Shocks Heating the Environment Around the Class I Protostellar Source Elias 29: FAUST XXI
  • Yoko Oya,
  • Eri Saiga,
  • Anna Miotello,
  • FAUST members
abstract + abstract -

We have observed the late Class I protostellar source Elias~29 at a spatial-resolution of 70~au with the Atacama~Large~Millimeter/submillimeter~Array (ALMA) as part of the FAUST Large Program. We focus on the line emission of SO, while that of $^{34}$SO, C$^{18}$O, CS, SiO, H$^{13}$CO$^{+}$, and DCO$^{+}$ are used supplementally. The spatial distribution of the SO rotational temperature ($T_{\rm rot}$(SO)) is evaluated by using the intensity ratio of its two rotational excitation lines. Besides in the vicinity of the protostar, two hot spots are found at a distance of 500 au from the protostar; $T_{\rm rot}$(SO) locally rises to 53$^{+25}_{-15}$~K at the interaction point of the outflow and the southern ridge, and 72$^{+66}_{-29}$~K within the southeastern outflow probably due to a jet-driven bow shock. However, the SiO emission is not detected at these hot spots. It is likely that active gas accretion through the disk-like structure and onto the protostar still continues even at this evolved protostellar stage, at least sporadically, considering the outflow/jet activities and the possible infall motion previously reported. Interestingly, $T_{\rm rot}$(SO) is as high as 20$-$30~K even within the quiescent part of the southern ridge apart from the protostar by 500$-$1000~au without clear kinematic indication of current outflow/jet interactions. Such a warm condition is also supported by the low deuterium fractionation ratio of HCO$^+$ estimated by using the H$^{13}$CO$^{+}$ and DCO$^{+}$ lines. The B-type star HD147889 $\sim$0.5 pc away from Elias~29, previously suggested as a heating source for this region, is likely responsible for the warm condition of Elias~29.

(1916)Lorentz force mediation of turbulent dynamo transitions
  • Krista M. Soderlund,
  • Paula Wulff,
  • Petri Käpylä,
  • Jonathan M. Aurnou
abstract + abstract -

We investigate how the strength of the Lorentz force alters stellar convection zone dynamics in a suite of buoyancy-dominated, three-dimensional, spherical shell convective dynamo models. This is done by varying only the magnetic Prandtl number, $Pm$, the non-dimensional form of the fluid's electrical conductivity $\sigma$. Because the strength of the dynamo magnetic field and the Lorentz force scale with $Pm$, it is found that the fluid motions, the pattern of convective heat transfer, and the mode of dynamo generation all differ across the $0.25 \leq Pm \leq 10$ range investigated here. For example, we show that strong magnetohydrodynamic effects cause a fundamental change in the surface zonal flows: differential rotation switches from solar-like (prograde equatorial zonal flow) for larger electrical conductivities to an anti-solar differential rotation (retrograde equatorial zonal flow) at lower electrical conductivities. This study shows that the value of the bulk electrical conductivity is important not only for sustaining dynamo action, but can also drive first-order changes in the characteristics of the magnetic, velocity, and temperature fields. It is also associated with the relative strength of the Lorentz force in the system as measured by the local magnetic Rossby number, $Ro_\ell^M$, which we show is crucial in setting the characteristics of the large-scale convection regime that generates those dynamo fields.

(1915)Cosmology on point: modelling spectroscopic tracer one-point statistics
  • Beth McCarthy Gould,
  • Lina Castiblanco,
  • Cora Uhlemann,
  • Oliver Friedrich
The Open Journal of Astrophysics (01/2025) doi:10.33232/001c.127800
abstract + abstract -

The 1-point matter density probability distribution function (PDF) captures some of the non-Gaussian information lost in standard 2-point statistics. The matter PDF can be well predicted at mildly non-linear scales using large deviations theory. This work extends those predictions to biased tracers like dark matter halos and the galaxies they host. We model the conditional PDF of tracer counts given matter density using a tracer bias and stochasticity model previously used for photometric data. We find accurate parametrisations for tracer bias with a smoothing scale-independent 2-parameter Gaussian Lagrangian bias model and a quadratic shot noise. We relate those bias and stochasticity parameters to the one for the power spectrum and tracer-matter covariances. We validate the model against the Quijote suite of N-body simulations and find excellent agreement for both halo and galaxy density PDFs and their cosmology dependence. We demonstrate the constraining power of the tracer PDFs and their complementarity to power spectra through a Fisher forecast. We focus on the cosmological parameters σ8 and Ωm as well as linear bias parameters, finding that the strength of the tracer PDF lies in disentangling tracer bias from cosmology. Our results show promise for applications to spectroscopic clustering data when augmented with a redshift space distortion model

(1914)Effective field theories for dark matter pairs in the early universe: Debye mass effects
  • Simone Biondini,
  • Nora Brambilla,
  • Andrii Dashko,
  • Gramos Qerimi,
  • Antonio Vairo
abstract + abstract -

In some scenarios for the early universe, non-relativistic thermal dark matter chemically decouples from the thermal environment once the temperature drops well below the dark matter mass. The value at which the energy density freezes out depends on the underlying model. In a simple setting, we provide a comprehensive study of heavy fermionic dark matter interacting with the light degrees of freedom of a dark thermal sector whose temperature $T$ decreases from an initial value close to the freeze-out temperature. Different temperatures imply different hierarchies of energy scales. By exploiting the methods of non-relativistic effective field theories at finite $T$, we systematically determine the thermal and in-vacuum interaction rates. In particular, we address the impact of the Debye mass on the observables and ultimately on the dark matter relic abundance. We numerically compare the corrections to the present energy density originating from the resummation of Debye mass effects with the corrections coming from a next-to-leading order treatment of the bath-particle interactions. We observe that the fixed-order calculation of the inelastic heavy-light scattering at high temperatures provides a larger dark matter depletion, and hence an undersized yield for given benchmark points in the parameter space, with respect to the calculation where Debye mass effects are resummed.

(1913)Marginal Role of the Electrostatic Instability in the GeV-scale Cascade Flux from 1ES 0229+200
  • Mahmoud Alawashra,
  • Ievgen Vovk,
  • Martin Pohl
The Astrophysical Journal (01/2025) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad98f9
abstract + abstract -

Relativistic pair beams produced in the intergalactic medium by TeV gamma rays from blazars are expected to generate a detectable GeV-scale electromagnetic cascade, yet this cascade is absent in the observed spectra of hard-spectrum TeV emitting blazars. This suppression is often attributed to weak intergalactic magnetic fields (IGMF) deflecting electron-positron pairs out of the line of sight. Alternatively, it has been proposed that beam-plasma instabilities could drain the energy of the beam before they produce the secondary cascades. Recent studies suggest that the modification of beam distribution due to these instabilities is primarily driven by particle scattering, rather than energy loss. In this paper, we quantitatively assess, for the blazar 1ES 0229+200, the arrival time of secondary gamma rays at Earth from the beam scattering by the electrostatic instability. We first computed the production rates of electron-positron pairs at various distances using the Monte Carlo simulation CRPropa. We then simulated the feedback of the plasma instability on the beam, incorporating production rates and inverse Compton cooling, to determine the steady-state distribution function. Our findings reveal that the time delay of the GeV secondary cascade arrival due to instability broadening is on the order of a few months. This delay is insufficient to account for the missing cascade emission in blazar spectra, suggesting that plasma instabilities do not significantly affect IGMF constraints.

(1912)An effective field theory for muon conversion and muon decay-in-orbit
  • Duarte Fontes,
  • Robert Szafron
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Muon conversion is one of the best probes of charged lepton flavor violation. The experimental limit is soon expected to improve by four orders of magnitude, thus calling for precise predictions on the theory side. Equally important are precise predictions for muon decay-in-orbit, the main background for muon conversion. While the calculation of electromagnetic corrections to the two processes above the nuclear scale does not involve significant challenges, it becomes substantially more complex below that scale due to multiple scales, bound-state effects and experimental setup. Here, we present a systematic framework that addresses these challenges by resorting to a series of effective field theories. Combining Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET), Non-Relativistic QED (NRQED), potential NRQED, Soft-Collinear Effective Theory I and II, and boosted HQET, we derive a factorization theorem and present the renormalization group equations. Our framework allows for the proper calculation of precise predictions for the rates of the two processes, with crucial implications for the upcoming muon conversion searches. We also provide the most accurate prediction of the signal shape for those searches.

(1911)Finite Feynman integrals
  • Giulio Gambuti,
  • David A. Kosower,
  • Pavel P. Novichkov,
  • Lorenzo Tancredi
Physical Review D (12/2024) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.110.116026
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We describe an algorithm to organize Feynman integrals in terms of their infrared properties. Our approach builds upon the theory of Landau singularities, which we use to classify all configurations of loop momenta that can give rise to infrared divergences. We then construct bases of numerators for arbitrary Feynman integrals, which cancel all singularities and render the integrals finite. Through the same analysis, one can also classify so-called evanescent and evanescently finite Feynman integrals. These are integrals whose vanishing or finiteness relies on properties of dimensional regularization. To illustrate the use of these integrals, we display how to obtain a simpler form for the leading-color two-loop four-gluon scattering amplitude through the choice of a suitable basis of finite integrals. In particular, when all gluon helicities are equal, we show that with our basis the most complicated double-box integrals do not contribute to the finite remainder of the scattering amplitude.

(1910)Calabi-Yau Feynman integrals in gravity: $\varepsilon$-factorized form for apparent singularities
  • Hjalte Frellesvig,
  • Roger Morales,
  • Sebastian Pögel,
  • Stefan Weinzierl,
  • Matthias Wilhelm
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We study a recently identified four-loop Feynman integral that contains a three-dimensional Calabi-Yau geometry and contributes to the scattering of black holes in classical gravity at fifth post-Minkowskian and second self-force order (5PM 2SF) in the conservative sector. In contrast to previously studied Calabi-Yau Feynman integrals, the higher-order differential equation that this integral satisfies in dimensional regularization exhibits $\varepsilon$-dependent apparent singularities. We introduce an appropriate ansatz which allows us to bring such cases into an $\varepsilon$-factorized form. As a proof of principle, we apply it to the integral at hand.

(1909)Galaxy Spectroscopy without Spectra: Galaxy Properties from Photometric Images with Conditional Diffusion Models
  • Lars Doorenbos,
  • Eva Sextl,
  • Kevin Heng,
  • Stefano Cavuoti,
  • Massimo Brescia
  • +4
  • Olena Torbaniuk,
  • Giuseppe Longo,
  • Raphael Sznitman,
  • Pablo Márquez-Neila
  • (less)
The Astrophysical Journal (12/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad8bbe
abstract + abstract -

Modern spectroscopic surveys can only target a small fraction of the vast amount of photometrically cataloged sources in wide-field surveys. Here, we report the development of a generative artificial intelligence (AI) method capable of predicting optical galaxy spectra from photometric broadband images alone. This method draws from the latest advances in diffusion models in combination with contrastive networks. We pass multiband galaxy images into the architecture to obtain optical spectra. From these, robust values for galaxy properties can be derived with any methods in the spectroscopic toolbox, such as standard population synthesis techniques and Lick indices. When trained and tested on 64 × 64 pixel images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the global bimodality of star-forming and quiescent galaxies in photometric space is recovered, as well as a mass–metallicity relation of star-forming galaxies. The comparison between the observed and the artificially created spectra shows good agreement in overall metallicity, age, Dn4000, stellar velocity dispersion, and E(B ‑ V) values. Photometric redshift estimates of our generative algorithm can compete with other current, specialized deep learning techniques. Moreover, this work is the first attempt in the literature to infer velocity dispersion from photometric images. Additionally, we can predict the presence of an active galactic nucleus up to an accuracy of 82%. With our method, scientifically interesting galaxy properties, normally requiring spectroscopic inputs, can be obtained in future data sets from large-scale photometric surveys alone. The spectra prediction via AI can further assist in creating realistic mock catalogs.

(1908)Dark Astronomy with Dark Matter Detectors
  • Gonzalo Alonso-Álvarez,
  • David Curtin
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We present a novel way of probing non-gravitational dark matter interactions: dark astronomy, which leverages the dark radiation emitted by dissipative dark sectors. If the mediator of the dark matter self interactions is a dark photon with a small mass that kinetically mixes with the visible photon, the dark radiation flux becomes accessible to underground experiments. We argue that the emission may be dominantly longitudinally polarized, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of direct detection experiments such as XENON and SENSEI to this signal. We introduce a new detection mechanism based on resonant dark-photon-to-photon conversion at the surface of conducting materials, which offers unique directional sensitivity to dark radiation. This mechanism facilitates the development of experiments that combine dark matter detection techniques with methods of traditional astronomy, opening the possibility to map dark radiation sources within our galaxy.

(1907)Measurement of the electric potential and the magnetic field in the shifted analysing plane of the KATRIN experiment
  • Katrin Collaboration,
  • Katrin Collaboration,
  • M. Aker,
  • D. Batzler,
  • A. Beglarian
  • +135
  • J. Behrens,
  • J. Beisenkötter,
  • M. Biassoni,
  • B. Bieringer,
  • Y. Biondi,
  • F. Block,
  • S. Bobien,
  • M. Böttcher,
  • B. Bornschein,
  • L. Bornschein,
  • T. S. Caldwell,
  • M. Carminati,
  • A. Chatrabhuti,
  • S. Chilingaryan,
  • B. A. Daniel,
  • K. Debowski,
  • M. Descher,
  • D. Díaz Barrero,
  • P. J. Doe,
  • O. Dragoun,
  • G. Drexlin,
  • F. Edzards,
  • K. Eitel,
  • E. Ellinger,
  • R. Engel,
  • S. Enomoto,
  • A. Felden,
  • C. Fengler,
  • C. Fiorini,
  • J. A. Formaggio,
  • C. Forstner,
  • F. M. Fränkle,
  • K. Gauda,
  • A. S. Gavin,
  • W. Gil,
  • F. Glück,
  • R. Grössle,
  • R. Gumbsheimer,
  • V. Hannen,
  • L. Hasselmann,
  • N. Haußmann,
  • K. Helbing,
  • S. Heyns,
  • S. Hickford,
  • R. Hiller,
  • D. Hillesheimer,
  • D. Hinz,
  • T. Höhn,
  • A. Huber,
  • A. Jansen,
  • C. Karl,
  • J. Kellerer,
  • K. Khosonthongkee,
  • C. Köhler,
  • L. Köllenberger,
  • A. Kopmann,
  • N. Kovač,
  • H. Krause,
  • L. La Cascio,
  • T. Lasserre,
  • J. Lauer,
  • T. L. Le,
  • O. Lebeda,
  • B. Lehnert,
  • G. Li,
  • A. Lokhov,
  • M. Machatschek,
  • M. Mark,
  • A. Marsteller,
  • E. L. Martin,
  • K. McMichael,
  • C. Melzer,
  • S. Mertens,
  • S. Mohanty,
  • J. Mostafa,
  • K. Müller,
  • A. Nava,
  • H. Neumann,
  • S. Niemes,
  • D. S. Parno,
  • M. Pavan,
  • U. Pinsook,
  • A. W. P. Poon,
  • J. M. L. Poyato,
  • S. Pozzi,
  • F. Priester,
  • J. Ráliš,
  • S. Ramachandran,
  • R. G. H. Robertson,
  • C. Rodenbeck,
  • M. Röllig,
  • R. Sack,
  • A. Saenz,
  • R. Salomon,
  • P. Schäfer,
  • M. Schlösser,
  • K. Schlösser,
  • L. Schlüter,
  • S. Schneidewind,
  • M. Schrank,
  • J. Schürmann,
  • A. K. Schütz,
  • A. Schwemmer,
  • A. Schwenck,
  • M. Šefčík,
  • D. Siegmann,
  • F. Simon,
  • F. Spanier,
  • D. Spreng,
  • W. Sreethawong,
  • M. Steidl,
  • J. Štorek,
  • X. Stribl,
  • M. Sturm,
  • N. Suwonjandee,
  • N. Tan Jerome,
  • H. H. Telle,
  • L. A. Thorne,
  • T. Thümmler,
  • N. Titov,
  • I. Tkachev,
  • K. Urban,
  • K. Valerius,
  • D. Vénos,
  • C. Weinheimer,
  • S. Welte,
  • J. Wendel,
  • C. Wiesinger,
  • J. F. Wilkerson,
  • J. Wolf,
  • S. Wüstling,
  • J. Wydra,
  • W. Xu,
  • S. Zadorozhny,
  • G. Zeller
  • (less)
European Physical Journal C (12/2024) doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13596-7
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The projected sensitivity of the effective electron neutrino-mass measurement with the KATRIN experiment is below 0.3 eV (90 % CL) after 5 years of data acquisition. The sensitivity is affected by the increased rate of the background electrons from KATRIN's main spectrometer. A special shifted-analysing-plane (SAP) configuration was developed to reduce this background by a factor of two. The complex layout of electromagnetic fields in the SAP configuration requires a robust method of estimating these fields. We present in this paper a dedicated calibration measurement of the fields using conversion electrons of gaseous <inline-formula id="IEq1"><mml:math id="IEq1_Math"><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mrow></mml:mrow><mml:mtext>83m</mml:mtext></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:math></inline-formula>Kr, which enables the neutrino-mass measurements in the SAP configuration.

(1906)Deep generative models for detector signature simulation: A taxonomic review
  • Baran Hashemi,
  • Claudius Krause
Reviews in Physics (12/2024) doi:10.1016/j.revip.2024.100092
abstract + abstract -

In modern collider experiments, the quest to explore fundamental interactions between elementary particles has reached unparalleled levels of precision. Signatures from particle physics detectors are low-level objects (such as energy depositions or tracks) encoding the physics of collisions (the final state particles of hard scattering interactions). The complete simulation of them in a detector is a computational and storage-intensive task. To address this computational bottleneck in particle physics, alternative approaches have been developed, introducing additional assumptions and trade off accuracy for speed. The field has seen a surge in interest in surrogate modeling the detector simulation, fueled by the advancements in deep generative models. These models aim to generate responses that are statistically identical to the observed data. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive and exhaustive taxonomic review of the existing literature on the simulation of detector signatures from both methodological and application-wise perspectives. Initially, we formulate the problem of detector signature simulation and discuss its different variations that can be unified. Next, we classify the state-of-the-art methods into five distinct categories based on their underlying model architectures, summarizing their respective generation strategies. Finally, we shed light on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in detector signature simulation, setting the stage for future research and development.

(1905)Electrodynamics and dissipation in the binary magnetosphere of pre-merger neutron stars
  • Jens F. Mahlmann,
  • Andrei M. Beloborodov
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We investigate energy release in the interacting magnetospheres of binary neutron stars (BNS) with global 3D force-free electrodynamics simulations. The system's behavior depends on the inclinations $\chi_1$ and $\chi_2$ of the stars' magnetic dipole moments relative to their orbital angular momentum. The simplest aligned configuration ($\chi_1=\chi_2=0^\circ$) has no magnetic field lines connecting the two stars. Remarkably, it still develops separatrix current sheets warping around each star and forms a dissipative region at the interface of the two magnetospheres. Dissipation at the interface is caused by a Kelvin-Helmholtz-type (KH) instability, which generates local Alfvénic turbulence and escaping fast magnetosonic waves. Binaries with inclined magnetospheres release energy in two ways: via KH instability at the interface and via magnetic reconnection flares in the twisted flux bundles connecting the two stars. The outgoing compressive waves can develop shocks and source fast radio bursts. We discuss implications for X-ray and radio precursors of BNS mergers.

(1904)Gravitational lensing in a plasma from worldlines
  • Francesco Comberiati,
  • Leonardo de la Cruz
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We study the deflection of light rays in a cold, non-magnetized plasma using the worldline framework. Starting from Synge's Hamiltonian formalism, we construct a position-space action and use it perturbatively to calculate light bending angles. In the homogeneous case, the action reduces to that of a massive particle, allowing us to extract the bending angle of light in the presence of the medium using a well-known analogy. For the inhomogeneous case, we consider a power law model and construct Feynman rules in time to compute the purely plasma-induced corrections to the bending angle at Next-to-Leading-Order (NLO).

(1903)Defects and Phases of Higher Rank Abelian GLSMs
  • Ilka Brunner,
  • Daniel Roggenkamp,
  • Christian P. M. Schneider
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We construct defects describing the transition between different phases of gauged linear sigma models with higher rank abelian gauge groups, as well as defects embedding these phases into the GLSMs. Our construction refers entirely to the sector protected by B-type supersymmetry, decoupling the gauge sector. It relies on an abstract characterization of such transition defects and does not involve an actual perturbative analysis. It turns out that the choices that are required to characterize consistent transition defects match with the homotopy classes of paths between different phases. Our method applies to non-anomalous as well as anomalous GLSMs, and we illustrate both cases with examples. This includes the GLSM associated to the resolution of the $A_N$ singularity and one describing the entire parameter space of $N = 2$ minimal models, in particular, the relevant flows between them. Via fusion with boundary conditions, the defects we construct yield functors describing the transport of D-branes on parameter space. We find that our results match with known results on D-brane transport.

(1902)HOLISMOKES: XII. Time-delay measurements of strongly lensed Type Ia supernovae using a long short-term memory network
  • S. Huber,
  • S. H. Suyu
Astronomy and Astrophysics (12/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202449952
abstract + abstract -

Strongly lensed Type Ia supernovae (LSNe Ia) are a promising probe with which to measure the Hubble constant (H0) directly. To use LSNe Ia for cosmography, a time-delay measurement between multiple images, a lens-mass model, and a mass reconstruction along the line of sight are required. In this work, we present the machine-learning network LSTM-FCNN, which is a combination of a long short-term memory network (LSTM) and a fully connected neural network (FCNN). The LSTM-FCNN is designed to measure time delays on a sample of LSNe Ia spanning a broad range of properties, which we expect to find with the upcoming Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and for which follow-up observations are planned. With follow-up observations in the i band (cadence of one to three days with a single-epoch 5σ depth of 24.5 mag), we reach a bias-free delay measurement with a precision of around 0.7 days over a large sample of LSNe Ia. The LSTM-FCNN is far more general than previous machine-learning approaches such as the random forest (RF) one, whereby an RF has to be trained for each observational pattern separately, and yet the LSTM-FCNN outperforms the RF by a factor of roughly three. Therefore, the LSTM-FCNN is a very promising approach to achieve robust time delays in LSNe Ia, which is important for a precise and accurate constraint on H0.

(1901)A Multi-Wavelength Technique for Estimating Galaxy Cluster Mass Accretion Rates
  • John Soltis,
  • Michelle Ntampaka,
  • Benedikt Diemer,
  • John ZuHone,
  • Sownak Bose
  • +5
  • Ana Maria Delgado,
  • Boryana Hadzhiyska,
  • Cesar Hernandez-Aguayo,
  • Daisuke Nagai,
  • Hy Trac
  • (less)
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The mass accretion rate of galaxy clusters is a key factor in determining their structure, but a reliable observational tracer has yet to be established. We present a state-of-the-art machine learning model for constraining the mass accretion rate of galaxy clusters from only X-ray and thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich observations. Using idealized mock observations of galaxy clusters from the MillenniumTNG simulation, we train a machine learning model to estimate the mass accretion rate. The model constrains 68% of the mass accretion rates of the clusters in our dataset to within 33% of the true value without significant bias, a ~58% reduction in the scatter over existing constraints. We demonstrate that the model uses information from both radial surface brightness density profiles and asymmetries.

(1900)maria: A novel simulator for forecasting (sub-)mm observations
  • J. van Marrewijk,
  • T. W. Morris,
  • T. Mroczkowski,
  • C. Cicone,
  • S. Dicker
  • +6
  • L. Di Mascolo,
  • S. K. Haridas,
  • J. Orlowski-Scherer,
  • E. Rasia,
  • C. Romero,
  • J. Würzinger
  • (less)
The Open Journal of Astrophysics (12/2024) doi:10.33232/001c.127571
abstract + abstract -

Submillimeter single-dish telescopes offer two key advantages compared to interferometers: they can efficiently map larger portions of the sky and recover larger spatial scales. Nonetheless, fluctuations in the atmosphere limit the accurate retrieval of signals from astronomical sources. Therefore, we introduce a user-friendly simulator named maria to optimize scanning strategies and instrument designs to efficiently reduce atmospheric noise and filtering effects. We further use this tool to produce synthetic time streams and maps from hydrodynamical simulations, enabling a fair comparison between theory and reality. maria has implemented a suite of telescope and instrument designs intended to mimic current and future facilities. To generate synthetic time-ordered data, each mock observatory scans through the atmosphere in a configurable pattern over the celestial object. We generate evolving and location-and-time-specific weather for each of the fiducial sites using a combination of satellite and ground-based measurements. While maria is a generic virtual telescope, this study specifically focuses on mimicking broadband bolometers observing at 100 GHz. To validate our virtual telescope, we compare the mock time streams with real MUSTANG-2 observations and find that they are quantitatively similar by conducting a k-sample Anderson-Darling test resulting in p<0.001. Subsequently, we image the time-ordered data to create noise maps and mock observations of clusters of galaxies for both MUSTANG-2 and an instrument concept for the 50m Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST). Furthermore, using maria, we find that a 50m dish provides the highest levels of correlation of atmospheric signals across adjacent detectors compared to smaller apertures (e.g., 42-cm and 6-m survey experiments), facilitating removal of atmospheric signal on large scales.

(1899)Accelerating lensed quasar discovery and modeling with physics-informed variational autoencoders
  • Irham T. Andika,
  • Stefan Schuldt,
  • Sherry H. Suyu,
  • Satadru Bag,
  • Raoul Cañameras
  • +3
  • Alejandra Melo,
  • Claudio Grillo,
  • James H. H. Chan
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

Strongly lensed quasars provide valuable insights into the rate of cosmic expansion, the distribution of dark matter in foreground deflectors, and the characteristics of quasar hosts. However, detecting them in astronomical images is difficult due to the prevalence of non-lensing objects. To address this challenge, we developed a generative deep learning model called VariLens, built upon a physics-informed variational autoencoder. This model seamlessly integrates three essential modules: image reconstruction, object classification, and lens modeling, offering a fast and comprehensive approach to strong lens analysis. VariLens is capable of rapidly determining both (1) the probability that an object is a lens system and (2) key parameters of a singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) mass model -- including the Einstein radius ($\theta_\mathrm{E}$), lens center, and ellipticity -- in just milliseconds using a single CPU. A direct comparison of VariLens estimates with traditional lens modeling for 20 known lensed quasars within the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) footprint shows good agreement, with both results consistent within $2\sigma$ for systems with $\theta_\mathrm{E}<3$ arcsecs. To identify new lensed quasar candidates, we begin with an initial sample of approximately 80 million sources, combining HSC data with multiwavelength information from various surveys. After applying a photometric preselection aimed at locating $z>1.5$ sources, the number of candidates was reduced to 710,966. Subsequently, VariLens highlights 13,831 sources, each showing a high likelihood of being a lens. A visual assessment of these objects results in 42 promising candidates that await spectroscopic confirmation. These results underscore the potential of automated deep learning pipelines to efficiently detect and model strong lenses in large datasets.

(1898)Femtoscopic study of the $S=-1$ meson-baryon interaction: $K^-p$, $\pi^-\Lambda$ and $K^+\Xi^-$ correlations
  • P. Encarnación,
  • A. Feijoo,
  • V. Mantovani Sarti,
  • A. Ramos
abstract + abstract -

We study the femtoscopic correlation functions of meson-baryon pairs in the strangeness $S=-1$ sector, employing unitarized s-wave scattering amplitudes derived from the chiral Lagrangian up to next-to-leading order. For the first time, we deliver predictions on the $\pi^-\Lambda$ and $K^+\Xi^-$ correlation functions which are feasible to be measured at the Large Hadron Collider. We also demonstrate that the employed model is perfectly capable of reproducing the $K^-p$ correlation function data measured by the same collaboration, without the need to modify the coupling strength to the $\bar{K}^0n$ channel, as has been recently suggested. In all cases, the effects of the source size on the correlation are tested. In addition, we present detailed analysis of the different coupled-channel contributions, together with the quantification of the relative relevance of the different terms in the interaction.

(1897)GalSBI: Phenomenological galaxy population model for cosmology using simulation-based inference
  • Silvan Fischbacher,
  • Tomasz Kacprzak,
  • Luca Tortorelli,
  • Beatrice Moser,
  • Alexandre Refregier
  • +2
abstract + abstract -

We present GalSBI, a phenomenological model of the galaxy population for cosmological applications using simulation-based inference. The model is based on analytical parametrizations of galaxy luminosity functions, morphologies and spectral energy distributions. Model constraints are derived through iterative Approximate Bayesian Computation, by comparing Hyper Suprime-Cam deep field images with simulations which include a forward model of instrumental, observational and source extraction effects. We developed an emulator trained on image simulations using a normalizing flow. We use it to accelerate the inference by predicting detection probabilities, including blending effects and photometric properties of each object, while accounting for background and PSF variations. This enables robustness tests for all elements of the forward model and the inference. The model demonstrates excellent performance when comparing photometric properties from simulations with observed imaging data for key parameters such as magnitudes, colors and sizes. The redshift distribution of simulated galaxies agrees well with high-precision photometric redshifts in the COSMOS field within $1.5\sigma$ for all magnitude cuts. Additionally, we demonstrate how GalSBI's redshifts can be utilized for splitting galaxy catalogs into tomographic bins, highlighting its potential for current and upcoming surveys. GalSBI is fully open-source, with the accompanying Python package, $\texttt{galsbi}$, offering an easy interface to quickly generate realistic, survey-independent galaxy catalogs.

(1896)ALMA detections of circumstellar disks in the giant Hii region M17. Probing the intermediate- to high-mass pre-main-sequence population
  • J. Poorta,
  • M. Hogerheijde,
  • A. de Koter,
  • L. Kaper,
  • F. Backs
  • +6
  • M. C. Ramírez Tannus,
  • M. K. McClure,
  • A. P. S. Hygate,
  • C. Rab,
  • P. D. Klaassen,
  • A. Derkink
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

Our current understanding is that intermediate- to high-mass stars form in a way similar to low-mass stars, that is, through disk accretion. However, the physical conditions that play a role in disk formation, evolution, and the possibility of (sub)stellar companion formation, are significantly different. We search for the mm counterparts of four intermediate- to high-mass (4-10 Solar mass) young stellar objects (YSOs) in the giant Hii region M17 at a distance of 1.7 kpc. These objects expose their photospheric spectrum such that their location on the pre-main-sequence (PMS) is well established. They have a circumstellar disk that is likely remnant of the formation process. With ALMA we have detected, for the first time, these four YSOs in M17, in Band 6 and 7, as well as four other serendipitous objects. Besides the flux measurements, the source size and spectral index provide important constraints on the physical mechanism(s) producing the observed emission. We apply different models to estimate the dust and gas mass contained in the disks. All our detections are spatially unresolved, constraining the source size to <120 au, and have a spectral index in the range 0.5-2.7. The derived (upper limits on the) disk dust masses are on the order of a few Earth masses and estimations of the upper limits on the gas mass vary between $10^{-5}$ and $10^{-3}$ Solar mass. In two objects (B331 and B268) free-free emission indicates the presence of ionized material around the star. The four serendipitous detections are likely (low-mass) YSOs. We compare the derived disk masses of our M17 targets to those obtained for YSOs in low-mass star-forming regions (SFRs) and Herbig stars, as a function of stellar mass, age, luminosity, and outer disk radius. The M17 sample, though small, is both the most massive and the youngest sample, yet has the lowest mean disk mass.

(1895)Asteroseismic modelling of fast rotators and its opportunities for astrophysics
  • Conny Aerts,
  • Andrew Tkachenko
Astronomy and Astrophysics (12/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202348575
abstract + abstract -

Rotation matters for the life of a star. It causes a multitude of dynamical phenomena in the stellar interior during a star's evolution, and its effects accumulate until the star dies. All stars rotate at some level, but most of those born with a mass higher than 1.3 times the mass of the Sun rotate rapidly during more than 90% of their nuclear lifetime. Internal rotation guides the angular momentum and chemical element transport throughout the stellar interior. These transport processes change over time as the star evolves. The cumulative effects of stellar rotation and its induced transport processes determine the helium content of the core by the time it exhausts its hydrogen isotopes. The amount of helium at that stage also guides the heavy element yields by the end of the star's life. A proper theory of stellar evolution and any realistic models for the chemical enrichment of galaxies must be based on observational calibrations of stellar rotation and of the induced transport processes. In the last few years, asteroseismology offers such calibrations for single and binary stars. We review the current status of asteroseismic modelling of rotating stars for different stellar mass regimes in an accessible way for the non-expert. While doing so, we describe exciting opportunities sparked by asteroseismology for various domains in astrophysics, touching upon topics such as exoplanetary science, galactic structure and evolution, and gravitational wave physics to mention just a few. Along the way we provide ample sneak-previews for future 'industrialised' applications of asteroseismology to slow and rapid rotators from the exploitation of combined Kepler, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO), Gaia, and ground-based spectroscopic and multi-colour photometric surveys. We end the review with a list of takeaway messages and achievements of asteroseismology that are of relevance for many fields of astrophysics.

(1894)Dynamical friction and the evolution of black holes in cosmological simulations: A new implementation in OpenGadget3
  • Alice Damiano,
  • Milena Valentini,
  • Stefano Borgani,
  • Luca Tornatore,
  • Giuseppe Murante
  • +3
  • Antonio Ragagnin,
  • Cinthia Ragone-Figueroa,
  • Klaus Dolag
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (12/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450021
abstract + abstract -

Aims. We introduce a novel sub-resolution prescription to correct for the unresolved dynamical friction (DF) onto black holes (BHs) in cosmological simulations, to describe BH dynamics accurately, and to overcome spurious motions induced by numerical effects. Methods. We implemented a sub-resolution prescription for the unresolved DF onto BHs in the OpenGadget3 code. We carried out cosmological simulations of a volume of (16 comoving Mpc)3 and zoomed-in simulations of a galaxy group and of a galaxy cluster. We assessed the advantages of our new technique in comparison to commonly adopted methods for hampering spurious BH displacements, namely repositioning onto a local minimum of the gravitational potential and ad hoc boosting of the BH particle dynamical mass. We inspected variations in BH demography in terms of offset from the centres of the host sub-halos, the wandering population of BHs, BH–BH merger rates, and the occupation fraction of sub-halos. We also analysed the impact of the different prescriptions on individual BH interaction events in detail. Results. The newly introduced DF correction enhances the centring of BHs on host halos, the effects of which are at least comparable with those of alternative techniques. Also, the correction becomes gradually more effective as the redshift decreases. Simulations with this correction predict half as many merger events with respect to the repositioning prescription, with the advantage of being less prone to leaving substructures without any central BH. Simulations featuring our DF prescription produce a smaller (by up to ~50% with respect to repositioning) population of wandering BHs and final BH masses that are in good agreement with observations. Regarding individual BH–BH interactions, our DF model captures the gradual inspiraling of orbits before the merger occurs. By contrast, the repositioning scheme, in its most classical renditions, describes extremely fast mergers, while the dynamical mass misrepresents the dynamics of the black holes, introducing numerical scattering between the orbiting BHs. Conclusions. The novel DF correction improves the accuracy if tracking BHs within their hosts galaxies and the pathway to BH- BH mergers. This opens up new possibilities for better modeling the evolution of BH populations in cosmological simulations across different times and different environments.

(1893)Bound-State Beta Decay of <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Tl</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>205</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>81</mml
  • R. S. Sidhu,
  • G. Leckenby,
  • R. J. Chen,
  • R. Mancino,
  • T. Neff
  • +55
  • Yu. A. Litvinov,
  • G. Martínez-Pinedo,
  • G. Amthauer,
  • M. Bai,
  • K. Blaum,
  • B. Boev,
  • F. Bosch,
  • C. Brandau,
  • V. Cvetković,
  • T. Dickel,
  • I. Dillmann,
  • D. Dmytriiev,
  • T. Faestermann,
  • O. Forstner,
  • B. Franczak,
  • H. Geissel,
  • R. Gernhäuser,
  • J. Glorius,
  • C. J. Griffin,
  • A. Gumberidze,
  • E. Haettner,
  • P. -M. Hillenbrand,
  • P. Kienle,
  • W. Korten,
  • Ch. Kozhuharov,
  • N. Kuzminchuk,
  • K. Langanke,
  • S. Litvinov,
  • E. Menz,
  • T. Morgenroth,
  • C. Nociforo,
  • F. Nolden,
  • M. K. Pavićević,
  • N. Petridis,
  • U. Popp,
  • S. Purushothaman,
  • R. Reifarth,
  • M. S. Sanjari,
  • C. Scheidenberger,
  • U. Spillmann,
  • M. Steck,
  • Th. Stöhlker,
  • Y. K. Tanaka,
  • M. Trassinelli,
  • S. Trotsenko,
  • L. Varga,
  • M. Wang,
  • H. Weick,
  • P. J. Woods,
  • T. Yamaguchi,
  • Y. H. Zhang,
  • J. Zhao,
  • K. Zuber,
  • E121 Collaboration,
  • Lorex Collaboration
  • (less)
Physical Review Letters (12/2024) doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.232701
abstract + abstract -

Stable <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Tl</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>205</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> ions have the lowest known energy threshold for capturing electron neutrinos (<inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>ν</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math></inline-formula>) of <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>E</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>ν</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo>≥</mml:mo><mml:mn>50.6</mml:mn><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mi>keV</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula>. The Lorandite Experiment (LOREX), proposed in the 1980s, aims at obtaining the longtime averaged solar neutrino flux by utilizing natural deposits of Tl-bearing lorandite ores. To determine the <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>ν</mml:mi><mml:mi>e</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math></inline-formula> capture cross section, it is required to know the strength of the weak transition connecting the ground state of <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Tl</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>205</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> and the 2.3 keV first excited state in <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Pb</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>205</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula>. The only way to experimentally address this transition is to measure the bound-state beta decay (<inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>β</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math></inline-formula>) of fully ionized <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Tl</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>81</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>205</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> ions. After three decades of meticulous preparation, the half-life of the <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>β</mml:mi><mml:mi>b</mml:mi></mml:msub></mml:math></inline-formula> decay of <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Tl</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>81</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>205</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> has been measured to be <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msubsup><mml:mrow><mml:mn>291</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>-</mml:mo><mml:mn>27</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>33</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msubsup><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mtext> </mml:mtext><mml:mi>days</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> using the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI, Darmstadt. The longer measured half-life compared to theoretical estimates reduces the expected signal-to-noise ratio in the LOREX, thus challenging its feasibility.

(1892)Femtoscopy correlation functions and mass distributions from production experiments
  • M. Albaladejo,
  • A. Feijoo,
  • J. Nieves,
  • E. Oset,
  • I. Vidaña
Physical Review D (12/2024) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.110.114052
abstract + abstract -

We discuss the relation between the Koonin-Pratt femtoscopic correlation function (CF) and invariant mass distributions from production experiments. We show that the equivalence is total for a zero source-size and that a Gaussian finite-size source provides a form-factor for the virtual production of the particles. Motivated by this remarkable relationship, we study an alternative method to the Koonin-Pratt formula, which connects the evaluation of the CF directly with the production mechanisms. The differences arise mostly from the <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mi>T</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula>–matrix quadratic terms and increase with the source size. We study the case of the <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>*</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msup><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup><mml:msup><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mo>*</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math></inline-formula> correlation functions of interest to unravel the dynamics of the exotic <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>3875</mml:mn><mml:msup><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:math></inline-formula>, and find that these differences become quite sizable already for 1 fm sources. We nevertheless conclude that the lack of coherence in high-multiplicity-event reactions and in the creation of the fire-ball source that emits the hadrons certainly make much more realistic the formalism based on the Koonin-Pratt equation. We finally derive an improved Lednicky-Lyuboshits (LL) approach, which implements a Lorentz ultraviolet regulator that corrects the pathological behavior of the LL CF in the punctual source-size limit.

(1891)Closed-string amplitude recursions from the Deligne associator
  • Konstantin Baune,
  • Johannes Broedel,
  • Federico Zerbini
abstract + abstract -

Inspired by earlier results on recursions for open-string tree-level amplitudes, and by a result of Brown and Dupont relating open- and closed-string tree-level amplitudes via single-valued periods, we identify a recursive relation for closed-string tree-level amplitudes. We achieve this by showing that closed-string analogues of Selberg integrals satisfy the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation for a suitable matrix representation of the free Lie algebra on two generators, and by identifying the limits at z=1 and z=0, which are related by the Deligne associator, with N-point and (N-1)-point closed-string amplitudes, respectively.

(1890)First Observation of the Complete Rotation Period of the Ultraslowly Rotating Magnetic O Star HD 54879
  • C. Erba,
  • C. P. Folsom,
  • A. David-Uraz,
  • G. A. Wade,
  • S. Seadrow
  • +4
  • S. Bellotti,
  • L. Fossati,
  • V. Petit,
  • M. E. Shultz
  • (less)
The Astrophysical Journal (12/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad865a
abstract + abstract -

HD 54879 is the most recently discovered magnetic O-type star. Previous studies ruled out a rotation period shorter than 7 yr, implying that HD 54879 is the second most slowly rotating known magnetic O-type star. We report new high-resolution spectropolarimetric measurements of HD 54879, which confirm that a full stellar rotation cycle has been observed. We derive a stellar rotation period from the longitudinal magnetic field measurements of <inline-formula> </inline-formula> days (about 7.02 yr). The radial velocity of HD 54879 has been stable over the last decade of observations. We explore equivalent widths and longitudinal magnetic fields calculated from lines of different elements, and conclude the atmosphere of HD 54879 is likely chemically homogeneous, with no strong evidence for chemical stratification or lateral abundance nonuniformities. We present the first detailed magnetic map of the star, with an average surface-magnetic-field strength of 2954 G, and a strength for the dipole component of 3939 G. There is a significant amount of magnetic energy in the quadrupole components of the field (23%). Thus, we find HD 54879 has a strong magnetic field with a significantly complex topology.

(1889)Gravitational-Wave Signatures of Nonstandard Neutrino Properties in Collapsing Stellar Cores
  • Jakob Ehring,
  • Sajad Abbar,
  • H. -Thomas Janka,
  • Georg Raffelt,
  • Ko Nakamura
  • +1
abstract + abstract -

We present a novel multi-messenger approach for probing nonstandard neutrino properties through the detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from collapsing stellar cores and associated supernova explosions. We show that neutrino flavor conversion inside the proto-neutron star (PNS), motivated by physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM), can significantly boost PNS convection. This effect leads to large-amplitude GW emission over a wide frequency range during an otherwise relatively quiescent GW phase shortly after core bounce. Such a signal provides a promising new avenue for exploring nonstandard neutrino phenomena and other BSM physics impacting PNS convection.

(1888)LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts. Mapping the hot gas in the Universe
  • M. Remazeilles,
  • M. Douspis,
  • J. A. Rubiño-Martín,
  • A. J. Banday,
  • J. Chluba
  • +103
  • P. de Bernardis,
  • M. De Petris,
  • C. Hernández-Monteagudo,
  • G. Luzzi,
  • J. Macias-Perez,
  • S. Masi,
  • T. Namikawa,
  • L. Salvati,
  • H. Tanimura,
  • K. Aizawa,
  • A. Anand,
  • J. Aumont,
  • C. Baccigalupi,
  • M. Ballardini,
  • R. B. Barreiro,
  • N. Bartolo,
  • S. Basak,
  • M. Bersanelli,
  • D. Blinov,
  • M. Bortolami,
  • T. Brinckmann,
  • E. Calabrese,
  • P. Campeti,
  • E. Carinos,
  • A. Carones,
  • F. J. Casas,
  • K. Cheung,
  • L. Clermont,
  • F. Columbro,
  • A. Coppolecchia,
  • F. Cuttaia,
  • T. de Haan,
  • E. de la Hoz,
  • S. Della Torre,
  • P. Diego-Palazuelos,
  • G. D'Alessandro,
  • H. K. Eriksen,
  • F. Finelli,
  • U. Fuskeland,
  • G. Galloni,
  • M. Galloway,
  • M. Gervasi,
  • R. T. Génova-Santos,
  • T. Ghigna,
  • S. Giardiello,
  • C. Gimeno-Amo,
  • E. Gjerløw,
  • R. González González,
  • A. Gruppuso,
  • M. Hazumi,
  • S. Henrot-Versillé,
  • L. T. Hergt,
  • D. Herranz,
  • K. Kohri,
  • E. Komatsu,
  • L. Lamagna,
  • M. Lattanzi,
  • C. Leloup,
  • F. Levrier,
  • A. I. Lonappan,
  • M. López-Caniego,
  • B. Maffei,
  • E. Martínez-González,
  • S. Matarrese,
  • T. Matsumura,
  • S. Micheli,
  • M. Migliaccio,
  • M. Monelli,
  • L. Montier,
  • G. Morgante,
  • Y. Nagano,
  • R. Nagata,
  • A. Novelli,
  • R. Omae,
  • L. Pagano,
  • D. Paoletti,
  • V. Pavlidou,
  • F. Piacentini,
  • M. Pinchera,
  • G. Polenta,
  • L. Porcelli,
  • A. Ritacco,
  • M. Ruiz-Granda,
  • Y. Sakurai,
  • D. Scott,
  • M. Shiraishi,
  • S. L. Stever,
  • R. M. Sullivan,
  • Y. Takase,
  • K. Tassis,
  • L. Terenzi,
  • M. Tomasi,
  • M. Tristram,
  • L. Vacher,
  • B. van Tent,
  • P. Vielva,
  • I. K. Wehus,
  • B. Westbrook,
  • G. Weymann-Despres,
  • E. J. Wollack,
  • M. Zannoni,
  • Y. Zhou,
  • LiteBIRD Collaboration
  • (less)
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (12/2024) doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2024/12/026
abstract + abstract -

We assess the capabilities of the LiteBIRD mission to map the hot gas distribution in the Universe through the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. Our analysis relies on comprehensive simulations incorporating various sources of Galactic and extragalactic foreground emission, while accounting for the specific instrumental characteristics of the LiteBIRD mission, such as detector sensitivities, frequency-dependent beam convolution, inhomogeneous sky scanning, and 1/f noise. We implement a tailored component-separation pipeline to map the thermal SZ Compton y-parameter over 98% of the sky. Despite lower angular resolution for galaxy cluster science, LiteBIRD provides full-sky coverage and, compared to the Planck satellite, enhanced sensitivity, as well as more frequency bands to enable the construction of an all-sky thermal SZ y-map, with reduced foreground contamination at large and intermediate angular scales. By combining LiteBIRD and Planck channels in the component-separation pipeline, we also obtain an optimal y-map that leverages the advantages of both experiments, with the higher angular resolution of the Planck channels enabling the recovery of compact clusters beyond the LiteBIRD beam limitations, and the numerous sensitive LiteBIRD channels further mitigating foregrounds. The added value of LiteBIRD is highlighted through the examination of maps, power spectra, and one-point statistics of the various sky components. After component separation, the 1/f noise from LiteBIRD's intensity channels is effectively mitigated below the level of the thermal SZ signal at all multipoles. Cosmological constraints on S 8 = σ 8m /0.3)0.5 obtained from the LiteBIRD-Planck combined y-map power spectrum exhibits a 15 % reduction in uncertainty compared to constraints derived from Planck alone. This improvement can be attributed to the increased portion of uncontaminated sky available in the LiteBIRD-Planck combined y-map.

(1887)Anomalous soft photons: Status and perspectives
  • R. Bailhache,
  • D. Bonocore,
  • P. Braun-Munzinger,
  • X. Feal,
  • S. Floerchinger
  • +13
  • J. Klein,
  • K. Köhler,
  • P. Lebiedowicz,
  • C. M. Peter,
  • R. Rapp,
  • K. Reygers,
  • W. Schäfer,
  • H. S. Scheid,
  • K. Schweda,
  • J. Stachel,
  • H. van Hees,
  • C. A. van Veen,
  • M. Völkl
  • (less)
Physical Research (12/2024) doi:10.1016/j.physrep.2024.10.002
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This report summarizes the work of the EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force on "Real and Virtual Photon Production at Ultra-Low Transverse Momentum and Low Mass at the LHC". We provide an overview of the soft-photon puzzle, i.e., of the long-standing discrepancy between experimental data and predictions based on Low's soft-photon theorem, also referred to as "anomalous" soft photon production, and we review the current theoretical understanding of soft radiation and soft theorems. We also focus on low-mass dileptons as a tool for determining the electrical conductivity of the medium produced in high-energy nucleus–nucleus collisions. We discuss how both topics can be addressed with the planned ALICE 3 detector at the LHC.

(1886)HOLISMOKES: XI. Evaluation of supervised neural networks for strong-lens searches in ground-based imaging surveys
  • R. Cañameras,
  • S. Schuldt,
  • Y. Shu,
  • S. H. Suyu,
  • S. Taubenberger
  • +8
  • I. T. Andika,
  • S. Bag,
  • K. T. Inoue,
  • A. T. Jaelani,
  • L. Leal-Taixé,
  • T. Meinhardt,
  • A. Melo,
  • A. More
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (12/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202347072
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While supervised neural networks have become state of the art for identifying the rare strong gravitational lenses from large imaging data sets, their selection remains significantly affected by the large number and diversity of non-lens contaminants. This work evaluates and compares systematically the performance of neural networks in order to move towards a rapid selection of galaxy-scale strong lenses with minimal human input in the era of deep, wide-scale surveys. We used multiband images from PDR2 of the Hyper-Suprime Cam (HSC) Wide survey to build test sets mimicking an actual classification experiment, with 189 securely-identified strong lenses from the literature over the HSC footprint and 70 910 non-lens galaxies in COSMOS covering representative lens-like morphologies. Multiple networks were trained on different sets of realistic strong-lens simulations and non-lens galaxies, with various architectures and data preprocessing, mainly using the deepest gri-bands. Most networks reached excellent area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves on the test set of 71 099 objects, and we determined the ingredients to optimize the true positive rate for a total number of false positives equal to zero or 10 (TPR0 and TPR10). The overall performances strongly depend on the construction of the ground-truth training data and they typically, but not systematically, improve using our baseline residual network architecture presented in Paper VI (Cañameras et al., A&A, 653, L6). TPR0 tends to be higher for ResNets (≃ 10–40%) compared to AlexNet-like networks or G-CNNs. Improvements are found when (1) applying random shifts to the image centroids, (2) using square-root scaled images to enhance faint arcs, (3) adding z-band to the otherwise used gri-bands, or (4) using random viewpoints of the original images. In contrast, we find no improvement when adding g – αi difference images (where α is a tuned constant) to subtract emission from the central galaxy. The most significant gain is obtained with committees of networks trained on different data sets, with a moderate overlap between populations of false positives. Nearly-perfect invariance to image quality can be achieved by using realistic PSF models in our lens simulation pipeline, and by training networks either with large number of bands, or jointly with the PSF and science frames. Overall, we show the possibility to reach a TPR0 as high as 60% for the test sets under consideration, which opens promising perspectives for pure selection of strong lenses without human input using the Rubin Observatory and other forthcoming ground-based surveys.

(1885)AM3: An Open-source Tool for Time-dependent Lepto-hadronic Modeling of Astrophysical Sources
  • Marc Klinger,
  • Annika Rudolph,
  • Xavier Rodrigues,
  • Chengchao Yuan,
  • Gaëtan Fichet de Clairfontaine
  • +4
  • Anatoli Fedynitch,
  • Walter Winter,
  • Martin Pohl,
  • Shan Gao
  • (less)
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (11/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ad725c
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We present the Astrophysical Multimessenger Modeling (AM 3 ) software. AM 3 is a documented open-source software (source code at; user guide and documentation at that efficiently solves the coupled integro-differential equations describing the temporal evolution of the spectral densities of particles interacting in astrophysical environments, including photons, electrons, positrons, protons, neutrons, pions, muons, and neutrinos. The software has been extensively used to simulate the multiwavelength and neutrino emission from active galactic nuclei (including blazars), gamma-ray bursts, and tidal disruption events. The simulations include all relevant nonthermal processes, namely synchrotron emission, inverse Compton scattering, photon–photon annihilation, proton–proton and proton–photon pion production, and photo-pair production. The software self-consistently calculates the full cascade of primary and secondary particles, including nonlinear feedback processes and predictions in the time domain. It also allows the user to track separately the particle densities produced by means of each distinct interaction process, including the different hadronic channels. With its efficient hybrid solver combining analytical and numerical techniques, AM 3 combines efficiency and accuracy at a user-adjustable level. We describe the technical details of the numerical framework and present three examples of applications to different astrophysical environments.

(1884)Evolution mapping - II. Describing statistics of the non-linear cosmic velocity field
  • Matteo Esposito,
  • Ariel G. Sánchez,
  • Julien Bel,
  • Andrés N. Ruiz
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (11/2024) doi:10.1093/mnras/stae2351
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We extend the evolution-mapping approach, introduced in the first paper of this series to describe non-linear matter density fluctuations, to statistics of the cosmic velocity field. This framework classifies cosmological parameters into shape parameters, which determine the shape of the linear matter power spectrum, <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0001" notation="LaTeX">$P_{\rm L}(k, z)$</tex-math></inline-formula>, and evolution parameters, which control its amplitude at any redshift. Evolution-mapping leverages the fact that density fluctuations in cosmologies with identical shape parameters but different evolution parameters exhibit similar non-linear evolutions when expressed as a function of clustering amplitude. We analyse a suite of N-body simulations sharing identical shape parameters but spanning a wide range of evolution parameters. Using a method for estimating the volume-weighted velocity field based on the Voronoi tessellation of simulation particles, we study the non-linear evolution of the velocity divergence power spectrum, <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0002" notation="LaTeX">$P_{\theta \theta }(k)$</tex-math></inline-formula>, and its cross-power spectrum with the density field, <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0003" notation="LaTeX">$P_{\delta \theta }(k)$</tex-math></inline-formula>. We demonstrate that the evolution-mapping relation applies accurately to <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0004" notation="LaTeX">$P_{\theta \theta }(k)$</tex-math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0005" notation="LaTeX">$P_{\delta \theta }(k)$</tex-math></inline-formula>. While this breaks down in the strongly non-linear regime, deviations can be modelled in terms of differences in the suppression factor, <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0006" notation="LaTeX">$g(a) = D(a)/a$</tex-math></inline-formula>, similar to those for the density field. Such modelling describes the differences in <inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0007" notation="LaTeX">$P_{\theta \theta }(k)$</tex-math></inline-formula> between models with the same linear clustering amplitude to better than 1 per cent accuracy at all scales and redshifts considered. Evolution-mapping simplifies the description of the cosmological dependence of non-linear density and velocity statistics, streamlining the sampling of large cosmological parameter spaces for cosmological analysis.

(1883)Stellar Models are Reliable at Low Metallicity: An Asteroseismic Age for the Ancient Very Metal-poor Star KIC 8144907
  • Daniel Huber,
  • Ditte Slumstrup,
  • Marc Hon,
  • Yaguang Li,
  • Victor Aguirre Børsen-Koch
  • +13
  • Timothy R. Bedding,
  • Meridith Joyce,
  • J. M. Joel Ong,
  • Aldo Serenelli,
  • Dennis Stello,
  • Travis Berger,
  • Samuel K. Grunblatt,
  • Michael Greklek-McKeon,
  • Teruyuki Hirano,
  • Evan N. Kirby,
  • Marc H. Pinsonneault,
  • Arthur Alencastro Puls,
  • Joel Zinn
  • (less)
The Astrophysical Journal (11/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad7110
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Very-metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < ‑2) are important laboratories for testing stellar models and reconstructing the formation history of our galaxy. Asteroseismology is a powerful tool to probe stellar interiors and measure ages, but few asteroseismic detections are known in very-metal-poor stars and none have allowed detailed modeling of oscillation frequencies. We report the discovery of a low-luminosity Kepler red giant (KIC 8144907) with high signal-to-noise ratio oscillations, [Fe/H] = ‑2.66 ± 0.08 and [α/Fe] = 0.38 ± 0.06, making it by far the most metal-poor star to date for which detailed asteroseismic modeling is possible. By combining the oscillation spectrum from Kepler with high-resolution spectroscopy, we measure an asteroseismic mass and age of 0.79 ± 0.02(ran) ± 0.01(sys) M and 12.0 ± 0.6(ran) ± 0.4(sys) Gyr, with remarkable agreement across different codes and input physics, demonstrating that stellar models and asteroseismology are reliable for very-metal-poor stars when individual frequencies are used. The results also provide a direct age anchor for the early formation of the Milky Way, implying that substantial star formation did not commence until redshift z ≈ 3 (if the star formed in situ) or that the Milky Way has undergone merger events for at least ≈12 Gyr (if the star was accreted by a dwarf satellite merger such as Gaia-Enceladus).

(1882)Detecting unresolved lensed SNe Ia in LSST using blended light curves
  • Satadru Bag,
  • Simon Huber,
  • Sherry H. Suyu,
  • Nikki Arendse,
  • Irham Taufik Andika
  • +8
  • Raoul Cañameras,
  • Alex Kim,
  • Eric Linder,
  • Kushal Lodha,
  • Alejandra Melo,
  • Anupreeta More,
  • Stefan Schuldt,
  • Arman Shafieloo
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450485
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Strongly gravitationally lensed supernovae (LSNe) are promising probes for providing absolute distance measurements using gravitational-lens time delays. Spatially unresolved LSNe offer an opportunity to enhance the sample size for precision cosmology. We predict that there will be approximately three times as many unresolved as resolved LSNe Ia in the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) by the Rubin Observatory. In this article, we explore the feasibility of detecting unresolved LSNe Ia from a pool of preclassified SNe Ia light curves using the shape of the blended light curves with deep-learning techniques. We find that ∼30% unresolved LSNe Ia can be detected with a simple 1D convolutional neural network (CNN) using well-sampled rizy-band light curves (with a false-positive rate of ∼3%). Even when the light curve is well observed in only a single band among r, i, and z, detection is still possible with false-positive rates ranging from ∼4 to 7% depending on the band. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these unresolved cases can be detected at an early stage using light curves up to ∼20 days from the first observation with well-controlled false-positive rates, providing ample opportunity to trigger follow-up observations. Additionally, we demonstrate the feasibility of time-delay estimations using solely LSST-like data of unresolved light curves, particularly for doubles, when excluding systems with low time delays and magnification ratios. However, the abundance of such systems among those unresolved in LSST poses a significant challenge. This approach holds potential utility for upcoming wide-field surveys, and overall results could significantly improve with enhanced cadence and depth in the future surveys.

(1881)A regularization technique to precisely infer limb darkening using transit measurements: can we estimate stellar surface magnetic fields?
  • Kuldeep Verma,
  • Pierre F. L. Maxted,
  • Anjali Singh,
  • H. -G. Ludwig,
  • Yashwardhan Sable
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (11/2024) doi:10.1093/mnras/stae2344
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The high-precision measurements of exoplanet transit light curves that are now available contain information about the planet properties, their orbital parameters, and stellar limb darkening (LD). Recent 3D magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of stellar atmospheres have shown that LD depends on the photospheric magnetic field, and hence its precise determination can be used to estimate the field strength. Among existing LD laws, the uses of the simplest ones may lead to biased inferences, whereas the uses of complex laws typically lead to a large degeneracy among the LD parameters. We have developed a novel approach in which we use a complex LD model but with second derivative regularization during the fitting process. Regularization controls the complexity of the model appropriately and reduces the degeneracy among LD parameters, thus resulting in precise inferences. The tests on simulated data suggest that our inferences are not only precise but also accurate. This technique is used to re-analyse 43 transit light curves measured by the NASA Kepler and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite missions. Comparisons of our LD inferences with the corresponding literature values show good agreement, while the precisions of our measurements are better by up to a factor of 2. We find that 1D non-magnetic model atmospheres fail to reproduce the observations while 3D MHD simulations are qualitatively consistent. The LD measurements, together with MHD simulations, confirm that Kepler-17, WASP-18, and KELT-24 have relatively high magnetic fields (<inline-formula><tex-math id="TM0001" notation="LaTeX">$\gt 200$</tex-math></inline-formula> G). This study paves the way for estimating the stellar surface magnetic field using the LD measurements.

(1880)KASHz+SUPER: Evidence of cold molecular gas depletion in AGN hosts at cosmic noon
  • E. Bertola,
  • C. Circosta,
  • M. Ginolfi,
  • V. Mainieri,
  • C. Vignali
  • +30
  • G. Calistro Rivera,
  • S. R. Ward,
  • I. E. Lopez,
  • A. Pensabene,
  • D. M. Alexander,
  • M. Bischetti,
  • M. Brusa,
  • M. Cappi,
  • A. Comastri,
  • A. Contursi,
  • C. Cicone,
  • G. Cresci,
  • M. Dadina,
  • Q. D'Amato,
  • A. Feltre,
  • C. M. Harrison,
  • D. Kakkad,
  • I. Lamperti,
  • G. Lanzuisi,
  • F. Mannucci,
  • A. Marconi,
  • M. Perna,
  • E. Piconcelli,
  • A. Puglisi,
  • F. Ricci,
  • J. Scholtz,
  • G. Tozzi,
  • G. Vietri,
  • G. Zamorani,
  • L. Zappacosta
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450420
abstract + abstract -

The energy released by active galactic nuclei (AGN) has the potential to heat or remove the gas of the ISM, thus likely impacting the cold molecular gas reservoir of host galaxies at first, with star formation following as a consequence on longer timescales. Previous works on high-z galaxies, which compared the gas content of those without identified AGN, have yielded conflicting results, possibly due to selection biases and other systematics. To provide a reliable benchmark for galaxy evolution models at cosmic noon (z = 1 ‑ 3), two surveys were conceived: SUPER and KASHz, both targeting unbiased X-ray-selected AGN at z > 1 that span a wide bolometric luminosity range. In this paper we assess the effects of AGN feedback on the molecular gas content of host galaxies in a statistically robust, uniformly selected, coherently analyzed sample of AGN at z = 1 ‑ 2.6, drawn from the KASHz and SUPER surveys. By using targeted and archival ALMA data in combination with dedicated SED modeling, we retrieve CO and far-infrared (FIR) luminosity as well as M* of SUPER and KASHz host galaxies. We selected non-active galaxies from PHIBBS, ASPECS, and multiple ALMA/NOEMA surveys of submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS, UDS, and ECDF fields. By matching the samples in redshift, stellar mass, and FIR luminosity, we compared the properties of AGN and non-active galaxies within a Bayesian framework. We find that AGN hosts at given FIR luminosity are on average CO depleted compared to non-active galaxies, thus confirming what was previously found in the SUPER survey. Moreover, the molecular gas fraction distributions of AGN and non-active galaxies are statistically different, with the distribution of AGN being skewed to lower values. Our results indicate that AGN can indeed reduce the total cold molecular gas reservoir of their host galaxies. Lastly, by comparing our results with predictions from three cosmological simulations (TNG, Eagle, and Simba) filtered to match the properties of observed AGN, AGN hosts, and non-active galaxies, we confirm already known discrepancies and highlight new discrepancies between observations and simulations.

(1879)Obscured star clusters in the Inner Milky Way. How many massive young clusters are still awaiting detection?
  • Akash Gupta,
  • Valentin D. Ivanov,
  • Thomas Preibisch,
  • Dante Minniti
abstract + abstract -

Aims. Our goal is twofold. First, to detect new clusters we apply the newest methods for the detection of clustering with the best available wide-field sky surveys in the mid-infrared because they are the least affected by extinction. Second, we address the question of cluster detection's completeness, for now limiting it to the most massive star clusters. Methods. This search is based on the mid-infrared Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE), to minimize the effect of dust extinction. The search Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS) clustering algorithm is applied to identify clusters, after excluding the bluest, presumably foreground sources, to improve the cluster-to-field contrast. The success rate for cluster identification is estimated with a semi-empirical simulation that adds clusters, based on the real objects, to the point source catalog, to be recovered later with the same search algorithm that was used in the search for new cluster candidates. As a first step, this is limited to the most massive star clusters with a total mass of 104 $M_\odot$. Results. Our automated search, combined with inspection of the color-magnitude diagrams and images yielded 659 cluster candidates; 106 of these appear to have been previously identified, suggesting that a large hidden population of star clusters still exists in the inner Milky Way. However, the search for the simulated supermassive clusters achieves a recovery rate of 70 to 95%, depending on the distance and extinction toward them. Conclusions. The new candidates, if confirmed, indicate that the Milky Way still harbors a sizeable population of still unknown clusters. However, they must be objects of modest richness, because our simulation indicates that there is no substantial hidden population of supermassive clusters in the central region of our Galaxy.

(1878)Absorptive Effects in Black Hole Scattering
  • Yilber Fabian Bautista,
  • Yu-Tin Huang,
  • Jung-Wook Kim
abstract + abstract -

In this paper we define absorptive Compton amplitudes, which captures the absorption factor for waves of spin-weight-$s$ scattering in black hole perturbation theory. At the leading order, in the $G M \omega$ expansion, such amplitudes are purely imaginary and expressible as contact terms. Equipped with these amplitudes we compute the mass change in black hole scattering events via Kosower-Maybee-O'Connell formalism, where the rest mass of Schwarzschild/Kerr black hole is modified due to absorption of gravitational, electromagnetic, or scalar fields sourced by other compact object. We reproduced the power loss previously computed in the post-Newtonian expansion. The results presented here hold for similar mass ratios and generic spin orientation, while keeping the Kerr spin parameter to lie in the physical region $\chi \le 1$.

(1877)Requirements on the gain calibration for LiteBIRD polarisation data with blind component separation
  • F. Carralot,
  • A. Carones,
  • N. Krachmalnicoff,
  • T. Ghigna,
  • A. Novelli
  • +104
  • L. Pagano,
  • F. Piacentini,
  • C. Baccigalupi,
  • D. Adak,
  • A. Anand,
  • J. Aumont,
  • S. Azzoni,
  • M. Ballardini,
  • A. J. Banday,
  • R. B. Barreiro,
  • N. Bartolo,
  • S. Basak,
  • A. Basyrov,
  • M. Bersanelli,
  • M. Bortolami,
  • T. Brinckmann,
  • F. Cacciotti,
  • P. Campeti,
  • E. Carinos,
  • F. J. Casas,
  • K. Cheung,
  • L. Clermont,
  • F. Columbro,
  • G. Conenna,
  • G. Coppi,
  • A. Coppolecchia,
  • F. Cuttaia,
  • P. de Bernardis,
  • M. De Lucia,
  • S. Della Torre,
  • E. Di Giorgi,
  • P. Diego-Palazuelos,
  • T. Essinger-Hileman,
  • E. Ferreira,
  • F. Finelli,
  • C. Franceschet,
  • G. Galloni,
  • M. Galloway,
  • M. Gervasi,
  • R. T. Génova-Santos,
  • S. Giardiello,
  • C. Gimeno-Amo,
  • E. Gjerløw,
  • A. Gruppuso,
  • M. Hazumi,
  • S. Henrot-Versillé,
  • L. T. Hergt,
  • E. Hivon,
  • H. Ishino,
  • B. Jost,
  • K. Kohri,
  • L. Lamagna,
  • C. Leloup,
  • M. Lembo,
  • F. Levrier,
  • A. I. Lonappan,
  • M. López-Caniego,
  • G. Luzzi,
  • J. Macias-Perez,
  • E. Martínez-González,
  • S. Masi,
  • S. Matarrese,
  • T. Matsumura,
  • S. Micheli,
  • M. Monelli,
  • L. Montier,
  • G. Morgante,
  • B. Mot,
  • L. Mousset,
  • Y. Nagano,
  • R. Nagata,
  • T. Namikawa,
  • P. Natoli,
  • I. Obata,
  • A. Occhiuzzi,
  • A. Paiella,
  • D. Paoletti,
  • G. Pascual-Cisneros,
  • G. Patanchon,
  • V. Pavlidou,
  • G. Pisano,
  • G. Polenta,
  • L. Porcelli,
  • G. Puglisi,
  • N. Raffuzzi,
  • M. Remazeilles,
  • J. A. Rubiño-Martín,
  • M. Ruiz-Granda,
  • J. Sanghavi,
  • D. Scott,
  • M. Shiraishi,
  • R. M. Sullivan,
  • Y. Takase,
  • K. Tassis,
  • L. Terenzi,
  • M. Tomasi,
  • M. Tristram,
  • L. Vacher,
  • B. van Tent,
  • P. Vielva,
  • G. Weymann-Despres,
  • E. J. Wollack,
  • M. Zannoni,
  • Y. Zhou
  • (less)
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Future cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments are primarily targeting a detection of the primordial $B$-mode polarisation. The faintness of this signal requires exquisite control of systematic effects which may bias the measurements. In this work, we derive requirements on the relative calibration accuracy of the overall polarisation gain ($\Delta g_\nu$) for LiteBIRD experiment, through the application of the blind Needlet Internal Linear Combination (NILC) foreground-cleaning method. We find that minimum variance techniques, as NILC, are less affected by gain calibration uncertainties than a parametric approach, which requires a proper modelling of these instrumental effects. The tightest constraints are obtained for frequency channels where the CMB signal is relatively brighter (166 GHz channel, $\Delta {g}_\nu \approx 0.16 \%$), while, with a parametric approach, the strictest requirements were on foreground-dominated channels. We then propagate gain calibration uncertainties, corresponding to the derived requirements, into all frequency channels simultaneously. We find that the overall impact on the estimated $r$ is lower than the required budget for LiteBIRD by almost a factor $5$. The adopted procedure to derive requirements assumes a simple Galactic model. We therefore assess the robustness of obtained results against more realistic scenarios by injecting the gain calibration uncertainties, according to the requirements, into LiteBIRD simulated maps and assuming intermediate- and high-complexity sky models. In this case, we employ the so-called Multi-Clustering NILC (MC-NILC) foreground-cleaning pipeline and obtain that the impact of gain calibration uncertainties on $r$ is lower than the LiteBIRD gain systematics budget for the intermediate-complexity sky model. For the high-complexity case, instead, it would be necessary to tighten the requirements by a factor $1.8$.

(1876)Machine Learning–based Search of High-redshift Quasars
  • Guangping Ye,
  • Huanian Zhang,
  • Qingwen Wu
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (11/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4365/ad79ee
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We present a machine learning search for high-redshift (5.0 < z < 6.5) quasars using the combined photometric data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Imaging Legacy Surveys and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer survey. We explore the imputation of missing values for high-redshift quasars, discuss the feature selections, compare different machine learning algorithms, and investigate the selections of class ensemble for the training sample, then we find that the random forest model is very effective in separating the high-redshift quasars from various contaminators. The 11 class random forest model can achieve a precision of 96.43% and a recall of 91.53% for high-redshift quasars for the test set. We demonstrate that the completeness of the high-redshift quasars can reach as high as 82.20%. The final catalog consists of 216,949 high-redshift quasar candidates with 476 high probable ones in the entire Legacy Surveys DR9 footprint, and we make the catalog publicly available. Using Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) and DESI early data release (EDR) public spectra, we find that 14 true high-redshift quasars (11 in the training sample) out of 21 candidates are correctly identified for MUSE, and 20 true high-redshift quasars (11 in the training sample) out of 21 candidates are correctly identified for DESI-EDR. Additionally, we estimate photometric redshift for the high-redshift quasar candidates using a random forest regression model with a high precision.

(1875)Empirical Stability Criteria for 3D Hierarchical Triple Systems. I. Circumbinary Planets
  • Nikolaos Georgakarakos,
  • Siegfried Eggl,
  • Mohamad Ali-Dib,
  • Ian Dobbs-Dixon
The Astronomical Journal (11/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad7a78
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In this work we revisit the problem of the dynamical stability of hierarchical triple systems with applications to circumbinary planetary orbits. We derive critical semimajor axes based on simulating and analyzing the dynamical behavior of 3 × 108 binary star–planet configurations. For the first time, three-dimensional and eccentric planetary orbits are considered. We explore systems with a variety of binary and planetary mass ratios, binary and planetary eccentricities from 0 to 0.9, and orbital mutual inclinations ranging from 0° to 180°. Planetary masses range between the size of Mercury and the lower fusion boundary (approximately 13 Jupiter masses). The stability of each system is monitored over 106 planetary orbital periods. We provide empirical expressions in the form of multidimensional, parameterized fits for two borders that separate dynamically stable, unstable, and mixed zones. In addition, we offer a machine learning model trained on our data set as an alternative tool for predicting the stability of circumbinary planets. Both the empirical fits and the machine learning model are tested for their predictive capabilities against randomly generated circumbinary systems with very good results. The empirical formulae are also applied to the Kepler and TESS circumbinary systems, confirming that many planets orbit their host stars close to the stability limit of those systems. Finally, we present a REST application programming interface with a web-based application for convenient access to our simulation data set.

(1874)Accretion tori around rotating neutron stars: I. Structure, shape, and size
  • Monika Matuszková,
  • Gabriel Török,
  • Debora Lančová,
  • Kateřina Klimovičová,
  • Jiří Horák
  • +5
  • Martin Urbanec,
  • Eva Šrámková,
  • Odele Straub,
  • Gabriela Urbancová,
  • Vladimír Karas
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450056
abstract + abstract -

We present a full general relativistic analytic solution for a radiation-pressure-supported equilibrium fluid torus orbiting a rotating neutron star (NS). We applied previously developed analytical methods that include the effects of both the NS's angular momentum and quadrupole moment in the Hartle-Thorne geometry. The structure, size, and shape of the torus are explored, with a particular focus on the critically thick solution – the cusp tori. For the astrophysically relevant range of NS parameters, we examined how our findings differ from those obtained for the Schwarzschild space-time. The solutions for rotating stars display signatures of an interplay between relativistic and Newtonian effects where the impact of the NS angular momentum and quadrupole moment are almost counterbalanced at a given radius. Nevertheless, the space-time parameters still strongly influence the size of tori, which can be shown in a coordinate-independent way. Finally, we discuss the importance of the size of the central NS which determines whether or not a surrounding torus exists. We provide a set of tools in a Wolfram Mathematica code, which establishes a basis for further investigation of the impact of the NSs' super-dense matter equation of state on the spectral and temporal behaviour of accretion tori.

(1873)Main sequence dynamo magnetic fields emerging in the white dwarf phase
  • M. Camisassa,
  • J. R. Fuentes,
  • M. R. Schreiber,
  • A. Rebassa-Mansergas,
  • S. Torres
  • +2
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202452539
abstract + abstract -

Recent observations of volume-limited samples of magnetic white dwarfs (WD) have revealed a higher incidence of magnetism in older stars. Specifically, these studies indicate that magnetism is more prevalent in WDs with fully or partially crystallized cores than in those with entirely liquid cores. This has led to the recognition of a crystallization-driven dynamo as an important mechanism for explaining magnetism in isolated WDs. However, recent simulations have challenged the capability of this mechanism to generate surface magnetic fields with the typical strengths detected in WDs. In this Letter, we explore an alternative hypothesis for the surface emergence of magnetic fields in isolated WDs. Those with masses ≳0.55 M are the descendants of main sequence stars with convective cores capable of generating strong dynamo magnetic fields. This idea is supported by asteroseismic evidence of strong magnetic fields buried within the interiors of red giant branch stars. Assuming that these fields are disrupted by subsequent convective zones, we estimated magnetic breakout times for WDs with carbon-oxygen (CO) cores and masses ranging from 0.57 M to 1.3 M. Due to the significant uncertainties in breakout times stemming from the treatment of convective boundaries and mass-loss rates, we cannot provide a precise prediction for the emergence time of the main sequence dynamo field. However, we can predict that this emergence should occur during the WD phase for those objects with masses ≳0.65 M. We also find that the magnetic breakout is expected to occur earlier in more massive WDs, which is consistent with observations of volume-limited samples and the well-established fact that magnetic WDs tend to be more massive than non-magnetic ones. Moreover, within the uncertainties of stellar evolutionary models, we find that the emergence of main sequence dynamo magnetic fields can account for a significant portion of the magnetic WDs. Additionally, we estimated magnetic breakout times due to crystallization-driven dynamos in CO WDs; our results suggest that this mechanism cannot explain the majority of magnetic WDs.

(1872)Formation and evolution of a protoplanetary disk: Combining observations, simulations, and cosmochemical constraints
  • Alessandro Morbidelli,
  • Yves Marrocchi,
  • Adnan Ali Ahmad,
  • Asmita Bhandare,
  • Sébastien Charnoz
  • +10
  • Benoît Commerçon,
  • Cornelis P. Dullemond,
  • Tristan Guillot,
  • Patrick Hennebelle,
  • Yueh-Ning Lee,
  • Francesco Lovascio,
  • Raphael Marschall,
  • Bernard Marty,
  • Anaëlle Maury,
  • Okamoto Tamami
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202451388
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Context. The formation and evolution of protoplanetary disks remains elusive. We have numerous astronomical observations of young stellar objects of different ages with their envelopes and/or disks. Moreover, in the last decade, there has been tremendous progress in numerical simulations of star and disk formation. New simulations use realistic equations of state for the gas and treat the interaction of matter and the magnetic field with the full set of nonideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations. However, it is still not fully clear how a disk forms and whether it happens from inside-out or outside-in. Open questions remain regarding where material is accreted onto the disk and comes from, how dust evolves in disks, and the timescales of appearance of disk's structures. These unknowns limit our understanding of how planetesimals and planets form and evolve. Aims. We attempted to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the protosolar disk, guided by the large amount of cosmochemical constraints derived from the study of meteorites, while using astronomical observations and numerical simulations as a guide to pinpointing plausible scenarios. Methods. Our approach is highly interdisciplinary and we do not present new observations or simulations in this work. Instead, we combine, in an original manner, a large number of published results concerning young stellar objects observations, and numerical simulations, along with the chemical, isotopic and petrological nature of meteorites. Results. We have achieved a plausible and coherent view of the evolution of the protosolar disk that is consistent with cosmochemical constraints and compatible with observations of other protoplanetary disks and sophisticated numerical simulations. The evidence that high-temperature condensates, namely, calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs) and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs), formed near the protosun before being transported to the outer disk can be explained in two ways: there could have either been an early phase of vigorous radial spreading of the disk that occurred or fast transport of these condensates from the vicinity of the protosun toward large disk radii via the protostellar outflow. The assumption that the material accreted toward the end of the infall phase was isotopically distinct allows us to explain the observed dichotomy in nucleosynthetic isotopic anomalies of meteorites. It leads us toward intriguing predictions on the possible isotopic composition of refractory elements in comets. At a later time, when the infall of material waned, the disk started to evolve as an accretion disk. Initially, dust drifted inward, shrinking the radius of the dust component to ∼45 au, probably about to about half of the width of the gas component. Next, structures must have emerged, producing a series of pressure maxima in the disk, which trapped the dust on Myr timescales. This allowed planetesimals to form at radically distinct times without significantly changing any of the isotopic properties. We also conclude that there was no late accretion of material onto the disk via streamers. The disk disappeared at about 5 My, as indicated by paleomagnetic data in meteorites. Conclusions. The evolution of the protosolar disk seems to have been quite typical in terms of size, lifetime, and dust behavior. This suggests that the peculiarities of the Solar System with respect to extrasolar planetary systems probably originate from the chaotic nature of planet formation and not from the properties of the parental disk itself.

(1871)Application of Convolutional Neural Networks to time domain astrophysics. 2D image analysis of OGLE light curves
  • N. Monsalves,
  • M. Jaque Arancibia,
  • A. Bayo,
  • P. Sánchez-Sáez,
  • R. Angeloni
  • +2
  • G. Damke,
  • J. Segura Van de Perre
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202449995
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In recent years the amount of publicly available astronomical data has increased exponentially, with a remarkable example being large-scale multiepoch photometric surveys. This wealth of data poses challenges to the classical methodologies commonly employed in the study of variable objects. As a response, deep learning techniques are increasingly being explored to effectively classify, analyze, and interpret these large datasets. In this paper we use two-dimensional histograms to represent Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment phasefolded light curves as images. We use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify variable objects within eight different categories (from now on labels): Classical Cepheid, RR Lyrae, Long Period Variable, Miras, Ellipsoidal Binary, Delta Scuti, Eclipsing Binary, and spurious class with Incorrect Periods (Rndm). We set up different training sets to train the same CNN architecture in order to characterize the impact of the training. The training sets were built from the same source of labels but different filters and balancing techniques were applied. Namely: Undersampling, Data Augmentation, and Batch Balancing (BB). The best performance was achieved with the BB approach and a training sample size of ~370 000 stars. Regarding computational performance, the image representation production rate is of ~76 images per core per second, and the time to predict is ~60 μs per star. The accuracy of the classification improves from ~92%, when based only on the CNN, to ~98% when the results of the CNN are combined with the period and amplitude features in a two step approach. This methodology achieves comparable results with previous studies but with two main advantages: the identification of miscalculated periods and the improvement in computational time cost.

(1870)An Analytic Computation of Three-Loop Five-Point Feynman Integrals
  • Yuanche Liu,
  • Antonela Matijašić,
  • Julian Miczajka,
  • Yingxuan Xu,
  • Yongqun Xu
  • +1
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We evaluate the three-loop five-point pentagon-box-box massless integral family in the dimensional regularization scheme, via canonical differential equation. We use tools from computational algebraic geometry to enable the necessary integral reductions. The boundary values of the differential equation are determined analytically in the Euclidean region. To express the final result, we introduce a new representation of weight six functions in terms of one-fold integrals over the product of weight-three functions with weight-two kernels that are derived from the differential equation. Our work paves the way to the analytic computation of three-loop multi-leg Feynman integrals.

(1869)Density Fluctuations in the Intracluster Medium: An Attempt to Constrain Viscosity with Cosmological Simulations
  • Tirso Marin-Gilabert,
  • Ulrich P. Steinwandel,
  • Milena Valentini,
  • David Vallés-Pérez,
  • Klaus Dolag
The Astrophysical Journal (11/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad8127
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The impact of viscosity in the intracluster medium (ICM) is still an open question in astrophysics. To address this problem, we have run a set of cosmological simulations of three galaxy clusters with a mass larger than M Vir > 1015 M at z = 0 using the smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics-code OPENGADGET3. We aim to quantify the influence of viscosity and constrain its value in the ICM. Our results show significant morphological differences at small scales, temperature variations, and density fluctuations induced by viscosity. We observe a suppression of instabilities at small scales, resulting in a more filamentary structure and a larger amount of small structures due to the lack of mixing with the medium. The conversion of kinetic to internal energy leads to an increase of the virial temperature of the cluster of ∼5%–10%, while the denser regions remain cold. The amplitude of density and velocity fluctuations are found to increase with viscosity. However, comparison with observational data indicates that the simulations, regardless of the viscosity, match the observed slope of the amplitude of density fluctuations, challenging the direct constraint of viscosity solely through density fluctuations. Furthermore, the ratio of density to velocity fluctuations remains close to 1 regardless of the amount of viscosity, in agreement with the theoretical expectations. Our results show for the first time in a cosmological simulation of a galaxy cluster the effect of viscosity in the ICM, a study that is currently missing in the literature.

(1868)Fast, Accurate and Perturbative Forward Modeling of Galaxy Clustering Part II: Redshift Space
  • Julia Stadler,
  • Fabian Schmidt,
  • Martin Reinecke,
  • Matteo Esposito
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Forward modeling the galaxy density within the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure (EFT of LSS) enables field-level analyses that are robust to theoretical uncertainties. At the same time, they can maximize the constraining power from galaxy clustering on the scales amenable to perturbation theory. In order to apply the method to galaxy surveys, the forward model must account for the full observational complexity of the data. In this context, a major challenge is the inclusion of redshift space distortions (RSDs) from the peculiar motion of galaxies. Here, we present improvements in the efficiency and accuracy of the RSD modeling in the perturbative LEFTfield forward model. We perform a detailed quantification of the perturbative and numerical error for the prediction of momentum, velocity and the redshift-space matter density. Further, we test the recovery of cosmological parameters at the field level, namely the growth rate $f$, from simulated halos in redshift space. For a rigorous test and to scan through a wide range of analysis choices, we fix the linear (initial) density field to the known ground truth but marginalize over all unknown bias coefficients and noise amplitudes. With a third-order model for gravity and bias, our results yield $<1\,\%$ statistical and $<1.5\,\%$ systematic error. The computational cost of the redshift-space forward model is only $\sim 1.5$ times of the rest frame equivalent, enabling future field-level inference that simultaneously targets cosmological parameters and the initial matter distribution.

(1867)Interacting Dark Sector (ETHOS $n=0$): Cosmological Constraints from SPT Cluster Abundance with DES and HST Weak Lensing Data
  • Asmaa Mazoun,
  • Sebastian Bocquet,
  • Joseph J. Mohr,
  • Mathias Garny,
  • Henrique Rubira
  • +4
  • Matthias Klein,
  • Lindsey Bleem,
  • Sebastian Grandis,
  • Tim Schrabback
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

We use galaxy cluster abundance measurements from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) enhanced by Multi-Component Matched Filter (MCMF) confirmation and complemented with mass information obtained using weak-lensing data from Dark Energy Survey Year~3 (DES Y3) and targeted Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations for probing deviations from the cold dark matter paradigm. Concretely, we consider a class of dark sector models featuring interactions between dark matter (DM) and a dark radiation (DR) component within the framework of the Effective Theory of Structure Formation (ETHOS). We focus on scenarios that lead to power suppression over a wide range of scales, and thus can be tested with data sensitive to large scales, as realized for example for DM$-$DR interactions following from an unbroken non-Abelian $SU(N)$ gauge theory (interaction rate with power-law index $n=0$ within the ETHOS parameterization). Cluster abundance measurements are mostly sensitive to the amount of DR interacting with DM, parameterized by the ratio of DR temperature to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature, $\xi_{\rm DR}=T_{\rm DR}/T_{\rm CMB}$. We find an upper limit $\xi_{\rm DR}<17\%$ at $95\%$ credibility. When the cluster data are combined with Planck 2018 CMB data along with baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements we find $\xi_{\rm DR}<10\%$, corresponding to a limit on the abundance of interacting DR that is around three times tighter than that from CMB+BAO data alone. We also discuss the complementarity of weak lensing informed cluster abundance studies with probes sensitive to smaller scales, explore the impact on our analysis of massive neutrinos, and comment on a slight preference for the presence of a non-zero interacting DR abundance, which enables a physical solution to the $S_8$ tension.

(1866)Coherent States in Gauge Theories: Topological Defects and Other Classical Configurations
  • Lasha Berezhiani,
  • Gia Dvali,
  • Otari Sakhelashvili
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We present a formulation of coherent states as of consistent quantum description of classical configurations in the BRST-invariant quantization of electrodynamics. The quantization with proper gauge-fixing is performed on the vacuum of the theory, whereas other backgrounds are obtained as BRST-invariant coherent states. One of the key insights is the possibility of constructing the coherent states of pure-gauge configurations. This provides a coherent state understanding of topologically non-trivial configurations in gauge theories, and makes number of features, such as the suppression of transitions between topologically-distinct sectors, very transparent at full quantum level. As an example, we construct the Nielsen-Olesen string as a BRST-invariant coherent state. The Abelian pure-gauge configurations can also be viewed as useful analogs for a set of space-times related by coordinate reparameterizations in General Relativity.

(1865)Landau and leading singularities in arbitrary space-time dimensions
  • Wojciech Flieger,
  • William J. Torres Bobadilla
European Physical Journal Plus (11/2024) doi:10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05796-7
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Using the decomposition of the D-dimensional space-time into parallel and perpendicular subspaces, we study and prove a connection between Landau and leading singularities for N-point one-loop Feynman integrals by applying the multidimensional theory of residues. We show that if <inline-formula id="IEq1"><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula id="IEq2"><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>D</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mo>+</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula>, the leading singularity corresponds to the inverse of the square root of the leading Landau singularity of the first and second type, respectively. We make use of this outcome to systematically provide differential equations of Feynman integrals in canonical forms and the extension of the connection of these singularities at the multi-loop level by exploiting the loop-by-loop approach. Illustrative examples with the calculation of Landau and leading singularities are provided to supplement our results.

(1864)A Comprehensive Hadronic Code Comparison for Active Galactic Nuclei
  • Matteo Cerruti,
  • Annika Rudolph,
  • Maria Petropoulou,
  • Markus Böttcher,
  • Stamatios I. Stathopoulos
  • +12
  • Foteini Oikonomou,
  • Stavros Dimitrakoudis,
  • Anton Dmytriiev,
  • Shan Gao,
  • Susumu Inoue,
  • Apostolos Mastichiadis,
  • Kohta Murase,
  • Anita Reimer,
  • Joshua Robinson,
  • Xavier Rodrigues,
  • Walter Winter,
  • Andreas Zech
  • (less)
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We perform the first dedicated comparison of five hadronic codes (AM$^3$, ATHE$\nu$A, B13, LeHa-Paris, and LeHaMoC) that have been extensively used in modeling of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of jetted active galactic nuclei. The purpose of this comparison is to identify the sources of systematic errors (e.g., implementation method of proton-photon interactions) and to quantify the expected dispersion in numerical SED models computed with the five codes. The outputs from the codes are first tested in synchrotron self-Compton scenarios that are the simplest blazar emission models used in the literature. We then compare the injection rates and spectra of secondary particles produced in pure hadronic cases with monoenergetic and power-law protons interacting on black-body and power-law photon fields. We finally compare the photon SEDs and the neutrino spectra for realistic proton-synchrotron and leptohadronic blazar models. We find that the codes are in excellent agreement with respect to the spectral shape of the photons and neutrinos. There is a remaining spread in the overall normalization that we quantify, at its maximum, at the level of $\pm 40\%$. This value should be used as an additional, conservative, systematic uncertainty term when comparing numerical simulations and observations.

(1863)Accretion tori around rotating neutron stars: II. Oscillations and precessions
  • Monika Matuszková,
  • Gabriel Török,
  • Kateřina Klimovičová,
  • Jiří Horák,
  • Odele Straub
  • +5
  • Eva Šrámková,
  • Debora Lančová,
  • Martin Urbanec,
  • Gabriela Urbancová,
  • Vladimír Karas
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450058
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The four characteristic oscillation frequencies of accretion flows (in addition to the Keplerian orbital frequency) are often discussed in the context of the time variability of black hole and neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). These four frequencies are the frequencies of the axisymmetric radial and vertical epicyclic oscillations, and the frequencies of non-axisymmetric oscillations corresponding to the periastron (radial) and Lense-Thirring (vertical) precessions. In this context, we investigated the effect of the quadrupole moment of a slowly rotating NS and provide complete formulae for calculating these oscillation and precession frequencies, as well as convenient approximations. Simple formulae corresponding to the geodesic limit of a slender torus (and test-particle motion) and the limit of a marginally overflowing torus (a torus exhibiting a critical cusp) are presented, and more general approximate formulae are included to allow calculations for arbitrarily thick tori. We provide the Wolfram Mathematica code used for our calculations together with the C++ and PYTHON codes for calculating the frequencies. Our formulae can be used for various calculations regarding the astrophysical signatures of the NS super-dense matter equation of state. For instance, we demonstrate that even for a given fixed number of free parameters, a model that accounts for fluid flow precession matches the frequencies of twin-peak quasiperiodic oscillations observed in NS LMXBs better than a model that uses geodesic precession.

(1862)Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of A-type stars: Long-term evolution of core dynamo cycles
  • J. P. Hidalgo,
  • P. J. Käpylä,
  • D. R. G. Schleicher,
  • C. A. Ortiz-Rodríguez,
  • F. H. Navarrete
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202449977
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Context. Early-type stars have convective cores due to a steep temperature gradient produced by the CNO cycle. These cores can host dynamos and the generated magnetic fields may be relevant in explaining the magnetism observed in Ap/Bp stars. Aims. Our main objective is to characterise the convective core dynamos and differential rotation. We aim to carry out the first quantitative analysis of the relation between magnetic activity cycle and rotation period. Methods. We used numerical 3D star-in-a-box simulations of a 2.2 M A-type star with a convective core of roughly 20% of the stellar radius surrounded by a radiative envelope. We explored rotation rates from 8 to 20 days and used two models of the whole star, along with an additional zoom set where 50% of the radius was retained. Results. The simulations produce hemispheric core dynamos with cycles and typical magnetic field strengths around 60 kG. However, only a very small fraction of the magnetic energy is able to reach the surface. The cores have solar-like differential rotation and a substantial part of the radiative envelope has a quasi-rigid rotation. In the most rapidly rotating cases, the magnetic energy in the core is roughly 40% of the kinetic energy. Finally, we find that the magnetic cycle period, Pcyc, increases with decreasing the rotation period, Prot, which has also been observed in many simulations of solar-type stars. Conclusions. Our simulations indicate that a strong hemispherical core dynamo arises routinely, but that it is not enough the explain the surface magnetism of Ap/Bp stars. Nevertheless, since the core dynamo produces dynamically relevant magnetic fields, it should not be neglected even when other mechanisms are being explored.

(1861)A census of the Sun's ancestors and their contributions to the Solar System chemical composition
  • F. Fiore,
  • F. Matteucci,
  • E. Spitoni,
  • M. Molero,
  • P. Salucci
  • +2
Astronomy and Astrophysics (11/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202451076
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In this work, we compute the rates and numbers of different types of stars and phenomena (supernovae, novae, white dwarfs, merging neutron stars, black holes) that contributed to the chemical composition of the Solar System. During the Big Bang, only light elements formed, while all the heavy ones, from carbon to uranium and beyond, have since been created inside stars. Stars die and release the newly formed elements into the interstellar gas. This process is called 'chemical evolution'. In particular, we analyse the death rates of stars of all masses, whether they die quiescently or explosively. These rates and total star numbers are computed in the context of a revised version of the two-infall model for the chemical evolution of the Milky Way, which reproduces the observed abundance patterns of several chemical species, the global solar metallicity, and the current gas, stellar, and total surface mass densities relatively well. We also compute the total number of stars ever born and still alive as well as the number of stars born up to the formation of the Solar System with mass and metallicity like those of the Sun. This latter number accounts for all the possible existing Solar systems that can host life in the solar vicinity. We conclude that, among all the stars (from 0.8 to 100 M) that were born and died from the Big Bang up until the Solar System formation epoch and that contributed to its chemical composition, 93.00% were stars that died as single white dwarfs (without interacting significantly with a companion star) and originated in the mass range of 0.8–8 M, while 5.24% were neutron stars and 0.73% were black holes, both originating from core-collapse supernovae (M > 8 M); 0.64% were Type Ia supernovae and 0.40% were nova systems, both originating from the same mass range as the white dwarfs. The number of stars similar to the Sun born from the Big Bang up until the formation of the Solar System, with metallicity in the range 12+log(Fe/H)= 7.50 ± 0.04 dex, is ~31•107, and in particular our Sun is the ~2.61• 107-th star of this kind.

(1860)<inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml
  • E. Garrido,
  • A. Kievsky,
  • M. Gattobigio,
  • M. Viviani,
  • L. E. Marcucci
  • +3
  • R. Del Grande,
  • L. Fabbietti,
  • D. Melnichenko
  • (less)
Physical Review C (11/2024) doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.110.054004
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In this work we present the study of <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> scattering processes using femtoscopic correlation functions. This observable has been recently used to access the low-energy interaction of hadrons emitted in the final state of high-energy collisions, delivering unprecedented precision information of the interaction among strange hadrons. The formalism for particle pairs is well established and it relates the measured correlation functions with the scattering wave function and the emission source. In the present work we analyze the <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> scattering in free space and relate the corresponding wave function to the <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> correlation measurement performed by the ALICE collaboration. The three-body problem is solved using the hyperspherical adiabatic basis. Regarding the <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> and <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> interactions, different models are used and their impact on the correlation function is studied. The three-body force considered in this work is anchored to describe the binding energy of the hypertriton and to give a good description of the two four-body hypernuclei. As a main result we have observed a huge, low-energy peak in the <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi>p</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">Λ</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> correlation function, mainly produced by the <inline-formula><mml:math><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mi>J</mml:mi><mml:mi>π</mml:mi></mml:msup><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:msup><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula> three-body state. The study of this peak from an experimental as well as a theoretical point of view will provide important constraints to the two- and three-body interactions.

(1859)Euclid: Searches for strong gravitational lenses using convolutional neural nets in Early Release Observations of the Perseus field
  • R. Pearce-Casey,
  • B. C. Nagam,
  • J. Wilde,
  • V. Busillo,
  • L. Ulivi
  • +202
  • I. T. Andika,
  • A. Manjón-García,
  • L. Leuzzi,
  • P. Matavulj,
  • S. Serjeant,
  • M. Walmsley,
  • J. A. Acevedo Barroso,
  • C. M. O'Riordan,
  • B. Clément,
  • C. Tortora,
  • T. E. Collett,
  • F. Courbin,
  • R. Gavazzi,
  • R. B. Metcalf,
  • R. Cabanac,
  • H. M. Courtois,
  • J. Crook-Mansour,
  • L. Delchambre,
  • G. Despali,
  • L. R. Ecker,
  • A. Franco,
  • P. Holloway,
  • K. Jahnke,
  • G. Mahler,
  • L. Marchetti,
  • A. Melo,
  • M. Meneghetti,
  • O. Müller,
  • A. A. Nucita,
  • J. Pearson,
  • K. Rojas,
  • C. Scarlata,
  • S. Schuldt,
  • D. Sluse,
  • S. H. Suyu,
  • M. Vaccari,
  • S. Vegetti,
  • A. Verma,
  • G. Vernardos,
  • M. Bolzonella,
  • M. Kluge,
  • T. Saifollahi,
  • M. Schirmer,
  • C. Stone,
  • A. Paulino-Afonso,
  • L. Bazzanini,
  • N. B. Hogg,
  • L. V. E. Koopmans,
  • S. Kruk,
  • F. Mannucci,
  • J. M. Bromley,
  • A. Díaz-Sánchez,
  • H. J. Dickinson,
  • D. M. Powell,
  • H. Bouy,
  • R. Laureijs,
  • B. Altieri,
  • A. Amara,
  • S. Andreon,
  • C. Baccigalupi,
  • M. Baldi,
  • A. Balestra,
  • S. Bardelli,
  • P. Battaglia,
  • D. Bonino,
  • E. Branchini,
  • M. Brescia,
  • J. Brinchmann,
  • A. Caillat,
  • S. Camera,
  • V. Capobianco,
  • C. Carbone,
  • J. Carretero,
  • S. Casas,
  • M. Castellano,
  • G. Castignani,
  • S. Cavuoti,
  • A. Cimatti,
  • C. Colodro-Conde,
  • G. Congedo,
  • C. J. Conselice,
  • L. Conversi,
  • Y. Copin,
  • M. Cropper,
  • A. Da Silva,
  • H. Degaudenzi,
  • G. De Lucia,
  • A. M. Di Giorgio,
  • J. Dinis,
  • F. Dubath,
  • X. Dupac,
  • S. Dusini,
  • M. Farina,
  • S. Farrens,
  • F. Faustini,
  • S. Ferriol,
  • M. Frailis,
  • E. Franceschi,
  • S. Galeotta,
  • K. George,
  • W. Gillard,
  • B. Gillis,
  • C. Giocoli,
  • P. Gómez-Alvarez,
  • A. Grazian,
  • F. Grupp,
  • S. V. H. Haugan,
  • W. Holmes,
  • I. Hook,
  • F. Hormuth,
  • A. Hornstrup,
  • P. Hudelot,
  • M. Jhabvala,
  • B. Joachimi,
  • E. Keihänen,
  • S. Kermiche,
  • A. Kiessling,
  • M. Kilbinger,
  • B. Kubik,
  • M. Kümmel,
  • M. Kunz,
  • H. Kurki-Suonio,
  • D. Le Mignant,
  • S. Ligori,
  • P. B. Lilje,
  • V. Lindholm,
  • I. Lloro,
  • E. Maiorano,
  • O. Mansutti,
  • O. Marggraf,
  • K. Markovic,
  • M. Martinelli,
  • N. Martinet,
  • F. Marulli,
  • R. Massey,
  • E. Medinaceli,
  • S. Mei,
  • M. Melchior,
  • Y. Mellier,
  • E. Merlin,
  • G. Meylan,
  • M. Moresco,
  • L. Moscardini,
  • R. Nakajima,
  • C. Neissner,
  • R. C. Nichol,
  • S. -M. Niemi,
  • J. W. Nightingale,
  • C. Padilla,
  • S. Paltani,
  • F. Pasian,
  • K. Pedersen,
  • W. J. Percival,
  • V. Pettorino,
  • S. Pires,
  • G. Polenta,
  • M. Poncet,
  • L. A. Popa,
  • L. Pozzetti,
  • F. Raison,
  • A. Renzi,
  • J. Rhodes,
  • G. Riccio,
  • E. Romelli,
  • M. Roncarelli,
  • E. Rossetti,
  • R. Saglia,
  • Z. Sakr,
  • A. G. Sánchez,
  • D. Sapone,
  • B. Sartoris,
  • P. Schneider,
  • T. Schrabback,
  • A. Secroun,
  • G. Seidel,
  • S. Serrano,
  • C. Sirignano,
  • G. Sirri,
  • J. Skottfelt,
  • L. Stanco,
  • J. Steinwagner,
  • P. Tallada-Crespí,
  • I. Tereno,
  • R. Toledo-Moreo,
  • F. Torradeflot,
  • I. Tutusaus,
  • E. A. Valentijn,
  • L. Valenziano,
  • T. Vassallo,
  • G. Verdoes Kleijn,
  • A. Veropalumbo,
  • Y. Wang,
  • J. Weller,
  • G. Zamorani,
  • E. Zucca,
  • C. Burigana,
  • M. Calabrese,
  • A. Mora,
  • M. Pöntinen,
  • V. Scottez,
  • M. Viel,
  • B. Margalef-Bentabol
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

The Euclid Wide Survey (EWS) is predicted to find approximately 170 000 galaxy-galaxy strong lenses from its lifetime observation of 14 000 deg^2 of the sky. Detecting this many lenses by visual inspection with professional astronomers and citizen scientists alone is infeasible. Machine learning algorithms, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have been used as an automated method of detecting strong lenses, and have proven fruitful in finding galaxy-galaxy strong lens candidates. We identify the major challenge to be the automatic detection of galaxy-galaxy strong lenses while simultaneously maintaining a low false positive rate. One aim of this research is to have a quantified starting point on the achieved purity and completeness with our current version of CNN-based detection pipelines for the VIS images of EWS. We select all sources with VIS IE < 23 mag from the Euclid Early Release Observation imaging of the Perseus field. We apply a range of CNN architectures to detect strong lenses in these cutouts. All our networks perform extremely well on simulated data sets and their respective validation sets. However, when applied to real Euclid imaging, the highest lens purity is just 11%. Among all our networks, the false positives are typically identifiable by human volunteers as, for example, spiral galaxies, multiple sources, and artefacts, implying that improvements are still possible, perhaps via a second, more interpretable lens selection filtering stage. There is currently no alternative to human classification of CNN-selected lens candidates. Given the expected 10^5 lensing systems in Euclid, this implies 10^6 objects for human classification, which while very large is not in principle intractable and not without precedent.

(1858)How well does nonrelativistic QCD factorization work at next-to-leading order?
  • Nora Brambilla,
  • Mathias Butenschoen,
  • Xiang-Peng Wang
abstract + abstract -

We perform a thorough investigation of the universality of the long distance matrix elements (LDMEs) of nonrelativistic QCD factorization based on a next-to-leading order (NLO) fit of $J/\psi$ color octet (CO) LDMEs to high transverse momentum $p_T$ $J/\psi$ and $\eta_c$ production data at the LHC. We thereby apply a novel fit-and-predict procedure to systematically take into account scale variations, and predict various observables never studied in this context before. In particular, the LDMEs can well describe $J/\psi$ hadroproduction up to the highest measured values of $p_T$, as well as $\Upsilon(nS)$ production via potential NRQCD based relations. Furthermore, $J/\psi$ production in $\gamma \gamma$ and $\gamma p$ collisions is surprisingly reproduced down to $p_T=1$ GeV, as long as the region of large inelasticity $z$ is excluded, which may be of significance in future quarkonium studies, in particular at the EIC and the high-luminosity LHC. In addition, our summary reveals an interesting pattern as to which observables still evade a consistent description.

(1857)Fermionic Spencer Cohomologies of D=11 Supergravity
  • C. A. Cremonini,
  • P. A. Grassi,
  • R. Noris,
  • L. Ravera,
  • A. Santi
abstract + abstract -

We combine the theory of Cartan-Tanaka prolongations with the Molien-Weyl integral formula and Hilbert-Poincaré series to compute the Spencer cohomology groups of the $D=11$ Poincaré superalgebra $\mathfrak p$, relevant for superspace formulations of $11$-dimensional supergravity in terms of nonholonomic superstructures. This includes novel fermionic Spencer groups, providing with new cohomology classes of $\mathbb Z$-grading $1$ and form number $2$. Using the Hilbert-Poincaré series and the Euler characteristic, we also explore Spencer cohomology contributions in higher form numbers. We then propose a new general definition of filtered deformations of graded Lie superalgebras along first-order fermionic directions and investigate such deformations of $\mathfrak p$ that are maximally supersymmetric. In particular, we establish a no-go type theorem for maximally supersymmetric filtered subdeformations of $\mathfrak p$ along timelike (i.e., generic) first-order fermionic directions.

(1856)An analytical model for the dispersion measure of Fast Radio Burst host galaxies
  • Robert Reischke,
  • Michael Kovač,
  • Andrina Nicola,
  • Steffen Hagstotz,
  • Aurel Schneider
abstract + abstract -

The dispersion measure (DM) of fast radio bursts (FRBs) is sensitive to the electron distribution in the Universe, making it a promising probe of cosmology and astrophysical processes such as baryonic feedback. However, cosmological analyses of FRBs require knowledge of the contribution to the observed DM coming from the FRB host. The size and distribution of this contribution is still uncertain, thus significantly limiting current cosmological FRB analyses. In this study, we extend the baryonification (BCM) approach to derive a physically-motivated, analytic model for predicting the host contribution to FRB DMs. By focusing on the statistical properties of FRB host DMs, we find that our simple model is able to reproduce the probability distribution function (PDF) of host halo DMs measured from the CAMELS suite of hydrodynamic simulations, as well as their mass- and redshift dependence. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our model allows for self-consistent predictions of the host DM PDF and the matter power spectrum suppression due to baryonic effects, as observed in these simulations, making it promising for modelling host-DM-related systematics in FRB analyses. In general, we find that the shape of the host DM PDF is determined by the interplay between the FRB and gas distributions in halos. Our findings indicate that more compact FRB profiles require shallower gas profiles (and vice versa) in order to match the observed DM distributions in hydrodynamic simulations. Furthermore, the analytic model presented here shows that the shape of the host DM PDF is highly sensitive to the parameters of the BCM. This suggests that this observable could be used as an interesting test bed for baryonic processes, complementing other probes due to its sensitivity to feedback on galactic scales. We further discuss the main limitations of our analysis, and point out potential avenues for future work.

(1855)High-temperature <SUP>205</SUP>Tl decay clarifies <SUP>205</SUP>Pb dating in early Solar System
  • Guy Leckenby,
  • Ragandeep Singh Sidhu,
  • Rui Jiu Chen,
  • Riccardo Mancino,
  • Balázs Szányi
  • +54
  • Mei Bai,
  • Umberto Battino,
  • Klaus Blaum,
  • Carsten Brandau,
  • Sergio Cristallo,
  • Timo Dickel,
  • Iris Dillmann,
  • Dmytro Dmytriiev,
  • Thomas Faestermann,
  • Oliver Forstner,
  • Bernhard Franczak,
  • Hans Geissel,
  • Roman Gernhäuser,
  • Jan Glorius,
  • Chris Griffin,
  • Alexandre Gumberidze,
  • Emma Haettner,
  • Pierre-Michel Hillenbrand,
  • Amanda Karakas,
  • Tejpreet Kaur,
  • Wolfram Korten,
  • Christophor Kozhuharov,
  • Natalia Kuzminchuk,
  • Karlheinz Langanke,
  • Sergey Litvinov,
  • Yuri A. Litvinov,
  • Maria Lugaro,
  • Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo,
  • Esther Menz,
  • Bradley Meyer,
  • Tino Morgenroth,
  • Thomas Neff,
  • Chiara Nociforo,
  • Nikolaos Petridis,
  • Marco Pignatari,
  • Ulrich Popp,
  • Sivaji Purushothaman,
  • René Reifarth,
  • Shahab Sanjari,
  • Christoph Scheidenberger,
  • Uwe Spillmann,
  • Markus Steck,
  • Thomas Stöhlker,
  • Yoshiki K. Tanaka,
  • Martino Trassinelli,
  • Sergiy Trotsenko,
  • László Varga,
  • Diego Vescovi,
  • Meng Wang,
  • Helmut Weick,
  • Andrés Yagüe Lopéz,
  • Takayuki Yamaguchi,
  • Yuhu Zhang,
  • Jianwei Zhao
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

Radioactive nuclei with lifetimes on the order of millions of years can reveal the formation history of the Sun and active nucleosynthesis occurring at the time and place of its birth1,2. Among such nuclei whose decay signatures are found in the oldest meteorites, 205Pb is a powerful example, as it is produced exclusively by slow neutron captures (the s process), with most being synthesized in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars3, 4–5. However, making accurate abundance predictions for 205Pb has so far been impossible because the weak decay rates of 205Pb and 205Tl are very uncertain at stellar temperatures6,7. To constrain these decay rates, we measured for the first time the bound-state β decay of fully ionized 205Tl81+, an exotic decay mode that only occurs in highly charged ions. The measured half-life is 4.7 times longer than the previous theoretical estimate8 and our 10% experimental uncertainty has eliminated the main nuclear-physics limitation. With new, experimentally backed decay rates, we used AGB stellar models to calculate 205Pb yields. Propagating those yields with basic galactic chemical evolution (GCE) and comparing with the 205Pb/204Pb ratio from meteorites9, 10–11, we determined the isolation time of solar material inside its parent molecular cloud. We find positive isolation times that are consistent with the other s-process short-lived radioactive nuclei found in the early Solar System. Our results reaffirm the site of the Sun's birth as a long-lived, giant molecular cloud and support the use of the 205Pb–205Tl decay system as a chronometer in the early Solar System.

(1854)Hybrids, tetraquarks, pentaquarks, doubly heavy baryons, and quarkonia in Born-Oppenheimer effective theory
  • Matthias Berwein,
  • Nora Brambilla,
  • Abhishek Mohapatra,
  • Antonio Vairo
Physical Review D (11/2024) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.110.094040
abstract + abstract -

The discovery of XYZ exotic states in the hadronic sector with two heavy quarks represents a significant challenge in particle theory. Understanding and predicting their nature remains an open problem. In this work, we demonstrate how the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) effective field theory (BOEFT), derived from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on the basis of scale separation and symmetries, can address XYZ exotics of any composition. We derive the Schrödinger coupled equations that describe hybrids, tetraquarks, pentaquarks, doubly heavy baryons, and quarkonia at leading order, incorporating nonadiabatic terms, and present the predicted multiplets. We define the static potentials in terms of the QCD static energies for all relevant cases. We provide the precise form of the nonperturbative low-energy gauge-invariant correlators required for the BOEFT: static energies, generalized Wilson loops, gluelumps, and adjoint mesons. These are to be calculated on the lattice, and we calculate here their short-distance behavior. Furthermore, we outline how spin-dependent corrections and mixing terms can be incorporated using matching computations. Lastly, we discuss how static energies with the same BO quantum numbers mix at large distances leading to the phenomenon of avoided level crossing. This effect is crucial to understand the emergence of exotics with molecular characteristics, such as the <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>χ</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>c</mml:mi><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub><mml:mo stretchy="false">(</mml:mo><mml:mn>3872</mml:mn><mml:mo stretchy="false">)</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:math></inline-formula>. With BOEFT both the tetraquark and the molecular picture appear as part of the same description.

(1853)High-resolution ALMA Observations of Richly Structured Protoplanetary Disks in σ Orionis
  • Jane Huang,
  • Megan Ansdell,
  • Tilman Birnstiel,
  • Ian Czekala,
  • Feng Long
  • +3
  • Jonathan Williams,
  • Shangjia Zhang,
  • Zhaohuan Zhu
  • (less)
The Astrophysical Journal (11/2024) doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad84df
abstract + abstract -

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has detected substructures in numerous protoplanetary disks at radii from a few to over 100 au. These substructures are commonly thought to be associated with planet formation, either by serving as sites fostering planetesimal formation or by arising as a consequence of planet–disk interactions. Our current understanding of substructures, though, is primarily based on observations of nearby star-forming regions with mild UV environments, whereas stars are typically born in much harsher UV environments, which may inhibit planet formation in the outer disk through external photoevaporation. We present high-resolution (∼8 au) ALMA 1.3 mm continuum images of eight disks in σ Orionis, a cluster irradiated by an O9.5 star. Gaps and rings are resolved in the images of five disks. The most striking of these is SO 1274, which features five gaps that appear to be arranged nearly in a resonant chain. In addition, we infer the presence of gap or shoulder-like structures in the other three disks through visibility modeling. These observations indicate that substructures robustly form and survive at semimajor axes of several tens of au or less in disks exposed to intermediate levels of external UV radiation as well as in compact disks. However, our observations also suggest that disks in σ Orionis are mostly small, and thus millimeter continuum gaps beyond a disk radius of 50 au are rare in this region, possibly due to either external photoevaporation or age effects.

(1852)vortex-p: A Helmholtz-Hodge and Reynolds decomposition algorithm for particle-based simulations
  • David Vallés-Pérez,
  • Susana Planelles,
  • Vicent Quilis,
  • Frederick Groth,
  • Tirso Marin-Gilabert
  • +1
Computer Physics Communications (11/2024) doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109305
abstract + abstract -

Astrophysical turbulent flows display an intrinsically multi-scale nature, making their numerical simulation and the subsequent analyses of simulated data a complex problem. In particular, two fundamental steps in the study of turbulent velocity fields are the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition (compressive+solenoidal; HHD) and the Reynolds decomposition (bulk+turbulent; RD). These problems are relatively simple to perform numerically for uniformly-sampled data, such as the one emerging from Eulerian, fix-grid simulations; but their computation is remarkably more complex in the case of non-uniformly sampled data, such as the one stemming from particle-based or meshless simulations. In this paper, we describe, implement and test vortex-p, a publicly available tool evolved from the vortex code, to perform both these decompositions upon the velocity fields of particle-based simulations, either from smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), moving-mesh or meshless codes. The algorithm relies on the creation of an ad-hoc adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) set of grids, on which the input velocity field is represented. HHD is then addressed by means of elliptic solvers, while for the RD we adapt an iterative, multi-scale filter. We perform a series of idealised tests to assess the accuracy, convergence and scaling of the code. Finally, we present some applications of the code to various SPH and meshless finite-mass (MFM) simulations of galaxy clusters performed with OpenGadget3, with different resolutions and physics, to showcase the capabilities of the code.

(1851)Celestial String Integrands & their Expansions
  • Daniel Bockisch
arXiv e-prints (11/2024) e-Print:2408.02609
abstract + abstract -

We transform the one-loop four-point type I open superstring gluon amplitude to correlation functions on the celestial sphere including both the (non-)orientable planar and non-planar sector. This requires a Mellin transform with respect to the energies of the scattered strings, as well as to integrate over the open-string worldsheet moduli space. After accomplishing the former we obtain celestial string integrands with remaining worldsheet integrals Ψ(β), where β is related to the conformal scaling dimensions of the conformal primary operators under consideration. Employing an alternative approach of performing an α′-expansion of the open superstring amplitude first and Mellin transforming afterwards, we obtain a fully integrated expression, capturing the pole structure in the β-plane. The same analysis is performed at tree-level yielding similar results. We conclude by solving Ψ(β) for specific values of β, consistently reproducing the results of the α′-expansion ansatz. In all approaches we find that the dependence on α′ reduces to that of a simple overall factor of (α′)β−3 at loop and (α′)β at tree level, consistent with previous literature.

(1850)Disentangling new physics in $K\rightarrow\pi\bar{\nu}\nu$ and $B\rightarrow K(K^*)\bar{\nu}\nu$ observables
  • Andrzej J. Buras,
  • Julia Harz,
  • Martin A. Mojahed
Journal of High Energy Physics (10/2024) doi:10.1007/JHEP10(2024)087
abstract + abstract -

We investigate the possibility of disentangling different new physics contributions to the rare meson decays and through kinematic distributions in the missing energy . We employ dimension-6 operators within the Low-Energy Effective Field Theory (LEFT), identifying the invisible part of the final state as either active or sterile neutrinos. Special emphasis is given to lepton-number violating (LNV) operators with scalar and tensor currents. We show analytically that contributions from vector, scalar, and tensor quark currents can be uniquely determined from experimental data of kinematic distributions. In addition, we present new correlations of branching ratios for K and B-decays involving scalar and tensor currents. As there could a priori also be new invisible particles in the final states, we include dark-sector operators giving rise to two dark scalars, fermions, or vectors in the final state. In this context, we present new calculations of the inclusive decay rate for dark operators. We show that careful measurements of kinematic distributions make it theoretically possible to disentangle the contribution from LEFT operators from most of the dark-sector operators, even when multiple operators are contributing. We revisit sum rules for vector currents in LEFT and show that the latter are also satisfied in some new dark-physics scenarios that could mimic LEFT. Finally, we point out that an excess in rare meson decays consistent with a LNV hypothesis would point towards highly flavor non-democratic physics in the UV, and could put high-scale leptogenesis under tension.

(1849)Analytic evaluation of the three-loop three-point form factor of $\operatorname{tr}\phi^3$ in $\mathcal{N}=4$ sYM
  • Johannes M. Henn,
  • Jungwon Lim,
  • William J. Torres Bobadilla
abstract + abstract -

We compute analytically the three-loop correlation function of the local operator $\text{tr} \, \phi^3$ inserted into three on-shell states, in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The result is expressed in terms of Chen iterated integrals. We also present our result using generalised polylogarithms, and evaluate them numerically, finding agreement with a previous numerical result in the literature. We observe that the result depends on fewer kinematic singularities compared to individual Feynman integrals. Furthermore, upon choosing a suitable definition of the finite part, we find that the latter satisfies powerful symbol adjacency relations similar to those previously observed for the $\text{tr} \, \phi^2$ case.

(1848)First constraints on general neutrino interactions based on KATRIN data
  • M. Aker,
  • D. Batzler,
  • A. Beglarian,
  • J. Beisenkötter,
  • M. Biassoni
  • +127
  • B. Bieringer,
  • Y. Biondi,
  • F. Block,
  • B. Bornschein,
  • L. Bornschein,
  • M. Böttcher,
  • M. Carminati,
  • A. Chatrabhuti,
  • S. Chilingaryan,
  • B. A. Daniel,
  • M. Descher,
  • D. Díaz Barrero,
  • P. J. Doe,
  • O. Dragoun,
  • G. Drexlin,
  • F. Edzards,
  • K. Eitel,
  • E. Ellinger,
  • R. Engel,
  • S. Enomoto,
  • A. Felden,
  • C. Fengler,
  • C. Fiorini,
  • J. A. Formaggio,
  • C. Forstner,
  • F. M. Fränkle,
  • G. Gagliardi,
  • K. Gauda,
  • A. S. Gavin,
  • W. Gil,
  • F. Glück,
  • R. Grössle,
  • N. Gutknecht,
  • V. Hannen,
  • L. Hasselmann,
  • K. Helbing,
  • H. Henke,
  • S. Heyns,
  • R. Hiller,
  • D. Hillesheimer,
  • D. Hinz,
  • T. Höhn,
  • A. Huber,
  • A. Jansen,
  • K. Khosonthongkee,
  • C. Köhler,
  • L. Köllenberger,
  • A. Kopmann,
  • N. Kovač,
  • L. La Cascio,
  • T. Lasserre,
  • J. Lauer,
  • T. L. Le,
  • O. Lebeda,
  • B. Lehnert,
  • G. Li,
  • A. Lokhov,
  • M. Machatschek,
  • M. Mark,
  • A. Marsteller,
  • K. McMichael,
  • C. Melzer,
  • S. Mertens,
  • S. Mohanty,
  • J. Mostafa,
  • K. Müller,
  • A. Nava,
  • H. Neumann,
  • S. Niemes,
  • A. Onillon,
  • D. S. Parno,
  • M. Pavan,
  • U. Pinsook,
  • A. W. P. Poon,
  • J. M. L. Poyato,
  • F. Priester,
  • J. Ráliš,
  • S. Ramachandran,
  • R. G. H. Robertson,
  • C. Rodenbeck,
  • M. Röllig,
  • R. Sack,
  • A. Saenz,
  • R. Salomon,
  • P. Schäfer,
  • K. Schlösser,
  • M. Schlösser,
  • L. Schlüter,
  • S. Schneidewind,
  • M. Schrank,
  • J. Schürmann,
  • A. K. Schütz,
  • A. Schwemmer,
  • A. Schwenck,
  • M. Šefčík,
  • D. Siegmann,
  • F. Simon,
  • J. Songwadhana,
  • F. Spanier,
  • D. Spreng,
  • W. Sreethawong,
  • M. Steidl,
  • J. Štorek,
  • X. Stribl,
  • M. Sturm,
  • N. Suwonjandee,
  • N. Tan Jerome,
  • H. H. Telle,
  • L. A. Thorne,
  • T. Thümmler,
  • N. Titov,
  • I. Tkachev,
  • K. Urban,
  • K. Valerius,
  • D. Vénos,
  • C. Weinheimer,
  • S. Welte,
  • J. Wendel,
  • M. Wetter,
  • C. Wiesinger,
  • J. F. Wilkerson,
  • J. Wolf,
  • S. Wüstling,
  • J. Wydra,
  • W. Xu,
  • S. Zadorozhny,
  • G. Zeller
  • (less)
abstract + abstract -

The precision measurement of the tritium $\beta$-decay spectrum performed by the KATRIN experiment provides a unique way to search for general neutrino interactions (GNI). All theoretical allowed GNI terms involving neutrinos are incorporated into a low-energy effective field theory, and can be identified by specific signatures in the measured tritium $\beta$-spectrum. In this paper an effective description of the impact of GNI on the $\beta$-spectrum is formulated and the first constraints on the effective GNI parameters are derived based on the 4 Mio. electrons collected in the second measurement campaign of KATRIN in 2019. In addition, constraints on selected types of interactions are investigated, thereby exploring the potential of KATRIN to search for more specific new physics cases, including a right-handed W boson, a charged Higgs or leptoquarks.

(1847)HGPflow: Extending Hypergraph Particle Flow to Collider Event Reconstruction
  • Nilotpal Kakati,
  • Etienne Dreyer,
  • Anna Ivina,
  • Francesco Armando Di Bello,
  • Lukas Heinrich
  • +2
abstract + abstract -

In high energy physics, the ability to reconstruct particles based on their detector signatures is essential for downstream data analyses. A particle reconstruction algorithm based on learning hypergraphs (HGPflow) has previously been explored in the context of single jets. In this paper, we expand the scope to full proton-proton and electron-positron collision events and study reconstruction quality using metrics at the particle, jet, and event levels. Rather than operating on the entire event in a single pass, we train HGPflow on smaller partitions to avoid potentially learning long-range correlations related to the physics process. We demonstrate that this approach is feasible and that on most metrics, HGPflow outperforms both traditional particle flow algorithms and a machine learning-based benchmark model.

(1846)Classifying the clouds of Venus using unsupervised machine learning
  • J. Mittendorf,
  • K. Molaverdikhani,
  • B. Ercolano,
  • A. Giovagnoli,
  • T. Grassi
Astronomy and Computing (10/2024) doi:10.1016/j.ascom.2024.100884
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Because Venus is completely shrouded by clouds, they play an important role in the planet's atmospheric dynamics. Studying the various morphological features observed on satellite imagery of the Venusian clouds is crucial to understanding not only the dynamic atmospheric processes, but also interactions between the planet's surface structures and atmosphere. While attempts at manually categorizing and classifying these features have been made many times throughout Venus' observational history, they have been limited in scope and prone to subjective bias. We therefore present and investigate an automated, objective, and scalable approach for their classification using unsupervised machine learning that can leverage full datasets of past, ongoing, and future missions. To achieve this, we introduce a novel framework to generate nadir observation patches of Venus' clouds at fixed consistent scales from satellite imagery data of the Venus Express and Akatsuki missions. Such patches are then divided into classes using an unsupervised machine learning approach that consists of encoding the patch images into feature vectors via a convolutional neural network trained on the patch datasets and subsequently clustering the obtained embeddings using hierarchical agglomerative clustering. We find that our approach demonstrates considerable accuracy when tested against a curated benchmark dataset of Earth cloud categories, is able to identify meaningful classes for global-scale (3000km) cloud features on Venus and can detect small-scale (25km) wave patterns. However, at medium scales (<mml:math altimg="si1.svg" display="inline" id="d1e1226"><mml:mo>∼</mml:mo></mml:math>500km) challenges are encountered, as available resolution and distinctive features start to diminish and blended features complicate the separation of well defined clusters.

(1845)Globular cluster ages and their relation to high-redshift stellar cluster formation times from different globular cluster models
  • Lucas M. Valenzuela,
  • Duncan A. Forbes,
  • Rhea-Silvia Remus
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The formation details of globular clusters (GCs) are still poorly understood due to their old ages and the lack of detailed observations of their formation. A large variety of models for the formation and evolution of GCs have been created to improve our understanding of their origins, based on GC properties observed at z=0. We present the first side-by-side comparison of six current GC formation models with respect to their predictions for the GC ages and formation redshifts in Milky Way (MW)-like galaxies. We find that all the models are capable of forming most of the surviving GCs at more than 10 Gyr ago, in general agreement with the observation that most GCs are old. However, the measured MW GC ages are still systematically older than those predicted in the galaxies of four of the models. Investigating the variation of modelled GC age distributions for general MW-mass galaxies, we find that some of the models predict that a significant fraction of MW-mass galaxies would entirely lack a GC population older than 10 Gyr, whereas others predict that all MW-mass galaxies have a significant fraction of old GCs. This will have to be further tested in upcoming surveys, as systems without old GCs in that mass range are currently not known. Finally, we show that the models predict different formation redshifts for the oldest surviving GCs, highlighting that models currently disagree about whether the recently observed young star clusters at high redshifts could be the progenitors of today's GCs.

(1844)Acoustic signaling enables collective perception and control in active matter systems
  • Alexander Ziepke,
  • Ivan Maryshev,
  • Igor S. Aranson,
  • Erwin Frey
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Emergent cooperative functionality in active matter systems plays a crucial role in various applications of active swarms, ranging from pollutant foraging and collective threat detection to tissue embolization. In nature, animals like bats and whales use acoustic signals to communicate and enhance their evolutionary competitiveness. Here, we show that information exchange by acoustic waves between active agents creates a large variety of multifunctional structures. In our realization of collective swarms, each unit is equipped with an acoustic emitter and a detector. The swarmers respond to the resulting acoustic field by adjusting their emission frequency and migrating toward the strongest signal. We find self-organized structures with different morphology, including snake-like self-propelled entities, localized aggregates, and spinning rings. These collective swarms exhibit emergent functionalities, such as phenotype robustness, collective decision-making, and environmental sensing. For instance, the collectives show self-regeneration after strong distortion, allowing them to penetrate through narrow constrictions. Additionally, they exhibit a population-scale perception of reflecting objects and a collective response to acoustic control inputs. Our results provide insights into fundamental organization mechanisms in information-exchanging swarms. They may inspire design principles for technical implementations in the form of acoustically or electromagnetically communicating microrobotic swarms capable of performing complex tasks and concerting collective responses to external cues.

(1843)Properties of the diffuse gas component in filaments detected in the Dianoga cosmological simulations
  • Samo Ilc,
  • Dunja Fabjan,
  • Elena Rasia,
  • Stefano Borgani,
  • Klaus Dolag
Astronomy and Astrophysics (10/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450072
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Context. Cosmic filaments are observationally hard to detect. However, hydrodynamical cosmological simulations are ideal laboratories where the evolution of the cosmic web can be studied, and they allow for easier insight into the nature of the filaments. Aims. We investigate how the intrinsic properties of filaments are evolving in areas extracted from a larger cosmological simulation. We aim to identify significant trends in the properties of the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) and suggest possible explanations. Methods. To study the filaments and their contents, we selected a subset of regions from the Dianoga simulation. We analysed these regions that were simulated with different baryon physics, namely with and without AGN feedback. We constructed the cosmic web using the subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) algorithm and the sequential chain algorithm for resolving filaments (SCARF). We examined the basic physical properties of filaments (length, shape, mass, radius) and analysed different gas phases (hot, WHIM, and colder gas components) within those structures. The evolution of the global filament properties and the properties of the gas phases were studied in the redshift range 0 < z < 1.48. Results. Within our simulations, the detected filaments have, on average, lengths below 9 Mpc. The filaments' shape correlates with their length, as the longer they are, the more likely they are curved. We find that the scaling relation between mass M and length L of the filaments is well described by the power law M ∞ L1.7. The radial density profile widens with redshift, meaning that the radius of the filaments becomes larger over time. The fraction of gas mass in the WHIM phase does not depend on the model and rises towards lower redshifts. However, the included baryon physics has a strong impact on the metallicity of gas in filaments, indicating that the AGN feedback impacts the metal content already at redshifts of z ~ 2.

(1842)Local superconformal algebras
  • Fabian Hahner,
  • Surya Raghavendran,
  • Ingmar Saberi,
  • Brian R. Williams
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Given a supermanifold equipped with an odd distribution of maximal dimension and constant symbol, we construct the formal moduli problem of deformations of the distribution. This moduli problem is described by a local super dg Lie algebra that provides both a resolution of the structure-preserving vector fields on superspace and a derived enhancement of superconformal symmetry. Applying our construction in standard physical examples returns the conformal supergravity multiplet in every known example, in any dimension and with any amount of supersymmetry$\unicode{x2014}$whether or not a superconformal algebra exists. We discuss new examples related to twisted supergravity, higher Virasoro algebras, and exceptional super Lie algebras. The compatibility of our techniques with twisting also leads to a computation of every twist of the stress tensor multiplet of a superconformal theory, including universal operator product expansions. Our approach uses a derived model for the space of functions constant along the distribution, which is applicable even when the distribution is non-involutive; we construct other natural multiplets, such as Kähler differentials, that appear naturally through this lens on superspace geometry.

(1841)Classical eikonal from Magnus expansion
  • Joon-Hwi Kim,
  • Jung-Wook Kim,
  • Sungsoo Kim,
  • Sangmin Lee
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In a classical scattering problem, the classical eikonal is defined as the generator of the canonical transformation that maps in-states to out-states. It can be regarded as the classical limit of the log of the quantum S-matrix. In a classical analog of the Born approximation in quantum mechanics, the classical eikonal admits an expansion in oriented tree graphs, where oriented edges denote retarded/advanced worldline propagators. The Magnus expansion, which takes the log of a time-ordered exponential integral, offers an efficient method to compute the coefficients of the tree graphs to all orders. We exploit a Hopf algebra structure behind the Magnus expansion to develop a fast algorithm which can compute the tree coefficients up to the 12th order (over half a million trees) in less than an hour. In a relativistic setting, our methods can be applied to the post-Minkowskian (PM) expansion for gravitational binaries. We demonstrate the methods by computing the 3PM eikonal and find agreement with previous results based on amplitude methods.

(1840)Kinematical signatures: Distinguishing between warps and radial flows
  • A. Zuleta,
  • T. Birnstiel,
  • R. Teague
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Increasing evidence shows that warped disks are common, challenging the methods used to model their velocity fields. Molecular line emission of these disks is characterized by a twisted pattern, similar to the signal from radial flows, complicating the study of warped disk kinematics. Previous attempts to model these features have encountered difficulties in distinguishing between the underlying kinematics of different disks. This study aims to advance gas kinematics modeling capabilities by extending the Extracting Disk Dynamics ($\texttt{eddy}$) package to include warped geometries and radial flows. We assess the performance of $\texttt{eddy}$ in recovering input parameters for scenarios involving warps, radial flows, and combinations of the two. Additionally, we provide a basis to break the visual degeneracy between warped disks and radial flow, establishing a criterion to distinguish them. We extended the $\texttt{eddy}$ package to handle warped geometries by including a parametric prescription of a warped disk and a ray-casting algorithm to account for the surface self-obscuration arising from the 3D to 2D projection. The effectiveness of the tool was tested using the radiative transfer code $\texttt{RADMC3D}$, generating synthetic models for disks with radial flows, warped disks, and warped disks with radial flows. We demonstrate the efficacy of our tool in accurately recovering the geometrical parameters of systems, particularly in data with sufficient angular resolution. Importantly, we observe minimal impact from thermal noise levels typical in Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations. Furthermore, our findings reveal that fitting an incorrect model type produces characteristic residual signatures, which serve as kinematic criteria for disk classification.

(1839)Binary Kerr black-hole scattering at 2PM from quantum higher-spin Compton
  • Lara Bohnenblust,
  • Lucile Cangemi,
  • Henrik Johansson,
  • Paolo Pichini
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Quantum higher-spin theory applied to Compton amplitudes has proven to be surprisingly useful for elucidating Kerr black hole dynamics. Here we apply the framework to compute scattering amplitudes and observables for a binary system of two rotating black holes, at second post-Minkowskian order, and to all orders in the spin-multipole expansion for certain quantities. Starting from the established three-point and conjectured Compton quantum amplitudes, the infinite-spin limit gives classical amplitudes that serves as building block that we feed into the unitarity method to construct the 2-to-2 one-loop amplitude. We give scalar box, vector box, and scalar triangle coefficients to all orders in spin, where the latter are expressed in terms of Bessel-like functions. Using the Kosower-Maybee-O'Connell formalism, the classical 2PM impulse is computed, and in parallel we work out the scattering angle and eikonal phase. We give novel all-orders-in-spin formulae for certain contributions, and the remaining ones are given up to ${\cal O}(S^{11})$. Since Kerr 2PM dynamics beyond ${\cal O}(S^{\ge 5})$ is as of yet not completely settled, this work serves as a useful reference for future studies.

(1838)The ALMA-CRISTAL survey: Widespread dust-obscured star formation in typical star-forming galaxies at z = 4–6
  • Ikki Mitsuhashi,
  • Ken-ichi Tadaki,
  • Ryota Ikeda,
  • Rodrigo Herrera-Camus,
  • Manuel Aravena
  • +27
  • Ilse De Looze,
  • Natascha M. Förster Schreiber,
  • Jorge González-López,
  • Justin Spilker,
  • Roberto J. Assef,
  • Rychard Bouwens,
  • Loreto Barcos-Munoz,
  • Jack Birkin,
  • Rebecca A. A. Bowler,
  • Gabriela Calistro Rivera,
  • Rebecca Davies,
  • Elisabete Da Cunha,
  • Tanio Díaz-Santos,
  • Andrea Ferrara,
  • Deanne B. Fisher,
  • Lilian L. Lee,
  • Juno Li,
  • Dieter Lutz,
  • Monica Relaño,
  • Thorsten Naab,
  • Marco Palla,
  • Ana Posses,
  • Manuel Solimano,
  • Linda Tacconi,
  • Hannah Übler,
  • Stefan van der Giessen,
  • Sylvain Veilleux
  • (less)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (10/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202348782
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We present the morphological parameters and global properties of dust-obscured star formation in typical star-forming galaxies at z = 4–6. Among 26 galaxies composed of 20 galaxies observed by the Cycle-8 ALMA Large Program, CRISTAL, and 6 galaxies from archival data, we individually detect rest-frame 158 μm dust continuum emission from 19 galaxies, 9 of which are reported for the first time. The derived far-infrared luminosities are in the range log10LIR [L] = 10.9 ‑ 12.4, an order of magnitude lower than previously detected massive dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs). We find the average relationship between the fraction of dust-obscured star formation (fobs) and the stellar mass to be consistent with previous results at z = 4–6 in a mass range of log10M* [M]∼9.5 ‑ 11.0 and to show potential evolution from z = 6 ‑ 9. The individual fobs exhibits significant diversity, and we find a potential correlation with the spatial offset between the dust and UV continuum, suggesting that inhomogeneous dust reddening may cause the source-to-source scatter in fobs. The effective radii of the dust emission are on average ∼1.5 kpc and are about two times more extended than those seen in rest-frame UV. The infrared surface densities of these galaxies (ΣIR ∼ 2.0 × 1010 L kpc‑2) are one order of magnitude lower than those of DSFGs that host compact central starbursts. On the basis of the comparable contribution of dust-obscured and dust-unobscured star formation along with their similar spatial extent, we suggest that typical star-forming galaxies at z = 4 ‑ 6 form stars throughout the entirety of their disks.

(1837)Impact of cosmology dependence of baryonic feedback in weak lensing
  • S. Pranjal R.,
  • Elisabeth Krause,
  • Klaus Dolag,
  • Karim Benabed,
  • Tim Eifler
  • +2
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Robust modeling of non-linear scales is critical for accurate cosmological inference in Stage IV surveys. For weak lensing analyses in particular, a key challenge arises from the incomplete understanding of how non-gravitational processes, such as supernovae and active galactic nuclei - collectively known as baryonic feedback - affect the matter distribution. Several existing methods for modeling baryonic feedback treat it independently from the underlying cosmology, an assumption which has been found to be inaccurate by hydrodynamical simulations. In this work, we examine the impact of this coupling between baryonic feedback and cosmology on parameter inference at LSST Y1 precision. We build mock 3$\times$2pt data vectors using the Magneticum suite of hydrodynamical simulations, which span a wide range of cosmologies while keeping subgrid parameters fixed. We perform simulated likelihood analyses for two baryon mitigation techniques: (i) the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method which identifies eigenmodes for capturing the effect baryonic feedback on the data vector and (ii) HMCode2020 (Mead et al. 2021) which analytically models the modification in the matter distribution using a halo model approach. Our results show that the PCA method is robust to the coupling between cosmology and baryonic feedback, whereas, when using HMCode2020 there can be up to $0.5\sigma$ bias in $\Omega_\text{m}$-$S_8$. For HMCode2020, the bias also correlates with the input cosmology while for PCA we find no such correlation.

(1836)Defects and phase transitions to geometric phases of abelian GLSMs
  • Ilka Brunner,
  • Lukas Krumpeck,
  • Daniel Roggenkamp
Letters in Mathematical Physics (10/2024) doi:10.1007/s11005-024-01852-6
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We consider gauged linear sigma models with gauge group U(1) that exhibit a geometric as well as a Landau–Ginzburg phase. We construct defects that implement the transport of D-branes from the Landau–Ginzburg phase to the geometric phase. Through their fusion with boundary conditions these defects in particular provide functors between the respective D-brane categories. The latter map (equivariant) matrix factorizations to coherent sheaves and can be formulated explicitly in terms of complexes of matrix factorizations.

(1835)Quantifying azimuthal variations within the interstellar medium of z 0 spiral galaxies with the TYPHOON survey
  • Qian-Hui Chen,
  • Kathryn Grasha,
  • Andrew J. Battisti,
  • Emily Wisnioski,
  • Zefeng Li
  • +11
  • Hye-Jin Park,
  • Brent Groves,
  • Paul Torrey,
  • Trevor Mendel,
  • Barry F. Madore,
  • Mark Seibert,
  • Eva Sextl,
  • Alex M. Garcia,
  • Jeff A. Rich,
  • Rachael L. Beaton,
  • Lisa J. Kewley
  • (less)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (10/2024) doi:10.1093/mnras/stae2119
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Most star formation in the local Universe occurs in spiral galaxies, but their origin remains an unanswered question. Various theories have been proposed to explain the development of spiral arms, each predicting different spatial distributions of the interstellar medium. This study maps the star formation rate (SFR) and gas-phase metallicity of nine spiral galaxies with the TYPHOON survey to test two dominating theories: density wave theory and dynamic spiral theory. We discuss the environmental effects on our galaxies, considering reported environments and merging events. Taking advantage of the large field of view covering the entire optical disc, we quantify the fluctuation of SFR and metallicity relative to the azimuthal distance from the spiral arms. We find higher SFR and metallicity in the trailing edge of NGC 1365 (by 0.117 and 0.068 dex, respectively) and NGC 1566 (by 0.119 and 0.037 dex, respectively), which is in line with density wave theory. NGC 2442 shows a different result with higher metallicity (0.093 dex) in the leading edge, possibly attributed to an ongoing merging. The other six spiral galaxies show no statistically significant offset in SFR or metallicity, consistent with dynamic spiral theory. We also compare the behaviour of metallicity inside and outside the corotation radius (CR) of NGC 1365 and NGC 1566. We find comparable metallicity fluctuations near and beyond the CR of NGC 1365, indicating gravitational perturbation. NGC 1566 shows the greatest fluctuation near the CR, in line with the analytic spiral arms. Our work highlights that a combination of mechanisms explains the origin of spiral features in the local Universe.

(1834)Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs with PLUTO+PRIZMO: I. Lower X-ray–driven mass-loss rates due to enhanced cooling
  • A. D. Sellek,
  • T. Grassi,
  • G. Picogna,
  • Ch. Rab,
  • C. J. Clarke
  • +1
Astronomy and Astrophysics (10/2024) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202450171
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Context. Photoevaporation is an important process for protoplanetary disc dispersal, but there has so far been a lack of consensus from simulations over the mass-loss rates and the most important part of the high-energy spectrum involved in driving the wind. Aims. We aim to isolate the origins of these discrepancies through carefully benchmarked hydrodynamic simulations of X-ray photoevaporation with time-dependent thermochemistry calculated on the fly. Methods. We conducted hydrodynamic simulations with PLUTO where the thermochemistry is calculated using PRIZMO. We explored the contribution of certain key microphysical processes and the impact of employing different spectra previously used in literature studies. Results. We find that additional cooling results from the excitation of O by neutral H, which leads to dramatically reduced mass-loss across the disc compared to previous X-ray photoevaporation models, with an integrated rate of ~10‑9 M yr‑1. Such rates would allow for longer-lived discs than previously expected from population synthesis. An alternative spectrum with less soft X-ray produces mass-loss rates around a factor of two to three times lower. The chemistry is significantly out of equilibrium, with the survival of H2 into the wind being aided by advection. This leads to H2 becoming the dominant coolant at 10s au, thus stabilising a larger radial temperature gradient across the wind as well as providing a possible wind tracer.

(1833)Hint to supersymmetry from the GR vacuum
  • Gia Dvali,
  • Archil Kobakhidze,
  • Otari Sakhelashvili
Physical Review D (10/2024) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.110.086008
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The <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula>-matrix formulation of gravity suggests that the <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mi>θ</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula>-vacuum structure must not be sustained by the theory. We point out that, when applied to the vacuum of general relativity, this criterion hints to supersymmetry. The topological susceptibility of gravitational vacuum induced by Eguchi-Hanson instantons can be eliminated neither by spin-<inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math></inline-formula> fermions nor by an axion coupled via them since such fermions do not provide instanton zero modes. Instead, the job is done by a spin-<inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mn>3</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math></inline-formula> fermion, hence realizing a local supersymmetry. This scenario also necessitates the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry and predicts the existence of axion of <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula> symmetry which gets mass exclusively from the gravitational instantons. The <inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:math></inline-formula> axion can be a viable dark matter candidate. Matching between the index and the anomaly imposes a constraint that spin-<inline-formula><mml:math display="inline"><mml:mn>1</mml:mn><mml:mo>/</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:math></inline-formula> fermions should not contribute to the chiral gravitational anomaly.

(1832)The Metallicity Mapping of the Ionized Diffuse Gas at the Milky Way Disk-halo Interface
  • Bo-Eun Choi,
  • Jessica K. Werk,
  • Kirill Tchernyshyov,
  • J. Xavier Prochaska,
  • Yong Zheng
  • +3
  • Mary E. Putman,
  • Drummond B. Fielding,
  • Jay Strader
  • (less)
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Metals in the diffuse, ionized gas at the boundary between the Milky Way's interstellar medium (ISM) and circumgalactic medium (CGM), known as the disk-halo interface (DHI), are valuable tracers of the feedback processes that drive the Galactic fountain. However, metallicity measurements in this region are challenging due to obscuration by the Milky Way ISM and uncertain ionization corrections that affect the total hydrogen column density. In this work, we constrain the ionization corrections to neutral hydrogen column densities using precisely measured electron column densities from the dispersion measure of pulsars that lie in the same globular clusters as UV-bright targets with high-resolution absorption spectroscopy. We address the blending of absorption lines with the ISM by jointly fitting Voigt profiles to all absorption components. We present our metallicity estimates for the DHI of the Milky Way based on detailed photoionization modeling to the absorption from ionized metal lines and ionization-corrected total hydrogen columns. Generally, the gas clouds show a large scatter in metallicity, ranging between $0.04-3.2\ Z_{\odot}$, implying that the DHI consists of a mixture of gaseous structures having multiple origins. We estimate the inflow and outflow timescales of the DHI ionized clouds to be $6 - 35$ Myr. We report the detection of an infalling cloud with super-solar metallicity that suggests a Galactic fountain mechanism, whereas at least one low-metallicity outflowing cloud ($Z < 0.1\ Z_{\odot}$) poses a challenge for Galactic fountain and feedback models.

(1831)The role of mobility in epidemics near criticality
  • Beatrice Nettuno,
  • Davide Toffenetti,
  • Christoph Metzl,
  • Linus Weigand,
  • Florian Raßhofer
  • +2
Journal of Physics A Mathematical General (10/2024) doi:10.1088/1751-8121/ad6cb6
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The general epidemic process (GEP), also known as susceptible-infected-recovered model, provides a minimal model of how an epidemic spreads within a population of susceptible individuals who acquire permanent immunization upon recovery. This model exhibits a second-order absorbing state phase transition, commonly studied assuming immobile healthy individuals. We investigate the impact of mobility on the scaling properties of disease spreading near the extinction threshold by introducing two generalizations of GEP, where the mobility of susceptible and recovered individuals is examined independently. In both cases, including mobility violates GEP's rapidity reversal symmetry and alters the number of absorbing states. The critical dynamics of the models are analyzed through a perturbative renormalization group (RG) approach and large-scale stochastic simulations using a Gillespie algorithm. The RG analysis predicts both models to belong to the same novel universality class describing the critical dynamics of epidemic spreading when the infected individuals interact with a diffusive species and gain immunization upon recovery. At the associated RG fixed point, the immobile species decouples from the dynamics of the infected species, dominated by the coupling with the diffusive species. Numerical simulations in two dimensions affirm our RG results by identifying the same set of critical exponents for both models. Violation of the rapidity reversal symmetry is confirmed by breaking the associated hyperscaling relation. Our study underscores the significance of mobility in shaping population spreading dynamics near the extinction threshold.

(1830)Identifying the Quadrupolar Nature of Gravitational Wave Background through Space-based Missions
  • Yifan Chen,
  • Yuxiang Liu,
  • Jing Shu,
  • Bin Xu,
  • Xiao Xue
  • +1
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The stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) consists of an incoherent collection of waves from both astrophysical and cosmological sources. To distinguish the SGWB from noise, it is essential to verify its quadrupolar nature, exemplified by the cross-correlations among pairs of pulsars within a pulsar timing array, commonly referred to as the Hellings-Downs curve. We extend the concept of quadrupolar correlations to pairs of general gravitational wave detectors, classified by their antenna responses. This study involves space-based missions such as the laser interferometers LISA, Taiji, and TianQin, along with atom interferometers like AEDGE/MAGIS. We calculate modulations in their correlations due to orbital motions and relative orientations, which are characteristic markers for identifying the quadrupolar nature of the SGWB. Our findings identify optimal configurations for these missions, offer forecasts for the time needed to identify the quadrupolar nature of the SGWB, and are applicable to both space-space and space-terrestrial correlations.